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Written by: Its-priyaanka
Achiever: The WARRIORS OF INK Contest- SET 2 (Category: 0-2 years)


Everything in the mortal world is temporary,
What is born here is bound to die here,
What is existent is meant to vanish,
That's the law of nature.
Be it the magic of beauty or the enchantment of a witch.

Rapunzel, a beauty of time and princess of the kingdom of Corona and Flynn, the prince of empowered troops of another distant kingdom, clash and fall in love, too deep and hard, that the universe begin and end at their tangled hearts.

Gothel, the witch of black magic in the world of love, obsessed with her looks plays the antagonist and breaks apart the ultimate lovers.

Pascal, a magical chameleon, the best friend of Rapunzel and Maximus, a royal horse, the most loyal friend of Flynn... how will they help to bring back the drifted souls into the tangled hearts? Join in the journey for my version of TANGLED!

   • COVER 

Cover credits : monu2525



"Maximus, hurry please," Rapunzel said with creases on her forehead. "Rapunzel, I am trying," Maximus replied. "Useless horse!" Pascal taunted leaning forward from Rapunzel's shoulder. "Shut up, stupid chameleon," he retorted back. Rapunzel glared at them which quieted both of them.

Rapunzel leaned back on the chair decorated with sparkling gemstones and the lids of her eyes closed forming shadows of her eyelashes. The memories of her prince started to run in her mind in a series. The very first time she had met him was during a war when Flynn Rider, a prince from a distant well known kingdom had attacked kingdom of Corona. He was bewitched by her charms at first sight. The swift movements of her hands while handling the sword, the shining green rubies in her eyes while she concentrated at fighting her opponent leader Flynn, the radiance reflecting from her skin and finally the few golden strands which danced along with the breeze showing the elegance equivalent to waves of ocean enhancing the braid of her hairs which cascaded down till her feet and below was enough to entice any single soul.

After his defeat in the war, king Fredrick forgave him and their royal relations improved gradually. Flynn pursued Rapunzel and it wasn't much difficult for her to fall for him owing to his amiable and considerate personality. His talent in martial arts and love more music were just addition to the traits which sailed their love story. They were supposed to get hitched into the knots of forever next week and all of sudden the disappearance of Flynn in a night had been matter of worry.

"The most worst scenario which I predict is that he might be trapped," Pascal debated sitting on her lap now. Pascal was a dark green chameleon, one of the few living animals which still had the magic in their bodies. He was the best friend of Rapunzel since her childhood when she had found him injured and lying lifelessly on a dried brown log in the elegant and plush regal garden.

"You dirty green thing, please stop your nonsense and let me concentrate," Maximus stated. Pascal sighed and pushed his head a little lower, jumped from her lap on a nearby green bush laden with some exorbitantly pink flowers and camouflaged.

Maximus, the fairy white horse who looked straight from some fairytale was also one of the magical animals in existence. He was a royal horse who had the powers to locate places where a person was. It was him who had guided him to kingdom of Corona unaware that the conquest was actually related to his love life.

Suddenly Maximus squealed,"I found it." Pascal jumped back to Rapunzel's lap retaining his original colour and asked,"Where?" "The eastern part of kingdom, the forest," he explained.

"We need to go there. Right now!" Rapunzel announced. She grabbed the rope and climbed on Maximus ever so elegantly. Pascal, too, jumped on him without compliant.

She informed a guard that they will return back in a while. The army was already scattered for the mission to search the lost prince and moreover she wasn't willing to take any kind of risk. If she had took soldiers with her, either one of the loyalties would have informed the king and she wouldn't be allowed to go along with them or even if she was allowed then the entire thing would have turned up into cavalcade making the entire process of reaching to Flynn slower.

Within few minutes, they were out of the huge intricately carved gates. The palace high upon the hills overlooking the town gradually started to diminish in size as Maximus swept through the meadows with a speed of lightning tearing through the whooshing winds. Rapunzel held the rope tight giving directions to the turns as her golden hairs danced along in a rather artistic pattern. Pascal had held his grip firmer on the hem of the brown embroidered cloth which covered Maximus' back. The scene was perfect resemblance of what a princess riding an unicorn amidst the clouds in tales would look like.

