Chapter 78

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Steve sighed, leaning back in the chair, setting down the file he had been going through. Reaching for the lukewarm cup of coffee on his desk, he grimaced as he took a drink. Nothing seemed to be going right today. It had started with the heater in the bedroom dying again, despite Steve having fixed it once already, causing him to wake up to the sound of it giving one last gasp, before refusing to put out any more heat. Brooklyn had only woken up after a while, when the cold of the room started to get to her.

That was something he had noticed, since her return from Europe. She was much more sensitive to the cold. He wasn't sure if it was an actual physical response, or an emotional or psychological response, but he still rolled over, tucking her body into his, while pulling as much of the blankets up over as possible, trying to keep her warm enough for her to go back to sleep. In the end, he had gotten up and gone to the closet at the end of the hall, stacking more than a few blankets on top of her. Combined with his own body heat, she had been able to sleep again, and he forced himself to relax, despite his own body starting to sweat.

After that, the coffee machine broke. Mid-perk. While making breakfast, he heard it sputter, and stop. The chances of two appliances dying in one day, both of which were considered essentials in the household he was apart of, seemed astronomical. But it happened. There had been enough coffee for both Brooklyn and he to have one cup each.

Then, in a fit so unusual for her, Juliana decided to have a temper tantrum over the fact that she had to wear a uniform to school. The reasoning that she had been wearing one, every day, since she had started school, didn't seem to matter to her. The logic that everyone else in her class was going to be in uniform didn't compute with her. The knowledge that she was still going to have to put on the uniform if she wanted to go to school didn't even impact her tantrum. She still sat on the floor, arms crossed, arguing with both adults over the wearing of the uniform.

Brooklyn, who herself was trying to get to school, had started to reach the end of her patience. He had seen it coming, the way she started to go cold in the face. The way her fingers twitched slightly, as if ready to give a slap. Not that she had ever slapped Juliana, at least not that he had seen, but he still felt the need to step in. The Avengers didn't have anything lined up for the day, so if he was a little later getting into the Tower, no one was really going to make a comment. Other than Tony. And only because he was an ass.

But for some reason, despite months of letting him co-parent her sister, Brooklyn was not appreciative of his efforts to help defuse the situation before both sisters were later leaving the house than they already were going to be. She had glared at him, while he had explained in as calm a tone as he could manage to Juliana that, while it would be nice to wear everyday clothes to school, for now she had to wear the uniform, or they weren't going to be allowed to leave her with her class. And wouldn't it be nice to go have fun with her friends? And as soon as Juliana had agreed, sniffed to clear her nose, and gotten up to go to her bedroom to change into her uniform, Steve had stood up, a smile on his face to show how proud he was of himself for defusing the situation. He was met with a slap to the shoulder, and a 'Goddammit, Rogers!' before Brooklyn stormed off to their bedroom to get dressed herself.

Unsure of why he was in the wrong, he had followed her, only to hear the door lock behind her.

In the few weeks since she had returned, things had been easy. Well, for the most part. There were things that irked him slightly, just like there were things that irked her. After the first night, Juliana had several nightmares, causing the little girl to seek them out in the middle of the night. Brooklyn and Steve had taken to keeping a set of sleepwear for each of them close at hand, in case they needed to cover quickly. There had been several instances where local businesses had given them free services or items, even while just walking by them, usually with some sort of deferential treatment towards Brooklyn.

Steve hadn't been vocal about this. It irritated him that it was proof of her new position, and that the acts seemed to give her a bit of an attitude for a bit after. Nothing major. Usually a bit of lip thrown his way, or a bit of misbehavior, but nothing so big he felt he needed to correct her. The worst was at the grocery store, where she had dropped something, and then stood there, an eyebrow raised, as if expecting him to pick it up. He had, of course, but only because he didn't want to start something in public. Though, granted, he didn't know why she had looked disappointed in him, afterwards. It was frustrating. Just little acts of defiance that he didn't understand.

He was also suspecting that the reason most of his socks had holes at the toes were because of her. He just couldn't prove it. He had even just recently bought a new package of socks, only to go pull a pair out of the dresser, to find holes in the toes. He just hadn't caught her at it.

Other things were piling up, as well, that made his palm start to itch with the need to ply it to her backside.

Things like her suddenly deciding to move his shaving things around in the bathroom. Or putting too much salt in his food. His shoes suddenly being knotted at the laces, when he went to put them on.

Nothing big. Nothing that was a blow up, fight over it big. Mainly just... bratty things.

