Chapter 36

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September drained into October. With it came rain, wind, and leaves falling everywhere. Steve enjoyed the crisp cool air in the mornings, the heat finally broken. He also enjoyed coming back to the apartment, finding Brooklyn dressed in warmer clothing. It wasn't that he hadn't enjoyed watching her run around in shorts and tank tops, her skin bare for his hands, but at the same time, watching her start to add more comfortable clothing, ones that hid a wandering hand or two.

He was currently going over papers recently decoded, from ones Nat had dumped on the internet, the day they shut down SHIELD and took down HYDRA, at the table in the dining nook, while Brooklyn was in the kitchen, making a soup.

Well, she said she was going to attempt a soup.

Her cooking skills still needed a lot of work, but she was at least experimenting more, beyond the box or frozen meals she usually served when it was her night to feed the household. From where he sat, he could smell the chicken stock, as she added the chopped vegetables.

"Onion." He called out, after a moment, as a reminder.

"I already put it in." She called back, her tone slightly irritated. "Leave me alone, Rogers. Do your homework."

He snorted, looking over the papers in his hand, at Juliana, who was sitting across from him, pencil in hand, tongue pinched between her lips, as she focused on her homework.

It was now a full month of schooling under her belt. She was still under the impression that school was an adventure, and one she had thrown herself in, fullheartedly She was, right now, working on her numbers, and basic addition. Juliana had really bloomed, each morning jumping on the bed to wake them, when he spent the night, and excited to get out the door for the walk to the school, sometimes impatient for them, as she stood, backpack on, jumping up and down.

Her teacher, Mr. Blackwell, sent home glowing reports every week. Other than the small hiccup, the first week, she had been going with out any incident, save one. And even that one, Steve couldn't be really upset at her.

They had been called in, after school when picking her up, one day to be informed that there had been an altercation, between Juliana and another student. The other student had, it seemed, been picking on Juliana's friend Carrie. Juliana, in a stunning display of being her father's daughter, had stepped in, and pushed the other student. The other student had not been prepared for that, and fell backwards into a puddle left by the rain from that day, soaking the seat of his pants.

The student's parents had come in, making a stink, and since he was both from another class as well as being older, it had been kicked up to the Headmistress, Ms. Crocker.

The pinch faced biddy had taken great pleasure in threatening to expel Juliana for fighting, of which the school had a no tolerance policy. Steve had pulled his Captain tone and face, informing the sour woman that if she pursued that course of action, that they, as Juliana's guardians, would also expect the other student to be expelled as well. Seeing as the student was both older, and male, his actions towards two five year old girls was above the pale. And seeing as how Juliana had been standing up for her friend, if she was being punished, the boy who started the whole thing should be as well.

Ms Crocker, her face flushed with anger, realizing she was backed into a corner, seeing as how the boy's parents were rather large contributors of donations, had to back down. And after a quick talk with the boy's parents, himself, they all agreed to let sleeping dogs lie, as long as the boy had a stern talking to about how bullying little girls was not acceptable.

Brooklyn and Steve had, of course, sat down with her when they were home, and had a long talk about how fighting, no matter the circumstances was not the first resort when it came to conflict. Both had left that talk feeling like hypocrites, they admitted to each other.

Brooklyn had been meeting with Sam, once a week or so, the two of them having worked out a schedule of him coming up and her going down to meet him, alternating. She hadn't had a whole lot to say on it, and Steve didn't want to push her, but he would occasionally catch her staring off into space, cracking her knuckles against her jaw, in the few days after meeting with Sam. He tried to think positively about it, that it meant that she was maybe working through her memories and her feelings, working towards getting on a more even ground in her head, to a point where she would be able to forgive herself for things that had been beyond her control.

She had also gone out with Junior Marino a few more times, coming back wild and insatiable afterwards. Whatever she saw, whatever she did while on those raids of hers, sent her to a place that he was worried he wouldn't be able to pull her back from. At least he had been able to get her body armor fixed, so she had that much protection. Nat had been very happy to help, once Steve had explained why Brooklyn needed the Kevlar fixed. Hearing that his girlfriend was putting her training to good use, stopping the trafficking of women and girls was enough for her to help, without the demand of a favor later. She had slipped the damaged armor to Tony, who had looked at it without question, taken it off to fix, and come back with it upgraded as well, claiming that the old armor was at least three generations behind what he would like the Avengers to use in the field. Stark never even knew he had just protected Steve's girlfriend. And for that, Steve would forever be thankful.

She had not made it though her raids unscathed. At one point, someone had gotten lucky with a blade, slashing at her arms, which she had apparently dislocated both arms, the jaw, and broken the man's thigh, before knocking him out over it. She had come home, covered in blood, and Steve had been worried he was going to have a heart attack, as he cleaned her up. He had been swearing over and over, that he wasn't going to let her go out again, not without him, when she had given him a slight slap, reminding him of their agreement. The slashes healed into silvery scars that were slowly fading, day by day.

