Weird Dream

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I had the strangest dream last night. I was with a "friend", they mostly just annoy me, and we had to find out bus home, since we live close to each other. We get on the bus and we end up near the lake I live by instead with a bald muscley man and some other kids. I think the man looked like my gym teacher kinda but had a much deeper voice. We were doing stuff then missiles start falling from the sky. I think the missiles were either from the Nazi's or North Korea, I can't remember. But the first came down and I was laying on the ground flat on my stomach and shouted to the "friend" "ARIES(Because they are an Aries and I don't wanna use their real name) IM REALLY GLAD WE WERE FRIENDS!" then the missile blew up but it was only a small explosion. We got up and the man was still there and told us and the rest of the kids to run. We ran in a group while more missiles blew up. Then one blew up near me, the man, and the "friend". We got launched up in the air, only me and the "friend", we landed and my foot was broken and their leg was broken.

The man started shouting something about how there was going to be a nuclear explosion, then I looked over the lake and saw a giant red and orange mushroom cloud, the nuclear explosion. Everyone shouted, including me, and all I saw was colors like a radar. With greens, blues, reds, and lastly purples.

But I wasn't dead. I was in a weird room with the man and the group of kids. Turns out the man is God, yes God. He said that he was going to make it so we would save the human race and wierd stuff like that. So we get resuracted and then I wake up because of my sister shouting while playing an imaginary game.

It was a really weird dream, and it doesn't help that now I'm paranoid about a nuclear apocalypse and it's raining really hard out and the light started flickering. Today has been an interesting day, especially since when I woke up I walked out and was told to do my homework and practice immediately, which put me in a bad mood. But now I'm in a good mood, since I had some food and went to my grandma's.

Oh well, did anyone else have a really weird dream? If you did tell me about it, I like hearing about weird stuff. Bye!

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