She hadn't gone after his shield, or anything Avenger related, so for the most part, he was willing to let it slide.

His sudden reluctance to spank her, or even really be rough with her in bed was springing from a recent conversation he had with Sam, when his friend had come up to do a check in with Brooklyn, as well as gather the recent information about Bucky's whereabouts. When Steve had told Sam, in gentle, polite terms (it wasn't like he had come out and straight up said he had strapped Brooklyn with a belt, and gotten off on it), Sam had been, understandably, upset. The man had sat there, looking at Steve as if trying to figure out what to say, before he had simply asked him if he thought that was the right thing to do, considering Brooklyn's past.

It was a common theme from Sam, ever since Steve had spanked her after Christmas, when she had been acting out. Sam was concerned that Steve's... tastes, might be more harmful than Steve considered, in regards to Brooklyn. Even with Brooklyn stating that she sometimes needed it, Sam still brought it up occasionally. And with the recent development of the pheromones, and both of them admitting to each other that they were in love, Sam was concerned that the possibility for abuse was there.

Brooklyn, he pointed out, had no basis for a 'normal' sex life from which to draw. For her, everything that Steve and she did was going to be considered 'normal' by her. She wouldn't think twice, Sam explained, if Steve told her that this was what he did with women, and it was perfectly fine. The major concern being, that she wouldn't know if and when to stop Steve, if he pushed her too far.

Even explaining that he had brought in the ball, had explained it to her, that he had constantly checked in with her, the entire time, Sam still wasn't convinced. Ultimately, Sam had suggested that Steve step back from that part of their sex life, if only to show Brooklyn it wasn't needed all the time, for her to please Steve or be pleased by him.

As such, he had focused on being gentle and loving with her, as much as possible. In bed, out of bed, any time he touched her, he tried to be tender and loving. Trying to show her that love didn't have to hurt, or fall back on bites and orders, and grabbing necks, and spankings. He bit back the derogatory things that he said in bed, even knowing that Brooklyn liked it. He stopped tearing at her clothes, taking care to remove them as gently as possible. He praised her, as much as possible, while stroking her and making sure to not give into the urge to dig his fingers into her thighs or sides or hips, while making love to her.

Basically, as Sam had suggested, he put the dark side of sex back in the closet.

That wasn't to say he wasn't still attentive, or willing to have sex more than once in a night. He was still hungry for her. Selfish to hear the words of love dripping from her lips, he always kept an ear open for the words about to slip out. Hesitant to introduce anything new to their love making, he kept things simple. Not that it meant he wasn't more than happy to lay between her legs, gorging himself on the feel and taste of her flesh on his lips and tongue. If anything, the time they had been spending taking things easy had taught him a few new things about her body, that either he hadn't paid attention to, or had slipped past him in the previous months.

It was a constant evolution, he found. The line moved, from day to day, really. What worked one day didn't always work the next. It was a challenge he enjoyed.

The challenge he wasn't enjoying was the one that Brooklyn was apparently throwing down right now.

Standing up, he left his office area to go find fresh coffee, hoping that the taste would be enough to help him pay attention to the files he was searching through. It was times like this when he wished that his body didn't burn through things like caffeine so efficiently. He missed the mornings when he was younger, when a hot cup of coffee burned its way to his stomach, only to kick his eyes and brain awake. Granted, he didn't miss the low quality coffee. If he knew anything, Stark knew how to pick his coffee, and was not shy about sharing it with the team.

That reminded him that he probably should pick up a new coffee machine, on his way home. Brooklyn would no doubt make his life miserable without that first morning cup. Again, not because of the need for caffeine, but from the morning ritual and taste.

Plus, if it earned him a few brownie points, he was all for it.

His personal mission successful, he returned to the office in time to hear his phone start to ring. He managed to pick it up before it went to the voice mail, and answered it.

"Good morning, Captain? This is Noam Levi? Of Levi Jewels?" The slightly accented voice greeted him. "I was calling in regards to the design you had sent my father?"

"Yes." Steve felt hope fill him. Perhaps this day wasn't going to be bad from start to finish. "Is there an issue with it? I was told that anything was possible."

"No, no. Nothing like that, Sir." The jeweller gave a soft laugh. "I was just wondering if you would maybe willing, or able to come in today. I just had some questions about the stones. I would like to make sure they meet with your approval before we cut them, and set them."

Steve set the coffee cup down, setting his hand on his hip. "I can do that. Is there an issue with the gems I chose?"