In the end, he backed down, and she continued to try to save women who were being sold.

The Avengers had only gone out, in the past month, twice. Both had ended up being duds, as far as finding missing tech and people were concerned. Both times, they ended up finding an empty depot, staffed, but the items they had come for already been moved or sold. Steve had confided to Brooklyn that it felt like there might be someway the HYDRA people still active knew they were coming. She simply pointed out that it was not out of the realm of possibilities.

So now, he was going over the information they had been able to pick apart, physically. Nothing against Stark's computers and agalrythems, but there was something satisfying about holding the papers in his hand, marking them up as he came across something that might be relevant. So far, he had come across hints at something, that was seen as a possible power source, after the Tesseract had been given back to Thor. Something that someone had taken to test on, at the behest of SHEILD, at the time.

Brooklyn had yet to ask him what he was searching for, specifically. He had told her that he was helping chase down the tech and people misplaced after the end of the organizations, and that sometimes that meant that he was dealing with the hold outs from HYDRA. That had been enough for her, apparently to take a hands off approach, her stance being that, anything she had been exposed to, had to have been localized to the facilities they had been kept in, and for the most part, those facilities had been outdated after they had been moved. As far as she was aware, she had said, they had spent the past decade or so stateside. And most of those facilities had already been cleared, by both the Avengers and their affiliates, or the Military and government.

Juliana sighed, throwing down her pencil in one of her rare displays of temper. "I don't get it!"

Steve laid the paper in his hand down, looking at her. "What don't you get, Sweetheart?"

She pointed at her paper. "The numbers."

"Bring it over here, I'll help." He waved his hand, scooting his seat back a bit from the table, to make room for her.

Juliana jumped down from her seat, which was now fitted with a low booster seat, allowing her to reach the table without sitting on her knees, grabbing her pencil and paper, and trotted around the edge of the table, tucking under Steve's arm, allowing him to lift her up onto his knee.

"Show me." He tapped the paper.

She began trying to work the simple problem, but the numbers didn't seem to want to do what she wanted.

"Ah. I see." He nodded, when she pointed out her issue. "Let's see if your sister can help." He looked over his shoulder at the kitchen. "Brooklyn, do we have any of those fish crackers?"

"Goldfish." Brooklyn corrected, shuffling over to a cupboard. "Yeah, we do. It's the last package."

"I'll put it on the shopping list." He promised, accepting the package from her, when she brought it over. Opening it, he shook a small pile on the table. "Now, count out the first number, with the fish."

She did as he instructed, counting the number out loud, making a small pile.

"Now, count out the other number, the same way."

Juliana nodded, counting the second number, creating a second pile.

"Push the two piles together, then count out that pile, to see how much is in it now. And there's your answer." He rubbed her back, as he watched her count out the pile, before she nodded, looking up at him.

"It's that easy?" She asked, frowning, as if not quite believing him.

"It's that easy." he assured. "That's addition."

"We don't use goldfish in class." She informed him, writing down the answer in her childish scrawl.

"Erase it, make it neater." He tapped the paper. "What do you use, instead?"

She huffed, erasing the number she had scratched out, before writing it neater. "We use paper squares. Sometimes they get stuck together."

"Ah." He looked at the paper, quickly checking her answers in his head, before nodding. "I think you got it. Why don't you go back to your seat, and use the goldfish if you get stuck again."
"Okay." She slid off his knee, paper and pencil in hand, going back over to her side of the table. He pushed the goldfish over towards her, as she climbed up onto her booster seat, shuffling until she was comfortable. Seeing that she was settled, going back to her homework, he sighed, and picked up the paper he had been looking at, before she had needed help.

"Steve?" She asked, poking at her paper with the eraser on her pencil.

"Yeah, Sweetheart? You get stuck again?" He asked, looking at her over his papers.

"No." She shook her head. "What are you looking for?"

"What do you mean, Jules?" He raised his eyebrows.

She looked slightly uncomfortable. "I heard you tell Lyn you were looking for things, and you weren't having luck."

He gave her a stern look. "Do we need to have a talk about listening to conversations that aren't meant for you?"

"I'm sorry!" she squeaked quickly. "I heard it when you were in the kitchen, when you came back last time. You were upset."

Steve blew a lungful of air, before nodding. "You are right, I was upset. I guess your sister and I need to start being more careful about what we say around you, hm?"

"But what are you looking for?" She asked, her eyebrows snapping down. "Was it something you lost?"

