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I woke up to find it's already past 6 in the evening and I was in my room. Why am I still here? I thought we were going back to my pack. And then it striked me, Shivaay and ne making out in his room and then suddenly I felt pain across my neck region, Shit*! I rushed towards mirror to find a rose mark running down my neck. Did he just marked me, without my consent?

I could feel anger bubbling inside me. Getting marked by your mate is the most precious and sacred bond but with partners consent. I rushed downstairs, searching for him, I opened his office door with a bang and stopped seeing not only him but many pairs of eyes looking towards me.

"I want to talk to you now!" I demanded crossing my arms.

"It can wait!" He answered.

"No, it cannot. Gentlemen, meeting is dismissed. Your Alpha will address you guys tomorrow." Without waiting for another second they rushed out not before bowing down.

"You are no one to order my pack!" He shouted.

"I am you jerk and who the hell gave you permission to mark me?" I shouted back knowing he doesn't have any right to raise his voice after what he did go me.

"And don't you dare say it was a mistake!" I cut off him before he could speak.

"I did not mark you. Zion did!" He ran his hand through his hairs looking frustrated.

"I don't care who marked me. Now I'm stuck with a jerk like you!" I walked out of the room . I wanted to calm myself. I rushed in kitchen and grabbed my Nutella jar before walking upstairs.


"He was on verge of tearing Alpha apart but thanks to Phoenix she calmed him." Grace was sitting beside me telling how Shadow lost his mind when he heard that Shivaay had marked me.

"Annie, full moon is next week and before that you guys have to mate or else you will go through heat!" Grace reminded me. A shiver ran down my spine knowing heat is really painful for every she-wolf if they aren't mated after marking process.

"I'm gonna kill your Alpha for sure. If he hadn't marked me, I would have gone back with Shadow and neither do I had to worry about full moon and going through heat!"

I know he could sense my anger and frustration.

"Annie, I got to go. See you at dinner." I nodded and she went away. I was bored sitting around, I decided to go for run in my wolf form .


Wind kissed my furs as I ran past trees with full speed, I felt calm around nature. I stopped by huge banyan tree and sat there closing my eyes, listening to sounds of nature.

My ears perked as I heard some crying voice. I followed in direction of noise to find a small baby wrapped in blue cloth in basket. I quickly changed into my human form and rushed towards baby.

I grabbed him in my arms and tried to calm him while looking around for his parents. Who leaves such small baby here in the wild? After searching for an hour, I couldn't detect any wolf smell neither did I find anyone around. I looked at baby to find him asleep with my shirt fisted in his tiny hands.

"You're gonna be okay little one." I decided to take him first to pack doctor to make sure he is all fit and fine.

"Luna, he is really strong. Thank moon goddess,he is all fit." Pack doctor announced.

"Thank you" I walked out with now little one wide awake. I smiled looking at his brown eyes. He is beautiful! Selena mumbled.

"Indeed!" As I walked inside castle, I was surrounded with whispers and looks. I walked in my room and placed little guy on the bed , surrounding him with pillows before informing one of servant to bring baby necessities.


My room door opened with a bang, making me jump at my place.

"I can smell a rogue here!" Shivaay walked in but stopped in his tracks when he heard cooes of the little guy.

"I found him abandoned in the forest ,so.." He spoke nothing and just walked towards the bed.

My heart warmed as I saw him taking the baby in his arms. Little one cooed and babbled looking at Shivaay and he had his full attention.

"Have you named him yet?" He asked not taking eyes off from little one.

"Nope, Not yet!"

"Tyler!" He whispered and the little one laughed.

"That's pretty name!"

"I've already informed Mrs. White, Pack's orphanage caretaker. She will take good care of Tyler." I just nodded knowing I wouldn't be able to take care of him and I trust Shivaay knowing he would have taken right decision.

Later, Mrs. White took Tyler with her and now it was only me and Shivaay alone in the room. Tension floated in the air.

"I want to tell you something!" He spoke clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry for marking you without your permission. Trust me it wasn't meant to happen like this and now what done is done.

I need you as Luna of this pack."

"You just want me to be Luna of this pack and...?" I asked but was answered with silence.

"Can I know the reason behind this Shivaay? I'm tired of hearing one thing everytime. I need answers!"

"Alpha we are under attack!"

"Shit*!" We both exclaimed and ran out to see warriors rushing out with women and children been escorted to safe room.

"You stay here with them!" He ordered.

"No, I'll come with you." I didn't gave him chance to answer and walked ahead only to be pulled back.

"No you are not. They are here for you and it's my duty to protect you."

"I'm not weak and I know how to protect myself. I won't listen to you and this is my pack too and I'm equally responsible for protecting them ."

"Let's go" he said and we rushed out of the castle changing into our wolf form.

..... To be continued


Story's major focus in not only on Shivika but also of Annie being Werewolves Protector. I'll try to balance both the scenes.

Do read, vote and comment.

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