| chapter eighteen

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When we're all mad, how do we act? I know there are people who leave the situation to avoid their anger from getting worse. Others go to other people and vent about it, spilling out all of the bottled-up emotions and thoughts they have concerning their rage. There are ones who bit their tongue and suffer through it and do their best not to show it. Some people take things a little far and lash out, punching a wall, kicking a chair, flipping someone off, or even attacking someone else.

Anger is one of the common traits we share, but what makes us different is we all deal with it our own way. If you're more reserved and prefer being alone, then I bet if someone tries to ask what's wrong and keeps pestering you, you're not going to be able to settle down. If the person next to you is a people person, then having others with them to talk it out might be better. It doesn't matter how a person deals with, but I know just about anyone who reaches their limit will snap, verbally or physically. Regardless if it's a small or large snap, we're taken back because we don't see it happen often.

When someone does snap, do we have enough courage to try one last time and settle them down, or is it best if we just back off before it gets worse?


"I would rather stick my nose in a rabbit's corpse than agree to this," Beechpaw snarled, forcing his ears flat to his skull to avoid any arguments. Hotheaded and stubborn, Mothpaw gave up trying to keep his mouth shut and figured letting him spew out all his rants and vents would be better. Olivepaw and Runningpaw were irritated as well, and with each word coming out of his malicious mouth, they became restless.

One CinderClan apprentice seemed to have enough with Beechpaw, and he marched over toward the small pile of prey - regardless if he dragged unwanted attention to him. He snatched a small rabbit and threw it at her brother, his eyes saying, "Do it so you shut up." Angrily, the tabby tom huffed at the apprentice and pushed the body away, keeping his head up.

Standing at the entrance of camp was Ashstar and his patrol, and to Mothpaw's relief, Stonepaw hadn't died and was next to the rest of the patrol. From the short glimpses she got of them, they hadn't suffered any causalities - not to mention they didn't look exhausted either. Upon entering CinderClan's camp, Ashstar was the only one who didn't tense up or heighten their senses. When Aspenstar entered the picture, that was when he became more cautious, and the cats surrounding them had suddenly multiplied.

Almost as if he knew where they were, he spotted them but made no signs or signals showing it. She had secretly hoped that the other cats would look relieved when they spotted them, but when neither of them showed any signs of it, her hopes were crushed like a fly. Runningpaw glanced at the other apprentices around them, mainly eyeing Slatepaw and Cloudpaw. They seemed to be discussing something together, Mothpaw caught sight of them giving them dirty looks, faces twisting in disgust, and doing their best to make it look like they weren't judging them.

Deerleaf and her group had not arrived with them.

"Our time is limited," Ashstar insisted. "Those scents were fresh, and if the news you say is valid, then that means this group of rogues must've come back to stamp out survivors." Aspenstar didn't look intrigued and kept a dissatisfied demeanor on her face. The CinderClan cats around them absorbed the information like thirsty roots.

"I know the chances are low, but the fact you have all of my apprentices with you proves my daughter followed me," he continued, this time glaring at them. Mothpaw turned her head away in shame, refusing to meet his stern gaze. "By the time we got to your camp, Deerleaf had to be at the abandoned campsite, and my best guess is she took after the trail instead of finding me."

"That is why I never want kits," Aspenstar stated, spitting venom on the ground, lips curling back in disgust. Ashstar rolled his eyes at her, shaking the comment off his shoulders. Behind him, Splashpelt dropped his eyes to the ground, grief shrouding his sight at the mention of kits.

"If my predictions are right, that means Deerleaf's chasing after the rogues right now. I know Swiftbranch has to be with her, but I don't know if she brought any other cats with her." Mothpaw felt a set of green eyes land on her friends. "We searched the camp to find any clues and learned that a decent-sized group of cats had to have lived there, and the rogues must've taken them out and left. Whether they're friend or foe, they can easily beat Deerleaf and her comrades if they took out a camp of cats."

