Chapter 16

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Sighing in delight, Brooklyn stretched out further on the lounge chair, the heat from the August sun embracing as much of her exposed skin possible. The sound of the water splashing in the pool nearby was the only disturbance to the peace and quiet of the patio. The Marino's house, located in Malba, was in comparison to her little two room apartment, massive.

She reached for the drink, located on the table next to her, shifting to snag the straw, enjoying the sharp freshness of the lemonade. Raising her sunglasses, she checked on where Juliana was, but dropped them when she saw that her sister was fine.

"It's been a while, since the two of you visited." The aristocratic tinged voice to the other side of her stated.
"I am sorry about that, Kitty." Brooklyn apologized. "It's just been a bit... crazy, the past week."

"so I've heard." Kitty Marino, her ashy blonde hair tied up on top of her head, tilted her head back in the sun. "Momo says you have been having a gentleman pick you up after work."

"Gentleman?" Brooklyn rolled her eyes, hidden by her sunglasses. "He's trying to be."

"Is he someone that needs to be encouraged to move along?" Kitty sipped her lemonade. "because I can ask Francis to have that happen."

Brooklyn sat up, and leaned her arms on her knees. "Did Momo say who he is?"

"No." Kitty shook her head. "He said I had to ask you."

Kitty Marino had once been a Vegas show girl.  She had caught the eye of a young Francis Marino, while he had been sent to Vegas to look after the Marino Family's interests, back in the mid-nineties. He had fallen in love with the bright eyed blonde dancer, who in turn, had fallen in love with him.  She freely admitted knowing that he was rich, powerful, and connected helped the falling in love part. But whatever mercenary tactics might have been used to gain an advantageous marriage, they were truly in love, and happy.  Three sons, and five grandchildren later, they were still going strong.  Kitty, born Katherine, still remembered how hard it was for a dancer to get by, and often took it upon herself to look after the performers in her husband's clubs.  The interest in Brooklyn and Juliana was mostly due to the fact that they had come out into a world with no support system, beyond her nephew by marriage.  She often called them over, for events or just to hang out, because she honestly liked the two of them.

The fact that Kitty sometimes invited Brooklyn over to meet eligible gentlemen in her husband's employ, was a side effect of that, in Brooklyn's opinion. So it was not really surprising that Kitty was interested in anyone who had an interest in Brooklyn.

Watching as Juliana paddled around in the shallow end of the pool, firmly strapped in a life vest, Brooklyn sighed. She began to crack the knuckles of a hand on her jaw.

"Brooklyn." Kitty intoned. "Who is he?"

"Steve Rogers." Brooklyn blurted out, unable and unwilling to hide something from Kitty.

"You are shitting me!" Pulling off her sunglasses, Kitty stood up, and came over to sit next to Brooklyn's knees.  "You have Steve Rogers picking you up from the club, and what? What's going on?"

"He asked me to be his girl." Brooklyn responded, still cracking his knuckles. "Even though he knows that I don't... respond, the way a normal woman does."

"You don't respond?  What do you mean, Brooklyn?" Kitty leaned over and placed a hand on her knee.

Taking a deep breath, Brooklyn quickly explained the connection between Rogers and her father, and why he found her, and about the files he had asked for about her father, and what Banner had found out about her, through those files. She wasn't crying half as bad, as she had last night with Rogers, but she was still wiping tears from her cheeks when she was done.

"So, you were told that those people did something to you, that made it so you can't become aroused? In some misguided attempt to control your reproductive system?" Kitty's voice rose with ever sentence. "Oh, they are so lucky they are either dead or in jail, right now.  Or I would kill them myself."

Kitty leaned over and wrapped her arms around Brooklyn. "Oh, my dearest. You didn't deserve that. And I hope you know, no one has the right to take away your body like that."

Brooklyn rested her head on Kitty's shoulder, letting more tears leave her. "That's what Rogers said."

"Sounds like he is actually smart, then." Kitty rubbed her back. "You know what we need to do? We need to get you to a doctor, to see if there is anything lasting. Maybe your hormones are just out of whack."

Doctors.  Brooklyn shuddered. "I don't know if I want to see any doctors."

Kitty pulled away, and put both hands on Brooklyn's face. "I know, Brooklyn, I know. But you cant ignore your health."

"Actually, I can." Brooklyn chuckled. "My father's genes kinda made that possible."