"Of course not. I just... I was made to understand that this was an important piece." The jeweller explained. "I want to make sure it is perfect. I take a great deal of pride in my craft, Sir."

"I can be there in an hour." Steve nodded, pleased. He knew he had chosen the right jeweller when he had gone to them with the design for Brooklyn's necklace. This was just further proving it. "Is that alright?"

"That would be perfect, Captain." The jeweller did sound pleased. "The sooner you approve the stones, the sooner we can have it crafted for you. I was sure, given how quickly you wanted it made, that you had plans."
"A few of them." Steve agreed. "I'm on my way."

"I will let security know you will be coming." Noam Levi assured, before saying his goodbyes."

"Finally something is going right." Steve sighed, as he set the phone down, before rushing to organize everything on his desk.

If this went according to plan, Brooklyn would have a beautiful new piece of jewellery for Valentine's day, which was just around the corner. The Levi's had assured him, that now he had the piece designed, it would take less than a week to make it. Which would make it finished just a few days before Valentine's day. Picking out and approving the stones would be the last step, apparently. He had already made sure that the reservations for the restaurant were confirmed. He had already put in the order for the flowers. He had made sure his nicest suit was cleaned and ready, hanging in the closet of his floor, here in the Tower.

All he needed was the gift.
Satisfied with his desk, he picked up the coffee cup, draining it. Setting it down, he picked up his phone, and checked his pocket for his keys. His wallet was in his jacket, which was hanging on the hook on the wall by the door. It took no effort to snag it as he walked past, shutting the door behind him, sliding an arm into one of the sleeves as he started towards the elevator, focused on his plans.


And of course, he was derailed by Nat.

"Natasha." He nodded, trying to subtly slide past the redhead, as he put the other arm in the sleeve, sliding the jacket up his shoulders. "I've got an appointment I need to get to. Can this wait?"

"I just wanted to check in, see how everything was going at home." Nat fell into step beside him, grinning. "What appointment do you have? It's not like you need to see a doctor."

He hit the button to call the elevator, sighing. "It's at the jeweler's."

Nat turned to him, cocking her head, a bit shocked. "jeweler's?"

"Yeah." He smiled, as the door to the elevator opened. "Gotta approve the stones for the ring."

And he felt himself freeze. He hadn't meant to tell her that. He hadn't wanted to share with anyone his plans, at least not until he had the ring on Brooklyn's finger, and her yes to his proposal.

"Ring?" Both of Nat's eyebrows shot up. "Are you having... Steve, are you going to ask....?"

"Yes." He sighed, nodding, as he entered the elevator. "To both."

She followed, and he sighed again, this time in irritation.

"Does she know?" Nat turned to face him, crossing her arms. "I mean, she's ready for the question, right?"

"I've been warning her, almost since the day we met." Steve crossed his own arms, looking down at Nat. "She's it for me. I'm done. She owns all of me. I just want to make it official."

"And how does she feel about that sort of thing?"

Steve took a deep breath. "She's not entirely convinced. But, I'm sure I can convince her. Once I lay it out, make it make sense to her. I mean, it's the next logical step, when you honestly look at it. I love her. She loves me. I see no reason why we shouldn't get married."

"How about the fact that she doesn't see it as a need in her life?" Nat shook her head. "How are you going to convince her? Honestly?"

"I'm going to give her a ring, and lay out all the reasons why marrying me makes sense." He turned his head to watch the numbers go by. "The number two reason being that by being my wife, no one is ever going to take her or Juliana away. They will have a level of protection that I can't afford them, otherwise."

Nat reached out, pushing on his chest. He moved with it, allowing her the small victory. "And what's the first reason, Rogers?"

"I love her." He turned to face her, grinning. "I love her, and I can't imagine a life with anyone else. She's it. It begins and ends, with her."

"Lead with that." Natasha advised. "I'm going with you."

"What?" Steve narrowed his eyes. "I don't need help."

She shrugged. "A second opinion. Just to make sure you aren't going overboard. She wants you, not your pocketbook."

"Well, that's good. My pocketbook might be a bit lighter after this." He frowned. "I might have to do a few more public appearances and such, after this. If I still want to be able to afford a house in Brooklyn."

"I don't see why you won't let Stark invest for you. He's got a good eye for it." Nat poked him in the arm. "It might help the issues between the two of you."

"The less Stark is involved in my private affairs, the better." Steve sighed. "I can't give him what he wants."

