Chapter 10

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"You okay?" Peeta asks as I sit rubbing my large stomach.

"They're fighting again," I say. "He shoves her and she won't have any of it. She kicks back hard." Peeta smiles and sits down next me and places his hands on my stomach.

"Why can't you just leave each other alone?" he says as he gently kisses the large bump that holds our children. I'm nearly full term which means since they're twins, I could have them any day now. "You should enjoy the time you two get to spend with each other." He looks up at me smiling. "You been feeling anything?"

"A little," I admit. "Nothing too bad yet. I'm fine though really."

"Katniss," he says. "Don't lie. I need to know if we need to get you somewhere."

"I'm not lying," I say. "I bet the only reason I feel any pain is because they hit me when they're aiming at each other."

"You will tell me though, if anything happens?" he asks.

"Do you really think I'm just gonna act like I don't feel our babies trying to make their way out of me, because trust me, that pain is going to be a little hard to hide," I say. He chuckles slightly as he stands.

"Well alright," he says. "I have an assignment but it shouldn't take too long. I'll be back before you know it."

"Your first time going solo," I say. "You're growing up so fast."

"I know that's just the hormones talking, but it still makes me smile," he says kissing my cheek. "I'll be right back."

"I know you will," I say. He kisses me one last time before spreading His wings and flying up out of the trees we've been sheltering in. My children can't be born in the world above so I have to give birth here. We've been living down here for a week now and I can honestly say I've enjoyed myself. Its been nice hiding out in the woods again like I did when Peeta and I first met.

About an hour after Peeta left, I feel our children begin to fight again.

"Really guys?" I say. "Look, I know it's cramped in there, but you need to calm down. You'll be out of there soon. Just please don't fight anymore." They still for a while and I sigh in content. I hear footsteps and turn my head in the direction of the noise. A small girl with blonde hair and pale blue eyes makes her way through the trees and stops short as she sees me.

"You're a, an uh" she starts and I nod.

"Yes Sweetie," I say. "I am."

"But how?" she says.

"I like to visit," I say. She just stands there so a beckon with my hand. "Its okay.You don't have to be shy. Come sit with me a while." She snaps out of her trance and walks closer to me and sits next to me. I move my hand aside and she notices my large stomach for the first time.

"You're pregnant?" she asks and I nod.

"Twins," I say. "One boy, one girl."

"You're close to having them," she says tentatively reaching out and pressing her hand to my swollen abdomen. "They've already dropped into position."

"You certainly know an awful lot about this," I say.

"My mother is a healer," she says. "My name is Primrose by the way, but most people call me Prim."

"Nice to meet you Prim," I say. "I'm Katniss."

"Can I ask you a question?" she says.

"What?" I ask.

"Why are your wings black like raven? All the stories I've ever read talked about angels with dove white wings and blonde curls," she says.

"I'm one of a kind," I say. "A Wild Angel. The only one He ever created with free will. I could be evil if I wanted to, but I prefer serving the one who gave me this extraordinary gift."

"A real angel," she says. "I'm sitting next to a real angel. And a pregnant one no less."

"That's not something that's usually happens," I say. "Peeta and I are the first time any angels have even fallen in love much less had children. We usually just show up there and Michael raises us to maturity. So seeing as there is no reference, I'm kind of just praying for the best here."

"So you're scared?" she says.

"Yeah," I say. "For the first time in my very long life, I'm actually frightened."

"I'm sure you'll be fine," she says. I feel something inside me change and I cry out as I truly feel pain for the very first time. Prim jumps up and stares at me. "What's wrong Katniss?"

"I think it's the babies," I say. "I think something's wrong. I don't know what's happening."

"Okay," she says. "Just stay still and let me see." She kneels beside me and presses both her hands to my stomach, feeling around. She looks up at me and shrugs. "I don't think there's anything wrong. They aren't in any distress. Do you think you're in labor?"

"I don't know," I say.

"Does it feel like a really, really strong cramp?" she asks.

"I don't know what a cramp is okay!" I yell. "I've never felt any kind of pain before."

"Just tell me when you feel it again," she says. I nod and about five minutes later, I squeal as the pain happens again. Prim rubs her fingers gently against my stomach until it passes. She looks up at me and nods. "Well I can tell you that nothing's wrong with them. In fact, I think you'll be holding them in a little while."

"You don't mean?" I ask her and she smiles.

"You're in labor Katniss," she says. "You're having your babies."

To be continued...

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