Chapter 99

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"But I don't understand." Brooklyn stated, as she lay on the bed, her head hanging off the side, watching Steve pack a bag. She fiddled with her engagement ring worryingly, while narrowing her eyes at him. "Why do you have to 'go away' for a few days? It just doesn't make sense."

"It's tradition." He told her, as he had several times since she began her questioning. "First, there's the bachelor party. Then the traditional 'don't see each other before the wedding'."

"Since when have we ever stood with tradition?" She frowned. "I mean, really, Steve?"

He stopped packing, coming over to stand near her head, his hands on his hips. She grinned up at him, waggling her eyebrows at him. He shook his head, before reaching down and brushing his thumb along her bottom lip.

"Behave, Babydoll." He warned her. "The idea is that we don't see each other a few days before the wedding. It's supposed to... I don't know... heighten the anticipation."

"Like we need that." She snorted, before turning her head to suck and bite at his thumb. "Besides, it's tradition that a virgin wears white. And I'm wearing white. But I'm not a virgin."
"Ah, but you were a virgin until me, and since I'm marrying you, it's only right that you wear white." He slid his fingers into her hair, grasping her head, and holding it still. "It's only a couple of nights. We've had the rehearsal dinner. Juliana is already at the Marino's. The apartment is all but packed up, ready for the movers to take our things up state, as soon as the house is finished. And on Saturday, you are going to walk down that aisle, and become my wife."

"I don't like spending nights away from you." She insisted, reaching up to hook her fingers into his waistband. "And what the hell are you going to get up to at this party of yours, anyhow?"

"I don't know. It's a surprise. Just like your bachelorette party is going to be a surprise." He let go of her hair, dropping to his knees, and leaning over her, pressing his arms on the bed, kissing her gently.

"I hate surprises." She reminded him, against his lips. "I really don't like them."

"I know. I am so aware of that, Babydoll." He smiled. "But you promised Nat you would let her have fun."
"I really worry about what a former Russian agent finds fun." She sighed. "Wilson better keep you in check. I'm not going to be able to come pull your ass out of whatever fuck up you've gotten yourself into. Apparently. Because, you know, tradition."

"So sassy, when you don't get your way." He grinned wider. "I'm gonna have to correct that, on our honeymoon. I'm going to have to wear you out, so much, that you won't be able to remember how to give me lip."

"Don't hold your breath, Steve." She snarked. "I'm pretty sure I was born being sassy. I will die being sassy. And in the meantime, I will be sassy as much as I fucking like."

"I can't wait." He kissed her again, before rubbing his nose against hers. "I promise, nothing is gonna stop me from being at that church, waiting at the end of the aisle, on Saturday morning. I will be standing there, waiting for you to come to me. And then I will take your hand, and we will pledge our lives together. In front of God and our friends and families."

She raised her head, kissing him slowly. "Are you sure I can't tempt you to give up this idea of staying away, until then? How are you going to keep your promise to have me walk down the aisle with your cum leaking down my thighs, if you stay away?"

Steve groaned. "Don't remind me. I'm gonna try and figure that one out. We may have to give it a pass, though, Babydoll. Kitty and Mr. Marino seem pretty intent on keeping you under lock and key until it's time."

"Well, I guess I'm just going to have to take matters into my own hands, then." She sighed. "But you haven't left, yet. And I'm not under lock and key, at the moment." Brooklyn reached out, brushing her fingers down his cheek. "Maybe you could give me a preview of I should expect on our wedding night."

"See, this is why..." He sighed, dropping his head to rest beside her shoulder, groaning. "Sam is going to be here, any minute. And he made it very clear, that as soon as he gets here, I'm his until he delivers me at the church."
"Well, you don't mind an audience." She reminded, turning her head, staring at him. "That'll learn him to interrupt us when we are fucking."

Steve turned his head, staring at her. "Your mouth. I swear to God... what am I going to do with it?"
"I have some ideas." She grinned. "Some of which you've already done, so it will just be a refresher course."

"No." He groaned again, before standing up. "We can't. Not right now. We are going to have the rest of our lives in a few days."
"I still don't get it." She whined, "It's not like we haven't been living together in sin, all this time. What's a few more nights, before we get the official approval stamp?"

He put his hands on his hips, pursing his lips as she pouted.

"Now, is this really the memory you are gonna leave me with, for the next couple of days? My beautiful, sweet, obedient Babydoll, behaving like a brat right before our wedding?"

Delight shot through her.

"Well, yeah." She snorted at his obvious statement, rolling over and pushing herself back to sit on her knees. "After all, I would hate to make it easy for you to leave me."

He heaved a sigh, reaching up to run a hand over his head. He had gotten a hair cut, just a few days before, saying he wanted to look his best for her on their wedding day. Actually, she didn't care for the shorter cut. She liked it when he let it grow out, so there was more to grab, to hold. But, she didn't have the heart to tell him that. She didn't want to make his pride in himself, his attempt at pleasing her, to dim. It wasn't worth it, in the end.

After all, she had been neglecting getting her hair cut, herself, because he had mentioned he was loving the length it was now.

"If we do this... we need to do it quick." He warned, reaching down to grab the bottom of his shirt, lifting it over his head, tossing it aside. "Sam is gonna be here, any minute."

"He can wait." She grinned, reaching for her waistband, rolling her loose sleep pants off her hips, as she fell back on the bed, lifting up to pull them off her feet and throwing them who knew where. Spreading her legs, she tapped the top of her pussy. "Now, get to work, Captain."

"Always so romantic, Babydoll." He commented, climbing up on the bed, crawling between her legs, before bending down and kissing her.

"Save the romance for the wedding night. I want to be fucked. Now." She told him, reaching between them to tackle the button and zipper of his jeans. She got it open, reaching in to slide her hand past his underwear to grasp his hard and leaking cock. "And apparently, so do you."

He reached for her top, pushing it up to her neck, before cupping one of her breasts, leaning down to nip at the offered nipple. "This is such a bad idea."
"It's only a bad idea... if..." she paused, before shaking her head, pumping his cock. "Actually, no. It's not a bad idea. It's a wonderful idea. No wonder I came up with it."

Steve chuckled, as he sucked on her nipple, before leaving it, and giving the other one the same treatment. "You know... I keep saying you are the brains of our operation... and you just have to go and prove it."
"Yeah... well..." She sighed, arching as he gave her nipple a very hard suck, followed by his teeth biting into the reactive flesh. "I still say SHIELD missed something when they put your ass in the microwave on defrost."

"That's not...." He sighed, rising up on his knees, putting space between them, and forcing her to pull her hand out of his pants. He fixed the situation easily, pushing the jeans down his hips to bunch at his thighs, dropping back down on top of her, reaching between them to guide his cock to her awaiting sex. "That's not how they did it."
She cried out as he thrust into her, her legs coming up to clasp at his waist. "Seemed like the best way to do it... like those chicken breasts you get, frozen."

"The only breasts I want to discuss right now, are yours." He braced one hand by her head, his hips already moving at the pace she loved so much. He slid the other hand up her body, grasping one of her moving breasts, his fingers digging in, dimpling the flesh.

She hissed. "Careful! If Kitty sees any bruises, she's gonna freak! The dress doesn't hide that much!"

"Your tits are gonna be on display?" He groaned. "Dammit, Babydoll! The two of you told me it was appropriate for the Church!"

"Just..." she wrapped her arms around his shoulder, lifting her head do tuck her face in his neck. "Just a little bit... Right there, Steve.... fuck, right there."

He let go of her breast, sliding his hand around to help her lift up, so they were chest to chest, with him supporting both of their upper bodies on one arm. "I'm gonna have to cover you up.... shit, Babydoll, move those hips... yeah... good girl.... I'm gonna have to put my jacket on you, as soon as we are done, aren't I?"