Slowly the sun started to drown into the horizon, spreading its largeness into a grateful sky. The darkness started to replace the widespread splashes of red with the blended orange, purple and crimson hues. The night drew in. Darkness hindered the vision and the path became blurry to almost invisible. Maximus autonomously slowed down,"Rapunzel, we need someone to guide us to the way, to the forest."

Rapunzel's eyes darted around her in the surroundings. The shady trees which looked darker, the absence of any animate thing around, the lack of source of light except the moon and stars would have haunted anyone at that moment. But Rapunzel was not amongst those, she was a strong hearted girl determined to reach out to her love.

They continued walking for some distance when finally Pascal pointed towards a source of yellow light. It was supposedly a cottage, made up of dried straws taken from the same grassland where they were standing right now. Relieved to some extent, Rapunzel climbed down from Maximus' back and walked to the cottage holding his rope in her hand. She entered the wooden fence with Pascal camouflaged on her right shoulder and knocked on the door.

Nearly after three minutes, a person in his sixties appeared in her front. There was something different to his personality, not something which would be scary or horrific, but something pious and bright which could be guessed by any soul at the first look. "How could I help you, daughter?" he questioned.

"Sir, I have been looking for the way to the forest. Could you help me with that?" she asked straight. He smiled at her and politely spoke, "It is dark outside and you seem to have been tired with a tedious journey. Why don't you drink some water?" Though she was extremely focused at the search mission, the fact that she was exhausted couldn't be ignored. She already was thirsty so she accepted his offer and entered inside.

Sitting on a straw mat, she took the earthen cup given by the person and clenched her thirst. After a pause of merely a minute, she asked, "Sir, now can you please guide me to the path." The old man smiled, his skin wrinkled a bit near his forehead and the corners of lips and replied," Don't worry, daughter. Your love is safe. You will rescue him from her clutches."

Rapunzel was shocked on listening to his words. The old man continued, "Don't be confused daughter. I am a bellwether. I guide all those people who get struck here. Since it is past midnight and you are still searching for the path made it easy for me to guess that possibly your love has been caught by her." His words convinced Rapunzel to an extent. But she immediately questioned, "Who her?"

The face of old man turned expressionless and he uttered,"Gothel." As the word escaped his dried lips, Rapunzel remembered the past. Gothel! Yes, Gothel, a young, beautiful lady who had proposed Flynn few months ago but he had rejected her offer since he was already in love. The lady had tried to kill a soldier in the palace to get to him. Later she was thrown outside but she had vowed to win back Flynn. Blood stopped flowing in Rapunzel's veins. She looked at the old man aghast.

"Does that mean she kidnapped him?" Pascal asked emerging to his colour. Seeing Pascal speak in humanly voice should have surprised the man at least for a second, however he seemed to not bother about it at all. He simply stated," Gothel. She is a 400 year old woman, obsessed with her looks, with the charisma which she had during her youths. She lures men to obtain their wealth and love."

"She isn't a 400 year old woman, there might be some misunderstanding sir," Rapunzel stated. The old man nodded disapprovingly, "No, daughter. She isn't what she looks. You are magical, you know that right? Do you know how you became magical?" Rapunzel radiated a different shine since forever which clearly differentiated her from others and everyone was aware of that fact. They always thought of it as a blessing. Rapunzel gulped and spoke," My mother, Queen Ariana had eaten a flower when I was in her womb. The flower was quite unique. It outshone the lights of the moon and the stars, its golden core reflected something brighter and scintillating than the sunlight. They say it was a magical flower."

The old man grinned,"Exactly. The flower she consumed isn't only one of its kind. There is a climber in the forest which is laden with such glowing beauties. Gothel eats them daily. The flowers have maintained her youth, her looks. They heal every wound and every wrinkle formed on her face making her beauty persist for years as it was."

"She is the darkness of a spirit, you be a spirit in the dark and bring light to this place releasing it from her cruel holds. Your magic is for a purpose, daughter. Go and save your prince," the old man blessed her. Rapunzel bowed to him and after thanking turned to go. The old man stopped her and said," Remember, destroying her is to destroy the magic."

Maximus had heard their talks from window. As soon as Rapunzel climbed him with Pascal alongside, he paced through dark on the way directed by the man, by their bellwether.

