~Chapter 6: Travels...~

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*Darren's POV*

We left my old clan, I looked back with a sorry look and then we ran into the wood and shifted in mid air.

*20 Minutes Later*

We had been running for 20 minutes and I already was tired. My heart felt like it was about to beat right out of my chest. I was breathless and stopped immediately. Christian continued running and then stopped when he was a few yards away noticing I wasn't running anymore.

'Where did you go, Darren' Christian asked as he thought in my mind.

'Back here like a few yards away from you' I said still breathless. 

Christian looked around for me and then he looked behind himself and I was indeed a few yards behind him.

'Why did you stop running?' he asked me while he walked back towards me.

'I'm tired' I said while I still tried to catch my breath.

A minute later I had caught my breath and was ready to run away.

'Okay I'm ready to run again' I said.

'Maybe we should walk for now. I don't really feel like stopping every 20 minutes' Christian said.

I nodded my head in agreement and I was relieved...kind of. I wondered how long this was going to take to get there and I would have asked my new mate Christian but I feared the answer to my question. I always hated running long distances because I was born with a bad heart. When I was a teenager, my parents had taken me to the hospital for a heart transplant but the doctors didn't find one.

My own mother gave me her heart so I could live. She gave up her life for her child. I was proud of my parents and sure she was my mother but I never imagined her to love me this much. My mom and dad weren't close to me because we always fought. I hated fighting with people.

I was a shy wolf, I know it doesn't seem like it because of my old clan I wasn't shy with them because they took me in when my parents died. My mom died because she gave me her heart and my dad died because of a broken heart. He missed my mom so much that his heart slowly shut down.

They died 50 years ago in vampire years, I cried for days even though we weren't that close, I still missed them. Christian waved his hand in front of my face because I was staring into nothing but air.

'Are you okay?' He asked me.

'Yes I'm fine, I was just thinking about my parents' I said but wasn't really in the mood to go into the details. 

'Why? What happened to them?' He asked.

'They died...' I said.

*Christian's POV*

I looked over at my mate Darren and he had a pained look on his face and he was staring into nothing but air. I snapped in front of his face but it did nothing. I waved my hand in front of his face and he suddenly snapped out of it.

I asked him what was wrong and he said he was thinking about his parents. I asked him why and what happened, he said they died. My heart clenched out for him. I felt bad that he had to go through that. I loved him more than any one else could possibly love another.

We continued to walk and then slowly set into a run and as soon as we knew it, we were at my house were my pack lived with me and now with Darren.

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