Worrying Over Nothing

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I'm slightly mad at my bio teacher. He gave a freaking pip test, not a quiz, an entire quarterly! If you don't what that is, it's a big test that's required by school rules and all my teachers did one earlier except him. So today we got the lovely surprise that we had to take an entire 40 question (thankfully multiple choice) with no studying whatsoever. At least it's not counting as an official grade and will only be an extra credit grade.

Plus I'm super tired, I managed to fall asleep in social studies after getting all my homework down, which was nice.

And there was this combined chorus rehearsal thing so there were only a few kids in my study hall today which was good. But the one kid said they couldn't sing so I said "Same" and they replied with "No, I actually can't sing." And this is a person I know and the way they said it, it was so serious and I feel like I accidentally offended them or something. I'm worrying over nothing! I'm worried that they have some serious problem and that's why they can't sing and it's not just stage fright, or can't match tones, or something minor like that. No my brain jumps far over the line and goes straight to cancer, and no not the sign.

It's so stupid!! This kid doesn't have cancer and I know this, and yet my brain immediately thinks, "oh shoot, did I make so and so mad by accident? Wait, what if they have cancer!" (Those are my actual thoughts by the way)

I need to take a good three day nap. Ugh, so much stuff has happened within the time of my last update. I had a meeting for a school trip, which went well, I accidentally got ranch instead of mayo at Subway, and plus I forgot my viola at home even though I had a lesson. Plus have a concert tomorrow! Yay, right? I should be happy, right?

Ha ha ha, I'm not stressed at all, I say in a sarcastic voice. Oh whale, I've gotta watch YouTube and anime then write more one shots and chapters in my books, so bye everyone! I'll remember you all in therapy!

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