Shaking her head, Kitty disagreed. "Not if its your reproductive health. You need to know what's going on in there. What if you want to have children, someday?"

"I don't know if that is ever going to be a thing."

Kitty sighed.  "We cant ignore this. It is going to happen. I'll go with you, to show you that you have nothing to worry about."

"Kitty, you don't have to do that. And im sure Mr. Marino wouldn't be happy with you leaving the property to go to a doctor's appointment with me." Brooklyn protested.

"I wont hear another word about it. I'll get your schedule from Momo, and make the appointment.  And Francis wont dare say anything.  You know we consider you and Juliana family." Standing up, Kitty clapped her hands. "Alright, the rest of this conversation demands ice cream. Angelica!"

Angelica, the Marino's longtime live in housekeeper, popped her head out of the glass door, which led into the kitchen. "Yes, Mrs. M?"

"Can you watch the children, while Brooklyn and I go stuff ourselves with ice cream, over a little girl talk?" Kitty jerked her head towards the pool.

"Of course, Mrs. M." Angelica made her way out onto the patio, taking the chair that Kitty had vacated. "Just let me know when you want me to feed them lunch."

"I will do that, Angelica.  C'mon, Brooklyn.  I think there is an ice cream flavor screaming your name." Kitty pulled Brooklyn along with her, leading the younger girl into the kitchen.  Moving right to the large restaurant sized fridge in the kitchen, she opened the freezer side, and began rummaging around. "Ben and Jerry's or Haagen-Dazs?"
"Anything chocolate, please, Kitty." Brooklyn responded, taking a seat at the kitchen nook, shivering slightly due to the AC before her body adjusted. She watched as Kitty pulled out a couple pints of ice cream, then dug out spoons, sliding the items from her hands onto the table, before sliding in across from Brooklyn.

Pushing a pint towards Brooklyn she ripped off the plastic ring from her own pint, digging in with a spoon, before asking, "So, what's up with Steve Rogers?"

"I don't know!" Brooklyn cried, pulling the plastic off her ice cream. She popped open the lid, then dug in with her spoon, bringing a bite of the chocolate ice cream to her mouth.  Speaking around the bite, she continued, "He just confuses me, so damn much!"

"How so?" Kitty shoveled a spoon full of ice cream in her mouth.

Brooklyn shrugged. "One minute he's intense, and touchy, and wants to stick his tongue in my mouth, while pressing a massive erection against me, and the next he's gentle, and tender, and cuddly and sweet, and understanding. He just... UGH!!" She jammed another bite in her mouth.

Kitty waved her spoon. "But you like him?"

"YES!" Brooklyn felt like crying. "That's the worst part! I don't know what to do with him! He just... burst into my life, and now I don't know what I want from him!  At first, I just wanted him to leave me alone, but then Juliana started to like him, and he is REALLY great with her.  Then he started to... just... make me curious as hell about what goes on in that dumb blonde head of his, so I decided, what the hell, let's see what he wants.  But then he started to kiss me, and I really liked that part!  He knows how to cook, for God's sake, Kitty! I don't know how to cook! But, NO! Mr. Perfect fucking Captain America Steve Rogers knows how to cook! And he's SOOO damn understanding.  Last night? When I was having an absolute fucking meltdown over finding out that the reason I thought I was so damn defective, that HYDRA never even considered having me pop out a couple of kids, the way they did with my father, was because they DELIBERATLY made it so I couldn't, ON PURPOSE! And there he is, holding me, and comforting me, and making me like that, because GOD KNOWS, I never got that my entire damn life, without fear they were going to remove my father from me, YET AGAIN!"

She paused, hauling in breaths, looking down at her ice cream. "He makes me feel like im going crazy, Kitty. He's just... bursting into my life, and turning everything upside down.  And I don't know if I can ever go back, if he decides that im not enough for him!" Scrubbing at her face, Brooklyn sniffed. "The worst part is, if I fuck it up, Juliana loses another male figure in her life. And that will be on me. Cause I failed. And I am so tired of failing, all the damn time."

"First off," Kitty said, setting down her spoon, before folding her hands and resting her chin on them, looking at her seriously, "You are not failing, all the damn time.  And Juliana? She would forgive you.  In case you missed it, that little girl loves the ever loving dickens out of you.  If he walks away, and she loses him? That's not on you.  That's on him.  And she will get over it. Because she will still have you.  Because you are the constant in her life. So I want that thought to leave your head, right now, and never let it back in.  Because that is bullshit. And we don't deal in bullshit."

