'-Chapter 7-'

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"Just like that, Whisperpaw. Keep your weight even and don't be too loud when stalking towards it." Yarrowthorn whispered.

It had been 5 sunrises since her apprentice ceremony. Yarrowthorn had already started teaching her how to hunt land prey. She had been training on how to hunt land prey for those 5 sunrises. Yarrowthorn was a good mentor so far.

I've enjoyed learning from him. She thought, focusing her gaze on a water vole that was nibbling on some reeds near the river. Whisperpaw stalked forward, Yarrowthorn staying hidden in some reeds.

He hid close by, watching his apprentice closely. Whisperpaw silently stalked towards the water vole, making sure to stay quiet and stealthy. It hadn't noticed her yet, thank StarClan, but she was afraid it would smell her.

She checked again to make sure she was upwind, scenting the air. Once she checked that she was all good, she went back to stalking the water vole. Finally, she was close enough to pounce. She braced herself, getting ready.

She leaped at the water vole, the creature barely even realizing that it was being hunted. She landed on it and killed it before it could let out a warning call. Whisperpaw picked up her catch, staring back at Yarrowthorn.

He gave her an approving nod "Good job," he praised, rested his tail on her shoulder. Whisperpaw smiled up at him, her water vole still in her mouth. She began to sound out "Should we take it back to camp?"

Yarrowthorn took a moment to process what she had just told him before nodding "We've caught enough food for the Clan today." Yarrowthorn meowed, the two beginning to pad back towards camp.

They picked up prey along the way. They kept heading back to camp, Whisperpaw keeping her ears pricked. She felt an odd prickling in her fur and she stayed alert "You feel it too, don't you?" Whisperpaw blinked up at Yarrowthorn, confused.

He paused outside the camp entrance. Oh, he means that he feels the same odd feeling as I do. She thought, nodding her head. Yarrowthorn looked over his shoulder, his gaze narrowed. Whisperpaw looked around too, her ears flicking.

Suddenly, a bush swished and both RiverClan cats whipped around "Greetings Yarrowthorn." a voice mewed. Yarrowthorn glared at a wiry brown tom "Rabbitjump. What brings WindClan to RiverClan?"

Rabbitjump padded further out of the bushes, two other cats following close behind "I bring news from Volestar," Rabbitjump meowed, his gaze a bit concerned. Whisperpaw whipped around, staring up at Yarrowthorn "Should we bring them to camp?" Sounded out Whisperpaw.

Yarrowthorn looked down at her, his tail flicking "What did she say?" A black and white she-cat asked. Whisperpaw stared at the she-cat, sounding out what she asked earlier again. The she-cat blinked, confused "She's mute, Skysong, she can't speak." Yarrowthorn meowed.

"Oh, apologies. I didn't know RiverClan had a mute apprentice," Skysong apologized, dipping her head. Whisperpaw dipped her head back, gesturing that it was okay "You can come with us to our camp. Beechstar probably isn't too busy."

Rabbitjump dipped his head "Thank you," Yarrowthorn nodded, flicking his tail and leading the way. Whisperpaw took the rear, making sure everyone was in front of her. She had never met these cats before, yet they seemed friendly.

This is my first-time meeting WindClan cats! She thought, happiness fizzing up inside her. Then, confusion hit her. Why would WindClan come to RiverClan? And what did they need to discuss about?

Surely they could've spoken to ThunderClan or ShadowClan about it, why come all the way to RiverClan? She wondered, staring off into the distance. She shook herself, paying attention and coming back to reality.

The group continued to make their way to RiverClan's camp. Whisperpaw felt a strange sense of worry from the WindClan cats but paid no attention to it. Finally, they arrived at the camp, Yarrowthorn still leading them.

He leaped onto the stones in the river with ease, Rabbitjump struggling a bit at first. Skysong followed, along with a black tom with a white tail tip. Finally, Whisperpaw leaped after them, making sure to not slip.

They entered camp, all of RiverClan staring at the newcomers. She looked around camp, seeing most of her Clanmates. Owlpool poked his head out of the elder's den, Riverbelly following the old tom.