"Something the people I used to work for lost." He corrected gently. "Well, a few things. Things that could hurt people, if they aren't returned."
"Why don't the people who have them just return them?" Juliana asked, rubbing at her homework with her finger.

"Maybe because they don't know how dangerous the things are? I honestly don't know the answer to that, Sweetheart." He shook his head. "People do funny things, when they don't think about it all the way."

Brooklyn popped her head around the edge of the kitchen counter. "Dinner in about five minutes."

"Thank you, Babydoll." He grinned at her, before returning his attention to Juliana. "I don't have to remind you not to talk about my work at school, right?"

"Nope, I won't, Steve. I promise." She sat up straight, looking at him seriously.

"Good. Don't ever break promises." He pointed at her, starting to gather his papers from where they were on the table. "It's not a good thing."

"Okay." She began to collect her homework. "Do you break promises?"

"I try very, very hard not to." He stood up, shuffling his papers into a folder, before returning it to the box he had brought over from the Tower. "Sometimes, there are promises you can't keep, even if you didn't know it when you made them. But you always need to try to keep them, as well as you can."
He watched as she put her homework in the folder designated for it, leaving it on the corner of the table.

"Uh uh." He pointed at her. "Put it away, all the way. Put it in your bag, so you don't lose it."

She pouted, and got a look on her face like she was going to argue, but he crossed his arms and gave her a stern look. Sighing dramatically, she grabbed her folder and stomped, yes, stomped, to where her backpack was, putting the folder in, then turning to look at him with a sassy look on her face before she returned to the table.

"Better. But I don't think we need the dramatics, Juliana." He raised an eyebrow at her.

She tossed her head, before climbing up into her booster seat.

"What is with the attitude?" He asked, confused.

"She's five." Brooklyn responded, carrying steaming bowls with spoons in them, setting them on the table in front of Steve and Juliana. "She's all grown up now, didn't you hear?"

"Since when?" He scoffed, sitting down, pulling his chair in closer to the table.

"Since I started school!" Juliana informed him, looking surprised. "And I got picked to be the class helper next week!"

"Oh, really?" He grinned. "I missed that!"

"Yeah, she was all excited on the way home, today." Brooklyn went into the kitchen, returning with her own bowl. "She wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, I am pleasantly surprised." He nodded, a little sad. He had missed the afternoon pickup, with a meeting with the team members at the Tower, going over leads and possible HYDRA targets.

Brooklyn sat down, before grinning at him. "Well, it's okay."
"Mr. Blackwell says if I do well as class helper, I might be allowed to be recess helper, next week." Juliana informed them. She looked down at the bowl in front of her. "What's this."

"If I made it correctly, its chicken and dumplings." Brooklyn looked at Steve. "I changed my mind."

He nodded, looking at the bowl. She had wanted to make soup, she had said. This was another dish, all together. "May I ask why?"

"When I was looking up the recipe, there were several suggestions for dumplings, instead of noodles. They seemed simple enough." She shrugged. "They didn't give me any problems, that's for sure. And the base of both is pretty much the same."
"Well, it looks wonderful, doesn't it, Juliana?" Steve reached for the spoon, shifting the small dumplings around in the thickened broth. It smelt alright. It even looked to similar chicken and dumplings he had had in the past. Brooklyn, for all her troubles with cooking, might have nailed this one on the head.

"Lyn, did you make this?" Juliana poked at a dumpling with her spoon.

"I did." Brooklyn nodded. "I put it all in the pot myself."

Steve spooned up a bite, blowing on it, before putting it in his mouth, chewing, before nodding. Swallowing, he looked at Brooklyn, proud of her. "Its really good."

Juliana spooned up a bite as well, nodding, smiling around her chewing at her sister.

"Well, at least I know I can make one thing from scratch." Brooklyn grinned, spooning up her own bite.


Steve leaned against the doorway of the bedroom, waiting for Brooklyn to leave the bathroom. He could turn his head, looking down the hall, and catch a glimpse of the movie that Juliana was watching in the living room, if he wanted. Brooklyn came out, coming up short when she saw him.

"Stop being creepy, Steve." She raised her eyebrow at him.

He grinned, before reaching out to pull her in close to him. As his arms wrapped around her, and she nestled into his chest, he felt whatever tension he was carrying fade away, relaxation replacing it.

"I have those PSA things tomorrow." He told her, stroking her hair.

She snorted. "A whole new generation being brainwashed into good behavior, by Captain America himself."

He sighed. "I know. But I'm getting paid pretty well for it."

"In American goods and services?" she quipped.

Steve gave her a light swat. "US currency. As in money."

"Why the concern about money, all of a sudden?" She leaned back, looking up at him. "You are worried about my money being in the house. Now, you are trying to make money. Is there something going on, that I don't know?"

