~Chapter 1~

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Whisperkit watched her littermates play, her ear flicking as a soft breeze blew. She heard someone behind her move out of the nursery.

She turned around, looking up to see the cat's face. It was her mother, Mossfoot "Don't you want to play with them?" she asked, tilting her head. Whisperkit shook her head, soon looking back at her playing littermates.

"Why not? Don't you want to play mossball with them?" Mossfoot asked, coming to Whisperkit's side. She shook her head again, not looking up at her mother. Mossfoot's normally soft gaze turned to worry.

Mossfoot moved away, heading towards the other nursery queen, Speckletuft. Her kits were Mudkit and Rowankit. While Mossfoot's kits were Sunshinekit and Toadkit, along with Whisperkit too.

"Hey! Mutekit! Why don't you come play with us?" Mudkit teased, his gaze mischievous. Sunshinekit nudged him, glaring at him to shut his mouth "Her name is not Mutekit, fish-brain. It's Whisperkit."

"Oh, my bad then," he apologized, but Whisperkit knew he wasn't sorry. Sunshinekit rolled her eyes and trotted over to Whisperkit "Don't listen to him, he's just being a jerk." she murmured, glaring over her shoulder at Mudkit.

Whisperkit stared at her sister, flicking the tip of her tail "Why don't you come and play with us? It'll be fun!" she squeaked, bouncing in the air. Whisperkit shook her head politely and got to her paws.

"Are you sure? It would be a lot more fun if we had an extra player." Sunshinekit meowed, trying to persuade her sister. But Whisperkit shook her head again and padded off into the RiverClan camp.

Sunshinekit watched her leave, her tail dropping. Whisperkit walked past Speckletuft and Mossfoot, but Speckletuft stopped her by calling "Whisperkit! Come join us!" The silver tabby kit turned around, looking at the two queens.

"Want to come and sunbathe with us? It's nice and warm out today." Speckletuft offered, a warm smile on her face. Whisperkit didn't want to sunbathe or play, why couldn't any cat see that? It's because I can't talk, that's why.

She shook her head politely and kept walking. Speckletuft looked over at Mossfoot with a worried gaze. Whisperkit made her way into the clearing, heading towards the fresh-kill pile. She wished she was an apprentice so she could just walk out of camp and into RiverClan territory.

I'll be an apprentice in 2 moons. She thought, pausing for a moment to look around camp. Shellpaw and Quailpaw, Webstripe's and Raindapple's kits, were heading out of camp with their mentors, Whitecloud and Ryespark.

Sweetpaw, also Webstripe's and Raindapple's kit, was heading into the medicine den to check on her brother, Duskpaw. Cherrybreeze, the RiverClan deputy, was organizing a patrol. Owlpool, the only elder in RiverClan, was grooming himself outside the elder's den.

Mintfrost and Yarrowthorn were chatting at the edge of camp, while Nettlewind and Duckspots shared a minnow together. She then heard someone heading towards her and she spun around. It was her father, Pinesky, and Foxwing.

They both had carps in their mouths and were heading towards the nursery. They must have just got back from hunting. She thought, flicking her ear. She caught Pinesky's eye, and he turned towards her, pausing to speak with her.

"Whisperkit! We brought you kits some food. Want to come and share some?" Pinesky asked over the large carp. For once, Whisperkit nodded, and followed her father to the nursery. Mossfoot got to her paws to greet her mate.

Speckletuft followed, and the group touched noses. Whisperkit stayed by her father's side, watching Sunshinekit and the others. Mossfoot turned to them and called "Kits! Come on!" She flicked her tail to summon them.

Mudkit and Rowankit raced towards their mother, Sunshinekit and Toadkit racing after them. Whisperkit moved aside, trotting to her mother. Pinesky dropped the carp down in front of Mossfoot, Sunshinekit and Toadkit trying to paw at it.

Whisperkit sat down, curling her tail neatly over her paws. Mossfoot then began to eat, Sunshinekit and Toadkit ripping out small bits. Mossfoot looked over at Whisperkit, still chewing a piece of the carp.

"You want some? There's plenty to go around." Mossfoot offered. Whisperkit looked at the carp before looking down at her stomach. She got up to her paws, walking towards the carp. She moved away from Sunshinekit and Toadkit.

She ripped off a piece of the carp and trotted back over to her spot. Mossfoot watched her, flicking one of her ears. Whisperkit laid it down, curling up in front of it. She soon began to eat, ignoring Mossfoot's gaze.

Pinesky looked down at her, his dark amber eyes confused yet curious at the same time. Why are they staring at me? Did I do something wrong? She wondered, looking up at them. Pinesky blinked, looking over at Mossfoot.

Mossfoot did the same, looking into her mate's eyes "Pinesky!" A voice called her father's name. Cherrybreeze was racing over to him "Yes Cherrybreeze?" Pinesky asked once she reached him. Whisperkit looked up at Cherrybreeze.

"We need you for patrol," Cherrybreeze meowed, pointing her tail towards Brindleheart and Riverbelly who were waiting. Pinesky sighed, slowly nodding his head. Cherrybreeze chuckled "Don't worry. This is the last patrol that you'll have to do."

Pinesky chuckled too "I hope so," Whisperkit heard him murmur. Pinesky padded away towards the group, Webstripe soon joining him. Cherrybreeze turned to Foxwing "Do you mind taking out another border patrol?"

Foxwing shook his head "Not at all. Who shall I take?" Foxwing meowed "Take Mintfrost, Raindapple, and Yarrowthorn." Cherrybreeze ordered. Foxwing nodded and padded away to find the cats assigned for the patrol.

"Oh! Foxwing! You'll be patrolling the ShadowClan border!" Cherrybreeze called, turning and yowling over to Foxwing "Got it!" Foxwing yowled back over his shoulder. Whisperkit watched him leave, flicking her tail.

Whisperkit soon finished her share of food and got to her paws "Where are you going?" Mossfoot asked, looking down at Whisperkit. Whisperkit looked up at her mother, flicking one ear towards the apprentices' den.

"You're going to the apprentices' den? What for?" Mossfoot asked, tilting her head. Whisperkit shrugged and soon left. Mossfoot watched her leave, her tail flicking uneasily. Whisperkit spotted Sweetpaw leaving the medicine den, Duskpaw right behind her.

Whisperkit raced over to them, pausing as she got in front of them "Oh, hey Whisperkit. Do you need something?" Sweetpaw mewed, looking down at her. Whisperkit pointed her tail towards the river, nodding at Sweetpaw.

Sweetpaw looked at Duskpaw "She's saying she wants you to teach her to catch prey," Duskpaw translated. Whisperkit nodded, glad that someone understood her. Sweetpaw glanced at Mossfoot.

"Did she say you could go?" Sweetpaw asked, turning to Whisperkit. She looked over at Mossfoot before looking back at Sweetpaw. She nodded, hoping that Sweetpaw believed her lie. Sweetpaw smiled "Okay, but stay close to me."

Whisperkit nodded, smiling. I'm so excited!

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