Chapter 1

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"I wouldn't be able to design a character of myself, it's too complicated to see yourself in the right way."
"Senpai, you said you would stop hanging upside down." Kaoru drawled as Kaito scrunched his nose and cheered as his player got first place.

"Senpai." Hikaru called.

"I think better upside down." Kaito frowned before sighing and jumping off the chandelier, turning his body right side up just before he hit the ground.

"I don't understand why. How are you not on the ground, clenching your head in pain from a head rush?" Hikaru rolled his eyes.

"Magic." Kaito smirked, a rose appearing in his hand.

Kaito and Hikaru both clapped sarcastically until he made the rose explode and scared a nearby girl. That got them pretty enthusiastic.

"Okay, how did you do that?" Kaoru asked with shining eyes.

"The rose is like a container. But it's made of material that easily breaks open. All I had to do was put rose petals inside along with a packet of air that pops open when I push this button. There you go, exploding rose." Kaito said proudly.

"You know you could probably do good stuff with your head if you used it for anything serious." Hikaru smirked.

"I don't want too." Kaito frowned and hugged his 3DS XL closer to his chest.

"Kaito-senpai you are such a child." They said together in fond exasperation making Kaito frown.

"Tama-chan they're bullying me again!" He called.

"Crap." They whispered as Kung-Fu Master Tama-Chan jumped in and karate chopped their faces.

"Twiiiiiiins." He hissed.

"Wow Boss, you're looking royally stupid today too." Hikaru snickered.

"What're you supposed to be? A commoner?" Kaoru asked, genuinely curious.

"Yes, as a matter of fact! Today we'll dress as commoners!" Tamaki announced proudly.

"Do I have to wear saggy pants and a Thug Life shirt? Or are you going to make us crossdress again? Then are you going to make us wear a strip of cloth they call a skirt and a bra like shirt?" Kaito asked in a sigh.

"I said commoners Kaito-senpai." Tamaki smiled kindly, "Not Americans."

"Oh, okay." Kaito perked up and followed the twins to go get dressed.


Surprisingly, Kaito got more popular with girls after he dyed his hair. Probably because he resembled the Vocaloid Kaito so much.

Therefore, he was dubbed as The Spirited Type, which seemed to fall short on his customers until they cracked the ice, then they understood.

"So Kaito Tsukino right? I'm Hisa Satomi, we've been in the same class for 3 years but this is the first time I talk to you." A girl with black hair and brown eyes beamed.

"It's nice to finally talk to you Satomi-san." Kaito smiled, underneath the table his hands were clenched and sweaty, girls were freaking terrifying.

"So why are you the spirited type?" She asked.

"They think I'm passionate." He smiled nervously.

"Um at what?" She asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"I, um, design games."

"Like Uki Doki Memorial?" Hisa asked.

"Ah, well I actually made that game."

"Eh?!? Is that why they look so similar to the Host Club?" She asked in excitement.

"Yes," he grinned, "I made them based loosely on everyone's looks here but made the personalities the opposite."

"T-That's amazing!" Hisa looked genuinely in awe. "I've played every single route of that game and I'm positively in love Miyabi Ichigo! He was so sweet and kind!" She gushed, "but why isn't there a character for you?"

"I wouldn't be able to design a character of myself, it's too complicated to see yourself in the right way. I'd most likely make an amazing person as my opposite." He chuckled.

"I think Tsukino-kun is pretty amazing." Hisa blushed.

Kaito blinked before smiling kindly, "thank you very much Satomi-san."

"Would you tell me more about your upcoming games?" Hisa asked, flustered and changing the subject.

"I'm actually thinking of starting a manga and maybe later an anime." Kaito confessed.

"Really? What would it be about?" Hisa asked, curiousity heavy in her voice.

"It's just a passing thought for now but I think it would be about the everyday lives of rich people. I'm thinking of calling it," he paused and glanced out of the window at the clock tower, veiled by sakura trees whose petals danced along in a serenade as old as time, decorated by the vivid blue of the sky, lit up by the bright sun.

"Tsukino-kun?" Hisa questioned.

"Ah sorry, what?"

"What would you call your manga idea?" She asked eagerly.

"I think I'd call it," he grinned, "Ouran High School Host Club."

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