Brooklyn blinked, nodding.

"Second, you don't have to decide, in what capacity, Steve Rogers gets to occupy a part of your life right away.  You met him, what, a little over a week ago? You have every right to take the time you need to make sure that you are comfortable with him being in your life, in any way shape or form, you decide what is appropriate. If he can't or will not understand that, then I don't care that he's Captain America.  Kick his ass to the curb like last weeks garbage.  Because that's what he will be.  Garbage." Kitty grabbed her hand and forced her to pay attention to her words. "No man, no matter how pretty or sweet he may try to be, is worth it if he doesn't understand boundaries."

Kitty took a deep breath. "Now, I want to ask a question, and I want you to think about it before you answer.  You said you like the kissing part. You don't usually like kissing a guy, unless you are, on some level at least, attracted to him. So, is it possible, despite you not feeling anything physically, that you are in fact attracted to him?"

Was she attracted to Rogers? Brooklyn stabbed at her ice cream while she pondered the question. She liked him, that was true.  She was fascinated by him. She thought his voice was pleasant, and it made her actually happy to hear him laugh.  He was kind in a way she knew she had no right to expect from him, considering where she had come from. He was tender, and caring, not only to her, but to her sister. When he touched her, she liked it.  The feel of his hand on her skin was more than comforting. She didn't want him to stop, when he put his hands on her. As if she would be happy to go through life, with his hand on her skin, every day. And despite the shock of his tongue in her mouth, it had not been unpleasant.  When he had woken her up this morning, and soothed her through the last of her breakdown, he had been so sweet, and it pulled at her emotions. How could she disappoint him, when he was being so understanding, and so tender? Even the way he had admitted that he wanted the affection, unabashed and unafraid; she had wanted to admit the same thing to him.  The physical affection was so desirable, she craved it. It had been so long since anyone had touched her, outside of her father, with any sort of affection, without having to worry about the fall out later.

So, was she attracted to him?

Inhaling, she raised her head and met Kitty's eyes. "Yes. I am." She dropped her head in her hands, and groaned. "I am attracted to him. Oh, God, Kitty, what the hell do I do?"

"I would suggest that you let him know, so you are both playing on the same field. The next time you see him, just grab him, and kiss him, and push everything else out of your mind. If all you can think about is how his lips feel, then you know you are going in the right direction." Kitty reached out and patted Brooklyn's bent head. "It's clear he's got an attraction to you, so that's the easy part.  The hard part now, is knowing how you want to proceed."

"That and the fact that if we ever go public, people are going to shit themselves over the fact that he and my father were childhood buddies." Brooklyn shook her head, spooning up more ice cream.

Kitty ate some as well, pondering this, before she snorted. "You know, this would be so much easier if you both were in the Family."
"How so?" Brooklyn asked.

"It wasn't that uncommon, back in the old days, for the daughters of the made men, to marry other made men, usually those that were close to their fathers, uncles, or brothers.  It made it so that they couldn't be used against the Family.  Once upon a time, everyone was related to everyone, through marriage.  In our world, it wouldn't be looked down on.  And, Brooklyn, you know you are in our world. It's just Captain Rogers who isn't." Kitty flipped her hand. "It's not going to be strange to me, or to Francis, or anyone really."

Brooklyn snorted. "But he isn't!  And his team isn't.  and the majority of the public aren't."

"Look, in the scheme of things, who gives a shit what everyone else thinks? If they don't like it they can keep their damn opinions to themselves. Those people that actually care about you, and him, will be as supportive as you need them to be." Kitty waved her hand. "To hell with the rest.  If you want him, then get him.  If you get him, keep him anyway you can."

"And when my father comes back? Is he going to feel the same way?" Brooklyn laughed.

"Oh, that just makes the holidays and birthdays interesting.  What's family without a little drama? He'll forgive the both of you, the first time you put a grandbaby in his arms." Kitty's eyes went dreamy. "And with as handsome as Captain Rogers is, and as gorgeous as you are, your babies are going to be devastatingly beautiful. God, I cant wait."

Brooklyn stared at Kitty in shock. "Kitty, we haven't even had sex!"

"Oh, and I just KNOW you are going to be one of those perfect pregnant women, the ones that never have anything go wrong, or get sick, and look perfect right up until your water breaks.  And you are probably only going to be in labor for ten hours." Kitty shook her head, a disgruntled look on her face.