Nat was silent. It was a well known fact that Stark held a bit of a grudge over the way Howard had held Steve up, over and over, to a young Tony as to how a man should be. Or could be. Glorifying his younger days, was how Stark had once referred to it. And it did upset Steve to hear that an old friend had abused his memory to a child, even one that grew up to be an ass like Stark had.

"I'm sometimes worried that Brooklyn does the same thing to Juliana, about Bucky." He remarked, since his mind was on the subject. "Builds him up for her. I'm worried that the reality isn't going to hold up."

"Well, she's got you to remind her." Nat commented, as the elevator came to a stop. "You can keep reminding her that she doesn't have to build him up to epic proportions. Keeping him real, is what she needs to do."

Steve nodded, clearing his throat as the elevator doors opened. "You don't have to hold my hand, really."

"Not holding it, Rogers." Nat grinned at him. "Really, I just need to see this. Otherwise, I'm never going to believe it. Besides, I can't wait to see a ring you feel is worthy of sitting on your girl's finger."

He nodded again, leading the way to the SUV he had claimed, while staying at the Tower. "Well, don't expect a lot of action. I'm just going to be sorting through stones, I think. To find the best ones for the design."

"Lots of diamonds?" Nat climbed into the passenger seat. "Dripping in them?"

"No diamonds." He shook his as he pulled the seat belt over himself, before putting the keys into the ignition, and starting the engine. "Aquamarine."

"Aren't diamonds traditional? I would have thought you would go that route." Nat sat back, turning her head to watch him. "Diamonds, the white dress, the big church wedding. Traditional."

"Most of that happened after the War." Steve drove out of the parking level, onto the street, turning towards the Diamond district, where the Levi shop was located. "I mean, you still could give diamonds as an engagement ring. A lot of guys did. But most of them used their mothers or grand mother's rings. I don't have either. And I wanted something that was... Brooklyn. That was her."

"Why don't you have..." Nat frowned. "Was it lost in the water?"
Steve sighed, readjusting his seat, a little uncomfortable to admit what he was about to. Then again, he had never planned on meeting a woman as amazing as Brooklyn. How could he have known? "I sold my mother's rings, and what was left of her jewellery, after her death. The funeral wasn't cheap, even if the plot was already there by my father. Nor was the headstone. I needed the money, to make sure I did right by her. It didn't seem that big a sacrifice, when I never intended..." He cleared his throat. "I didn't anticipate ever getting married. So, I have to start from scratch, if you will."

"Nothing for Carter?" Nat kept her face neutral, which Steve appreciated.

"Never got that far." Steve left it at that, as he turned down a street. "Brooklyn is the only woman I have ever actually planned on marrying. If she turns me down... She's still gonna be the only one."

"And you are okay with that?"

"No." Steve sighed. "I wont. But I'll have to be. I'll deal with it, if it happens. I mean, it's not gonna change how I feel about her. I'll still love her. I'm still gonna be with her. I'll always be watching for another opportunity to ask her, hoping she'll change her mind."

"That might be a while, Steve."

He caught the sympathetic smile on her face and shook his head. "I don't think it will be. I think she'll need some talking around to it, but I don't think she's gonna reject it, outright."

They lapsed into silence the rest of the drive, and when Steve pulled into a spot across the street from the Jeweller, Nat looked around, before nodding.

"The Diamond District. Good choice." she commented, as they got out of the SUV.

"Yup." He nodded. "Although, I remember when it was down near the Bowery."

"Ah." Nat walked by him as he led the way to the nondescript safety door.

He reached out and pressed down on the call button, waiting.

"Yes?" A male voice asked, and he leaned forward a bit.

"Captain Rogers? I'm here to see Noam Levi? He said he would make sure you knew?" Steve waited. "I know I don't have an actual appointment-"

"You are on the list." The door buzzed. "Welcome."

Steve held the door for Nat, before following her in. Inside, despite the outside appearance, was a luxurious waiting room. Well, luxurious if you ignored the bars on the small windows, the doors leading from the room, and the guards that Steve was pretty sure were armed. He nodded politely to one, before sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Levi?" Nat asked, folding her arms. "Why this place?"

"When I did my asking around, looking for someone to make the necklace for Brooklyn, I kept being bounced around. Between the prices and the way people seemed to be eager to let the world know they were designing jewellery for Captain America, it was difficult. One day, I was walking out of one of the stores, and the shop person took pity on me, and directed me here. Said the Levi family has been dealing with jewels since after the War. They used to be dealers and designers in Antwerp. They mostly made it out, before occupation." He shrugged. "The day I called, I said who I was and they had me in that same day. The minute I told them what I wanted, they were working on designs and sketches. And they were willing to use lab created stones. Since I found out how bad the mining conditions are on the miners."

