The Illusion of an Alchemist

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Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.

-Morticia Adams


     Brown hair, pulled into a high pony tail and braided down to the shoulders, swayed from side to side. Thick black glasses framed brown eyes. These features belonged to a young girl. She wore a long green-grey trench coat that went down to her knees. This was over a sleeveless, collared, white button up along with long black pants and brown boots.

     As she walked, she shuffled a deck of playing cards. The white stick that stuck out of her mouth belong to a long-finished sucker. She just had a bad habit of chewing on it.

     Her eyes landed on a familiar figure, tall with black hair. It was well complemented by the blue military uniform. To any passerby, he would appear to be a soldier on a break, but she knew very well who he was. The girl pocketed her playing cards and spit the stick into the closest trashcan as she walked. The sucker was soon replaced by another.

     She paused in her walking and grimaced, "Sour apple... Might as well, seeing bad news is about to come."

      That had been the start of her day. Now, the sun had set, she had given up her cards in favor of holding the stick of her sucker while staking out an alleyway. This required silence and a deck of cards could give her away if she were to continue with her habit of shuffling. She was tempted to just throw away the white stick too. She had finished a cherry flavored sucker minutes ago and her mouth was starting to taste like paper.

      Her mind began to wonder, "He better get here soon... Isaac McDougal the Freezing Alchemist." She pulled the stick out of her mouth and began twirling it, "You gained yourself a name as Isaac the Freezer, but why are your movements so strange?"

     That man she was after, Isaac the Freezer, was wanted for turning traitor on his country. Her superior wanted her on the case. After receiving details on the current assignment, she had been given a map of the most recent sightings. Many of them were random, but there was something that lead her to believe that those locations had reason to them. The question was, "For what?"

     "Hey! There he goes! That way."

     "Halt or I'll shoot."

     Hearing those words, the girl followed. She could hear men screaming and the demands to stop. Noises went quiet. She stopped herself, listening to footsteps. There was the sound of clanking close by, so the brunette crept over.

     Slowly voices got louder, "You of all people should know: Great deeds require great sacrifice. Isn't that the law of equivalent exchange?!"

     "Save your breath. The laws of alchemy don't justify murder! Now!"

     Within seconds there was a crash that echoed. Metal on metal. She turned the corner and found herself to the back of a giant suite of armor. She ducked under, just in time to avoid him landing on her.

     In a matter of moments, a set of cards were thrown from her hand, cutting the older, dark haired alchemist as he tried to kill the young blonde.

     "What," the taller of the boys yelled.

     The brunette pulled out more of her cards, "Duck!"

     If anyone took close notice, they would see the white cards had transmutation circles on them. The moment her hand was on them, they turned to steel. The young blonde fell back while the older criminal barely avoided getting hit. Taking the distraction, the suit of armor tried landing a hit, only to be thrown forward and nearly knocking the girl with glasses down, but she stepped out of the way just in time.

     Isaac completely ignored the girl, "No! I had you! Any water in there should have boiled."

     "If it's any consolation," The boy showed his arm, "you did ruin my coat."

     The kid's right arm was metal. To be more precise, it was automail. The brunette adjusted her glasses as her eyes narrowed. The right automail arm of the Fullmetal Alchemist, the youngest state alchemist who could perform the art without a transmutation circle.

     "An automail arm!" McDougle looked closer as the kid threw his coat off, dramatically revealing the full extent of the damage, "A young gifted alchemist, one who doesn't use transmutation circles and who has an automail right arm." His eyes narrowed, "I know you. You are the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric."

     The girl clapped her hands and sarcastically commented, "Looks like you still have a brain! You cracked the code! Good job, buddy."

     Edward glared at her instead, "Thank for the help, but you need to get out of here, kid."

    "And what are you? Twenty-five?"

    "Civilians need to get out of the area and stay out of military business."

     "Sure, dad."

     Before more could be said, the criminal pointed to the armor, "So, it's not you? You're not..."

     "Oh... um... no." The armor scratched his helmet, "I'm his younger brother Alphonse."

     "But he's a runt."

     Edward's face morphed into a look of pure fury, "OH YEAH, CAN A RUNT DO THIS?!"

     The boy clapped his hands together and touched the closest wall. The bricks shot out, trapping the criminal where he was. It was like he was in a jail cell, the hilarity being that his face was squished by the bricks. Even then, the man still had the guts to keep talking.

     "I've heard the stories but still I'd never imagine this," his voice was slightly muffled by his mushed face, "The Fullmetal Alchemist is just a little kid."

     "DON'T CALL ME LITTLE," the blonde screamed.

     Another part of the wall turned into a giant hand and knocked the wanted man further back into the alley. Because he had yet to get back up, it was safe to assume he would be out for a bit. The girl pretended to see how far back the wanted criminal had been thrown.

      She whistled, "Ten points."

     "You know brother," the armor addressed the seething blonde, "I don't think he was really talking about your height just now."

    The drama queen froze for a moment before continuing with his yelling, "WELL EVEN IF HE WASN'T, HE STILL PISSED ME OFF!"