"Why are they here?" Webstripe hissed, Mintfrost narrowing her eyes. Toadpaw and Sunshinepaw paused their play-fighting and looked up. Mudpaw and Rowanpaw poked their heads out from the apprentice's den.

Sweetblossom and Raindapple stared up from their trout they were sharing "Rabbitjump, what brings WindClan to RiverClan?" Beechstar's voice sounded from the Wet Rock. Whisperpaw glanced up at her leader.

Rabbitjump moved forward, dipping his head to Beechstar "I bring news from Volestar." he mewed, his voice ringing. Beechstar stared down at the deputy. He flicked his tail, leaping down from the Wet Rock.

"We can speak in my den. Yarrowthorn, have Quailfoot and Duckspots guard the rest of the patrol." Beechstar ordered, leading Rabbitjump into his den. Yarrowthorn padded off to go find the two warriors.

Whisperpaw padded away from the patrol, going over to join her littermates "I can't believe WindClan is here!" Sunshinepaw squeaked, getting off of Toadpaw. Whisperpaw nodded, a slight smile on her face.

"But I'm confused," Toadpaw mewed, getting up. Sunshinepaw and Whisperpaw both tilted their heads "Why?" Sunshinepaw asked "Well, couldn't WindClan have gone to ThunderClan or ShadowClan maybe?"

"Why come all the way out here?" Toadpaw asked, licking his chest fur "I was thinking the same thing," Whisperpaw sounded out. Toadpaw stared up at her "It does seem a bit odd, doesn't it?" Whisperpaw sounded out.

Toadpaw nodded "I mean, ThunderClan and ShadowClan are the two closets Clans," Sunshinepaw murmured "But who cares? I got to see some WindClan cats!" Sunshinepaw squeaked, holding one paw up to her chest with pride.

"You mean 'we' got to see some WindClan cats?" Toadpaw corrected. Sunshinepaw glared at him "Same thing!" she snapped, flicking her tail over his ear. Toadpaw let out a silent grumble, glaring at his sister.

"You guys look pathetic, is this seriously how you react to seeing cats from outside our Clan?" A familiar voice scuffed. Mudpaw and Rowanpaw were padding towards them, their heads held high.

"Back off Mudpaw! You haven't seen WindClan cats either!" Sunshinepaw snapped, standing up tall "Sure we have, we saw a patrol just yesterday on the moor." Mudpaw growled, glaring down at Sunshinepaw.

Sunshinepaw rolled her eyes "Sure you have, next you'll be saying hedgehogs can fly!" she retorted. Mudpaw let out a hiss and shoved his face into hers "I suggest you watch it, kit. I know more than you and your dumb littermates do."

"Mudpaw! What in StarClan's name are you doing?" Webstripe's angry mew sounded from across the camp. Mudpaw whipped around, his mentor coming closer "Nothing Webstripe! I was just chatting with Sunshinepaw."

Rowanpaw stepped behind Webstripe as the silver tabby tom padded closer to Mudpaw "Sounds to me like you were taunting them." he growled, his tail tip flicking in annoyance. Mudpaw gulped nervously.

"I wasn't! I swear!" Mudpaw mewed, Sunshinepaw letting out a giggle "Liar! You were making fun of us!" Toadpaw snapped, coming to Sunshinepaw's side. Mudpaw glared at them, Webstripe staring down at the younger apprentices.

"Mudpaw, you are going to be spending a quarter moon helping Owlpool in the Elder's den," Webstripe snapped, his yellow eyes blazing "B-but-" Webstripe cut him off "No buts! You lied to me and taunted your Clanmates! That is not acceptable!"

Webstripe then turned to Rowanpaw "Did you have anything to do with this?" he demanded. Rowanpaw shook his head "Good. Now get to work Mudpaw!" Webstripe hissed, glaring back at his apprentice.

Mudpaw grumbled and headed away to the Elder's den. Rowanpaw dipped his head to Webstripe before racing off to find Mintfrost. Webstripe sighed, gave a brisk dip of his head to the apprentices, and padded off.

Mudpaw finally got a taste of his own medicine.

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