Nat gave a low laugh. "You gave Brooklyn, the White Queen, lab created gems?"

"Irony isn't lost on me." He grinned. "It seemed fitting. She thought it was appropriate, too."

The door at the end of the room opened with a buzz, and a younger man, his hair cropped, with a small black cap on the top of his skull. He was dressed in smart suit, and Steve felt a little under dressed in his jeans and tee-shirt. Hell, he even curled his toes a little in embarrassment in his running shoes, as he saw the shined black shoes on the Jeweler's feet.

"Captain? I'm Noam Levi. We spoke on the phone. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to meet with me." he held out his hand to Steve, who took it, giving it a firm but polite shake. "Is this the lucky lady?" He gestured towards Natasha.

"No." She grinned. "I'm just here for support."

"It's good that you came." Noam smiled. "Big decision in a man's life, to ask the woman he loves to share his life with him."
"Bigger yet, when you consider how she might react." Nat nudged Steve with her elbow, and he frowned down at her.

"Is there a concern that the lady in question might not accept?" Noam raised his eyebrows.

"No, not really." Steve was quick to assure him. "It's more... she's not gonna be... I don't know."

"Well, with the ring we are making for you, she will have to say yes. I promise." Noam stepped back, leading them towards the door, reaching out to hit a button, waving up at a camera over the door. The buzz sound came again, and he opened the door. "Shall we?"

Steve and Nat followed him through a warren of halls, until he stopped at a door, pulling a set of keys out of his pocket, unlocking it, before gesturing them in. He followed, locking the door behind them, and indicated a set of chairs in front of a desk. Steve followed Nat, as she sat down, and leaned forward a bit, watching as Noam went over to a safe, unlocking it, and pulling out a flat drawer.

"I know you indicated that you preferred lab created, over natural mined gems, but given how many we will be using, I was hoping to ask you to make a concession." The man set the flat drawer down on the edge of the desk, before pulling out a roll of black felt, which he rolled out on the top of the desk. "While I understand your concern about the mined gems, there is a sparkle, I find, in them that lab created doesn't always get. And for the main stone, I would think you would want the most vibrant color available."

"The color of the water under the ice of the Arctic Ocean." Steve stated. "That's the color I want."

Noam nodded. "And with the size of the stone you want, as well as the cut, we might have more luck with a natural mined stone. Is that going to be alright?"

Steve sighed, rubbing his face. "Let me see what you have, please? Maybe I'll be okay, if the color is right."

Nodding again, Noam opened the top of the flat drawer, pulling away a piece of fabric. He opened a drawer in the desk, and pulled out a pair of white gloves and a pair of tweezers, pulling on the gloves before reaching into the drawer with the tweezers and pulling out a blue stone. "This is of course, uncut, right now. But...." He reached out, pulling on the light at the other side of the desk, flipping it on, and tilting the head to shine on the stone. "It already has amazing clarity. Plus, the carat size allows us to use the cuts to form some of the other stones you need for the setting."

Steve eyed the stone. The color was nice. Close to what he was looking for, but not exactly. "Maybe."

Noam didn't react, simply setting the stone aside, before reaching in for another one. "You said you were looking for something that looked like the water under the ice? Would you happen to have a reference?"

"Yeah." Steve reached for his phone, hitting the internet icon and waiting for it to load. "It's her eyes. They... they remind me of it, in the light sometimes." As soon as the search page loaded he typed in his query and waited, before searching through the available pictures. "It's one of the first things I noticed about her, in the daylight. How blue her eyes were, and how much they reminded me of that."

He found a picture, and tapped it, waiting for it to load, before turning the phone to show Noam.

Noam frowned. "I see. That is a distinct color. Let me see if we have something that will work. Even if we have enough for the larger stone, would you be amendable to the accent stones being of a gradient color, similar?"

"That would be fine." Steve agreed, as Noam began looking at the stones in the drawer, before looking at the picture again. "I mean, I hate being this much trouble, it's just..."
"You want the perfect ring for your lady." Noam smiled. "It is not that much trouble. I would prefer we find something that matches your vision, rather than you not be happy. If it takes extra time, I will give you the extra time."

The Jeweller pulled out another stone, checking it before holding it to the light. "This one might do. It has enough carats that the main stone will be an easy cut."

Steve looked at the stone, trying to imagine it sparkling. "Close."