He groaned. The money in the apartment. The amount had grown, with each raid she went on. And despite what he had tried to impress on her, it was STILL in the safe, in the apartment.

"No." He shook his head, in answer to her question. "Well, maybe."

She blinked. "You wanna clue me in, as to what that maybe is?"

Steve looked down the hall, making sure Juliana was occupied, then pulled Brooklyn into the bedroom. "I've been thinking about buying a house."

"Okay?" Brooklyn still had a bit of confusion in her voice.
"A house, here in Brooklyn." He clarified, still seeing the frown on her face, he continued, "Big enough for all of us."
"All of- Steve, are you talking about me and Juliana moving out of this apartment? Why?" She shook her head, pushing against his chest, putting a bit of space between them. "Why would that even...? This is a perfect apartment!"
"Brooklyn-" He started, but she was on a roll, and he sighed.

"It's blocks from Juliana's school! We have neighbors who are more than willing to babysit, when we need them too! The bakery is right downstairs!" She waved her hands. "And as you so often like to point out, we don't have to pay rent!"

"You told me you wanted to get a place, big enough for everyone, once your father came home." He grabbed her arms, stopping her. "This is just like that, only... right now. For us."

"Steve, I want to get a place far away from the city, where he can be safe, and free from judgement. Brooklyn is... I don't know if that is the place." She looked up, wiggling an arm, causing him to free it. Reaching up, she placed it on his face. "if this is what you want.. then you should do it, but not for me, or for Juliana, or even for my father. It needs to be done for you."

"What house can I make a home, if the three of you aren't there?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, that's smooth." She grinned. "That was very smooth."

"Thank you, but I'm serious. I can honestly see a future with you." He bent down and pressed his lips to her forehead. "I want to give that future to you. But first, I want to find the right house."

She sighed. "Fine. Do what you are going to do."

"Babydoll, don't be like that." He rubbed his hand on her arm. "I want you to look at places with me."

"I'll think about it." Brooklyn tilted her head. "I'll agree to that."

Steve sighed, slowly nodding his head. He was aware that if he pushed Brooklyn any further, right now, she might well dig her heels in, and he would get no where with her. "Okay. Will you come with me, to the PSA filming? At least for moral support?"
Brooklyn laughed lightly. "You want me there for moral support. You do realize how many things are wrong in that sentence, right?"
"Wrong or not, I want you there." He grinned, leaning down. "I hear they are giving me a private dressing room. And I can bring anyone I want in to help me...dress."

"Dress, huh?" She licked her lower lip slowly. "Why do I have a feeling you mean the opposite?"

"The suit has zippers." He grinned, leaning down. "And the zippers are all easy to get at."

"So, you want me to go, and hang out in your dressing room, so I can help you with your...zippers?" She ran her hand down his neck to the center of his chest. "And that's all?"

"Well," He pursed his lips, sighing. "Maybe I want you there because I might get a little...stressed, from doing the filming, you understand. You are very good at de-stressing me."

Laughing, Brooklyn slid her hand down to his waist, before cupping his hardening cock. "I am good at that."

He grunted, leaning down further to kiss her. Pulling away, he raised an eyebrow. "How many fingers, tonight, Babydoll?"

Squeezing his cock, she sighed as if thinking about it. "As many as you can fit, Steve."

"Good girl." He praised, lowly. "But that's going to have to wait, until the little one is well and truly asleep. I want to hear you, tonight."

Brooklyn smiled widely. "That sounds good to me."


Juliana shrieked, darting around him, skidding on the floor in her socks, as she tried to stay away. Steve lunged for her, nearly catching her, but the little girl was fast. He was trying corral her, to get her in bed, but apparently Juliana had other ideas.

"Juliana..." He warned, getting a little tired of the game. "It's time to go to bed."
"NO!" She giggled, climbing over the back of the couch, launching herself at the floor "I don't wanna!"

She landed on her hands and feet, her socks sliding along the floor as she tried to get traction to run.

He swooped in, looping an arm around her waist, lifting her up and over his shoulder. "Nope. Bedtime for little girls."

She slapped at his back. "Put me down, Steve! I don't wanna go to bed!"

"Too bad." He gave her a jiggle, shrugging his shoulder. "You still have to go. You have school tomorrow. Your sister and I do not want to have to deal with a crabby girl, if you don't get enough sleep. You've brushed your teeth, you have your pajamas on, your hair is put up, it's time to go to bed."

"What are you and Lyn going to do, while I'm in bed." She asked, panting.

"Adult things." He responded, wincing. Yeah, they were going to be doing adult things, that was for sure.

"I wanna stay up and do adult things!" She grumbled.

He gave her a light swat on her backside. "Not until you are thirty. At least. Maybe never. I haven't decided yet."