"I'm not sending my warriors to their deaths," the CinderClan leader snarled, her voice rising. "You know that leafbare is coming up. That means finding prey will become a greater challenge than it already is, and the herbs could die from the frost." Her Clan nodded in agreement, claws sliding out as their fur rose along their backs. Aspenstar pointed her nose toward the medicine cat den. "One of my warriors has already suffered from attacks, why should I help you with your daughter issues?"

Both Clans began to stir, sending one another silent threats and fatal warnings. Stonepaw flashed his teeth at her, curling himself into a hissing ball defensively. Splashpelt and Rabbitbranch twisted around, standing back to back as they unleashed their claws, keeping the gray apprentice locked in the small space between them. Speckleflash nearly lunged forward, her paws directed toward Runningpaw's direction. Mothpaw saw Clearwhisker raise her hackles from where she sat, ready to attack at any command. Ashstar didn't look concerned, and he kept his sharp, fiery gaze on Aspenstar's daring, icy eyes.

The apprentices began to stir nervously. Olivepaw positioned herself to run toward her Clan, flicking Mothpaw in the shoulder to do the same. She dropped to her stomach and crouched, eyes anticipating the moment when chaos would unravel. Every cat in the camp seemed to have the same energy as her, but the two leaders didn't move a single whisker.

"You could find some of your missing cats there, you know," Ashstar proposed, starting out slowly. "I know that you're skilled in battle, we both took the other's life at least once, if not twice." With that piece of information dropped into the middle of camp like a piece of prey to a starving Clan, cats abruptly turned to their leader, all of their eyes demanding answers. Aspenstar looked around her shoulders at the lingering cats, a low growl and sigh coming out of her mouth.

"So you're putting my Clan's problems in front to achieve your own goal?" Aspenstar said with an emotionless look on her face. Ashstar was silent, waiting for the she-cat to continue. She didn't say anything and kept her mouth sealed, eyes wandering on the ground, and ears open to hear his response. Her Clan was silent, blending themselves into the background to avoid any conflict. Ashstar's patrol spread out behind him, stepping away to push the CinderClan cats back.

"...I guess that's how you could put it," Ashstar replied, seeming unsure about his response. "I wouldn't have said it like that, though."

In a split second, Aspenstar lunged like an angry snake, blowing into Ashstar, effortlessly throwing him on the ground. She pinned him down and lashed out, her claws scoring across his face like thorns, eyes blazing with burning ice. Not giving him time to recover, she bent down and locked her teeth around his front paw and yanked with all her strength, a painful yowl following. He managed to get on his feet, but she was already a step ahead of him and jumped, landing on his back, forcing him back on the ground, claws sinking into his shoulders, drawing a line of blood.

The MeadowClan cats jumped and raced over, but nearby CinderClan cats jumped to their feet, stopping their attempts to save their leader. Mothpaw was paralyzed, the sound of Speckleflash's angry shouting ringing in her ears as the world around her moved slowly. Ashstar didn't do anything to stop Aspenstar from lashing out, but through the mess, she could see him struggle to open his eyes and glare at the she-cat.

"Then why are you leader of MeadowClan?!" she hollered, muzzle inches away from his ears. "Why are you seeking my help when you're more than able to do it yourself?! Just because I'm close to the camp doesn't mean I have to help you! I'm just as selfish as you! I can't let my Clan die because you can't control your daughter! Why don't you just go over there and die already!"

We didn't even do anything! She just... Overreacted? Mothpaw thought, but she was unable to move. The MeadowClan patrol was struggling to break free from the cats above them, but they were unable to do anything but watch as Aspenstar attacked their leader.

"What did I tell you before all this happened?!" she demanded, biting his ear. Letting go, she didn't flinch as Ashstar finally began to stir under her. Aspenstar unleashed her claws and slammed her paw on his head, keeping him on the ground. "I told you over and over that this would be your fall! Even when Amberfeather died, you refused to listen!"

"Love does nothing but make you suffer!"

Love...? Ashstar and Aspenstar... Cloudpaw said that the two could've been in love, but Aspenstar must've pulled away from her heart, and when she saw him become mates with Pebbleflight... Did she still love him? Amberfeather must've died before Aspenstar left, and Ashstar must've been destroyed when his sister died... Is that it? Mothpaw thought, biting her tongue to stay silent as her leader thrashed around. Now Clearwhisker seemed worried, making her mind hurt.