Setting it aside, but away from the previous stone, he searched through the drawer again. Then, making a sound of triumph, he pulled another stone out, holding to the light immediately. "This one. This is the stone you need. I'm sure of it."

The uncut gem sparkled like the water it was named for. Hidden in the depths it held the promises of a sleep that Steve was all to familiar with. And he was certain, once cut, it would be the perfect stone to sit on Brooklyn's finger. "Yes. That one."

"Yes." Noam nodded, setting it down in front of Steve. "And there should be enough to maybe make most of the stones needed. A secondary will be needed."
"The other stone. The one before this one." Steve sat up straight. "It can be used. I have no problem with that. It's close enough that it should match well, right?"
"I was going to suggest a smaller stone for a third color gradient." Noam poked around in the drawer. "To compliment the two other colors. So the gradient wouldn't be as shocking. Here." He held up a much smaller stone, that was a little lighter blue than the other two. "See? We would only need a few off of this one to make it happen. Her eyes in the sun, for the first one? Her eyes at night for the last one, and the one in between to flow into them. Does that help?"

"Yes." Steve felt such relief. He was going to have a ring for Brooklyn, soon. He would be able to propose to her, soon. He was going to be able to ask her to be his wife. To share the rest of their lives together. Maybe even have a family of their own, once everything settled. "That's perfect."

"Good." Noam set the stone down, and began putting everything else away. He pulled out a small flat box, covered in velvet, and put the stones Steve had chosen in it, before leaving it between them, while folding his hands on the desk. "That does leave the issue of payment. I am sorry to discuss such a matter, but with a piece that has been this time consuming... I am sure you understand?"

"I do." Steve nodded, leaning forward to fold his hands on the desk as well, mimicking the Jeweler's stance. "Will it be possible to use the form I already have on file with you? From the necklace?"

"of course." Noam nodded. "But I want you to be aware of the price, before we begin cutting stones. Just so that there is no misunderstanding, when everything is said and done. If you will give me a moment, I will run the numbers, and have an amount ready for you. If you would be so patient, as to wait here while I do it?"

Steve turned and glanced at Nat, who had remained silent the entire time, before nodding. "That's fine."

"Good." Noam stood up, gathering the drawers, returning the large one to the safe. "It shouldn't take me that long." He shut the safe, turning with the small drawer in his hand. "I will send someone in with coffee, or tea?"

"Nat?" Steve asked.

"A bottle of water would be fine." She answered.

"Same." Steve smiled. "Thank you, again."

"It is our job to help people find and design the pieces they need in their lives. It is more than a job, really. It's a pleasure." Noam nodded, heading towards the door. "I will try to be as quick as possible."

Nat waited until the door was shut, before jumping on him. "How big is this ring, Steve?"

He shrugged. "All told, I think less than five carats? Not big."

"Not... Steve, her hands are small! Did they even show you comparisons?" She shook her head. "And how do you know it will fit her?"

"Kitty helped." He grinned, proud of himself. "She had Brooklyn try on rings, the last time we were out at their place. She was looking to give her a few more of her pieces, and had some cocktail rings. And she told Brooklyn she wanted to make sure they fit, or if she was going to have to take them in to be re-sized. She found one that fit Brooklyn's finger perfectly. And so I was able to find out the size for her ring. And yes, Natasha, I know how big it will be. I helped design it. That's one of the reasons I wanted stones other than diamonds. Diamonds are so... cold. And I promised her she wouldn't be cold any more, with me."

"And are you prepared for how much this might set you back?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "Personal service like this? The size of the stones? The actual designing of the ring? It's not going to be cheap."
"I know." He nodded, before sighing and rubbing the back of his head. "I know it's gonna take a fair chunk of change. And I know that it might mean we have to put off getting a house for a bit. But it will be worth it, in the end. I have time to find a house for her. The right house. Just like right now, I have to find the right ring for her. It's just happened that this perfect ring, was easier to find than the house, right now."

Nat chuckled. "Is she that exacting?"

"When it comes to the house? Yes." He laughed. "A rose garden. A window seat. A backyard. Close to Juliana's school. Not exactly easy to find, in New York, let alone in Brooklyn."

"She doesn't ask for much, does she?" Nat shook her head, a grin on her face. "Are you ready for the price, though?"

He pursed his lips, before taking a deep breath. "It'll be worth it. To have something made for her, that I designed... to know that it'll be a better deterrent to the men around her, while also cementing a promise? Yeah, I would give every penny I owned for that."