"That's not fair! Lyn isn't that old!" Juliana protested. The irony was not lost on Steve. Brooklyn was both younger than thirty, and older, depending on how she counted her years. Then again, the same was for him, as well.

Steve shook his head, dropping Juliana onto her bed, watching her bounce a couple times, before she tried to roll off the bed. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, he pushed her back. "Nope. Bedtime."

Juliana huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, pouting. "Why is it, that the two of you get to stay up and do adult things. It's not fair."
"And yet, that is the world we live in." He informed her. "Brooklyn and I get to stay up and do adult things, have adult conversations, and watch adult television shows, because, and I know this is hard for you to believe, but we just so happen to be adults."

She kicked the bed, huffing again. "It's not fair!"

"Fair or not, it's the way things are." He said sternly. "And kicking up a fuss isn't going to change it. Get under the covers, now."

Steve pulled the covers up, waiting for her to wiggle under them, leaning down and tucking them tight around her, when she was done. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead,then reached out to turn on the nightlight on her bedside table.

"Steve?" Juliana asked quietly.

"Yeah, Sweetheart?" He paused, looking down at her.

"Can you tell me a story about my Papa?" She picked at the edge of her blanket, not making eye contact.

Steve eased himself down onto the edge of her bed, considering. "What kind of story do you want to hear?"

She bit her lip, her eyebrows furrowing as she thought, then she blinked and looked at him. "One from when he was my age?"

"Oh, Sweetheart. I didn't know him then. I met him a few years later. But I do know a few. How about the time your Papa convinced me to try and sneak into the movie theater, when we were about nine?" Juliana nodded.

"Alright, but you need to put that head down on that pillow. I'm going to go turn off the light, okay, and then I'll tell you about how your Papa convinced me to sneak in the theater." He stood up, and walked over to the light switch, flipping it off, returning to his spot on the edge of the bed afterwards. "Okay, so, your Papa was ten, and I was nine, and we heard this new movie was showing at the theater, just a few blocks from where we lived. And wouldn't you know, neither one of us had the quarter to go see it. Now, we kicked about the idea of trying to earn it, we did, so before you go thinking we just came to the idea of sneaking in, you just put that to rest right now. We were standing outside the theater, across the street, watching the people buy their tickets, kicking the ground, and feelin' pretty sorry for ourselves. And then, your Papa stood straight up, looked at me, and said, 'Steve, we are gonna sneak in.' I looked at him, and I thought he had gone crazy... just crazy! But he looked so determined. 'Steve, we are gonna go see that movie'." Steve smiled at the memory. "But no, he hadn't gone crazy, he just knew we had to go see that movie. So, Bucky- your Papa- says, 'We just gotta get in through the side, ain't no body gonna look for us that way'. He took my arm and pulled me...."


Steve shut the door gently behind him, then took a deep breath before walking down the hall into the living room. Brooklyn was sitting on the couch with the kindle, her hair still damp from the shower she had been taking when Steve had been chasing Juliana to put the little girl to bed, dressed in a nightgown and thin bathrobe.

"She asleep?" Brooklyn asked, looking up from whatever she was reading.

"Out like a light." Steve assured, going into the kitchen, pulling out a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water, before taking a long drink. "She wanted to hear a story, first."

"Ah." Brooklyn watched him from over the back of the couch, the kindle dangling from her hand. "Was it a good one?"

"She seemed to like it. I don't think she heard the ending of it, which might be a good thing." He set the glass in the sink, rubbed his hands on his jeans, and walked over to sit next to her on the couch, wrapping an arm around her. "What are you reading?"

"The autobiography of a Flea." She turned the kindle off, snuggling into his side.

"What's it about?" He rubbed his hand up and down her arm.

"A story, told from the point of a flea. A girl gets caught with her lover, by the parish priest, and he blackmails her." She sat up, tossing the kindle onto the coffee table.

"The lover blackmails her, or the priest?" Steve raised his eyebrows. "What type of book is this?"

Brooklyn shrugged. "Erotica. The priest blackmails her."
"Wait." Steve sat up as straight as he could, looking down at her, shock running through him. "Wait, just a minute. You are reading erotica? Like, pornographic novels? All this time, that's what you've been reading on that thing?"

"No, it's not all I've been reading." she rolled her eyes. "I've been reading other things too. Harry Potter, Narnia, Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Hemingway, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Book Thief... anytime I hear someone mention a book, I look it up, and see if I can put it on my Kindle."

"But you were just reading erotica, just now?" Steve rubbed his face, his mind blanking.

"If it makes you feel any better, the story is older than you." She offered.

"But... why?" He stopped rubbing his face, looking at her. His mind just didn't comprehend why she was reading pornography.