"She's more than a psychopath!" Olivepaw hissed in her ear. "She's beyond mad or insane! She's... She's..."

"The most interesting cat I've ever met," Runningpaw answered. "She overreacted by a simple sentence, why's that? She's more immature than Leopardkit!"

"If she heard you say that, she'd tell her mother or father and you'd get yourself beaten," Beechpaw commented, his shocked gaze planted on the two leaders.

"Only if they agree," Mothpaw whispered, legs trembling.

"If you think that," Ashstar growled, mustering enough strength in his legs and tossed her off. Swiftly and gracefully, Aspenstar managed to catch herself before she fell. Her eyes were still blazing with rage, refusing to let the ice melt. The MeadowClan leader lashed his tail, unleashing his claws, ignoring the blood dripping down his face. "Then prove it to me. Show me your strength in the battle."

"Stop!" Both Slatepaw and Beechpaw shouted. Mothpaw jerked her head after her brother's striped tail as he skidded to a halt in front of Ashstar. The two apprentices glanced behind their shoulders, surprised at the other's action but didn't dwell on it.

"Aspenstar, this helps us! If we go there and the rogues are holding some of our cats, then we can take them back! We'll be able to sleep well again!" Slatepaw argued. "We'll all swallow our pride and join up with these cats on your command! Whatever you do, all of CinderClan will support you to the very end! I can't make choices for you, but if agree to this, know that we're all suffering just as much as you because we hate them just as much as you do!"

"Ashstar, stop begging her to join your cause! We're strong enough and we don't need CinderClan's help on this! I know I'm acting recklessly and like Sleekfeather, but I'm not going to let my leader get tossed around by Aspenstar!" Beechpaw snarled. "They're too stubborn to join us, so let them stay stubborn! It just proves that we're better than them! Just leave the, alone, that way, you won't get hurt anymore and we can save Deerleaf and get out missing cats back!"

"I, for one thing, did not know Beechpaw had any of that in him," Runningpaw said.

"You're gravely mistaken," Aspenstar growled, pushing past Slatepaw. "I didn't say I wouldn't help him."

"I value your bravery, Beechpaw," Ashstar noted, dipping his head. "But I know that she'd help us the moment I mentioned Deerleaf chasing after the rogues."


"Now's not the time to explain," Aspenstar snarled, drawing the attention back to her. "We've wasted enough time discussing our plans, not to mention I did attack you," she huffed, showing no signs of regret. "Clearwhisker, get me some cobwebs for the bleeding." The deputy dashed away without a second thought.

"Ashstar, she---" Speckleflash was cut off by the tom above her.

"Don't worry about me," he assured. "I'll explain later."

"Listen up! Everycat is going expect for the queens, kits, and elders! When Thistleshade gets back, tell him he's in charge," Aspenstar ordered. "No excuses, get moving!" She shouted, and CinderClan began to gather up. The cats got off of Ashstar's patrol, and they were drawn to his side, all of them climbing over him like a litter of kits.

Mothpaw followed Olivepaw toward her leader, eyes watching as the Clan began to spread the news and gather as many herbs as they could. Clearwhisker came out with some cobwebs and handed them to Aspenstar, who then padded over to Ashstar. Rabbitbranch curled his lips back and stood in front of his leader, and the brown leader rolled her eyes. She didn't wait for Speckleflash or Splashpelt to say anything and shoved the warrior out of the way.

Instead of throwing the sticky thread over him, she carefully placed it over the wounds, whispering a few words to Ashstar as she worked with him. Mothpaw felt the small grudge she had built up earlier fade away, replaced by a small smile.

"Beechpaw," she said, turning toward her brother, the smile still on her face. "I have a new plan when we get back."

"Already? Mothpaw, wait until the battle's over!" he protested, waving his tail at Slatepaw as she slipped into her Clan. She didn't give up and continued to stare at him, waiting for him to break under her desire. Beechpaw sighed, shoulders drooping.

"What is it, then?"

"We're asking Ashstar what he knows about Aspenstar."

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