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Written by: wallflower_words
ACHIEVER: The WARRIORS OF INK Contest - SET 3 (Category: 2-4 years)



Who would not like to live the life of the Princess?

The title, power, wealth was all one desire in life. But not Princess Advika. Her life was not a bed of roses. Being a daughter of a concubine, she was despised by all. As no one seen her face, rumours said she had the ugliest face.

Her not so perfect life turned chaotic when she ordained to espouse a man she doesn't even know the name. She was not ready to tie in the chains of marriage yet. Nor did she want a marriage of political entanglement; she wanted to marry someone she loves.

But, who could defy the emperor decree?

The destiny which brought them together had other plans. Their fate is written on stars. Both were not meant to be. He is her calamity.

"Bounded by love,
Separated by fate!"

How destined couple became star-crossed lovers?




Thampuran = King/ my lord/ his highness

Thamburatti = Queen/my lady/ her highness

Kunju Thamburatti = Younger queen/ princess.

Maveli = a place in Taka empire

Achan thampuran = King father


The day had dawned pleasantly sunny and bright. Returning from visiting the temple, princess Advika was mixing some fresh colors to her palette and settling for her morning routine. The canvas was still blank; she had not painted a single stroke. She was distressed.

Right now, in the hall, her father and her two elder brothers discussing about her wedding, yet, she was not excited. The marriage did not hold much interest for Advika. She would rather travel the world instead of tying in wedlock.

Her mother had saved the Queen of Kera Empire from the mouth of death, to express her gratitude, Emperor passed the decree that her daughter would marry into the royal family.

"Why do you hide pretty face in the veil? You are beauty, yet you never show anyone face." Her maid's voice brought her back from her reverie.

She smiled complacently- her face was the favorite topic of the quidnunc. Unbeknown how pretty she looks, people claim her to be an ugliest. She was a copy of her deceased mother. Her mother was a commoner who met King of Taka by mishap. The King instantly fell for her beauty and made her his concubine. Envied by their love, Queen ruins her mother's face leaving a scar on her face.

For Royal men, beauty matters most. King couldn't bear to look at her. Heartbroken concubine died, leaving Advika alone. Her mother made her wear a veil and spread the rumor that she's born ugly due to her birthmark. For people who were disgusted she's concubine daughter, detested her hideous face.

"Face can be a blessing and a curse," Advika said perfunctorily, blending reds with yellows.

The proposed marriage delayed again and again until it became a taboo topic. A promise means everything to Kera's. Empress dowager had commanded the wedding to take place next month.

Advika was certain that she would not marry an old man thirty years older than her. Even her father was not aged as Emperor of Kera. A shiver went down her spine at the thought of old Emperor wrinkled hand atop of her. Brush falls from her hand.

She heard muffled voices across the room. Opening the room, her eyes met three men.

"Advika--" her father chided her to behave. "If you wed to Kera's, then you're my daughter. If you will not, then you're no more mine. Beg, starve, or hang I never acknowledge you." The order was passed. Taka King took none of her pleas and left whimpering Advika.

"Kunju thamburatti..." She looked at the pale face of her maid.

"Do me honor Amy, kill me. It's better than casting myself to hell." Amy's eyes widened.

"Kunju thamburatti, Kera is one of the most powerful kingdoms. Anyone would die to be in your position. You will be thamburatti." The last thing Princess Advika wanted was a marriage without her consent. All she yearns for untainted love.

"I will remain spinster than to wed a man without love." Amy flicker at her declaration.

A smile tugs on her lips. Instant change in the mood of her princess gave Amy negative vibes. She had been her maid since she remembers, it wasn't hard to guess something brewing in her head.

"What are you going to do, kunju thamburatti?"

"Let's elope!"


A young girl was giggling with her parents. Within second scene changes, she had tears on her eyes and screaming. Her parents lying in a pool of blood.

Two days later, Prince heard assassination in his state. The daughter was the sole survivor and witness. He felt bad as he could not do anything to stop tragedy although he had known it.

The crown prince of Kera was not an ordinary prince. He had immense power with a magical vision. He could visualize the disastrous future through his dreams. It was always a tragic one.

The news of Princess Advika escapade reaches in the ears of Jayesh. "What? If one of us must flee then it should have been me!" He snarled at Takeshi, the imperial prince of Taka, elder brother of Advika.