Brooklyn sighed, before shaking her head. "The answer isn't going to make you happy, I think."
"I don't care, Brooklyn." Steve leveled a look at her. "Just tell me."

"Okay, well, Marcus... he gave me the kindle. And he loaded it with a bunch of adult books, on various different subjects. But I didn't read them, or even really look at them, until after that first night, in the Tower? When you admitted your fetish? And so, I thought, well, what's mine?" She waved her hands around, as if to demonstrate. "So I started looking at the books Marcus had loaded. And some of them are really interesting. I mean, how am I supposed to know what I like, if I don't research it? Look into it."
He leaned an arm on the back of the couch, turning to face her fully. "And what did you find out?"

Brooklyn swallowed. "I like a few of the same things you do."

"Like what?" He narrowed his eyes at her. He needed to hear it. Needed the confirmation that they liked the same things. That maybe, returning to the analogy of the playground, that maybe they could build a house together, instead of having to just share a playground. "What are you thinking that you like?"
"I like it when you talk dirty to me." She flushed. "I like it when you dominate me, in bed. But I also like dominating you. I love it when you perform oral sex on me, but I also like performing it on you. I like it when you bite me, when you try to leave marks on me. I don't want to get pregnant. I don't. But I like it when you cum on me, and then push it in, while being dirty about it."

He felt the heat start to flow through him. "Is that all?"

She slowly got up on her knees, leaning over towards him. "I like it when you spank me. In bed. Not... the other times."

Steve reached out, sending his fingers into her hair, feeling the warm damp against his skin, cupping her head, tilting it back. "I spanked you, because you had been naughty."

"I know." She closed her eyes. "You were trying to correct my behavior."

"Exactly." His heart pounding, he pursed his lips. "But, here I find you being naughty again. Reading naughty books, in public."

She bit her lip. "I like them, though."

"Oh, really?" He leaned down, nipping her chin. "You like reading naughty books in public? Getting all hot and bothered, while everyone around you thinks you are being a good girl?"

She moaned softly. "More."

"It's not enough, is it, to read about it, though? Now you want to experience every filthy fucking thing you've been reading about. Apparently, I haven't been doing it right. You have to go and read, to get what you need, hmm?" He moved his lips up her chin, to her mouth, which was open, panting. Dipping his tongue in, he licked the roof of her mouth, grunting at her taste. "So I guess, I'm just going to have to be dirtier with you, huh?"
"Yes." She whispered, her eyes opening, deep blue almost obliterated by black. "Please, be dirtier."

"You walk around town, all tight legged, sweet virginal faced, knowing half the men who see you imagine what it would be like to climb on top of you for a long hard ride." He tightened his grip, pulling her hair back, bringing his other hand up to slip into her robe and grip her breast, his hand rough, feeling the hard nipple trying to stab his palm. "But you come home to me, and ride my fingers. That's the ride I've been giving you. And when you come all over them, it's my name your saying. Then you rub that tight wet pussy all over my cock, until I cum and cum all over you, but that's what you want, isn't it?"

She whined, her hands scrabbling at his jeans, until they hooked on the waist band, slipping over the button and zipper, until she was able to slide her hand in, grasping his hard cock through his underwear. Her other hand came up to claw at his neck where it met his shoulder. "Yes, Steve. That's what I want."

"I know that's what you want. That's why I give it to you." He hissed, as her fingers tightened. He let his fingers loosen on her breast, pulling away until he could capture her nipple between his fingers, rolling it and pulling at it. "But that's not all you want, is it? You need to tell me what you want from me. Be my good Babydoll, and tell me what you want."

She took in a long, audible breath, her hand having a slight tremor as it held him in her grasp. "I want you to put your cock in me, fuck me until you make me cum, and then I want you to cum, deep in me, Steve. That's what I want. I want to belong to you, fully. I'm tired of waiting. I need it. Now."

He swore his eyesight whited out for a moment at her words, the image of what she was describing playing like a movie in the back of his head. "Goddamn, Babydoll. Fucking hell. Is that what you want? Really? You want to be my dirty girl? You want me to be inside you?"

She nodded. "Steve, yes. That's what I want."

"I need you to be very, very sure, Babydoll. Because if we do this.... I don't think you know how bad it's going to get. I can barely keep from throwing you down and climbing on top of you every hour of every day as it is. Once I've been inside you? I don't know if there will be a moment when I will not be starving for the chance to get in you again." He pressed his face against hers, their breaths mingling, causing that tingle in the back of his throat again. He knew he was so close to breaking, to giving in to her. But he had to make her understand. He had to know she understood what this meant, what giving herself to him entailed. "We do this, there is no coming back. Because I will own you. Completely. You will be mine. No more walking away from it. No matter what happens, no matter who or what comes into our lives, you are mine. And I will not be shy about letting other people know that."