"Kitty, again, we haven't even had sex!" Brooklyn protested again, laughing. "You already have me giving birth to hypothetical children?"

"And getting married. You are going to look amazing, walking down that aisle!" Kitty sighed. "We can do it at the same church Francis and I got married in.  The alter is gorgeous, and will look great in the pictures."

"Kitty." Brooklyn reached out and grabbed the older woman's hand. "Kitty, I don't think that is ever going to happen.  Rogers... im pretty sure he has better options for a wife, then me."

"Oh, psh!" Kitty waved her hand in the air, as if waving the thought away. "Please. At least let me have this.  God blessed us with only boys. While that's good for the Family, it meant I never got to have those moments with my own daughter. So please, let me have this? Let me imagine what its going to be like when you get married and have babies?"
"It's never going to happen, though Kitty.  Least of all with Rogers." Brooklyn poked at her melting ice cream.

"Why?  Why wont It work?" Kitty asked.

"Because he's Captain America? And I was an asset of Hydra, the Nazi science division turned world domination?" laughing, Brooklyn shook her head. "It's doomed from the start."

"See, that's where you are going wrong with this." Kitty pointed at her. "If you are already telling yourself it's never going to work, it wont.  Because you are already looking for an exit strategy.  And if you are already looking for an exit, you are never going to be fully invested. A relationship is work.  Real work.  The hardest work you will ever do.  Because despite what the books, and the movies, and the music tells us, a relationship? A relationship is never easy.  It's dedication, day in and day out, over looking small things that irritate us, because the big things are what you need to stand together against. It's working around the small details, because if you don't, you will always be tripping over them.  And If you are always tripping over them, then when the huge potholes come along, you are going to go off the road completely, and find yourself in the middle of nowhere, alone."

"I already found myself out in the middle of no where, alone, Kitty." Brooklyn sighed.

"Yes, but that was only because you were living in the wilderness.  This no where, where you find yourself? This is New York.  You're never lost, in New York.  You are just in the wrong Borough." Kitty pointed at her. "At least give the man a chance. He may surprise you."
"That's what im worried about, Kitty." Brooklyn sighed.

Hours later, when Brooklyn was loading up a worn out Juliana into the SUV that one of Marino's men was driving them back home in, Kitty supervised the loading of another care package into the back of the vehicle.

"Make sure you put those prepped meals right into the freezer, Brooklyn.  They should last you a week, less if you have an extra mouth to feed." She grinned at Brooklyn.  "If that happens, let me know and I can have Angelica make up extras."
"Kitty, thank you, so much, for everything." Brooklyn hugged the older woman.

"Don't start.  You are family." She patted Brooklyn's shoulder. "I'll let you know when the appointment is, and arrange the car to pick you up. I'll go with you, and we will figure this out, okay?"

"Thank you, Kitty." Brooklyn sighed, inhaling the older woman's perfume.

"I told you, don't start." Kitty kissed the side of Brooklyn's head. "And you tell that man, if he hurts you, in any way, I'll take a pair of pruning sheers to his cock and balls. Let's see if his super boost comes back from that."

"Kitty!" Brooklyn laughed.

"And I expect you both back here, on her birthday. We'll have a tiny little party. Bring Rogers, if you must.  Besides, it will give me a chance to size him up.  See if he's appropriate enough for my girls." Kitty kissed her head again. "Oh, you better go, or I'll keep you here all night."

She let Brooklyn go, pushing her towards the vehicle.

"we'll see you in a few days, then, Kitty." Brooklyn shifted her bag on her shoulder. "I'll text you for the details."

She climbed into the SUV, shutting the door, and waving through the window as she put on the seatbelt.

"Eyes front." She told the driver, feeling his eyes on her. Shifting, she closed her eyes and rested. Kitty had given her a lot to think about.


Brooklyn was walking off the stage from her last set, already tugging off her earrings when Diamanté shoulder checked her.  The woman was standing in the short hall between the stage and the dressing room. 

"Hard to imagine a tight legged virgin like you is able to pull of dancing like that." The Latina woman mocked. "It's almost like a frigid bitch like you knows how to turn men on."

"What's the issue, Diamanté? The fact that I'm a virgin, or the fact that I make more money than you, even with my clothes on?" Brooklyn rested her hands on her hips, not bothered by her toplessness. "Or is it the fact that despite your best efforts, men want something fresh, as opposed to something that's been a local staple since Clinton was in office?"

