Chapter 6 | Final Chapter

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I said this was a short story. cx

Chapter 6

       Every other hour, the three of us would come across some kind of obstacle, a lot of them being quite fatal. At least there was nothing as worse as that bear for me to handle, though I couldn't be too sure if another bear would come back.

       I really hoped it wouldn't.

       On the bright side, we were quite close to making it out of The Wicked Trial.

       On the not-so-bright side, we came across two more skeletons, both of them being not too far apart from each other. Seeing the skeletons, people I knew, made me a lot more furious with our fort for making The Wicked Trial. There really was no point in it.

       "How long have we been walked for since the last obstacle?" Lance asked. "I feel like we're due for another one soon."

       "I don't know," I said. "All I know is that we're almost out of the trial. I recognize this part of the forest, and I see the train tracks. We just have to keep walking beside it to stay on track."

       "Ha, puns," Lance said.

       I just rolled my eyes and we kept walking down the path. I was the one in the lead, but Arcadia quickened her pace so she could walk beside me. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

       "You know, the same," I said. "Angry, frustrated, annoyed..."

       "I'm talking about what happened with that bear," Arcadia said. "You've been a bit more reserved ever since it... you know. Died."

       "I'm fine about that," I said. "I'm over it."

       "It's fine if you're not," Arcadia said. "There's nothing wrong with feeling sympathetic to a creature, even if it did try killing you. It shows that you're different from everyone."

       "Which I shouldn't be," I said.

       Arcadia sighed. "Grimm, I think it's pretty clear to everyone that you're not a normal Wicked. In fact, sometimes, it doesn't even seem like you are a Wicked."

       "Maybe he's adopted," Lance said.

       "He's not adopted," Arcadia said. "Not everyone ends up exactly like their parents. Grimm is just one of the very few people who aren't afraid to be himself."

       "I just think there's more than meets the eye," Opal said. "Like I said yesterday, Grimm is special and we all know that. There's definitely more to it."

       "Alright, what are you going on about?" Lance asked.

       "He's the only sorcerer of our generation," Opal said. "His parents took the serum that should have stopped them from passing their magic onto him. They took it, and it didn't work on him, yet it worked for Arcadia."

       "I wish I was a sorcerer," Lance said. "Life would be easier."

       "Trust me, being a sorcerer does not make life easier," I said. "If anything, it makes things worse. My parents expect a lot more from me just because I'm the only sorcerer of the generation. I just need to get away from them."

       "I know how you can," Arcadia said, which caused me to stop in my tracks and look at her with furrowed eyebrows. It took me a while to understand what she was talking about and when I did, I just kept walking down the path.

       Would it be worth it?

       "Oh my... Look!" Lance said, pointing ahead. "It's the train station!"

        He was about to run towards it, but I grabbed his arm. "Wait," I said. "We might be close, but you know what that would mean. One final obstacle."

       Almost immediately after I said that, a large growl was heard from nearby.

       "Oh, come on," Lance said. "How many animals do we have to deal with? Can't they have any original ideas? ...I swear if it's that magical bear..."

       "It's not," Opal said, her eyes set on something. "It's a panther."

       The panther suddenly launched itself towards us, and I tried hitting it with a spell that would knock it out, but it wasn't working, so I quickly put a forcefield around the four of us right before the panther reached us. It crashed into the forcefield, which weakened it a bit, so I used a lot more of my magic to make it stronger.

       "It's another one of Mom and Dad's creations," Arcadia said. "Look, the symbol is on its fur."

       I looked at the panther and sure enough, there was a patch of its fur shaped in Mom and Dad's symbol. And if it was anything like the bear, it was only going to go for me and I couldn't use magic against it.

      "How long can you keep this forcefield up for?" Lance asked.

       "Not long," I said. "The more I keep it up, the more of my magic it drains. I know what you're thinking, and there's no way I can keep it up long enough for us to make it to the train station."

       "Then what do we do?" Arcadia asked.

       "There's only one thing left to do," Lance said. "We kill it."

       "What?" I asked. "No way."

       "Grimm, I know, for some odd reason, you're against killing animals but if we don't, it will kill us," Lance said. "I'll do it. I just need someone to trap the panther."

       Opal took her bag off of her back and opened it, pulling out some rope. "How about this?" she asked.

       "Perfect," Lance said. "Grimm, I need you to keep it distracted."

       I was really against it, but we didn't have any choice. 

       The panther slowly back up a bit before ramming itself into the forcefield. It did that another two times, and those two times I counted how long it took. Seven seconds.