They halted on seeing something sparkling from a distance. It was the climber which the old man had informed about. It looked like a green rope tied with bulbs which glowed like a fireball, the golden lights coming from them spluttering into longest distances like a marvel never witnessed by anyone. There was a two storied bungalow to its side. The grey paint on it made it seem intimidating.

"I will go and check if the path is clear," Pascal suggested in a whisper. Getting a nod from Rapunzel, he jumped and vanished into the bungalow whereas Maximus and she stayed hidden behind a tree waiting for his return. Rapunzel caressed Maximus' hairs on his back gently. She was aware that he must be experiencing weariness due to the travelling. The time wasn't passing which made the things worse for her. Rapunzel's heartbeats were unevenly speeded up and the anxiousness increasing every moment.

After half an hour, Pascal returned. "What is it?" Maximus asked. Pascal replied in a normal yet satisfied tone, "I met Flynn. Gothel is asleep in the lower room. She has caged Flynn in a room on second floor. He is safe." Rapunzel released a sigh of relief on hearing the words which she was awaiting since long. Pascal continued,"I asked him to wait at the window."

Taking noiseless steps in the grass, all three of them walked to the bungalow and stood near the window. The smiles exchanged by both of them reflected the longing in their hearts and their deep love for each other. As planned, Rapunzel tied the end of her braid tightly to Pascal's body. Pascal climbed the cemented wall with his feet which could stick to them as firmly as glue. Once he reached the top, Flynn untied the knot around him and held the hairs. Rapunzel climbed the wall holding her hairs as a rope, her hairs were stronger than any other rope that would have existed.

Teaching the top, Rapunzel engulfed Flynn into a hug, the hug which poured all their love, the hug whose warmth was better than a paradise, the hug which created a heaven for two lovers tight on the earth. Tears made way through their eyes. The reunion was witnessed by the stars and the sky and the destiny smiled having got its ways.

The moment of happiness lasted only for a while. Gothel woke up out of nowhere and opened the door of Flynn's room. The scene made her furious with rage. The anger was bursting through her facial expressions. She sprung up and launched an attack on Rapunzel. Within a blink of eye, Rapunzel removed the sword hanging near her waist and defended the splash. The swords clashed against each other, the shiny metal making a clanging noise in environment. Flynn stood in the corner watching the battle.

Gothel was nowhere near the valour and talent that Rapunzel had in sword fighting, but still was able to keep her at bay. The reason was that the any attack on her body, any wound formed on her skin was healed in a second even before the red fluid could ooze out of the network of vessels. Flynn and Pascal watched it helplessly as Rapunzel tried her best without any positive outcome evident in her efforts.

All of sudden something clicked in Maximus' headband he shouted, "Rup, destroying her is destroying the magic." Pascal understood his words and signaled Flynn," The plant!" Getting a clue, Flynn caught hold of Rapunzel's hairs and slides to the ground while Rapunzel kept Gothel busy in the war. The sound of knife cutting the roots of climber was heard despite the music of crickets and beetles singing in the dark night.

The climber was cut and thrown on the ground to let it decay into the soil. The sword from Gothel's hand crashed to the floor. Her posture hunched, wrinkles started to form on her face, her hairs started to turn white, the teeth began to fall and suddenly she vanished into the air. Rapunzel and Flynn simultaneously exhaled with satisfaction. She came down and hugged him again.

However she felt a weird sensation inside her. She backed out and stumbled, sparkling glitters started to evaporate from her body towards the infinite sky. Her extraordinary radiance decreased and decreased till it was completely lost. She looked like an ordinary human again, her magic was gone with Gothel.

Tears slipped from her eyes with the thought that maybe her beauty had gone now, Flynn wouldn't love her. She felt self conscious. Flynn understood the unsaid words and walked to her wiping the wet strains from her cheeks caging her in his arms,"Rup, you were, you are and only you will be the most beautiful lady I have ever came across. You are my life. I love your heart and your soul, so no matter what my love will last till and beyond infinity. Our hearts are tangled for eternity, for forever."

Rapunzel was overwhelmed and she hugged him back tightly. When they parted, the canopy of gold was rising in the blue sky mixed with vivid colors bidding the stars to take the rest. Maximus and Pascal were equally happy. The three climbed on Maximus holding him tight finally heading back to where they belonged.

Throughout the history,
There have been tyrants and murderers,
And for a time they seem invincible.
But in the end evil always fall, always.
Love and goodness triumphs always.

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