"No...." She groaned, feeling the pleasure start to peak. "Kitty.... she wouldn't... Fuck, Steve... fuck, yes... yes... Oh..... FUCK!"

It was quick. It was dirty. It was done before either of them really thought about it.

Quickies, Brooklyn considered, as they were catching their breaths, were aptly named.

"Please..." Steve panted, before rolling so he wasn't crushing her. "Tell me that the dress covers everything. That it's not... one of those little scraps of nothing that you love to tease me in."

"Yeah. It's... Steve, I bought it at one of those upscale places. The ones where they give you drinks, and everything is covered in silk and shit." She laughed. "I think, beyond the price of the venue? The dress is the second most expensive thing we've gotten for this wedding."
He was silent, before groaning, rolling over onto his back. "Fuck. I'm glad I bought my tux, instead of rented one."

For some reason, that made her mad. Rolling off the bed, she pulled her top down, taking a moment to push her hair out of her face, looking for her sleep pants. Finding them, she drove her feet into the legs, pulling the fabric up over her hips. Dressed, she turned and put her hands on her hips.

"Did you fucking seriously think that you were gonna rent a tux?" She asked, her voice low. "For your own fucking wedding?"
Steve looked at her, surprised, his blue eyes blinking. "What? Well... yeah?"
"Oh, my FUCKING god..." She turned, reaching up to push the hair out of her face again, before stomping out of the bedroom, into the bathroom. The apartment had been about halfway packed up, so far. The rest of it would be done when Steve and her got back from their honeymoon. But she still had most of her hair stuff in the bathroom. She found a tie, and pulled her hair back into a messy bun, before turning, to witness Steve Rogers, the great symbol of America, the war hero, the fucking idiot asshole himself, hopping as he pulled his pants up over his hips. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Uh..." he paused as he zipped up his jeans, doing the button as well. "I... am at a loss over why you are upset."
"You were going to wear some... used... worn out rag... at our wedding. In front of our friends. In front of your coworkers. In front of my crew! In front of all the people I have to do business! You were gonna wear some other man's sweat stains!" She waved her hands, getting even more frustrated that he didn't see how wrong his thinking was. This had to be because he was male. The testosterone poisoning. His balls were affecting the way his brain worked. She had always suspected, but this had to be definitive proof.

"They clean the tuxes very well, after they are worn." He seemed to think this was a valid point in his argument. "The only real reason I didn't go with a rental, was because they didn't have one that fit across my shoulders. Or my inseam."

"Fucking... hell." She wrapped her arms around herself, to keep from strangling the ever loving breath out of him, until he dropped at her feet unconscious. The fact that she didn't trust herself to stop there, was also a good reason to keep her hands off of him. "With all the money that we have spent on this wedding... all the money that Kitty and Pops have shelled out... everything.... even the bridesmaid dresses had to be bought new... Juliana's dress... all of it... and you thought you were gonna show up in a rented tux, and everyone wouldn't bat an eye?"

"Okay, when you say it like that... I'm getting a sense that I had the wrong thinking." Steve held out his hands, as if to placate her. "I mean, it worked out, Babydoll. I ended up buying a tux. I even went to the fittings and everything."

"What about Wilson? Is his tux rented?" She demanded, stomping her foot. "Did you tell your best man, that he could wear a rented tux?"

"I didn't get a chance to! Nat came, and took him out, and when they got back, he had a tux." Steve took a step back. "I mean... obviously, I would want him to work within his financial means, Brooklyn! It's not even his wedding!"
"No. It's yours! And you think it's okay to wear someone's hand me downs for your own fucking wedding!" She screamed. "If that's the kind of attitude you are going to have, I fucking quit! Wedding is off! Fuck this shit!"

She turned, leaving the bathroom, stalking down the hall.

"Hey!" He shouted, chasing after her. "Don't you fucking dare, Brooklyn!"

"All the fucking work I have put into this thing!" She turned, pointing at him. "Despite having a wedding planner, and Kitty making most of the calls! I've had to go to cake tastings, listen to samples from bands, look over flowers, approve menus! Samples after samples, I have had to go over! All of this, rushed, because everyone wants this thing as soon as possible. AND YOU WERE GOING TO SHOW UP AND MARRY ME IN A RENTED TUX!"

"And I'm not gonna! I bought a tux!" He shouted back. "Brand fucking spanking new! Never been worn!"
"Fucking disrespectful!" She screamed, stalking up to him, poking him in the chest, standing on her toes to get as close to his face as possible. "You think I'm gonna marry your ass, after that? Fucking dream on, Rogers!"

"I bought the fucking monkey suit! It's mine! I payed for it! I had it tailored to fit my fucking body! And if you think for one goddamn second you are going to stop this wedding now, Brooklyn, you have another fucking thing coming!" He wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and striding back to the bedroom, tossing her on the bed once he got there. "Now why don't you calm the fuck down and tell me what this is really about?"

"You were going to embarrass me, in front of everyone we know." She spat. "And you thought it would be okay!"

"Obviously I'm not doing that." He took a deep breath. "This isn't about the tux, is it?"
"I'm not going to be left at the alter." She sat up, looking at him, before biting her lip, looking away. "I know you won't mean to do it, but.. things happen, in your world. Emergencies. And what if one happens, between now and then?"
Steve reached out, placing his fingers on her chin, gently making her look at him. He sat on the bed, shaking his head. "Babydoll... it's not gonna happen. Even if something comes up... I'm not going. I'm not gonna risk missing our wedding day. I'm not gonna risk leaving you at the alter. Brooklyn, I'm not gonna leave you."

And there it was.

She was still afraid. She was still afraid that, even though he loved her, he would make the decision that she was going to be too much for him to handle. That despite all the protestations to the contrary, the fact that she was his childhood best friend's daughter. That it was all a joke. And that he would leave her. That he would break, shatter, her heart into dust.

She looked away again. "It just... it hits me sometimes."

"I know. It hits me, too." He leaned down, reaching out to wrap an arm around her waist as he lay on the bed. "I keep thinking... I'm gonna wake up, and I'm gonna be... I don't know, on that hard bed in the apartment SHIELD put me in, back in DC. And that you, Juliana, Bucky... all of you are just some wonderful dream I've been having. And I'm back to... just being alone."

She turned, looking at him. "That's what I'm so afraid of. That's what I'm terrified of. That I'm gonna be alone. I don't want to be alone. Not anymore. Not now that I know... I know what its like to be with someone so consuming."

"That's why I'm not going anywhere. I'm just as consumed." He grinned, before wrinkling his nose. "Is this why you just had a tantrum over the tux?"

"Yeah." She shrugged. "I don't know... it just... popped, inside my head. This idea that you... and I know how crazy this sounds, since you are the one that wanted this marriage, like from... what, day one? It's the idea that you... aren't taking it seriously."

He stared at her, his nose still wrinkled, before this look of... Brooklyn could only describe it as utter incredulity. Disbelief. Shock.

"You think I'm not taking marrying you seriously?" He asked, the same disbelief in his voice, mimicking his face. "Babydoll, I've wanted to marry you months before I asked you. As far as I'm concerned, Saturday can't come soon enough."
"Then why would you think that renting a tux would be okay?" She asked, waving a hand. "I mean, do you want me to marry you in someone's old wedding dress?"

He paused, his face working like he was thinking. Then he took a deep breath. "No. Because I don't... I don't want another man to see his bride in your dress, and think that there is any way she could ever compare to how fucking gorgeous you are gonna be on Saturday. It's not fair to the other woman."

