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I woke up feeling a hand carressing my face, I opened my eyes to see my mate grinning at me with mischief in his eyes.

"I hope you had good sleep last night!" He smirked

"Ya, thanks to my mate who didn't let me sleep before 5 in the morning and now because of him I will be sore all day!"

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy last night"  His husky voice sent shiver down my spine. I was surprised that my legs weren't numb and I wasn't feeling sore down, huh! How is this possible?

"It's your healing ability" he answered.

"Stop reading my thoughts" I was feeling all sticky and sweaty, I needed a good bath.

"Let's save water and bath together" He caught me in his arms making me shriek in surprise.

"Shiv, you perv! Let me down. I know if we shower together you won't let me leave this room before evening!" I tried to wriggle out of his hold.

"I promise to make it quick. You remember we have guest coming." And he closed the door behind.


Shivaay you still haven't answered my question..that only you and me knew moon goddess had taken out test then how did doctor..?

" overthink a lot. Now, when this situation was created, moon goddess couldn't actually stop the time so she just brainwashed their memory and made them think that we were been attacked by Rarobreeds and I  got scratch on my chest while fighting against them. Now, does this clear your confusion?"


"Come on, Rudy mind-linked. Stephan and Amber are here."

"Amber!" I hugged her as soon as she got out of the car.

" are you sweetheart?"

"I'm good. Where are my muckchins?" I asked looking for them.

"Here they are!" King Stephan walked out with Prince and Princy in his arms.

"It's good to see you King Stephan. Can I hold my babies please..."

"You too Annie, and yes they are all yours." He passed them to me.

"I missed you babies. You have so grown up!" I kissed there chubby cheeks making them giggle. Prince started playing with my hairs where as Princy yawned keeping her head on my shoulder. Awww....

"I'll take them to the nursery, " they nodded. I'm glad King and Queen trusted me enough to let there kids be alone with me.

Princy was already asleep by the time, I reached the nursery. I gently placed Prince in his crib who didn't look happy to be away.

"Just a minute sweetheart, I'l make your sister sleep and then come back to you." Pecking his forehead, I moved to another crib and placed Princy inside , wrapping blanket around her and kissed her forehead before moving towards Prince.

"Hi my baby, come here " Prince raised his hands and I grabbed him moving towards the couch. He rested his head on my chest and continued playing with my hairs while I patted his back, peppering him with kisses every now and then.

I don't know how but from the day I met them, I had an instant connection build with them. I made sure to glance at Princy every now and then to make sure she is asleep.

"Prince , I looked down to find him already asleep. I walked to his crib and tried putting him down but his hold was too strong, like he didn't wanted to be left alone. I mind-linked Shivaay, and slowly closed my eyes with my hands protectively wrapped around Prince and allowing sleep to engulf me.


"Annie,Annie wake up!" I yawned opening my eyes to find Shivaay, Amber and King in the room.

"I'm sorry King Stephan and Queen Amber, I was rude enough not to welcome you properly in our kingdom." I felt ashamed, I was to be Luna Queen.

"Nonsense Annie, stop overthinking hun!" Amber gave me a side hug .

"I see, kids have really got attached to their Aunt Annie." King Stephan had amused look as he saw Prince snuggling into my arms while yawning.

"You are so good with kids Annie, I bet you will be a great mother." I blushed looking at Shivaay who smirked in my direction.

"Let me take him, your arms must be feeling numb ." I let Amber grab Prince. He whined a bit but feeling his mother's warmth, he went back to sleep."

"See you soon." They nodded and me and Shivaay left the room. My stomach grumbled earning chuckle from Shivaay.

"Let's get you some food first." 


Right now we were all waiting for Rogue King's arrival. Border guards had already announced that he and few of his pack members have already crossed our pack border and will be here any minute.

3 of the cars roared in and stopped in front of us.
Few of the warriors walked out and opened back door for King to step out.

As soon as the person stepped out, a powerful vibe surrounded us , I was surprised to find a young guy instead of old bald man. He looked like in 20's.

He walked to other side and opened door by himself and a guy walked out, Rogue King immediately wrapped his hand around his waist making him blush. Aww...are they mates!

"Welcome King Tyson and Luna Peter to Silver Blood Pack." Shivaay walked forward and shook his hands with them.

"Hello Shivaay, it's been long since we last met."

"This is my mate and Luna Annie, my Gamma and brother Rudy and companion Skylar and his mate Earthy ."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." They nodded while Luna Peter blushed. He is so adorable.

"I know!" King Tyson looked at his mate with adoration.

"Did I say it loud?"

"Yes you did!" Shivaay whispered while I blushed feeling embarrassed.

We all moved inside living area where Shivaay introduced Vampire King and Queen to Rogue King and Queen.

"You guys must be tired from the long journey, your and your pack members rooms are already set, our omegas will guide you to it and dinner will be served at 7. " I said to which they nodded and walked out of the room.

"I'll just go and check in kitchen to make sure everything is perfect and if they need any help." Being Luna it was my duty to make sure nothing goes wrong.

.... To be continued.


I hope you guys liked the chapter.

Precap:- Kings Meet and Queen's gossips;)

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