Musical Dreams and Rainy Days

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I had a really weird dream. Like really really weird. I was Donald Duck, in London. Apparently kids came from the Queen's house but this one kid didn't understand why they ever left to go to a brother or sister. So in order to explain why children got brothers and sister he(me) started to sing. Here the best I can remember of the first two lines of the song.

🎵Well you see it can get quite lonesome out there in that vast sea🎵

That's all I remember of the song before I was rudely awoken to go to school.

It's been raining all day and I LOVE it. I really like the rain, when I'm inside or have an umbrella, so the day was slightly better because of that.

In the morning it was thundering and lightning a looot. Since I have an umbrella I googled how likely I am to survive being hit by lightning and the chances are high but the damage is large, perfect to get out of gym for an entire year if I'm lucky. I didn't get struck by lightning.

I did get bugged by the one person because they don't have an umbrella but my umbrella is smol. I barely fit under it. The other kid at the stop also doesn't have an umbrella and stands under a tree but the tree does basically nothing and so they ended up soaking wet like the other person while I was only moderately damp.

Also I have checked off the amount of necessary social encounters this week even though it's only Tuesday because I bumped into so many people in the hallway that by the end of the day I just shoved my way through the crowded halls without regard to myself or others. Plus I had a moment of awkward silence in Science because my brain shut off for a good half hour and I got called on and suddenly everything I had ever learned ever just evaporated and the teacher just waited for a good two minutes(which is way longer than you'd think) before calling on someone else. Within those two minutes he told me to ask the one kid for the answer but the kid just pointed to the fcking equation!

Me: What is it?

Kid: What?

Me: BOI👏

Kid: Points to equation on my paper which is clearly visible.

Me: I'm sorry but do you think I'm blind and if you do, do you not see these glasses on my face? YOU ARE NO HELP!

After that the teacher got fed up and called on someone else. Thank God I had a music lesson instead of a study hall to regain my mood before the incident. The music lesson was even more awkward though. I just sit there wanting to die because some morons can't count to 4! 1! 2! 3! Fish! And they don't even know the names of the NOTES!! YOU PLAY THE VIOLA AND YOU HAVE A C STRING USE THE GODDAMN ALPHABET AND GO AB C D EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! AND STOP PUSHING YOUR BOW DOWN SO HARD YOU'RE NOT A VIOLIN NO ONE CARES ABOUT US THATS WHY WE PLAY THIS INSTRUMENT AND STOP GOSSIPING IN ORCHESTRA ABOUT HOW BECKY HOE BINGALING IS SUCH AN ASS YOURE ANNOYING.


Orchestra is not good for my stress or Anxiety.

BUT ON THE PLUS SIDE I STARTED A CONVERSATION! Yes I know how did this potato manage to start a conversation with another potato as whale!

Basically I just accidentally spoke out loud about how glad I was it wasn't raining outside and it ended up with me wondering what the exact definition of a natural death is and if people die at faster rates than others from natural causes only. Yeah... It was weird BUT STILL A CONVERSATION I AM PROUD AND I CAN BE ANTISOCIAL WITHOUT GUILT NOW!


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