"The same could be said for you. How could you ever think, I would want some man thinking he was gonna be half as impressive as you are, in a tux?" She reached out, cupping his cheek. "You are already too good looking for your own good."

Steve looked at her, before slowly nodding. "I get it, Brooklyn. I see where my thinking was wrong."

"And Nat said I couldn't teach you new tricks." she teased, leaning over and kissing him, just as his phone started to ring. She ignored it, deepening the kiss, until he groaned, pulling away.

"As much as I am more than ready and willing to go another round with you, Babydoll," He breathed, brushing his nose against hers. "That's gonna be Sam, here to collect me."

She whined, kissing him again, pressing herself against him, wrapping her arms around his neck, feeling his hand land on her waist, his fingers kneading the skin under her top. Steve groaned again, rolling over on top of her, bracing himself above her, panting slightly.

"I have to go, Babydoll." He told her, as he began to ease away from her. "You gotta stop tempting me, okay."
"Never." She arched her back, throwing her hands over her head, giving him a bright smile. "I see no reason to stop."

"How about the fact that if you don't, I fully expect Sam to come bursting in here to drag me out?" He went over to throw a few more things in his bag, before zipping it up, grabbing the handles. "And I don't want him to ever have a chance at seeing you less than covered."

Brooklyn grinned wider. "You seem to forget what I was wearing the night you guys found me."
"No. I just like to block out that Sam saw it, as well." He grinned back, just as pounding sounded at the door. "See? Already, he's coming for me."

She climbed off the bed, reaching out and digging her fingers into his shirt. "I don't want you to go. I want you to stay here, with me. We can just... spend those two days in bed. We don't need those parties. We don't need to stay away from each other. We can get up on Saturday morning, get ready together, and go to the church together, and walk down the aisle together."

Steve shook his head, bending down to press his lips to her hair. "I know you don't like this, Babydoll. I know it. But we need to do this. Okay? It'll be all okay."

He began backing up, slowly, and Brooklyn followed, as his shirt stretched.

"I don't want this." She told him, following him down the hall, as he backed up towards the door, where Wilson was still pounding on it. He reached down, taking one of her wrists in his hand, tugging on it lightly.

"Babydoll... it's only a couple of days. Then we will have our whole lives together." He responded, softly, looking over his shoulder at the door. "I promise. It'll fly by. You are going to be so busy. Kitty and Nat are gonna keep you so distracted, you won't even notice I'm gone."

"Not possible." She pushed close, pressing herself against him. "I'll miss you the second you leave my side. I'll miss you the moment I can no longer hear you breathe."

"I promise, Brooklyn." He paused, looking down at her. "It's gonna be okay. A couple of days. I promise."

The pounding at the door stopped, and she looked around him towards it, when a scratching could be heard.

"Is he picking the lock?" She asked, frowning. "Really?"

"Uh..." Steve looked over his shoulder. "I wasn't aware that he knew how to do that."

The scratching stopped, when the lock clicked, and the handle turned, the door swinging open. Natasha walked in, her red hair tied back, a smile on her face.

"Hey. Sam is downstairs, waiting." She told them, folding her arms, tilting her head. "Is there any reason you're keeping your best man in the alley like a recycling bin?"
"I'm on my way, Nat." Steve turned back to Brooklyn, shifting his bag to rest on his shoulder so he could place both hands on her shoulder. "Babydoll. I need to go."
She let the small whine forming leave her throat, before swallowing hard. She blinked, feeling tears prick her eyes. "This doesn't feel right."
"It'll be fine." He bent down, kissing her long and slow. "I love you. I will see you on Sunday. I'll be the man waiting to marry you."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, locking them tight, refusing to let go. "It would be just as okay, if you stayed with me."

"Brooklyn, we have plans. He and Sam and the others have plans. I'm sure Sam is going to make sure he's there, on time. Just like I'm going to make sure you get to the church on time." Nat sighed, watching them. "But you need to let go of him, if you want to get this show on the road."

Steve slowly stood up, clearly expecting her to let go. Instead, she kept her arms locked, feeling her feet leave the floor, as he carried her weight.

"Babydoll... C'mon." He reached up, sliding his hands up to her forearms, tugging until he was able to break her hold. She slid down his body, and he bent down to kiss her again. "I love you. So much. I'll see you on Saturday. I promise. Okay?"

"Get out the door, Rogers." Nat ordered, coming up to take Brooklyn's arm, pulling her away from Steve. "She'll survive. I've got her."

"I'll call you." Steve promised, backing up to the door. "Okay? And don't be afraid to call me."

"Not Friday night." Nat shook her head, making Brooklyn let out another little whine. "Kitty's orders. Radio silence, Friday night. No contact until you guys are in front of the priest."
Steve's mouth made a line, but he nodded, before taking a last look at Brooklyn, before he walked out the door.

"I hate this." Brooklyn muttered, tugging on her arm.

Nat held firm. "I know. But just think how good he's gonna feel when he sees you in that dress. And how you are gonna feel, when you see him standing there, waiting for you. Now, let's get you changed, and get on our way. Kitty is waiting for us."

"I didn't want this party." Brooklyn groused, as she tugged on her arm again, turning and heading towards the bedroom, when Nat let her go.

"So I've heard." There was amusement in Nat's voice. "But it's part of the whole deal."

"A deal that is gonna cost Steve everything he owns, and everything he hopes to make for the next twenty years, if he divorces me." Brooklyn snorted, as she pulled open one of the drawers, pulling out underwear and a bra. She tossed them on the bed, before opening another drawer. "What the hell are we doing? So I know how to dress?"
"Comfort. Kitty has everything you need, already. We are just gonna go meet her, and she's gonna take it from there." Nat leaned against the door frame. "Just bring your wallet, your phone, and your keys. We're going to have to take your Volvo. Sam dropped me off."

Brooklyn nodded, reaching for a pair of jeans, and a long sleeved shirt. She turned to the bed, dressing quickly, before she went over to the laundry basket. She began digging through it.

"What are you doing?" Nat asked, amusement still in her voice.

"I know he put one...There it is." Brooklyn pulled out one of the zippered sweatshirts that Steve had been wearing this week. She held it up to her face, inhaling deeply, catching his scent, before putting it on. She pushed up the sleeves, and turned, meeting Nat's smile. "I don't like being away from him."

"I know." Nat jerked her head towards the hall. "Shall we?"

They ended meeting everyone at the Marino's. Kitty had organized the next few day's events, with the eye at getting the last physical wedding preparations done. Hair, nails, waxing, facials.... all of it was scheduled during Brooklyn's bachelorette time.

Kitty had them load up into several SUV's, each with its own driver, and they headed for Atlantic City.

New Jersey, Brooklyn reflected, as they came to a stop in front of the hotel Kitty had chosen, as not what she had expected, based on how Steve talked about it.

She stepped out of the SUV, taking a deep breath, tasting the air, frowning slightly. There was an edge to it. Salty, oil... rotting vegetation. The ocean.

Kitty came over, plopping a plastic crown on top of her head, before draping a sash over her head and shoulder. "The bride! Congrats, Honey! Two more days!"

"Thank you, Kitty." Brooklyn adjusted the sash, looking down at the cheap white satin, the gold and glittery words across it stating that Brooklyn was 'THE BRIDE'. "is this necessary?"

"Yes." Kitty reached out, adjusting the sash. "Let me have my fun. I only have two daughters. And I want to do as much as I can for their weddings. God knows, I have years before Juliana is even going to be thinking about walking down the aisle."
"Never, if Steve has his way." Brooklyn snorted. "I swear, I think he's already started to look at convents for her. He's insisting shes not gonna be dating until she's thirty."