From what he heard of Advika, she's concubine daughter, with an ugly face and impetuous. If it wasn't a felony to go against the imperial decree, he would have annulled the engagement.


"By the window, sliding down by rope made of bedsheets. King of Taka enraged by her rebellious behavior." Displeased by his sister doing, Takeshi mumbled.

"Was getting married to me was that terrible?" Amused Jayesh, could not help, but ask.

"Not you, Kunju thampuran, it's the prospect of the wedding to your father made her flee. She thought it was the emperor who asked her hand." Elucidated Takeshi.

"How could she get such a horrid idea?" He chuckled at the absurdity of his bride.

"I have no idea. Only she could think like that." Told Takeshi.

"I think its time to meet my runaway bride." Jayesh had an impish grin. Little play won't hurt, right? He asked Takeshi to let her assume his father is her groom.

Jayesh and Takeshi rode their horse on the outskirts of Maveli.

"That's Advika, over there!" Takeshi pointed towards a young girl. She was donned in azure saree. A veil concealed her face.

"Are you sure?" Jayesh's eyes glued to her slender figure. Striding down the horse, he shook his head.

"Advika--" she froze to see her brother. She tried to escape. To her surprise, a young man clutched her. Her eyes widened with wonder. He felt that mesmerizing blue orbs familiar, he had seen it somewhere. But could not recall where. Before he could pull the veil from her face, and see her face, her brother drags her with him, making his way to the horse.


When she opened her eyes, she found herself in her room. Rolling on the bed, she grieved at her miserable attempt to escape.

"Kunju thamburatti, thampuran has summoned you!" The maid informed her.

"Achan thampuran, did you called me?"

"Are you trying to make our family die with you for flouting the royal edict?" Her father screech startled her. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I won't repeat my mistake." Whispered Advika.

"The Prince of Kera is here." A guard said, bowing before him.

"Send him in!" He said dismissing him.

"Advika meet Jayesh, crown price of Kera dynasty." She stared at him. He's not less than four years older than her. Why her life is so cruel? She was destined to wed his father.

Jayesh sighed as she ran to her room. He had only known her for the day, and the experience was no good. How was he going to live with her after the wedding? He frowned as she composed her veil hiding her face.

Sensing someone's presence in her room, she turned, "It's inappropriate for Prince to enter the princess room?"

He did not even budge to her displeasure, "I have right!" She looked at him astonished.

"You are engaged to my father so we're practically family!" He spoke up, suppressing his smile.

"Nevertheless, I insist to leave my room instantly." Her voice was distant and cold.

He grinned and left the room. As his footstep dried away, she collapsed into bed.

The next day, he was passing by her room, halted when he heard her anklet chimes. Her body gracefully moved as she swivels. He could not discern her expression as her face hidden in a thick red veil. How he wished to see her face. As if hearing her wish her leg get tangled by the long skirt she wore, making her fall.

Her falling to the ground was boon to him. The veil dropped revealing the most beautiful face he ever saw. No blotch on her face as rumors. He walked towards her and helped her to get up. She stepped back from his hold and ran away. He stood there looking her retreating figure.

At night, Jayesh rested his head on a pillow and closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly. But the image of Advika haunts him. That girl surely brings death to him.

A girl running from him, he couldn't see her face as it was dark. He stabbed her abdomen.

That dream confused him. Why would he kill someone? He used to get precognitive dreams. Although he was curious about why out of the many people around the world, he was chosen to have such dreams. He got no answers.


Surely, even if they were about to become family he need not come to her house regularly, or perhaps he had some business with her father. Still, it doesn't explain him entering to her room as if he owns it.

"Prince, to what do I owe your company yet again?"

"I heard you are on hunger strike." He drawled. She flushed to a shade of pink as her stomach growled.

"Why are you interested in my wellbeing?"

"Because we're about to become family and families look after each other." Looking at her handsome would-be son, she sighed. Why he couldn't be her proposed groom?

Advika was pulled into reality as Jayesh leaned forward and asserted to end her hunger strike. Then left the room. By now, she grasped he comes and goes as he pleased.

Jayesh was discomfited by the recurring dream, him stabbing unknown girl. That dream terrified him as day by day that dream girl felt more familiar to him.

