Chapter 8

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"You know, I really like it up here," Peeta says as we lay on my cloud together.

"I know," I say laughing. "You've told me five times today."

"But it's true," he says. "I'm with you, and I never don't have to be."

"I'll admit, it will be nice to share paradise with someone," I say. "I've been alone practically my whole life."

"What about your parents?" he asks.

"Angels don't fall in love," I say. "We don't have parents. We just kind of show up here and then Michael raises us to maturity. After that, we're on our own. He calls for us when we're needed, but other than that, we're alone."

"Do you think I'll ever meet him?" Peeta asks. "Michael?"

"He already knows you," I say. "But yes, you two will meet face to face. Most likely pretty soon."

"How would he already know me?" he asks.

"He knows every angel," I say. "Plus, he's the one that sent me down to you. So I'm fairly sure he knows who you are."

"So if angels don't have parents, is it even possible for us to have kids?" he asks.

"I don't know," I say. "It's not like falling in love happens for us. So I honestly, I've never once thought about it. I'm sure it's possible, but I really have no idea how any of this is supposed to work. But I know who would."

"Who?" he asks.

"Who do you think?" I say. "You've been do eager to meet him, I guess this is when you do." I sit up and spread my wings. "I think our wings need a stretch. What do you think?"

"I'm still trying to get used to it," he says. "I haven't had them all my life like you have. It's not an easy task."

"Because you were never taught," I say. "It'll get easier over time. Michael's cliffs aren't far. You'll make it."

"Well aren't you optimistic," he says.

"I have to be," I say. "Otherwise, I'd be very depressed. After all, I am the only one of us who has any free will. Well, besides you I guess."

"So are we going or not?" he asks.

"Yes," I say. "We'll go." He stands and then helps me up. My hand grazes over where my child rests, the child Peeta has yet to know about. The truth is, I already know that it's entirely possible for Peeta and I to have a child. Because we already are.

I spread my wings and lift myself off the cloud. Peeta does the same. I gesture for him to follow me and lead him to the cliffs where Michael resides. We stand side by side, alone.

"Where is he?" Peeta asks.

"He's always around here somewhere," I say. "Michael? We need to talk to you." The soft golden light appears in front of us before it dies away to reveal my old friend. Peeta eyes widen and I laugh gently.

"Katniss," Michael says softly. "I've been wondering when you'd formally introduce me to your husband." He sticks his hand out to Peeta. "I'm Michael. It's nice to finally meet you. Katniss has told me much about you."

"The pleasure is mine," Peeta says nervously.

"We came because we needed to talk to you about children," I say. "About our children."

"Ahhh," he says, giving me a smirk that tells me he already knows my secret. "Aren't we anxious? You have all the time in the world to have that."

"So it is possible? For Katniss and I to have a child?" Peeta asks.

"Entirely possible," Michael replies. "He paired you two together for a reason. Why would He do that and then rob you of the simple pleasure of a miracle of your own."

"Really?" Peeta asks.

"Yes," he replies. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do. Feel free to stay here as long as you want." He gives me one last smile and disappears in a glow of golden light. I look to Peeta and see him staring at me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"You two kept glancing at each other," he says. "Like you knew something I don't. Like you're keeping something from me."

"It wasn't his place to tell," I say. "He knows because he knows everything. But he knows that I want to be the one to tell you. That I will tell you. Very soon."

"Why haven't you told me?" he says. "You know you can tell me anything. Why not this?"

"Because I'm not quite sure how to tell you, okay," I say. "It's not like this is something that happens everyday."

"It's a good thing right?" he asks.

"Yes, it's a very good thing," I say.

"Will I be happy about it?" he asks.

"I think you'll be very happy," I say. "I'm just not sure how to tell you."

"Well if its not a bad thing and I'll be happy, just tell me," he says. "You'll probably feel better. I can tell not telling me is killing you right now."

"Well, lets just say, I'm entirely aware that its possible for us to have our own baby," I say.

"You don't mean?" he asks, his eyes lighting up.

"I do," I say. "I'm with child. I'm carrying our baby."

"You're pregnant?" he asks. "With a baby? Our baby?"

"That's what I just said didn't I," I say laughing at his reaction.

"But how?" he asks.

"I don't think I need to explain it," I say. "I'm pretty sure you were there."

"It's just, it doesn't seem real," he says.

"Well it is," I say. "As real as the feathers on my wings and the smile on your face." Peeta picks me up and spins me around before setting me down and pulling me into a kiss.

"I am so happy that I don't even think its possible happier," he says pulling away.

"Me too," I say. "Especially now that you know too. It was getting harder and harder not to tell you."

"Why keep it a secret?" he asks.

"I didn't really know how you'd take it," I say. "You've never really seriously talked about our own children before today."

"Well other than the day I met you, this is the happiest day of my life," he says smiling.

"Mine too," I say smiling brightly.

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