"He's fighting a losing battle. If she grows up to be half as pretty as you? Boys are gonna be knocking down your door as soon as she hits puberty." Kitty smiled, rubbing her hands on Brooklyn's shoulders. "Now, lets get everything up to the rooms, and then go and blow as much money as we can, at the casino! Your Pops sent... a lot. Lets see if we can run through it, before we have to head back home. Girls!"

She turned, waving her arm, "Let's get this party started!"

"Oh, god." Brooklyn whispered, as she heard the cheers of the other women. "This is gonna be torture."

Nat slung an arm over her shoulder. "Nah. We've been tortured. This? This is nothin'. Let show these ladies how it's done."

Brooklyn laughed, letting Nat lead her towards the front doors of the hotel/casino.


Brooklyn rolled over, sighing, blinking at the dark window.
She was laying in the bed at the Marino's. Kitty had all but locked her in, with strict instructions to stay in her room, until she came to collect her in the morning.

Tomorrow morning, she was marrying Steve.

She fiddled with the engagement ring, pulling her legs up close to her chest, as she considered the past few days.

Kitty had planned everything. She started with a few hours in the casino, everyone drinking, gambling, having fun. Nat did really well at the blackjack table, before she cashed out. Kitty kept Brooklyn close by, while playing the slots, both of them coming out even, if a little bit over. After all of that, they headed to the resident restaurant, where they had feasted on fresh sea food, wonderfully cooked steaks, all the sides and appetizers they wanted. They drank everything on the menu, sometimes more than once. Then they headed to a local club, dancing and drinking, until the place shut down, but not before one of the women in attendance, the wife of one of the crew, decided to get into it with the bartender. Basically, she felt that he was watering down the drinks, and the bouncer had to intervene. They all headed to the suite of rooms Kitty had arranged, crashing on the beds, the couches, the floor, even the tables, only to be woken by the sun streaming through the windows, only a few hours later.

Those who were hung over groaned and bitched, drinking coffee, eating bread... anything to get over their headaches and sick stomachs.

Mainly because Kitty, despite having kept up with the younger girls, drink for drink, was as stern as a drill sergeant, barking orders and rounding them up for inspection. Somewhere along the night, Brooklyn had lost the little crown Kitty had popped on her head, but a replacement was soon gotten a hold of, and placed on her tangled hair.

Freshly dressed in color coordinated outfits, they all escorted her to the hotel's day spa, surrounding her like secret service agents around the president, handing her off to a private aesthetician, who introduced herself as Cassie, happy and eager to prep her for the next day. Cassie kept a steady stream of commentary, and questions, while overseeing her hair treatments, her pedicure and manicure, her facial and body waxing, before handing her off to a dark skinned woman introduced as Sandra, who laid her on a bed, and began to massage and work her muscles. By the time Sandra was done, and she was taken to a salt bath, she felt loose and relaxed. Natasha joined her in the salt bath with a bottle of champagne, the both of them floating in the saline heavy water.

It was there that Nat expressed her appreciation and flattery over Brooklyn asking her to be her maid of honor.

Brooklyn had blinked at the red head, before grinning, and explaining her logic.

Nat was close to Steve. And she as a friend to Brooklyn. Nat loved Juliana and, for the most part, had kept them a secret from the rest of the team, while Steve was still figuring things out. Brooklyn had great admiration for anyone who had survived and escaped a Widow program and, after everything else, Nat had become someone Brooklyn knew she could rely on. Offering her the coveted position of maid of honor seemed a natural conclusion.

It was the appreciation and recognition of Nat's place in their lives, that assured that she would be asked as the maid of honor.

The rest of the day passed quickly, with the rest of the women joining them, before they all went to very upscale restaurant attached to the hotel, where, after a fabulous dinner accompanied by even more champagne, the women around Brooklyn began giving her gifts.

Things like lingerie, sets of dishes, sex toys, spa baskets, self care items, were pulled out of boxes and bags, laughed or awed over, before being set aside. Kitty came over, a medium sized bag in her hand, before setting it in front of Brooklyn. She took Brooklyn's hand in hers, a soft smile on her face, and explained.

"Honey, I have no daughters of my own blood. A few daughters in law," She looked over at her daughters in laws, smiling, before continuing, "But you, and Juliana, are my chosen daughters. And I couldn't be prouder of you. When I married Francis, his mother... wasn't the most supportive. She had wanted someone who was connected, and he chose me. Because he loved me. And I loved him. In the end, his father welcomed me, with the gifts I'm giving you. He told me to pass them onto my daughters, on their wedding day, as a way to ensure the family pride. Now, I ask you to wear these, on your wedding day, as a symbol of your new family's pride in your marriage. This is me and Francis proving to you, and the world, that we approve of your future husband."
Kitty let go of her hand, reaching for the bag, pulling out the pile of tissue in the top, then putting her hand in, and pulling out the first box inside. The flat black velvet case looked large, in Kitty's hand.
"Brooklyn Marie, this is our gift to you, the night before your wedding." Kitty spoke, as she lifted the lid, showing the wedding jewellery. It was a heavy looking necklace, in silver, with dozens and dozens of diamonds, set in a leaf style pattern, complete with earrings and bracelets.

"Kitty..." Brooklyn shook her head. "I can't.. it wouldn't be right."

"It is right." Kitty set the box down, before taking both of Brooklyn's hands in hers. The older woman's eyes were red and wet with tears. "You are our daughter. We love you. We have taken pride in your accomplishments, and your growth. We will take pride, with every step you take into the future, and we can't be any more proud than we are right now, in your choice of husband. We love Steven. We love how he treats and loves you. We love how he has accepted Juliana as his own. We want to show this. To you, to him, to the world. Accepting our gift... it means that you are accepting your place as our daughter. As our daughter, Honey. And tomorrow morning, it will bring us even more pride to help you wear this set, and see it on you as you marry the man you love."

Brooklyn took a deep breath, looking at the wedding set, before nodding. "Yes. I would be honored to wear it, Kitty."
Kitty smiled, sniffing, before reaching up with a hand to wipe her eyes, chuckling. "I never thought I would feel like this. You have just... made our family complete, Honey. You and your sister. And tomorrow, you are gonna make it even more complete. OH!"

Kitty put her hand into the bag, pulling out a small blue velvet box.
"This was actually Francis's mother's." She opened the box, pulling out a heavy crystal rosary. "Francis wanted to know if you would be willing to carry it with you, when you go to the alter. Amazingly, I think she would have loved you. The tough old bitch." Kitty's voice was fond. "She wasn't supportive in the beginning. But, by the time I was pregnant with Junior, she came around. She ended up being my best friend, and the woman who helped me navigate the world I found myself in." She put the rosary in Brooklyn's free hand, closing her fingers in it. "I know what you think of our God, of your father's God. I know you think he has either ignored you, or abandoned your family. But I don't believe that. I think he had a special eye on you, and he kept you alive, when you should have died, all those years ago, time and time again. I think He had his eye on you, and he guided you to us. He guided you to your freedom. And he guided you to Steven. Maybe you think you deserve punishment. But maybe, you were punished already. And this life? This love? Maybe it's your reward for being strong in the face of everything that happened to you. So, if you will, carry this, and hold it to remember that maybe you don't know everything. Okay?"

Brooklyn nodded, holding the rosary tighter. "It would... it would be more than an honor... I'm beyond honored... really, Kitty."

Kitty, reached up, wiping her own eyes, grinning. "Now, there's more in that bag... but it's nothing to worry about, right now. You'll have time to go through it, after the wedding. For now... we focus on tonight, and tomorrow."

