Toxic Rant

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I've found sooooo much drama today and I low-key live off of drama. I love it so much. But also I feel like fandoms can be really toxic at times.(best segway of the day)

I like ranting about toxic stuff so let's do some toxic fandoms from order of least worst to most worst although it's mostly just the people in them and not the whatever, group, book, show, movie they are fans of.

5. F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Just about everyone I have met who likes this show has told me to watch it and get mad when I say it's my kind of show. They're also really basic it seems. These people can be so annoying and their friend groups are just show references and it's annoying af. But oh whale it doesn't affect me much so it's only number 5.

4. Chick fil'a(I don't know how to spell it)

So this one is annoying to me since the people who go there are normally clueless. The owners of the place are horrible scum and use their money for horrid reasons yet people still go there anyways. I mean I love myself some good chicken but honestly Popeyes or KFC is better. It's number 4 only since it's mostly my own personal opinions that make the fans so annoying.

3. Harry Potter

I'm gonna say it, every Harry Potter book past book 4 is boring. Sue me I don't love the series. Harry Potter is an asshole as well. (Almost typed whale but I'd be insulting whales). He entitled and made to seem far better than he actually is. Think of the real world, would anyone actually care is a baby destroyed something evil, because of a spell his mother cast. Maybe, but probably not. The world would love his mother and honor her more than him. Harry Potter is so unlikable, and boring, and repetitive but the FANS! When I say I don't like Harry Potter they go ape shit! "Why not? He's so epic!", No he's entilted and over powered.  "How can you not like him? It's magic! " Magic that is dumb and makes wizards seem like assholes because they can do everything without the help of math and science. Give me more reasons on why I should like Harry Potter, I can prove you wrong.

2. Zodiac Signs

Yes my own favorite fandom. There are good sides to this fandom but there are also many many MANY bad sides. People can get so upset that their character isn't a girl in a story, but sorry sweety they're aren't just male Cancers in the world. The amount people can complain about everything is horrible. I have experienced this myself with a book I still have to edit and finish. I've had so many people comment about how their signs shipped with someone they don't like. How their sign is always a guy or girl, bitch stfu and let me write my book how I want to write my book. If you try to reason with these people they get angry and start using dumb ass reasons to why they're sign should be a girl. If you don't like don't read it and go write your own book.

1. BTS and K-pop in general

Ohhhhhhh mmyyyyyyyy goooooood will all the BTS fans gtfo of everyone else's fandom. They're everywhere! Girls please, we know that you just can't stand having anyone say anything slightly nasty against your babies but seriously you can be annoying. I know there are actual calm fans of BTS but that group is very small. BTS fans will do anything to meet those 6(?) Asian hoes who encourage there awful behavior. Yes, they do seem to enjoy having all those girls go pyscho around them. The fans scream and shout and just annoy me. Ugh BTS fans are just annoying, I can't wait to receive hate from these fans.

Alright rant is done, I have my food and can't wait for all the fans of these things to start hating on me. I feel like fighting today so let's go bitches!!!

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