Nat stared at him, similar to the way Brooklyn did sometimes. He had figured out, a while ago, it was their way of reading a person, be it a mark or a friend, to determine if they were being fooled or not. He had also learned that at those times, it was best to just let them make their own minds up, while not trying to hide anything.

"Alright." Nat sighed. "It's your money."

"It is." He agreed, breaking into a smile. "I have the money to spend. And this is what I want to spend it on. Besides, I can't really give her just a tiny little chip... not when... well, with everything that's been going on..."

"Her being the new Boss?" Nat's eyes twinkled a bit. "Yeah, might look bad if the boss has a man who can't even give her something impressive to show off among the girls, right?"

"That's not.." He sighed. "I don't want any of them to think I'm not being serious. I mean, I still haven't... I can't ask her father. I mean, I guess I should ask Marino and Kitty... although, it seems wrong, considering how often she never had a say in her life, you know?"

"It's not... Rogers, it's not you giving her a say, because she will have her say, one way or the other, once you ask her. It's about respecting the people in her life, to recognize how important this choice is. How big this step is. Making sure that those around you are on board isn't disrespectful. It's allowing them to give them a chance to voice concerns that you maybe hadn't thought about, or weren't prepared for. I know, before the ice, it was a way for a father to gauge if the man was good enough, or wealthy enough for his daughter. Now, it's about... it's about showing the respect that she deserves, by getting the okay from those important around her." Nat sat back in her seat. "I know it seems odd, hearing it from me, but asking the so-called permission from Marino and his wife is a good thing. It's letting them know that they don't need to protect her as much any more. That you are going to be taking on the job, in a professional capacity. That, for the most part, you've got what it takes to make sure she has everything she needs, from here on out. Granted, as long as she says yes. That's giving her a choice."

Steve nodded, sitting back as well, bringing a hand up to rub at his mouth. "I just want... I want to have a life with her. How ever we manage it. I want to know, at the end of the day, at the end of the mission, she's there. She's my wife. She chose me. Of all the men in the world, she chose me. And I want to honor that choice. I want to hold her up, and show the world that this woman... this magnificent woman, who had no reason to ever trust me, or love me, did. She loves me. She saw something in me, that she believed was... it was what she needed, and she fell in love with me. That's what I want. And yeah, marriage might be archaic, in this time. It might be old fashioned. But, I just want a little bit of old fashioned."

She nodded. "I can get behind that. I hope she says yes, then. For your sake."

"Like you said." he allowed. "It might take some convincing. But, I have faith I can convince her."

The door opened, and a smiling Noam entered with a shorter man, dressed similarly to his companion. "Captain Rogers? This is my cousin, Samuel. He's the money side of things, if you will. He helped me run the numbers. If you are ready to discuss them?"

"Of course." Steve stood, offering his hand to Samuel. "Is it Levi, as well?"

"Yes." Samuel nodded, his voice as softly accented as Noam's. "I understand we are custom designing a ring for you?"

"Yes." Steve smiled. "Hopefully my girl loves it."

"We shall endeavor to make her a ring that she can't help but love, Captain." Noam assured. "As I said, she will find it impossible to say no."

"i hope that will be true." Steve nodded, letting go of Samuel's hand.

"Numbers." Samuel looked down at the pile of papers he had in his hand, before nodding. "Shall we?"

They settled around the desk, and Steve folded his hands on his lap, nervous. He wanted the ring. He needed THIS ring. The moment they had shown him the design, he had known that it was what needed to be on Brooklyn's finger. He was worried about how much it would set him back, despite what he had told Nat. But he had weighed that against the possible future. Yes, he wanted to provide Brooklyn with a home that was just theirs. One they had chosen, together. One they had chosen to make a home. But he also felt that the first step, before that, was to make their lives one. To bind themselves together.

Samuel set the papers on the desk, and began shuffling through them, before setting a few of them in front of Steve. "We have broken down each point. From design, and stones, and labor. Ultimately, it will not be a shy price."

"I understand." He reached for the papers, looking them over, trying not to flinch.

"We were able to make the price a bit more manageable, in the fact that you chose stones that we already had in house, rather than have to send out for. So there is that bit of luck. You also really didn't choose that complicated a design. Yes, the filigree under the main stone is going to take time, but since we already have the blank ready, it won't take that much more, really." Samuel shuffled to another page. "We also were willing to bring the price down a bit, seeing as you are already a return customer, and we anticipate you returning for a matching band, once things are settled between you and your fiancée. As well as the hope you will continue to return to us for all your future jewellery needs."