Brooklyn sighed, groaning, as she pulled her knees in tighter. Her nerves were getting to her. Tomorrow, at this time, she would be Mrs. Steven Grant Rogers. And it felt a little overwhelming.

She startled, when her phone began playing the national anthem, and she reached out to pick her phone up off the nightstand.

"You're not supposed to call me." she told him lightly, after she accepted the call.

Steve laughed. "Then you shouldn't have answered."

"If Pops and Kitty find out, they might call the whole thing off." Brooklyn teased, laying back down on her side, staring out the window.

"Nah." He denied. "Kitty and Pops love me. He just might send a guy around to rearrange my face, after the wedding. He's not gonna risk messing me up, before. Kitty would kill him if I didn't look pretty for the pictures."

Brooklyn sighed. "Yeah, but you were the one who wanted to do all this traditional shit, remember? I distinctly remember arguing against this. I actually remember you telling me, as you were climbing off of me after sex, that this was for the best."
"I never said that." He denied, and she grinned. "Those words never left my mouth. My memory reminds me that you started screaming at me about how I had considered, for a moment, a brief, brief moment, about getting a rented tux."

She heard the sound of a car door opening and closing, and the sound of his shoes on concrete, before what sounded like gravel.

"Where are you?" She asked, keeping her eyes focused on the window.

"I... am executing a covert mission." He told her, lowering his voice. "It's very dangerous. Downright deadly, in fact."
She sat up. "Mission? On the night before our wedding? What happened to refusing to go, in case you missed it? Jesus, Steve... fucking really?"
"Calm down." He chuckled, the crunching gravel sound stopping. "I think you are gonna like this one."

Brooklyn bared her teeth. "I swear to fucking god, Rogers... if you leave me at that alter waiting for you I'm gonna-" She cut off with a squeak, when he appeared in his window, grinning and knocking on the glass. "What the fuck?"

"Told you that you were gonna like this one." He grinned even wider, tapping at the glass, the phone held to his ear. "You gonna let me in, or are you gonna leave your husband out in the cold all night?"

"Not married, yet." She snarked, as she rolled off the bed, standing and going to the window. She set the phone down, watching as he also lowered his phone, while she reached up and undid the latches, swinging the window open. "And if Pop's catches you, we won't be."
Steve grabbed the windowsill, leaping up and over it, pushing her back, as he landed on the floor gently. He reached out, hooking his hand behind her neck, pulling her in and slamming his lips down on hers.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, automatically, opening beneath him, when his tongue probed her lips. She moaned softly as the taste of him overwhelmed her taste buds, her mouth starting to water slightly. He looped his other arm around her waist, pulling her into him, pressing them together, moving her backwards.

"Wait!" She gasped, pulling her lips away from his. "Is this really the best idea?"

"Try as I might, Babydoll," He began, as his hand drifted down to the bottom of her nightgown, pulling it up to her waist, still moving them backwards. "I can't find a way to fuck you in the church, before we get married, like we talked about. I'm pretty sure they are gonna have you under lock and key until you walk down the aisle. So.. we are gonna do the next best thing. We are gonna fuck the night before the wedding. You won't be leaking, but you may still be carrying a little bit of me, deep inside that little pussy of yours." He grinned, ducking down to suck at her neck. "That seem agreeable to you?"

"I don't..." she felt her eyes flutter closed, before she let her head drop back, giving him full access. "I can't argue with that logic."

"Good." He nipped at he neck, before he put both hands on her hips, giving her a shove.
She let out a small squeak, as she fell back onto the bed, bouncing a bit, before she got her elbows under her, leaning up. "Really?"

"Yeah, really." He pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside, while toeing off his shoes. "C'mon, Babydoll. Its our last night of freedom. One more time being sinful, before you make an honest man outta me."

Steve dropped to his knees, reaching for her legs, pushing them apart, a hand going to push her nightgown up to her stomach, before leaning down and kissing the inside of her thigh. She moaned as he licked, sucked, and bit his way up to the juncture of her thighs, spreading wider to make room for his shoulders, as he finally reached his destination.

"Quiet, Babydoll... we have to be so..." he kissed the top of her pussy. "so..." He reached out, brushing his fingers over her wet lips, before spreading them, "so... quiet."
She gasped, slapping a hand over her mouth, as he dove in, his lips and tongue attacking her excited pussy, his own soft vocalizations adding to the pleasure. Brooklyn was content, as she tilted her head back, to let him do what he wanted, the reason why she should be objecting to this act slipping from her mind.

He worked her up, pushing her higher, until she could feel the need to cum, lifting a leg over his shoulder, so he could push in closer. His fingers slipped into her, spreading her, flexing inside of her, before he curled them, finding and working that spot inside of her that made her see stars, and her stomach start to tighten.

She dropped her hand from her mouth, grabbing at his hair, still frustrated by his new haircut, before she was able to get a grip, helping to pull him in closer. She was trying to keep her sounds down, really she was. But she wanted to watch, and she wanted to hold his head. That took up the two hands she had been born with, leaving nothing to cover her mouth.

She let out a muffled keen, as she tipped over the edge, feeling her body seize and shake, every muscle in her body seeming to freeze up, before, with a low moan, she collapsed on the bed. She lay, panting, feeling like she was made of melted candy on the bed, watching him, as he stood up, sucking his fingers clean. Steve gave her a huge grin, reaching for the top of his jeans.

"God, I love doing that." He told her, pulling open his belt, unbuttoning his jeans, unzipping the zipper, before pushing the fabric down around his hips. His cock emerged, slapping his stomach, before he reached for it, giving it a few strokes. "And I love how you look, after you cum. All wrung out, so submissive... so perfect. So...mine."

He put a knee on the bed, between her legs, and she managed to use her elbows to move up the bed more, giving him room, with him following. He planted a hand near her head, lowering his hips to hers, before ducking his head, kissing her, sharing her own taste with her.

"Steve..." She sighed, wrapping an arm around his neck. "I need you... right now..."

"You're gonna get me... right now." He moved his free hand, cupping her breast, leaning down to nip at her nipple. "Hold on, Babydoll. This is gonna go hard and fast. You ready?"

She nodded, letting out a stuttered breath, as he nipped at her again. "Yeah... I'm ready.."
Steve nodded, kissing her again, letting go of her breast to reach between them, shifting his hips so he could grab his cock, moving to press the head against her wet pussy. His hips began to press his erection into her, a whine leaving her, a sigh leaving him.

A sharp knock at the door made both of them freeze.

"Honey... just so you are aware? Your Pops is gonna be coming to check in on you in about ten minutes." Kitty called through the door. "One of the guys at the gate called about a suspicious car in the road, near the fence. He is concerned about your safety."

Brooklyn looked at Steve, who looked furious. She took a deep breath, to steady herself. "Okay, Kitty. I'll be decent."

"Good girl." Kitty praised. There was a pause. "Steven, I would suggest that Francis not catch you on the property tonight. Understand?"
He sighed, pulling away from Brooklyn, standing back on his feet, pulling up his jeans. "Understood, Kitty. See you tomorrow morning."
"Yes." Kitty was smiling, Brooklyn could hear it in her voice. "You will. Now, both of you, quickly. Say your goodbyes, and then go to bed. No bags under anyone's eyes. Not tomorrow."

Brooklyn turned her head, trying to look at the door, as she listened to the retreating steps of her adopted mother. Then she turned back look at Steve, raising up on her elbows. "Ten minutes. We can do that, right? We've done it in less time."

