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Headcanon #10: Kaito dyed his hair at the end of his 2nd year for an anime convention with Principal Suoh's permission. He cosplayed as the vocaloid character that shares his name.

"Senpai...why is your hair blue?" Hikaru asked slowly.

"I'm Kaito!" He said happily.

"We know your name senpai, why is you hair blue?" Kaoru frowned.

"No, I'm Kaito from Vocaloid!" Kaito pulled out his phone and showed them a couple of pictures.

"You look disturbingly alike." Hikaru said with a wrinkled nose.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, you actually look cool with blue hair." Kaoru admitted.

"But will the principal let you?" Hikaru cut in.

"Principal Suoh is very eccentric. He likes giving freedom to the students. He let the girls pick the school color, pink, and design the uniforms. He let the boys design the sculptures and hang out rooms, so when I asked to dye my hair he thought it was a great idea to give the students more freedom." Kaito grinned.

"That's kind of impressive senpai, but when are you going to wash the dye out?" Kaoru frowned.

"Oh, turns out I accidentally used that new permanent dye that's supposed to last at least a year."

"Senpai..." Kaoru sighed.

"Sometimes you're really dense." Hikaru shook his head.

Kaito grinned.


Headcanon #11: Hikaru and Kaoru really look up to Kaito and want him to be one of the first people to tell them apart, unfortunately he has yet to differentiate them. However, they notice he always asks if the one on the right is Hikaru so they began to position themselves like this, just to feel the happiness of being told apart. Kaito knows but he feels flattered and happy and they would go such lengths just to have him tell them apart.

"Which one is which senpai?" Hikaru asked seriously, from the left.

"Um," Kaito wrinkled his nose and closed his eyes, trying to think.

Hikaru and Kaoru switched sides and Kaito opened his mint green eyes.

"You're Hikaru..." he pointed to where Hikaru had switched with Kaoru, "and you're Kaoru."

They smiled, "You got it senpai."


Headcanon #12: When Tamaki finally got through to Honey it was the end of 2nd year and the first thing he did was drag Takashi, who would've went willingly anyway, to find Kaito.

"Do you want someone to pick you up?" His older brother Haru asked over the phone.

"No I'm going to stop by the store to check how well my new game is selling." Kaito said with a tired sigh, school was finally over for the summer and he couldn't get away fast enough.

"Okay, be careful on the way home-Yumi stop bullying Aina!"

"Make me!"

Kaito rolled his eyes and hung up, he loved his family, sometimes, but they were extremely tiring.

"Kino!" Kaito blinked, he hadn't been called that in a while, a year and 1/2 to be exact, and turned to see a crying blond boy that barely came to his upper stomach, jump up.

"Haninozuka?!" He yelped before he was tackled to the ground.

Takashi made no move to help and only looked down at them with a tiny smile.

"Haninozuka what are-"

"I'm sorry Kino! 'M really sorry!" He wailed with over exaggerated crocodile tears.

Kaito blinked before his face softened, "Took you long enough, dummy."

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