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Headcanon #6: Kaito didn't have friends in 2nd year since Honey no longer wanted to talk with him and Mori went with Honey no matter what, so he took the time to study and learn new languages.

"Ich hasse Menschen." Kaito mumbled to himself as a girl shoved past him.

"Du wirst mich eines Tages fürchten." He grumbled as he was shoved again.

"Fick dich." He told a guy who was laughing at him because he was too 'basic'.

So what if he didn't have bright hair or pretty eyes? So what if sometimes he got lonely and cuddled with his cat. So what if everyone hated him?

"Ich wünschte, ich könnte einfach in einem Loch sterben." Kaito moaned.

"Hey, stop talking in tongues, it's annoying." A lanky, tall raven haired boy told him irritably.

Kaito turned and glared at the taller guy, geez this guy was a freaking slender man wannabe, and slightly turned on his tippy toes to make himself feel less pathetic.

He glanced at his cold face and realized it was the youngest Ootori, a first year. Which gave him more authority, haha!

"Show some respect for your senior." He glared.

Kyoya looked down at him and smirked.

Oh he did not just dramatically yet subtly point out he was taller than him.

"Eines Tages wirst du auf die Knie, betteln um Vergebung." He muttered, noting the twitch on his face.

"I can't understand you." He growled.

Kaito smirked, Ohoho?

"Nun, das ist dein Problem, nicht wahr?" He sang before laughing at his face and skipping to home room.

"I thought Tamaki was irritating." He heard him grumble.

A bubble of laughter escaped him and he found a smile on his face, it was nice to socialize every once in a while he supposed.


Headcanon #7: Kaito met Tamaki when they were both sulking in the rose garden and Kaito thought Tamaki was the weirdest thing ever.

"Stupid Haninozuka." Kaito muttered after another disagreement. "I don't know what to do anymore. I don't think things will ever go back to how they used to be. Sorry big guy, I give up."

"Stupid Kyoya," Tamaki sniffles, "why don't you take my club idea seriously? I tried so hard. What's wrong with us being hosts?"

The two pouting males ran smack into each other and both cried out.

"Owwww." Tamaki whined.

"That hurt you overly large first year!" Kaito cursed.

"I'm sorry!" Tamaki cried and helped the 2nd year up.

"It's fine." Kaito shrugged it off and looked at the blond before laughing.

"What?" He frowned.

"You have a green rose on your jacket." Kaito smiled.

"Rose..." Tamaki was staring at his shoulder, making Kaito shift uncomfortably.

He glanced down and saw a white rose, thorns tangled in his shoulder. He groaned and began to unhook the spiky menace.

"That's it!" Tamaki screeched making Kaito jump back in surprise.


"The roses, do you know about rose meanings?!?" Tamaki asked excitedly.

Kaito looked at him weirdly, "Well yes, I designed a game with a character obsessed with flower meanings, I still remember some I guess."

"Tell me some!"



"Red is love, pink is gentleness, orange is enthusiasm and passion, blue is mysterious or unattainable, green is harmony and tranquillity, and purple is enchantment. Probably." Kaito took another step back as Tamaki looked ready to burst.

"What about white?!"

"New beginnings, quiet, and somber, look are you going to tell me why you need to know all this?"

"Join my club!" He screeched.

Kaito blinked, "Club? What club?"

"The Host Club!"

Kaito laughed and shook his head. "Look if you can get Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka to join your 'host club' I'll think about it."

"Challenge accepted!" Tamaki grinned.


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