       Once it backed up again, I lowered the forcefield so the other four could make their way behind the panther. It didn't notice. All it noticed was me.

       It launched itself at me again, so I created another forcefield. Opal quickly made a lasso out of the rope before throwing it, getting it right around the panther's neck. Opal and Arcadia onto the rope the best they could and Lance made its way towards it with his sword.

       I looked away, and didn't turn back until Lance told me it was done. I lowered the forcefield and looked over to see Lance taking the blood-stained sword out of the now-killed panther.

       Without another word, I made my way pass it and continued walking all the way to the train station with the other three quickly following me.

       "Grimm," Arcadia said.

       "I know, it was the only choice we had," I said. "I'm doing it, by the way."

       "Doing what?" she asked.

       I didn't reply as we reached the train station. Nobody was in there when we walked in.

       "How much do you want to bet they've already had a memorial service for us?" Lance asked as we headed to the door that would lead us right to our fort.

       When we walked out, we walked the short distance to our fort where everyone was just going on living their lives. Nobody seemed to notice us walk in.

       "Wow, so much for a welcoming," Opal said.

       I looked around, my eyes landing on my parents who were talking to the chief. What really bothered me was how they were all smiling and laughing, as if their children getting sent on a trial that could have killed them wasn't a big deal.

       I then looked at the bonfire pit, which was lit up a bit, so I decided to create some attention for us.

       I created a small ball of magic before throwing it at the fire pit, causing a small explosion. The sudden action caught a lot of attention as everyone looked over to see nobody standing by the fire pit.

       They then went on with their normal every day life as if nothing happened.

       And they still didn't notice us.

       "Wow," Lance said. "I'm loving this welcoming. You know, I kind of want to head back on the trial. At least there people paid attention to me. Grimm, do something else to catch their attention."

       "Follow me," I said before leading them to the bonfire. I used my magic to douse the fire, and now that it was gone, the courtyard wasn't as bright, so everyone looked over again.

       And every single person looked shocked to see us.

       "Oh, sorry," I said. "Did you all want the fire going?"

       Mom and Dad hurried over to us. "Oh, we're so happy you made it through!" Mom said. She was about to hug me, but I held my arm out to stop her.

       "Don't touch me," I said. "How could you try to kill your own son?"

       "Grimm, you're the one who volunteered to go with your sister," Mom pointed out.

       "I'm not talking about that," I said. "I'm talking about the bear and panther you two created that blocked my magic and only went after me. And don't you dare say they had always been on the trial, because there's no way you would have done that if I'm the only sorcerer in this generation."

       "We knew it was going to be easy for you," Dad said. "We had to make it challenging."

       "I thought the whole point of the trial was to see who was the bravest and strongest," I said. "If it's easy for me, don't you think that says something? That I am brave and strong?"

       "Compared to the others, yes," Dad said. "For the most part."

       "You two are so unbelievable," I said. "You didn't even care that you could have lost both of your children. Well, you did. In some way. Remember that boarding school for both Wickeds and Morals that's being built on the boarder? And how when you told me about it, I said I didn't want to go and you agreed with me? Yeah, I'm going. With Arcadia."

       "No, you're not," Dad said. "You need our permission."

       "Yeah, and you will give me permission," I said. "Because I am sure there are a lot of things I know that you wouldn't want anyone else to know. Or it will tarnish your reputation."

       "Are you seriously blackmailing us?" Dad asked, and for some odd reason, he smiled. "There's the Wickedness in you. I knew it was there. Alright, you and Arcadia can go. After all, seeing all those Morals and how they act will definitely get you into shape."

       I didn't reply as I started heading to my house. I couldn't wait to get away from my parents.


Lol, it was shorter than I thought it would be. cx OH WELL. It's only supposed to be some sort of introducation to the Wickeds vs Morals series, whenever I get around to it. cx

So, apparently, that stupid internet blocker is now 'working' and will shut the internet off for me if I'm using it for more than two hours. Yeah, two our of twenty-four hours I get to use the internet, which is stupid considering I WRITE ONLINE.

It doesn't even work properly. I used the internet for less than two hours, and it shut off. I asked my dad about it, and he said I was on for more than FIVE HOURS. That wasn't true. I was playing Sims for that long AND SIMS DOESN'T REQUIRE INTERNET.

I really want to move out, but I need a job and also a roommate, but I'd only want to live with a friend or a family member and there are none I can move in with. So, once I finally get a job, I'm going to get unlimited data so my dad can't stop me, because his rules are starting to get out of hand

ESPECIALLY because my sister was using the internet for way longer than two hours. But oh, I forgot. His stupid rules only apply to me and my brother.

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