"Listen, you little cunt.  You may have Marino fooled, but I know those eyes.  You aren't some sweet innocent thing, working her way to college." The veteran dancer flipped her hair. "I've seen eyes like that on the whores who work the streets. Cute trick, by the way.  Tying to pull off that kid as your sister.  What happen, Queenie?  Daddy crawl in your sheets every night? Hide the belly underneath baggy sweatshirts? Did you tell Mommy that it was an accident with a neighbor boy? Why'd you run, huh? Daddy decided he wanted to move on to your little daughter?"

Brooklyn didn't even have to think about it.  She just reacted.  Her hand shot out, and grabbed Diamante by the back of her head, while her other wrenched the woman's arm.  Flipping her around, she bent the arm behind her back, and pressed the woman's face into the wall.

"You want to say whatever you want about me, fine. Go ahead." She snarled, yanking Diamanté's arm up higher, ignoring her cries of pain. "But don't you EVER say a word about my father.  He did more for this country, and paid the price for it, than a dumpster fire like you could ever comprehend. And if you EVER say anything about my sister, I will cut out your tongue.  Maybe that will slow down the blowjobs you give in the basement of your baby daddy's house, to his buddies."

"Bitch, I will cut your face so bad, you will only be able to get the meth heads out by the docks to fuck you." Diamanté tried to struggle against Brooklyn. "I'll fuck you up so hard, you'll be sucking cum through a straw!"

"Oh, Diamante." Brooklyn cooed, enjoying the woman's attempts at fighting. "You are going to have to make up your mind.  Am I a tight legged little virgin, or am I a whore? Because last I checked, the two were somewhat mutually exclusive."

"Oh, you fucking cunt! Oh, you don't know what you've started! I know men that will take turns on you, until you are broken! And when they are done, they will sell your ass for a buck a fuck!" Diamanté snarled, kicking her leg out, trying to shake Brooklyn off of her. "You'll be dead from a john before you are twenty-five!"

"A little too late, there, Diamanté." Moving her leg, she jammed her knee into Diamanté's crotch. "Listen, I have tried to stay out of your way, since I started here. I really have.  But if you want to go, blow for blow with me, I promise you, it won't be me ending up in the ER, amongst the drunks and the overdoses. So, I'm going to let you go, and you are going to go your way, and I will go mine. And all of this can just be forgotten. No harm, no foul."

Diamante stood, face pressed against the wall, held immobile, panting. "Let me go, you fucking slut!"

"I am going to ask, just so we are clear. If I let you go, is this done?"

"YES! Yes, you bitch!"
Brooklyn considered it, but let the woman go.  Diamante pushed away from the wall, wincing as she moved her arm.  Looking Brooklyn up and down, she sneered. "Watch your back, you fucking bitch."

She turned to stomp down the hall.

"Diamante." Brooklyn called, almost teasingly. When the veteran dancer snapped around, teeth bared and eyes wide, her fists clenched, she smiled, before leaning her shoulder on the wall, crossing her ankles, and folding her arms across her chest. "I just want to remind you, I had you pressed against that wall, with minimal effort on my part, while in platform stilettos, in a thong, topless. And I didn't even break a sweat.  Can you say the same thing? I suggest you walk away, and let it go."

Diamante snarled at her, but turned to return to the floor.

Sighing, Brooklyn let the tension leave her shoulders, before pushing off the wall, and walking to the dressing room.  Sitting down the dressing table she had claimed for the night, she took off the heels, groaning in delight as she massaged her feet. The DJ came back with her clothes and her dance money.  Taking the plastic bag, she tossed it on the table, while thanking the DJ. As soon as he left, she hauled herself up, walking over to her locker, reaching in to pull out her locked bank bag.  Not bothering with a count, she shoved the plastic bag of cash in it, before stripping off what was left of her dance outfit, dressing in her street clothes, making a quick circuit around the dressing room, gathering all her stuff, shoving it all in the duffel bag she had for that purpose.

She grabbed both the duffel and her messenger bag, hauling the straps over her shoulder, before taking one last look around the room for anything she might have left behind. Finding nothing, she left the dressing room, giving a quick glance around the room, before stopping at the bar, tapping her knuckles on the counter. "Hey, Alex! Anything in the box for me?"

After picking up the random tips that had been left for her, she shoved the cash in the front pocket of her jean shorts. Reaching up, scratching her head, she yawned, before making her way to the door of the club.

