Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

       The break of dawn, everyone in the fort was gathering around outside, waiting for the announcement I hated hearing everywhere. I was one of the few people who didn't agree with this little 'game' the Wickeds put an unexpected soul through.

       I didn't let anyone know I didn't agree with it. I was supposed to keep up an image of a brave and daring person, just because my mom and dad were the two most wicked people living in Peyetia. Of course, their son and daughter would be just like them.

       I was, in a way. I liked causing destruction, breaking rules, defying basically everyone.

       I didn't like seeing other people in distress, and I definitely didn't like causing harm to others.

       I didn't dare let anyone know that about that, about how I was barely anything like my parents. Peyetia was all about everyone following their fate. What if my fate had nothing to do with me being wicked like everyone else on the Wicked Side.

       However, I didn't bother hiding how I felt about The Wicked Trial. As everyone gathered around the crackling bonfire to wait for the chief to call who would be attempting the trial, I had a scowl on my face the whole time.

       My parents noticed, and my dad sighed heavily. "Grimm, stop looking so....grim," he said.

       I laughed sarcastically. "Hilarious. Like I never heard that one before."

       "Can you blame me when you're acting like this?" Dad asked. "This trial is supposed to show how strong and brave us Wickeds are."

       "How?" I asked. "It's the same thing everywhere. Someone gets called to go, nobody volunteers to go with them, they never return. You want to talk about being brave? Get people to volunteer to go. The only reason why people are going alone is because nobody is actually brave enough to attempt the trial."

       My parents never liked the attitude I gave them, which made no sense whatsoever because they always taught me to speak my mind, to never be afraid to defy anyone. Unless they are the ones being defied, that is.

       "It's a good thing those people never made it back," Dad said. "We need brave and strong people considered part of the Wickeds. We don't want anyone weak."

       I was trying my best to keep my anger under control. Nobody ever deserved to die, if that really was what happened to the people who never returned. Either that, or they got lost and had to make life where they were right now.

       So, I didn't bother replying to my dad. I didn't want to get even more angry.

       The worst part? Anybody over the age of twenty were never called. Apparently, they already proved themselves to be wicked after all the feuds, battles, and wars against the Morals.

       Once the sun had completely set and everyone had gathered around the bonfire, everyone was silenced by the chief of the fort who held up his staff. No voices could be heard, so the chief began talking. "Welcome, Wickeds, to this year's Wicked Trial!"

      Everyone cheered hearing those words. Everyone but me, and even my younger sister Arcadia. She didn't agree with the trial either, but she was never vocal about her distaste. She left that all to me.

       "You should all know how this works," the chief continued. "Beside me is this cauldron filled with names of those eligible for The Wicked Trial. Once I add all the ingredients in, a puff of smoke will reveal the name of the one chosen for the trial."

       Everyone, except me and Arcadia, watched in anticipation as the chief added ingredients to the cauldron one by one. I just couldn't wait for this to be done and over with.

       He held up the final ingredient, letting it drop into the cauldron as a puff of smoke went up into the air, revealing the name chosen. As soon as I saw the name, my heart completely fell.

       Arcadia Fox.

       "Well, it looks like we have the daughter of the two most wicked people in Peyetia has been chosen for The Wicked Trial!" the chief announced, making most people cheer.

      My sister wasn't happy at all. In fact, she looked terrified. There was no way she would succeed in setting out the trial alone.

      "Now, it's tradition to ask this even though I never get a response," the chief said. "Will anyone like to go with Arcadia Fox on The Wicked Trial?"

       I didn't even have to hesitate before saying, "I will."

       That shocked a lot of people. Nobody ever offered to go along with the one chosen for the trial. Even their siblings didn't offer.

       What shocked people a lot more was that I wasn't the only one who offered to go. So did my and Arcadia's two best friends, Opal and Lance. The four of us always stuck together, so I wasn't too surprised when they offered as well.

       "Well, that certainly changes things up a bit," the chief said. "Not one, by three others offering to go on The Wicked Trial. The four of you have half an hour to pack up everything you can before you head on the trial. Everyone is now dismissed."

       As everyone departed, I turned to face my parents, awaiting their reactions. "So, what was that about The Wicked Trial not testing the braveness and strength?" Mom asked. 

       "It's not bravery, it's loyalty," I said. "I'm not letting my sister go on the trial alone."

       "Well, I'm actually excited for this," Dad said, not surprisingly to be honest. I knew deep down, he wanted one of his children to be chosen so I could stop bashing the trial. 

       The was a reason he was considered to be one of the two most wicked people in Peyetia, along with my mom. They even didn't care about their two children as much as they should.

       "This is definitely the year where we'll have the contestants return," Dad said. "After all, it will be the first year a sorcerer will be on the trial. Now, you two should go hurry and pack. You only have half an hour."

       Arcadia and I headed to our house and upstairs to our very small bedrooms to pack. "What are we even suppose to pack?" Arcadia asked before we went into our separate rooms.

       I shrugged. "Clothes? Food? First-aid kit?"

       Arcadia stared at me for a bit before sighing. "I feel like you're mad at me."

       "What?" I asked. "Arcadia, no, don't put the blame on yourself. It is not your fault you were chosen for the trial, and it definitely isn't your fault that I'm coming with you. I'm more mad at the fact at how this stupid trial is still going on when no one ever returns."

       "Yeah, you're right there," Arcadia said. "Dad is right, at least. We have a higher chance with a sorcerer coming along, and with Opal and Lance too." 

       Arcadia was sounding really positive about it, but we had no idea what we would be facing.

       I went into my room and grabbed a bag before packing a few extra clothes, especially ones I can wear to stay warm in this weather.

       I made sure to pack a few essentials too before heading to the kitchen to pack some food. That was if Mom and Dad would let me. They might tell me to man up and find my own food during the trial.

       Which actually did happen.

       My parents did not want me to pack any food at all, and part of me thought it was a so-called 'punishment' for bashing the trial earlier.

       At least I knew Opal and Lance's parents would let them pack food.

       I packed up everything else I think I would need. Honestly, part of me couldn't wait for the trial only because I could get away from my parents for a while.

       I didn't know what to expect. Nobody knew what was on the trial, except for those who had been on the trial. Though, they never came back.

       When the thirty minutes were up, a loud horn sounded outside. Mom and Dad didn't even wish us good luck before Arcadia and I walked out of the house and back to the bonfire where Opal and Lance were already waiting.

       "You know, you two didn't have to offer to come with us," Arcadia said.

       "Yes, we did," Opal said. "Safety in numbers, right?"

       "Yeah, and four people working at the trial have a huge chance of making it back," Lance said. "Besides, the four of us always stick together."

       "Speaking of, you two brought food, right?" I asked. "Our parents wouldn't let us pack any. Probably because I was bashing the trial earlier."

       "Oh, trust me, that was the main thing I packed," Opal said. "I figured everyone else would each bring something they needed, so the I might as well bring as much food as I could."

       The chief walked over to us, and a few people had gathered around to watch the commence of the trial. "Follow me," the chief said, and the four of us did. We walked out of the fort and walked a little ways down the path to the train station that was rarely used.

       "The trial is simple," the chief said. "You'll get off the train at the very last station, and make your way back."

       He said it was simple, but I knew it was not going to be at all.


Lol, so I'm technically posting this a day early since it's 9:40 PM. cx

OH WELL. I was way too excited for it since Grimm is my little baby.


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