"I don't want less than ten minutes." Steve shook his head, doing up his jeans, before bending down and picking up his shirt, putting it on. He put a knee on the bed, leaning over her, kissing her deeply, making her moan softly. "It won't matter, after tomorrow, anyhow. We're gonna have a life time, Babydoll. A lifetime to fuck, a lifetime to love, a lifetime to live. You and me, Babydoll... we're gonna live."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he moved back, letting him drag her with him, until she was dangling off the floor. Swinging a leg up, she wrapped it around his waist, pressing their bodies together, as he went to the open window.

"Steve..." she whined. "We can hide you... he won't find you..."
"Brooklyn..." he reached up, pulling her arms from around his neck, letting her drop. "I'm sorry... I don't want to upset Mr. Marino, just when he's given me full permission to marry you. Not when he's agreed to give you to me. He's gonna be my family, too, after tomorrow. We need to... I need to try and remember that. I let my emotions.. my need to see you, feel you... override my sense of right and wrong. If... god help me, when Juliana gets old enough to get married... if the guy in question was as disrespectful as I have just been... I would break his neck, and ask Junior to help me hide the body."

She grinned. "Ah... but she's my sister... so... good luck with that."
"I'm gonna make sure she is a good girl, who is gonna stay a good girl, until she either gets married, or joins a convent." He swore, stepping over the ledge of the window. "Now, give me a kiss to tide me over."
She shook her head, kissing him, even as he swung his other leg over the windowsill, dropping down. She ended up leaning out the window, clutching at his shirt.

"This is... goddamn it, this was hard enough the first time." she complained.

"I know." He looked ashamed. "I knew how hard it was, and I still came over. I don't know what I was thinking."
"You were thinking you would get off, before we got married." She snarked, reaching out to twist his nipple through his shirt. "Selfish."

He hissed, bringing a hand up to cover the abused nipple. "Yeah. I am. I am so selfish. I... god, I'm sorry, Brooklyn. I'm so sorry."
"Don't." She sighed, shaking her head. "I... I needed to see you, to hear you. Even if.. it's been cut off.. I'm happy."
He looked at her, frowning, his eyes darting over her face, before he relaxed, a soft smile coming out. "I love you."
"I love you, too." She laughed. "Go, before Pops comes and checks!" She pushed on his chest.

"I love you. And tomorrow, I'm gonna marry you." He grabbed the windowsill, jumping up, balancing, kissing her. He dropped back down, stepping away from the window, starting to put space between them. "I'm gonna be standing there, waiting for you to walk to me. And you are gonna make my heart stop."
"Good thing I know CPR." She grinned. "But that might be a bit dramatic, so try not to drop, just because of how beautiful I'm gonna be."

"More than beautiful!" he called, as the space grew. "See you tomorrow!"

He turned, and jogged away, disappearing around a bush.

Brooklyn watched, laughing softly, before shaking her head. The turning of the knob on the door made her turn, resting her hips on the windowsill.

Pops came in, dressed in a robe and his pajamas, looking harried. "You alone? That boy didn't creep in here? He messing with you?"

She grinned, to keep herself from laughing at Pops referring to Steve as a 'boy'. "No, Pops. It's just me."

He grunted, coming over, to look over her shoulder. "One of the boys down by the gate said a strange car is parked in the road by the fence. I just wanted to make sure nothing funny was going on. You aren't trying to sneak out to meet him, are you? Not tonight, Brooklyn. You stay here, and wait. You'll see him soon enough tomorrow. No funny business. Got it?"
"I got it, Pops." She nodded. "No funny business."
"Good girl." He patted her on the arm, before reaching behind her, pulling the window closed. "State of the art AC system, and you open a window. I would be upset, but you're getting married tomorrow. Speaking of which, get your backside into bed. Your Ma is gonna have your hide, if you look tired at your own wedding. Go on, get."

He pushed on her arm, and she reached back, picking up her phone, before jumping onto the bed, rolling over to grab the charging cord, plugging in her phone. She placed it on the bedside table, then sat up, watching him. Pops came over, leaning over the bed, pushing her shoulder until she lay down. He flipped the sheet over her, before leaning down, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Alright. Sleep. I'll see you in the morning. And if that boy... if he comes around before then? Don't you dare let him in this house. Traditions are there, for a reason." Pops made his way out the door, turning to shut it. "Sleep well, Queenie."
"G'night, Pops." She called, nestling into the sheets, yawning. She blinked, before wrapping her arms around herself, giggling, as she thought about the absolute cluster fuck that had just happened. She rolled over, burying her face in the pillow, to muffle her giggles, before she took a deep breath, letting the exhaustion that came from a recent orgasm take her into the depths of sleep.


Brooklyn sat, still as a stone, as Kitty finished putting the necklace on her, the heavy weight settling along her collar bone and chest.

"I don't understand. Why can't I wear my collar, as well?" Brooklyn complained, gripping the arms of the chair.

"Because." Kitty, finished fastening the necklace, before smoothing it down, and stepping back. "It's a very nice piece of jewellery. Beautiful, even. But I don't think we want to advertise that part of your relationship with Steven, today. And not in the church."
"If anyone knows what it means, I will be surprised." Brooklyn grumped, frowning. "It would have gone wonderfully with everything else. Hell, it even matches the color theme."
"Honey, I love you, but you might be surprised who would know, considering the people we have in the pews today. Steven will put it back on you, after the reception, I have no doubt about that." Kitty turned, picking up the veil, and with the help of the hair dresser, who was standing by, she placed it on Brooklyn's head, holding it in place while pins were used to attach it to her hair. Thankfully, despite what Kitty had originally described to the hairdresser, Brooklyn's hair was done in a simple style. Classic, as the hairdresser had described it. Yes, it was pulled back from her face. Yes, there were spindly curls that framed her face, but for the most part, it was a simple, easy to deal with style. And perfect for holding the veil down.

"And I still don't..." Brooklyn stopped, taking a deep breath. She let go of the arms of the chair, feeling her fingers tremble. Why the hell was she shaking. Why the hell was her stomach full of butterflies? "Okay. Are we good?"

"Almost." Kitty, soothed, adjusting how the veil fell. She raised her hands to her mouth, her eyes watering, meeting Brooklyn's in the mirror. "You look... oh, Honey... you look gorgeous. He's gonna be stunned."
"I hope so." Brooklyn smiled, feeling the weakness in it. "What else is left?"

Kitty turned, picking up the blue velvet box off the dressing table, opening the lid, and lifting out the heavy crystal rosary. "This. Now, I'm going to get your Pops, and we are going to check to see if it's time. You take a moment, okay? Breathe, Honey. Just.. breathe. It will all be over, before you know it. And then you will have your entire life together."
Kitty gave one last soothing stroke along Brooklyn's shoulders, before gesturing to the hairdresser, and they left, shutting the door behind them, silently. As soon as she was alone, Brooklyn stood up from the chair, reaching behind her to make sure the veil wasn't caught on anything, before going to stand and look out the window. The glazed glass made the world look like she was looking through water. There was an almost dreamlike quality to it. The beautiful sunny day, which was already getting warm, even at this time of day, seemed so far away.
She inhaled the scent of beeswax and incense, old books and ancient carpet, wood oil and old cloth. Steve was already waiting to step up to the alter, she knew, based on the recital. Juliana was already excited, having to be corralled, to keep from ruining her dress and hair. Charlie, one of the Marino's grandson's, who was acting as ring bearer, was already done up in his little tux. Brooklyn couldn't keep herself from cooing at him, seeing him dressed up like he was.

She reached up, running her finger over a cracked pane, feeling the edge of glass bite slightly into her skin, using the pain to focus. She couldn't lose it. It would be so easy to rip every thing off, break out a window, and run. Run as fast as she could.

It wasn't like the men standing outside as guards would stop her. Some of them were men from her crew. Some where men who she had interacted with, during her purge of the Russians.