Momo was leaning against the wall next to the door, draining a bottle of water. "G'night, Queenie."

"Night, Momo." She called back, shooting him a smile, before she came to a complete stop. "Oh."

Leaning against his parked motorcycle, dressed in jeans and a buttoned shirt, holding a small bouquet of flowers, Rogers grinned at her. "I told you I was going to pick you up tonight."

Brooklyn felt as if all the tension, all the stress, all the issues from the day just melted away.  Dropping her bags on the ground, she took the steps that brought her to him.  He straightened up, and held out the flowers.

"I know they aren't fancy.  But they were what I could find, on my way here." His grin was sheepish, slightly embarrassed.

She looked at the flowers, before pushing his hand away.  Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around his neck.  She felt him wrap an arm around her waist, bending slightly.  Trusting him, she gave a small hop, and let him carry her weight.  Finally face to face, she leaned forward and planted her lips on his. His other arm came around, pressing her to him, as she let him take over the kiss. She followed Kitty's advice from earlier, and pushed everything in her head aside, letting him fill her senses, until she knew that now, in this moment, this was where she wanted to be. After a minute or so, she pulled away, feeling him chase her, before she opened her eyes, and smiled at him.

"Hello." Rogers smirked, clearly feeling very full of himself right then.  She decided to allow it.  For now.

"Hi." She grinned, pecking him on the lips again. "You can put me down now."

He frowned, before grinning again. "And if I don't want to?"

Brooklyn laughed. "I'd have to make you, I'm afraid."

"Well," he sighed, before letting her slide down his body, until her feet were on the ground, but not completely releasing her. "I guess with a threat like that, I have to concede."
Running her fingers down his jaw, she shook her head. "I thought you were supposed to be fearless, Rogers."

"I am. I also know that sometimes, it's better to retreat." He let go of her, before handing her the flowers.

It was a simple affair, mixed with bright colors and bits of greenery.  And while she knew that some girls would have been happier to see roses or something a little more ostentatious, Brooklyn, who had never been given flowers, found the gesture the sweetest thing he could have done.

It was Rogers who pulled away from the kiss she planted on him, this time.

"Grab your bags, and let's get you home, Babydoll." He grinned, definitely pleased with himself.

As she complied, she asked him, "Did you watch me dance, tonight?"
He straddled the bike, balancing it for her. "Nope."

"Why not?" She asked, confused. She threw her leg over the bike, scootching up until her front was pressed firmly against his back, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Because," he responded, as he kicked the bike awake, and began to steer them onto the road. "the first time I see you naked, I want it to be just the two of us."


He shut the engine off, bracing the bike with his outstretched leg, and Brooklyn slowly let go of his waist.  Sliding off, she adjusted the straps of the bags, and smiled at him. 

"Do you want to come up? Finish off that bottle of wine?" She offered, fiddling with the straps.

He sighed, but shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea. I keep promising not to push you, into doing anything, but I have this feeling that if I go upstairs, right now, I will not be able to keep that promise."

She stepped forward, and cupped his cheek. "I told you I would, if you wanted."

Gently holding her wrist, he shook his head again. "And I told you, if you didn't want it, if you didn't feel it, it wouldn't mean anything.  I want it to mean something, with us." Pinching her chin between his thumb and finger, he waited for her meet his eyes. "I'm not here, because I want to use you like that. I'm here, because I care about you. When you are ready, really ready, then I will be too. And that will make it much better, for both of us."

"I just-" She paused, trying to get the words in order. "I like the affection, like you said.  And the attraction."

"Attraction?" He smiled, "When did you realize this? Not that im not happy to hear it."

"Mrs. Marino." Brooklyn bit her lip. "She made me think about some things. And she helped me pinpoint what's going on in my head."

"God bless Mrs. Marino." Steve laughed.

She ran her hand up his neck, and behind his head. "She wants you to come with, when we go over for Juliana's birthday.  She wants to meet you."

Wrapping an arm around her waist, to pull her in, he leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers. "Is that what you want?"

"I think that, yeah, I do." She nodded.  "These people are important, Rogers, in my life. They were there for me, when I didn't know which way was up.  They gave me that hand that I needed, to find my feet. And while I don't know if I ever want to meet your teammates, because of how public a lot of them are, the Marino's aren't exactly going to go public with an association to you. They will keep everything quiet."

"For obvious reasons." He joked. "There are a few of my teammates, who I think would be okay with meeting you. But I understand what you are saying."

