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"When are we gonna reach there?" I asked for umpteenth time.

"More 2 hours!" He mumbled continue typing on his laptop.

I stood up, tired of sitting at one place. My butt was aching. We were in his private plane and trust me he is the worst company anyone could have.

I moved towards bedroom and made sure I locked it behind. I don't know why but I was feeling quite horny today. Is it because full moon is two days away? I discarded my clothes and jumped into the shower. An idea striked my mind. I smirked and opened my mind wall knowing Shivaay could now hear and feel what I'm saying and feeling. I started imagining to finger myself and started moaning in my mind. I knew he would have turned hard by now. I so wanted to laugh out loud but he would know so I continued my mind torture.

I heard a door slam open and I knew he was here. I wrapped robe around myself and walked out to find him standing just few inches away from me with his eyes turning golden in colour.

"Hey Zion!" I knew his wolf had taken in charge.

"Mate, don't you think you are torturing me with this jerk!"

"I'm sorry Zion but your other half has to learn lesson ."

"I understand mate but it's really hard for me to control myself!"

"Awe, I'm sorry but you don't have any other option than to wait ."

"Don't you dare pull such stunt again!" I knew Shivaay was back in control.

"Why? Having hard time controlling Alpha?" I asked seductively moving towards him.


"Shhh... I interrupted him. You know right full moon is in next two days and thanks to you I'm gonna go in heat!" I spoke calmly knowing being angry can only make situation worse.

"I know and I'm trying to find a way so that you don't undergo pain!" He exclaimed.

"And how so? You know right only one thing can make the pain go forever!"

"I do but let's not discuss this now. We are gonna land in next 30 minutes and yes stay near me the whole time we are in palace." I just nodded and went in closet to change .


"Welcome my friend welcome!" We heard a voice as soon as the double doors opened.

"Stephan, it's great to see you." Shivaay hugged the guy whom I know is the King. No doubt his aura was enough to know.

"And who is the pretty lady beside you?" He turned around, woah! He is hot! I thought and looked at him from top to bottom.

"My mate, Annie !" He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I was shocked , it was first time he had introduced me to someone.

"Finally you found her. It's pleasure to meet you lady. Myself Stephan."

"Pleasure is all mine King. Myself Annie" I introduced.

"Ahh! Here comes my mate Amber!" I looked behind to find a gorgeous girl walking towards us, she had bright aura and perfect body language. She was perfect example of Queen.

"Shivaay, nice to meet you." She hugged him and he smiled. Wait! Did he just smiled.

"Pleased to meet you Amber ."

"I see you found your mate. She is damn gorgeous." I blushed and passed smile towards her.

"It's pleasure to meet you Queen Amber."

"Nonsense, please call me Amber. I'm glad you are here. Now we can have some girl time while these guys are busy with office stuffs!" She chirped.

"You guys should rest and we'll meet you at dinner. Jacob please ask one of servant to show them their room."

"Yes, my majesty." Jacob mumbled. Waving goodbye to Amber we were escorted to our room.

I was always fascinated by Vampire species. They had unique powers and strengths, and not to forget they were quite hot. I giggled on my thoughts that earned questioning look from Shivaay which I royally ignored.

As soon as we walked inside, I slumped on the bed sighing in relief. I love my sleep. All I knew was sleep engulfing me and Shivaay's voice heard in background.

I woke up feeling fresh. It was past 5 in the evening and we had more 2 hours for dinner. I looked beside to find Shivaay sleeping soundly like a baby. I continued to stare him, only if he would have accepted me we would have been cuddling right now. I shook my head and grabbed fresh clothes from my suitcase before walking inside washroom to get freshen up.

By the time I walked out , Shivaay was already up and was busy talking on phone. I sat on dressing table and did my hair and light touch up on my face.

Knock knock*

"Come in!" Shivaay answered.

"Alpha, Luna , King and Queen wants to see you in backyard." Servant spoke .

"We'll be there in 5" Servant bowed and went away.

We walked out of the room. Shivaay had been here before it seems as he knew  directions  very well. We took left turn and stood before two big door. This castle has many doors!

The door opened and we walked out in the bigger space. The backyard was surrounded with hundreds of flowers, with large fountains , different trees. It felt as if I was in heaven. Everything was so beautiful here.

My ears perked as I heard small kid's babble. As we walked near king and queen , I was surprised to see twins in their hands. A girl and a boy. Omg! Aren't they cute! Selena gushed.

"I hope you guys are comfortable here!" King Stephan asked. We nodded.

"Annie, meet our kids Prince and Princy" Amber introduced. I walked towards them, I was surprised to see there eyes , they were red in colour.

"They are adorable. Can I hold them?" I asked looking towards Prince who was now busy trying to catch my hairs.

"Sure" she passed Prince to me. He cooed as soon as I took him into my arms. God! I want to keep him with me. I felt an attachment towards him. I looked beside to see Shivaay playing with Princy. Who knew Alpha jerk has soft corner for kids! I smiled and continued playing with them.

"I haven't seen them getting attached to anyone so quickly!" King exclaimed looking at now sleeping Prince in my arms and Princy in Shivaay's arms.

"How old are they?" I asked softly patting Prince's back.

"6 months" I passed Prince to Amber making sure not to disturb his sleep. Amber walked away with kids and now it was just me, Shivaay and King.

"Let's get to the business, shall we?" King said.

..... To be continued.


Make sure you guys don't forget Stephan and Amber as they are gonna be play important role in the upcoming chapters.

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