No one would stop her.

Not even Steve.

It would hurt him. It would embarrass him. But he would find her at their apartment, and while he would be upset, and might even vocalize those emotions, he wouldn't hate her for it. He would understand. He would sigh, nod, give her a smile as strong as he would be able to muster, and maybe suggest they try again later. But he wouldn't hate or blame her.

He would still love her, want her, want to be with her, if she ran. Of that she was certain.

But she still didn't understand where all this was coming from. She thought she had settled into the idea. She wanted to marry him. She wanted to have that final proof that he belonged to her. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She wanted to live, love... fight, argue,.. build and create, with Steve.

So why were her hands still shaking?

Turning away from the window, she tightened her hand on the rosary, trying to center herself, when she looked up, her eyes focusing on the crucifix hanging on the wall, beneath the ornate kneeling prayer bench, which had a book open on it. She took a deep breath, taking careful measured steps to it, before adjusting her skirts, and lowering her self to kneel on the pad.

She laid her arms along the top, careful to not disturb the book, letting the rosary dangle from one hand.

And then she began to speak.
"I don't believe in You. And even if I did, I would hate You. You ignored me, all my life. You let them hurt me, make me hurt people.. let me kill people. All of that destruction and death, and You turned a blind eye to it. But Steve believes in You. My father believes in You. The people who saved me, and took me in, making me family... they believe in You. So... I will make You a deal. If You want to continue to ignore me, fine. I'll accept that. All I ask, is that You watch over them. Watch over Papa and Steve. Do not let their blind faith go unrewarded. Protect them. Help them, when they call out for You. Guide Papa home. Do not let him miss more of Juliana's life than he already is. Keep Steve safe. Let him continue to come home, when he is trying to protect this world that You have ignored for so long. Do that, and we will get along fine. But if you fail either one of them... if You take Steve or Papa from me... I will promise You this. I will burn every single holy house of Yours to the ground. Every holy man, every nun, monk... priest or cardinal, I will rip to shreds. Your holy books will become nothing more than toilet paper to me. I will make it my life's mission to erase every trace of You and your followers from this planet. I will desecrate every holy place You have. I will make it so no one will ever offer their voice up to You in prayer again." She took a deep breath, meeting the face of the crucified Christ head on. "This is my vow. This is my promise. This is my bargain. Take it or leave it. But be warned."

She took another deep breath, letting it out, raising a foot to stand, when she looked down at the open book on the prayer bench.

Brooklyn blinked, before reading the passage her eyes fell on, out loud.

"The LORD executes righteousness

and justice for all the oppressed.

He made known His ways to Moses,

His deeds to the people of Israel.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious,

slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion.

He will not always accuse us,

nor harbor His anger forever.

He has not dealt with us according to our sins

or repaid us according to our iniquities.

For as high as the heavens are above the earth,

so great is His loving devotion for those who fear Him.

As far as the east is from the west,

so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

As a father has compassion on his children,

so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.

For He knows our frame;

He is mindful that we are dust."

She blinked again, before darting her eyes up to look at the crucifix.
"well, if I actually believed in You? I would take that as a sign You agreed." She nodded, before standing up, careful of her dress and veil. "But for now, I'll take Your silence as compliance. That works for me, too."

She turned her head, as the door opened, Pops looking at her, with a smile. His tux sharp and tailored to fit his body, he strode forward, his smile growing.

"Oh, Brooklyn." He held his arms out wide, then gestured towards her. "You look so beautiful. When your Ma said if she did anything else, it would be gilding the lily, I didn't believe it. But... looking at you, I believe her now."

He stood in front of her reaching out to adjust the way the veil fell over her shoulder, before taking her hand, bringing it up to kiss the back of it tenderly. "I know.. that I am not the father you would have wanted to walk you down the aisle today. But I am the father you have honored enough to allow that privilege. And I am proud to call you my daughter, especially today. So, are you ready?"

Brooklyn took a deep breath, noting her hands were no longer shaking. What had been nerves, fear, concern, was now anticipation. Soon, she would have full legal ownership over Steve Rogers. The whole world would know he belonged to her.

She adjusted the rosary in her hand, nodding.

"Yeah, I'm ready, Pops. Are you?" she asked, smiling at him.

"I don't know if a father is ever ready to give a daughter away." He shook his head, leading her to the door. "But... today, I will try to be."

Pops lead her to the narthex, the rest of the church blocked off by the closed doors. Kitty, smiling at her, came over, pressing a kiss to her cheek, before kissing her husband. She gave them both another smile, before turning to her younger son, both of them exiting the narthex through the door, leaving Brooklyn, Pops, Wilson, Nat and the rest of the wedding party alone.

Juliana came up to them, her hair done in curls, with a cornet of red and white roses threaded along her crown, her dress of soft blue making her look like a little princess. She switched the hands holding the basket of rose petals, reaching out to take Brooklyn's hand.

"We're gonna marry Steve today." she told her older sister, smiling.

"Yes, we are." Brooklyn nodded, forcing back a sting of tears. "Are you ready?"
"Yeah." Juliana nodded, grinning even more. "Now he's really gonna belong to us, right?"
"That's right." Brooklyn bent down, meeting her sister's eyes. "After today, he's really gonna belong to us. No one is gonna be able to take him away from us. Is that okay?"

"Yes!" Juliana jumped, her voice a little loud, but Brooklyn didn't care. "It's okay!"

"Okay. Now... you know what to do? Do you remember?" the older sister squeezed her hand gently.

"Uh huh." Juliana nodded. "I walk down the lane, dropping the petals. And when I get done, I go find Nonna, and sit with her."

"That's right." Brooklyn squeezed her sister's hand again. Looking up, she saw Nat making her way towards them, the red head damn near unfairly beautiful in her light blue bridesmaid's dress. "Okay. Go with Auntie Nat. She's gonna let you know when you need to go, okay?"
"Yup!" Juliana nodded hard. She turned, smiling at Nat, who took Juliana's hand from Brooklyn.
Nat, tilting her head, gave Brooklyn a beautiful smile. "You look... like a Queen. He's gonna be speechless."
Brooklyn nodded, biting her lip, taking a deep breath. "Thank you. You look... I thought the point of the bridesmaid dresses was to not distract from the bride?"

Nat laughed, shaking her head. "Don't worry. After you make your entrance, no one is even gonna notice me."
Nat led Juliana away, bending her head to talk to the little girl, taking her across the narthex.

"She's gonna do fine." Pops tucked her hand into the crook of his arm, pulling her aside. "But you aren't ready, just yet."

He reached up, tugging on the top portion of the veil down, hiding Brooklyn's face behind the blusher, before turning and reaching into a box, which was waiting on a side table, picking up Brooklyn's bridal bouquet. The red roses and white calla lilies, mixed with dark blue orchids, bundled together, leading into the cascading ribbons and greenery covered her hand, which clutched the bouquet tight.

She fiddled with the rosary beads, focusing on her breathing, as Kendra came up, holding her planning folder, an ear piece attached to a microphone in her ear.

"Is everyone ready?" The wedding planner asked, reaching out and touching Brooklyn's arm. "It's time."

"Brooklyn?" Pops asked, as he went to take her hand again, tucking it into the crook of his arm, patting it once it was settled. "Are you ready?"
"As I'll ever be." She nodded, still counting her breaths. "Let's kick this pig."

Kendra blinked, before nodding. "Okay." She turned and raised her hand to her ear. "Start the music. Send out the first couple."

Brooklyn and Pops held back, as the bridesmaids and the groomsmen left the Narthex, keeping out of sight. Kitty explained, when Brooklyn questioned about this, that it was to make a 'grand entrance', and to ensure that everyone's attention was on her. She wasn't going to enter the church, proper, until the Wedding March began to play. Something else that Kitty insisted on.