She cried out, high and gasping, her hand in his pants, gripping his dick, gave a hard stroke, nodding her head eagerly. "I want that, Steve."

"Babydoll, if I think you need it, if I even get a hint that you need it, I will not be shy giving it to you. I will take you, no matter who is around, where we are, what we are doing. I will bend you over every available surface, and fuck you so hard, until you are gushing around me. I will lick that pretty pussy of yours, on my knees, at the slightest whiff you are in heat. I will reach between your legs and finger you until you are shaking, if I even think you are in need. Do you understand? I've been holding back, this entire time." He grunted as she stroked him again, taking his hand off her breast, slipping it down her body until he could wedge it between her legs, gripping her pussy, holding it in his hand, feeling the wet heat pool on his fingers. "I wont do it, ever again. I wont be able to, not knowing what it feels like to have you wrapped around my cock, squeezing it with your pussy. Not after I know what its like to pour myself into you, where no one can ever remove it. Not once I've branded you, inside and out. Not once I make you mine."

"But you'll be mine, too, right?" She pulled at his shoulder, her nails scoring his skin with a delicious pain. "I'll own you, too."

"Yeah, you will, Babydoll." He nodded shortly, feeling the dirty smile tug at his lips. "You'll own me, just as I own you. If you need something, and I'm not doing it? You make me. If you want me, and I'm not available, for what ever fucking reason, you come to me and you make me ease your ache. You can pin me down and ride me, anytime you need a quick one. Hell, even if you need a long one, you come to me and I will give it to you. I will give you anything and everything you need, Brooklyn. I'm your man, and I will be the one to make sure you know you are taken care of."

"What if you are in a meeting at that Tower of yours? You want me to just walk in, grab your hand, and pull you away? In front of all your superhero buddies?" She leaned her head down, nipping at the skin under his jaw. "What if you are about to go save the world, all in your battle gear? If I just walk in, and lift my skirt? You gonna drop everything to service me? Is the great Captain America gonna drop to his knees and put his mouth on my pussy, even when the world is at stake?"

"What world is worth saving, if I don't take the time to make sure you understand you are the center of mine?" He groaned, easing one finger into her. "What world should I waste my time with, if you don't understand that you are mine? So you are damn right I would drop to my knees, and make you cum all over my face and tongue, before I go save the world. I'll carry your scent like a badge of honor into battle. I'd certainly appreciate it a hell of a lot more than any of the medals I have ever been given, or will ever be given."

He moved the finger in her, before adding a second one, hearing her soft sigh as he did so. Curling them, he dragged the tips of his fingers along the inside of her, feeling for that one spot that sent her insane. He knew he found it when she squeaked and began to tremble, head to toe, her thighs tightening against his hand. Twisting his hand in her hair, he jerked her head back, all the way, her neck arching and straining against his grip, her breath wheezing as she rolled her eyes back.

"You want me to just take it, don't you? No pleasantries, no niceties. Just throw you down, climb on top, and work us both to a sweaty orgasm, don't you? God, what a little slut you are becoming for me." He ground out, working that spot with his fingers, feeling her tightening around him.

"Your slut." She wheezed, her teeth biting into her lips.

"Damn straight you're my slut." He bent down, digging his teeth into her neck. He took his hand out of her hair, sliding it down, wrapping it around her neck, squeezing slightly. "My slut cums on my fingers, doesn't she? Prove it, Babydoll, prove that you're mine. Cum for me, right now."

She grabbed his wrist, nails digging in slightly, but not resisting. Not trying to pull him away. In fact, it felt like she was tugging him closer to her neck, so Steve tightened his grip a fraction more, and she smiled slightly as he did it. Her other hand, still in his pants, began stroking harder.

"Ease up on my cock, Babydoll." He ordered, through his teeth, feeling the pre-cum flowing. It was too much, too soon. If she stimulated him too much... "I want that cum in you, not all over your pretty little hand. One way or another, it's going in you tonight."

Her hand left his cock slowly, reluctantly, slipping from his pants, clutching at the bottom of his shirt.

He pushed her back, by her neck, until she was arching backwards, held in position by the hand on her neck and the fingers in her pussy. "Reach down, pull up that nightgown. I wanna watch you cum for the first time. After that, we are gonna go into the bedroom, and I am going to work you over, until you are well and truly mine, Babydoll."

She whimpered as she obeyed, reaching down with both hands, grasping the bottom of her nightgown and lifting it over her waist, baring herself to him. As a reward, he slid a third finger into her, while he pressed the heel of his palm on her clit, using the motion of his fingers to rub his hand on her. He could feel the beginning tightening of her, signaling she was close.