Steve nodded, as he found the final price, blowing out the air of his lungs, before nodding again. "I see."

"At this time, considering the materials you chose, as well as the qualities of the stones you chose, this is the best price we can offer you." Samuel set the papers down, folding his hands on them. "is that agreeable."

Nat reached over, taking the papers from Steve, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Is there the expectation of privacy, in regards to your handling of this matter for Captain Rogers?"

Samuel and Noam exchanged a look. Noam sighed. "We would respect it, yes, but we were hoping, once he and his fiancée went public with their engagement, they would allow us to at least claim the privilege of being known for the Jewelers who made their rings. Not in a vulgar manner, of course. Respectfully."

"That's gonna be up to her." Steve sighed, reaching up to rub the back of his head. "She's... extremely private..."

"But you are not." Samuel pointed out. "The marriage of Captain America would be a national event."

"She's not marrying Captain America." Steve stated, looking over at Nat, for help. "She's marrying Steve Rogers."

"His intended is... shy about the publicity surrounding Captain Rogers' public identity." Nat explained. "It has been the largest hurdle in their relationship, from the start."

Noam and Samuel looked at each other again, before Noam sighed. "We will wait. We are willing to do that. Because, and I say this with all honesty, Captain, you wont be able to hide something like that, for too long."

"Yeah." Steve agreed, sighing. "I know. But my hope is to have her more amendable to the idea, before then."

Noam nodded. "We will wait."

Steve was about to agree to the price, when Nat leaned over to tap his arm. "Steve."

"Nat?" He asked, frowning.

"Even if they wait, even if they hold off, whatever discount they are willing to offer you, if you allow them to... even just mention they made your wedding jewellery would be a deal. Plus, aren't you all about helping the community?" She raised an eyebrow.

"It's up to Brooklyn." He said firmly. "I won't make that decision without her."

Noam reiterated, "We will wait. We have full faith that your intended will be amendable to letting us use this event for our own self-promotion. Again, tastefully."

"The price, Captain." Samuel stepped in, frowning. "Are you alright with the price?"

Steve nodded, reaching out to take the papers from Natasha. "I see no problem, given what I am asking for."

"Steve-" Nat began, and he cut her off, shooting her a look.

"I said, it's not a problem." He shook his head at her. "I know, Nat. But it's for Brooklyn."

"She's not going to want-" Nat tried again, and Steve shut her down, reaching out to put a hand on her forearm.

"That's why she's never going to know." He kept his voice confident. "I don't know how well versed she is in jewellery. I mean, she didn't know the stones in the necklace were worth anything, until I told her. And it made her uncomfortable, after I did."

He turned to face Noam.

"The price is fine. I have no issue with it." He cleared his throat. "How soon could it be ready?"

Noam looked at him with a serious face. "To be honest, if you give us a date, we will make sure it is ready."

Steve swallowed. "Valentine's Day, please."

Blinking, Noam nodded, before smiling wide. "It will be ready. Am I to assume you wish to propose that day?"

"Yeah." Steve grinned back, then let if fall as concern filled him. "Is that graceless? Tacky?"

"No." Noam shook his head, as he kept Steve's gaze. "Most women would find that very romantic. Samuel?" He turned to his cousin. "The paperwork?"

"Seeing as you are amendable to the price, we just need your signature." Samuel seemed to jump into action, and Steve had to smile. "Just-" he slid a piece of paper in front of Steve. "On the line, please? Followed by the date and your name written out?"

"Of course." Steve pulled the paper closer. "May I ask for a pen?"

"Yes." Samuel reached into the desk, before setting a pen on top of the paper.

Steve picked it up, cleared his throat, and signed his name on the line, before dating and writing out his name. Setting the pen down, he slid it towards the Jewelers. "Well. That's that, then?"

"Yes." Noam nodded, smiling, as Samuel picked up the paper Steve had just signed. "Will that be all today?"

Steve went to nod, before he paused, an earlier promise he had made Brooklyn coming to the forefront of his mind. "Well, since I'm here... Do you still have the design for the necklace I had made?"

Noam and Samuel exchanged a glance, before Noam shrugged. "It shouldn't be too hard to find. Are you not pleased with it?"

"Immensely." Steve grinned. "I was wondering if I could have something made to go along with it." He cast a short look at Nat, before shrugging. "A collar?"

A/N: So, Steve WAS having a bad day... but now it's better. And he has a plan... will it work? Vote and comment!

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