She watched as Charlie left, marching out of the doors with the pillow holding the rings held out proudly before him, as Nat got Juliana in position, holding her back with a hand on her shoulder, until Kendra gave her a nod. Then, with a gentle push, Nat sent Juliana on her way.

Brooklyn was able to see her sister, barely, as she followed the instructions she had been given. Take a step, scatter some petals. Take another step, scatter a handful of petals. The people in attendance were awing and oohing as her little sister took her careful measured steps, scattering petals along the way. She was very careful, focused on her job, until she looked up, about halfway down the aisle. Apparently seeing Steve, she waved her arm, before running ahead, the basket above her head, shaking it so the petals scattered everywhere as she went. The crowd began laughing and clapping.

"Oh.. God." Nat said, bringing a hand up to her mouth. "She ran right to Steve. She went up to him, and whispered something to him. He's... kissing her cheek, and sending her off to sit with Kitty. So... fucking... cute!"

Brooklyn sniffed, nodding and smiling. "She loves him."
Nat looked back at Brooklyn. "He loves her, just as much."

Kendra waved her hand, before putting it on Nat's back, patting her. Nat gave Brooklyn one more grin, shifting her own bouquet of red, white and blue flowers, before striding out the doors. Kendra pulled the doors closed, and moved to help Brooklyn and Pops get situated in their places, so when the doors opened, they could walk through, without missing a beat.

"Here we go." Pops murmured, patting her hand again. "I love you, Brooklyn Marie. And I am so proud of you. If he ever hurts you, I'm going to scatter his parts all over the Hudson."

Brooklyn blinked, before grinning, nodding. "I'll make sure he is aware."
"He already is. I made sure to tell him, personally." Pops turned, smiling.

Kendra, facing them, nodded. "It's time."
The first strains of the wedding march came to them, as the doors opened. Pops held her steady, as she took her first steps out into the Church, her heels sinking into the thick runner they had laid out. Everyone was standing, turned to face them, as Pops led her down the aisle. She blinked, focusing on her breathing, as they passed people, some of which were praying.

Traditions, apparently came in different forms.

She was in the process of measuring her steps, and counting her breaths, when she finally raised her eyes, and saw Steve, standing at the end of the aisle.

Suddenly, she knew how her sister had felt, when she had been making her way down the aisle. It felt like Pops was holding her back. She was desperate to run to Steve, to wrap her arms around him, hold him close. It felt like an lifetime was between them, with the amount of time it took to make their way to where he stood, with Wilson next to him.

He was smiling. More than smiling. Grinning even seemed like a word too small to describe the way his mouth was formed on his face. His blue eyes, which reminded her so much of the sky outside right now, were wide, wet, and slightly red along the rims. He had a hand pressed to his chest, as if holding himself, while his other hand was in a fist by his side.

Wilson was standing next to him, a hand on his back, as Steve seemed to go unsteady for a moment. Wilson's lips moved, before Steve nodded, his smile going even brighter.

After what seemed like the end of time, Pops brought her to a stop, facing Steve and the Priest. His hand tightened on hers, for a moment, as the music came to an end.

The Priest stepped forward, holding up a hand. "Who gives this woman, to be married on this day?"
Pops seemed to swell, as he patted Brooklyn's hand. "Her mother and I do."
Steve stepped forward, his hand outstretched, and Pops took her hand off his arm, holding it out to Steve. He paused, leaning over and kissing Brooklyn's cheek through the blusher, before stepping back, turning to join Juliana and Kitty on the pew in the front.
Steve, his eyes still slightly wet, gave her a little wink. Softly, he whispered, "Hey, Babydoll. Fancy meeting you here."
Her lips barely moved, as she whispered back, "Watch it, Rogers. I can still back out."
As he moved to stand by her side, facing the Priest, he gave a short shake of his head. "Nope, this is the end of your running. Now, pay attention."

The ceremony seemed to fly by. She was able to keep herself focused, by paying attention to her breathing, and the feel of Steve standing beside her. The smell of him soothed her. The heat of him was relaxing. She forgot the pinching of her toes, the weight of the veil on her head, the heaviness of the jewellery pulling at her neck, wrists, and ears. All that consumed her was Steve.

This was the hard part. This was the part she had to slog through, to own him, fully.

She gave her responses in time with Steve, when the Priest asked them questions, only slightly faltering over the one about children.

She turned to face Steve, placing her right hand in his, as instructed, as the Priest began the rite of consent, her heart soaring as Steve said the magic 'I do'. She smiled at him through the blusher, as the Priest began her part, watching as Steve grinned wider and wider, until she was allowed to say the words back to him. The magic words he had been yearning to hear from her, since asking her that question in February.

"I do." She smiled, her throat growing thick, forcing her to swallow several times, until it receded.

The Priest began the blessings, calling for the rings, and Charlie trotted over, holding up the pillow for the priest to lean over. While the Priest began to bless the rings, Nat stepped forward, taking the bouquet and the rosary from Brooklyn, leaving her hands free.

At the Priest's instructions, Steve untied the rings, handing Brooklyn the thick platinum band he was going to wear from now on, as a physical sign of her ownership over him, before picking up the band he had made to match her engagement ring.

"I am your shield." He told her, softly, as he took her left hand, preparing to slide the ring on, before reciting the words from the Priest. "Brooklyn Marie, receive this ring, as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
She sucked in her breath, as he slid the ring up her finger, over her knuckle, and nestled it against her engagement ring, before giving her hand a squeeze. She returned it, as she took his left hand in hers, holding the ring in her right hand right at the end of his ring finger.
"If you tame me, then we shall need each other." She smiled at him, stroking his hand with a finger, before reciting the words as he had. "Steven Grant, receive this ring, as a sign of my love and fidelity." She took a deep breath, trying not to falter. "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

The ring slid up his hand, catching for a moment at his knuckle, before finding its place. It was right, she thought, as she looked at it. This was her ownership. This was her marking her property. This was her claiming him before his God, and all their friends and family, in a legal and socially acceptable way.

She bit her lip to keep from giggling as the highly inappropriate thought of how she would like to claim him, by dropping to her knees, filtered through her head. Steve caught it, raising an eyebrow in question, before he grinned, as if reading her mind. He winked at her again, before they turned to face the Priest for the final blessing.

As soon as that was done, the Priest pronounced them as Man and Wife, and gave the instruction for Steve to 'kiss his bride'. Brooklyn took a half step closer to Steve, as he reached for her blusher, pulling it away from her face, his eyes going wet again, before he grinned, ducking his head, his hands landing on her waist, his lips pressing against hers.

Unable to resist, she opened her mouth under his, her arms going around his neck. He let her have a moment, lifting her slightly, before placing her down again, taking her left hand in his right, as she turned (as she had been instructed by Kitty) to take her bouquet and rosary back from Nat. They stood before the clapping audience.

"May I present to you Captain and Mrs. Steven Rogers!" The Priest announced.
Steve turned to look at her. "Mrs. Rogers."

"Now, I am." She nodded, grinning.

"Now, and forever, Babydoll." He grinned back, as he began leading her back down the aisle. "Till death do us part."

A/N: ONE MORE!! I PROMISE! ONE MORE!!  If you haven't given me a follow, now would be a good time. But only if you want to follow Brooklyn on her continuing quest to discover who she really is, and who she wants to be, as well as how often she can make Steve snap and spank her.

That being said! A question, for all of you! Is there anything that you would want as an outtake? Scenes from another's point of view, or a scene that should have been included?  If so, let me know! 

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