Comcert and stuff

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*last night around 11:30 p.m.*

Taurus grandma:*is driving and looking at pond. Nearly drives into other lane*

Me:*large gasp*

Taurus Grandma:*laughing* whooped I got distracted by the lake. Oh well.

Me:*clenching chest, heavy breathing after seeing life flash before eyes* yup.

And that's how my Taurus grandma nearly got in a car accident last night.

I also had a concert today. I woke up at 7 and got ready to get to the bus at the school. I got on the bus and got to the school. I get to the practice room and they had switched my seat! Turns out one of the kids dropped out of it and now I was 10th chair out of 14.

The practice went well and so it's the concert time. I'm on the stage and don't find my parents because there's several kids blocking me. Oh well, we start to play and I absolutely rocked the first song! Then I basically air bowed the second song. The third was meh, and the fourth I won" the at least you tried award." (It's not actually a thing.)

Then we finish and I pack up and go to find my parents. Note I don't have cell reception so I can't contact them at all. I can't find them and so I nearly had a complete mental breakdown. I was pacing the halls and saw another girl who also looked really stressed out too, which made me feel slightly better. I decide to play a game to calm down, which also helped.

What didn't help was all the people there, and my self conscious went up full time. I kept thinking of all the bad things that could happen then my grandpa walks out of the auditorium as if I had been waiting there for only a couple seconds when it had actually been about 20 minutes.

As I wrote this something got into my eye and now it looks super puffy and irritated.

Oh we, I had a stressful weekend, at least I don't have any homework. Bye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy.

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