"I understand, if you don't want to come. I mean, the hint that the Marino's are connected to Captain America... not exactly a complimentary headline."

"How about this." He suggested. "Captain America can stay in the Tower that day.  Steve Rogers would be more than happy to meet the people who helped save you."

"is that possible? To leave the Captain in the Tower?" She closed her eyes. "Aren't you the same person?"

"No. One is what the public gets, the other is what I save for my friends and loved ones." He rubbed her waist. "For you, for Juliana? You get Steve Rogers."

"Well, then, in that case, Steve Rogers is invited to have dinner with us, at the Marino's, while we have a small party for Juliana."

She rocked forward, tugging on his head. It was easier, with him still straddling the motorcycle. He didn't have the height advantage, like this. She was almost able to reach him, without struggle. "I don't know if you are too tall, or I'm too short."

He huffed out a surprised laugh.  "Where is this coming from?"

"I just feel like I'm going to need to carry around a step stool, just in case I want to hug or kiss you." She explained, running a hand through the short hair on the back of his head.

"No, you don't.  Just tell me, and I'll adjust to make it easier on you." He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. "Besides, I think you are the perfect height. I like knowing I can surround you with my body.  All I have to do is curve around you."

"I'm still too small." She complained, lightly.

"If you had known me, before Erskine met me, you wouldn't say that." Rogers reached up to stroke her neck. "We would have been about the same height. Although, you still would have had a bit more weight on me. I was a toothpick. A strong wind could have knocked me down."

"And now you have almost a full foot, and a good hundred pounds of muscle on me." She joked, before turning serious. "I wish I could have met you, before. I think I would have liked you, like that."

"Are you saying you don't like me like this?" He asked, pulling away, opening his eyes, frowning.

Brooklyn blinked, surprised. Was he upset by the idea? "No, I am not saying that. I am simply saying... I don't know, I guess I could have met you.  Before you grew. I wish I could have met you, before... before... I don't know.  I have no starting point, unlike you. I was always just... this." She shrugged. "Maybe if I hadn't been born, where I was? When I was? If I could have been born, earlier, and met you, when we were both still so innocent...?"

"You still are, in a lot of ways, Babydoll." He pecked her forehead. "But I wouldn't be me, if I hadn't experienced what I have, to get here. I wouldn't be the man standing before you.  The man who is very attracted to you. And I am so thankful to be that man, right now."

She felt her cheeks heating up. "So there is nothing about me, you would change?"

He brushed the space under her eyes, before cupping her cheek in his hand. She reached up and wrapped her fingers around his wrist. "Just the shadows in your eyes, Babydoll. But together, you and I, will chase them away."

There was an ache in her chest, at his words.  Smiling, she leaned up and kissed him, holding the back of his head.

He finally pulled away, after quickly pulling at her bottom lip with both of his.  It was a new move, not invasive like with his tongue, but enough that she realized what he was doing.  He was teaching her new things, things that he liked, in hope that she would like them as well.  And Rogers was correct.  It sent a quick thrill through her, when he tugged at her lip, before releasing it. 

Inhaling sharply through her nose, she pulled back. "If you arent going to come up with me, I guess I should let you go, so you can make it back to your Tower, before you turn into a patriotic flag." She joked, reluctant to let him go.

He sighed, his face twisting a bit, before shaking his head. "Not my Tower.  But yes, it would probably be a good idea to let you go upstairs now. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I was going to try to make cookies tomorrow." She shrugged.

"May I come over?" He asked, rubbing her waist. "If I can get away?"

Brooklyn nodded. "If you want to.  Just message me, when you are on your way, and I'll be ready to buzz you in."

He nodded. "I'll do that." Then his face changed. It started to harden. "You need to go, upstairs, right now, before I change my mind. Please, Babydoll."

Pulling away from him, she felt the resistance in his embrace.  He didn't want to let her go. She pulled away fully, backing up, making sure her bags were secure, before digging out her keys, and shifting them so the key to the outside door of the building was ready.

"Rogers?" She asked, suddenly wary.

"Get upstairs, Babydoll." He ordered, shifting on the bike.

She turned, jamming the key into the lock, opening the door, and slipping though, shutting it to watch him through the glass. He met her gaze, full and intense, before he kicked the bike to life, backing out of the alley, as she began to back away from the door, turning and running up the stairs, the sound of his bike chasing her, until it faded into the night.

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