"No..." She sobs tears flow from her blue orbs. Her eyes reflected the pain of betrayal.

No matter how much he tried, he could not recognize that girl.


The feelings thrived with the passage of the time. She stirred those emotions in him, he never known. He tittered as he imagines the look of her face when she discovers he's her groom, not his elderly father.

She couldn't help, but wonder what's special in him that made her pull towards him? They weren't the same. She's concubine daughter betrothed to his father and he's the crown prince. It stings her knowing they can never be together.

"Jayesh, we shall tell her truth that you're her groom." Advika who passing by hall heard her brother. It shattered her heart how he played with her feelings. Although the prince tried to explain, she had none of it.


A girl running away from him, he's chasing her.

"Don't come near." She pleads, as he getting near to her. He stabs her from the dagger. Blood spurt from her abdomen. He grabs a veil from her face.

"Advika..." He cried out.


"It's our plight."

He sweats profusely, a nightmare. But he knows it more than that. He's her doom. He's terrified as his vision always came true. It impelled him to make the decision, even if it hurts him, he should push her out of his life.

The rays of happiness streamed in the palace of Taka. Advika could see that the streets of Maveli were illuminated. All were waiting for the ceremony to begin-they are waiting for Kera's.

The drums and trumpets rumbling in merriment. In her rich red saree, Advika looked like Queen. Where is Kera's? Why were they taking so much time? Was she was too rude to him? She felt a coil of uneasiness churning her.

Everyone was wondering what happened but none dared to voice their doubts.

After an hour, came Kera's. It was only Prince Jayesh who had came. No companions, or family.

"Welcome, Prince. Let's start a ritual." King Taka led him to the seat of the groom besides Advika.

"That seat is not for me."

King's face ashen, "What are you saying, son?" He asked weakly.

"I, the prince of Kera cannot marry the Princess of Taka." Jayesh's face was devoid of any emotions.

"Why would Kera's disgrace Taka like this?" King asks furiously. Thereby, a joyful celebration turns to woe.

Advika prepared to lift the curtains between them and see what was the matter. But she ceased to reconsider. A new bride would be forgoing etiquette if she showed her face to the public before to her husband. Wouldn't the ancients drown her in spit if she did such a thing? She gave up the idea, instead chose to listen quietly. It was obvious that the commotion had attracted quite a few spectators.

"I heard Princess Advika is extremely ugly, no wonder the Prince Jayesh isn't even willing to marry her."

"Tsk tsk, even the world's top beauties want to marry into the Kera house. What she worth? Even if she enters, she'll stay alone in an empty chamber for the rest of her life." This was probably the first time in Kera, they seeing a bride being rejected, it never happened in the past.

The crowd was laughing. Even the generals, nobles of Taka couldn't resist their snickers. It really was the first time something like this had happened. Inside the bridal plaque, the calm, the prince had gone too far.

Advika was crestfallen. Wasn't he played enough with her feelings?

The crowds hurled invectives at her, "You really thought thampuran wants to marry you? Have you not looked at a mirror since you were a child? Don't you know what kind of face you have?"

Stood rooted, she turned to face the source of the voice. Though sadness flitted across her heart, she tried hardest to look serene. "The Empress dowager approved this wedding and the Emperor commanded it be done before the month's end. You say that you don't want to marry me, but how could he go against the imperial decree?"

The people had pallid expressions from fright. None of the rest made any more comments. Jayesh could not say anything.

She tosses curtains and walks towards Jayesh, to confront him.

"Why?" She asked.

"This is our fate. We were not meant to be." He confessed a part of it was true as there was a fault in their stars.

She took a knife from a nearby table, "I'll exchange my life for my honor."

"Advika...." He yelled, ran to her to stop her act. But he's too late as she stabs her abdomen.

"Don't come near." She pleads, blood spurt from her body. He grabs the knife from her hand and looked at pale Advika.

"Advika..." He shouted as she closed her eyes to forever sleep. If only he told her about his visions if only she didn't take the hasty decision. Not every story has a happy ending.

Divinity joined their hearts in bliss,
But fate capsized their union;

There was no story in history misery than of Jayesh and Advika.


I hope all enjoyed this short story of star-crossed lovers, Jayesh and Advika.

Share your views how it is?

With love
Twinkling meghs

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