Random Thoughts

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2yo me:*finishes drink from glass cup* *goes to kitchen and smashes cup on ground shattering it to pieces*

My mom:*has learned a valuable lesson*

Did any of you have weird bathroom habits as a kid? I did. One of them was singing as I washed my hands so the Pre-K teachers always knew when I was finished in the bathroom. Also when I was so small my legs didn't reach the ground when I sat on the toilet I would smack the legs and they would go up, since reactions and such. My mom used to be so confused about it.

Me:I'm gonna make a sandwich after this video on YouTube.

Ever Youtuber:*uploads video all at once*

Me:I'll make it later I guess.

Me, 3a.m.:Time to make that sandwich now.

So since I'm going to Canada I've done some research. This made me think though, about the different kinds of packers/travelers. So I'm gonna list 'em!

The over prepared person
This person started to pack a month before the trip. If there's a tour they could honestly do a better job than the tour guide since they've done nothing but binge watch videos about the trip. Although they can give you some of the most interesting facts. Probably a heavy packer.

The 2 week packer
This person starts going nuts around 2 weeks before the trip. They are less informed than the 1 month packer but probably know more than you. They are fun to be around though since they still enjoy the tours and looking around. High chance of being a heavy packer but could also be a moderate one too.

Next is the 1 week packer(me)
This person will start getting extremely excited about a week before the trip. This is what I would consider a healthy thing. They do a moderate amount of research and pack appropriately, unlike the 2 above who are most likely heavy Packers. They know enough info to get around and are the most excited to go around sight seeing.

The people who do it last minute
It's questionable if this person even slept the night before. They might of been packing their bags, trying to find info on good places. They most likely packed lightly, but not by choice. You can spot them with coffee in hand and they might fall asleep the easiest on the way to the trip. Just hope they aren't the driver.

Now we have the group that you don't even know why they went
This group will eventually split into two separate branches, but that's later. These people say nothing about the trip. They did no research, and only packed precisely what was needed. They may seem no fun but that's where it splits.
-Category 1
They seemed to not care but behold they actually did prepare and they enjoy themselves alot. They are like a late blooming flower, it just takes time for them it enjoy themselves.
-Category 2
The buzz kill. They hate it and they let you know it. It's as if they go out of their way to make you miserable. You wanna take a picture with them, good luck getting them to smile. You wanna go see that statue, good luck convincing them to walk over there. Don't be this person, they are the worst to deal with.

Lastly is the anxious mess
They worry about everything. They need exact itineraries, exact numbers, exact weather, everything. They'll worry about getting to the place on time and safely with the entire group and all the supplies. They'll worry about if they brought enough money. But despite their worried nature, when they're having enough fun they'll forget the worries temporarily.

And that's the types of people packing. This was inspired because I'm traveling soon and today is the start of my never ending research.

Alirght last thing, I hope. Have you ever had a dream that you remember really well then forget, but then remember again randomly? Well I had that happen recently. I had this extremely nice dream about a weird fish game thing that's way too hard to describe and music in the background. My favorite part was the music, it didn't have words or any real point. It reminded me of the background music in games like candy crush. I loved it, and I was so glad to remember it, but then I forgot it which made me super sad. Then today I'm randomly humming the tune in my head cause the music thing is impossible to make along. I was so happy I remembered it though!

This chapter has so many random thoughts and I apologise for that but I needed to clean my mind. Since I was trying to write a part to my story earlier but I just couldn't focus on it. And yes you read that right I was attempting to be productive.

Wait one more thought. I tested my bridge project in tech today and it was amazing. Me and my partner didn't break a record or anything(even though we were 59 points away from it, which is close) we did really good. We're also able to rebuild it since only the part in between the bridge broke, the road bed. So we'll be doing that.

Alright now I'm ending the chapter! My God I have so many thoughts. There's wacky weather going on, a three day weekend, I'm horribly behind yet ahead in English, and I had a test in math, and I have a field trip, a book to update, a social life that doesn't exist, and bunch of memes to look at. As I already knew 2018 is going to be busy af. Damn, I just realized how much I actually have to do.

Oh whale, I'll be on my way now. Au revoir.

(I originally made this yesterday but what am I gonna do here it is now!)

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