"There's my beautiful Babydoll." He grinned, running his eyes over her body. "So fucking beautiful, riding that edge, right before you cum. One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen."
Her cries, high and reedy, suddenly cut off, as her body began to ripple and rock, her pussy clamping down on his fingers, her flesh overheating. He worked his fingers in her, rocking her through her orgasm, watching as her own fingers turned white from the grasp she had on her nightgown. She choked on a breath, and he loosened his grip on her neck, using it to bring her upright, slamming his mouth down on hers, inhaling her exhalations, his tongue drowning hers, her taste exploding across his taste buds. He let go of her neck, sending his fingers back into her hair.

She collapsed against him, as if the strings that held her up were suddenly cut. Her hands rose, grasping at his shoulders. She rocked against his fingers, but whined in protest as he slipped them out.

"Steve, please..." She gasped. "I don't want to wait, anymore."

"We aren't" He kissed her again, promising. "We aren't going to wait, anymore, Babydoll."

He stood up, then bent down and hauled her up into his arms, feeling her arms wrap around his neck. Walking to the bedroom, he marveled, yet again for the millionth time in his life, that he had found her. That one night in a club had led him to this. Led him to her. To his future.

"I belong to you." He told her. "And after tonight, you will know that you belong to me as well."

He shut the door of the bedroom, making sure to reach down and lock it. He had no want for them to be disturbed, for whatever reason. Not tonight. Setting her on the bed, he reached for the tie to her robe, pulling until it fell open, helping her remove it from her arms, throwing it on the ground, before reaching for his shirt, her hands helping him pull it over his head.

Brooklyn rose up on her knees, running her hands up his chest, until she had them wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him down to her, kissing him as soon as he was close enough. She bit at his lip when she pulled away, her hands sliding down to his pants, pushing at them, trying to get them off his hips.

"No more, Steve. No more waiting." She begged, breathlessly. "I need you. I need you to take me, break me..."

"No breaking." He whispered against her shoulder, his hands going to help her. "I won't break you. I'll build you up. Help set you free. Free from it all. But you will be so safe, with me. I promise."

"I don't want to be free, not from you." She paused, making him raise his head to look at her, her eyes searching for something in his. She must have found it, because she smiled. "I don't want to be free from you, ever. Just like I don't want you to ever be free from me."

"I don't think I can ever be." He smiled back, using one hand to push his jeans down, while reaching up to cup her cheek with the other. "I don't think I would ever want to be."

She grinned. "Good."

They both reached for her nightgown, a tangle of hands and fingers, as they lifted it over her head, Steve being the one to throw it aside, before she fell back onto the bed, pulling herself up towards the headboard with her elbows, keeping her eyes on him, before she lay back, waiting for him.

He nodded, sensing her readiness. It was one thing that surprised him, how well they were able to communicate, sometimes, without words, as if they both breathed in a language only the two of them knew. Pushing his underwear down, stepping out of all the clothing gathered at his feet, he put his knee on the bed, before climbing up, along her body, running his nose along her skin, pressing a kiss to the split of her pussy, breathing in her scent, dipping his tongue into her wetness, before planting a kiss on her mound, then making his way up her body. He paused again, at her breasts, this time, bringing one hand up to cup the sweet skin, pinching at a nipple, while his mouth dropped to the other, laving it with his tongue, before setting his teeth into it, and tugging. Her back arched into his touch, before settling, her legs parting under him, until his body fell between them.

One of her legs wound itself around his body, and he let go of her breast, to reach down and hoist her thigh up his body, pressing it against his side. Her hands slipped into his hair, cupping his head, scratching at his scalp, causing him to close his eyes in pleasure, before he bit at her nipple again.

She gasped, her leg and hands tightening, pulling, as she begged, "Steve, please..."

He slipped a hand between her legs, thrusting his fingers into her, one, two, three, feeling them coated in her wetness, his thumb finding and pressing her clit hard. Her hips bucked in response, her voice high as she cried out.

"Soon, Babydoll. I promise. I just wanna make sure you are ready." He bit the nipple on the other breast, worried it might be feeling lonely without any attention. "Gotta make sure you are ready for my cock."

"I'm ready." She panted as he twisted his fingers. "Now. I need it now. No more playing."

"No more playing." He agreed, rising up, climbing all the way up her, kissing her gently. He planted his hands on either side of her shoulders, and rubbed his cock against her wet pussy. Looking down, he panted at the sight of his cock riding the split lips of her, coated in her juices. Balancing his weight on one hand, he reached down, grasped his cock, and began pushing the head into her. "No more playing, Babydoll. This is the real deal, now. Time to make you mine."

A/N: gonna try to get the next chapter up as quickly as possible, I hate leaving y'all on a cliffhanger. That being said, everyone having a good week? Vote, Comment, i do respond, I promise, lol.

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