     Thankfully, the kid was too distracted with making sure that the Freezer did not get away after getting called a runt. The girl had stationed herself at the entrance of the alley. The low leveled soldiers that came by ignored her, considering she was a common sight around Central. She held a few cards in her hands, just in case the man wanted to make an escape.

     The only background noise was one of the soldiers talking to the suite of armor, thinking it was the Fullmetal Alchemist. The main point was to make sure this murderer was taken to prison. She was not going to let him escape.

     He was frowning as he walked, escorted in her direction. His gaze landed on something. The girl noticed it was a dirty puddle. Considering he was a water alchemist, the only way he'd even be able to use it would be if he had a transmutation circle tattooed onto his palm. As if reading her thoughts, he grinned and she saw he had taken one of his gloves off.

     "STOP! HE'S GOT A-"

     Too late.

     He fell over and his hand made contact with the puddle. Smog covered the area, fogging up her glasses and causing he to cough. She should have checked him before they tried to take him away! By the time the smog cleared, she cleaned of her glasses. The only thing left of the guy was his broken cuffs.

     The brunette turned on the closet guard, who had come running to check out what happened, "What are you just standing there for! Get your men and search the place! He's getting away!"

     He saluted her as she took off.

     "Hey!" The Fullmetal Alchemist ran after her, "Wait! Just who do you-"

     By the time he reached the end of the alley, the girl had vanished from sight. Just who was she?


     Roy Mustang sat behind his desk as Edward Elric sprawled himself out on the couch in the room. Alphonse, the younger brother, was polite enough to sit as normally as he could for a suite of armor. After hearing the Freezer had gotten away, the Cornel had called them to inform them of who Isaac McDougal was, but also fill them in on a special something he planned on assigning them.

     "Looks like you really underestimated your opponent, Fullmetal," Roy began.

     Gold eyes glared at him, "Who is this guy anyway?"

     "You'd know that if you listened to the briefing like I told you to. But no, you had to go charging in-"

     Edward raised his hands in surrender, "Yeah, yeah! I get it, alright? I'm sorry? Okay? Whatever."

     The higher officer could not help but smirk, "Next time a superior tells you to pay attention, you might just try it."


     "Now then, his name is Issac McDougal. Or as he was known back in the day, Issac the Freezer. He's a former State Alchemist."


     The man with black hair stood, "That right. He served in the Ishvalin War. During that time, he gave us no signs that he would turn traitor." He looked out the window as he spoke, "But after, he immediately resigned his commission and went into hiding. He's been working with the Anti-Establishment Movement since." He tuned to see the kid's eyes on him, "Taking him into custody is a matter of top priority. Whether it's dead or alive, that's up to him.

     The boy looked away, "No way, I'm not killing anyone for you."

     "And that's your choice. Your orders are simply to help us contain him, that's all." Roy chuckled as he looked out the window again, "Speaking of which, I'm assigning another State Alchemist to work with you on this case."

     "WHAT?! Al and I work together just fine!"

     "I know, but we have another upstart in Central, The Illusion Alchemist, Ash Fox. Illusion joined the military the year after you did. With the two of you working together, you can close this case and I can get back to East Command sooner."

     There was a scoff, "I guess working with the guy can't be that bad."

     "That's another thing, Fullmetal. Illusion is-"

     The doors to the office slammed open causing the two boys to jump in surprise along with yelling out. Roy had jumped too, but Riza remained the only one who was unfazed. The brunette with glasses from before stormed into the room.

     "ROY MUSTANG I HAVE SEARCHED HIGH AND LOW FOR THAT BISCUT AND I FOUND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" She slammed her fist on his desk as Riza went to close the door, "You could have warned me he had a tattoo on his hand! He smogged the area, fogging up my glasses and got away! I swear if you dare place any blame on me, I'm going to-"

     "Illusion," Roy interrupted harshly, "Calm yourself."

     "Yes sir."

     Edward jumped from his seat, "You're a State Alchemist?!"

     Roy walked over and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, "Edward Elric, this is Ash Fox, the Illusion Alchemist, the one I have assigned you to work with."

     The girl saluted, "Yo."

     "But you're just a kid," the short blonde shouted.

     "And like you aren't either! You're Edward Elric, the youngest state alchemist ever! You joined the military at the age of twelve. I joined the year after at the age of thirteen. Don't go an patronize me, hypocrite!"

     "Like hell I'm working with you!"

     "Well you don't have a choice!"

     "Oh yeah, four-eyes?"

     "Speak for yourself, short stack!"


     The door slammed open again, causing the Fullmetal Alchemist to fall back into his seat. Illusion, also known as Ash, also jumped. This time, Roy and Riza had not flinched. But the man who disturbed the peace was waving and already carrying on with his talking. He was a tall man with black hair and green eyes. Almost like the brunette, he wore glasses, but had smaller, silver frames.

     Ash was already sweat dropping, but smiling. She knew exactly who this was. Before she knew it, she was engulfed in a hug with that man's beard scratching her face.

     The girl tried to get away, "Mr. Hughes! Get off of me!"

     "Awe! But I haven't seen you in weeks, Ashy," the man, now known as Mr. Hughes, cooed to the girl.

     "DON'T CALL ME ASHY! Havoc and Roy took it up all thanks to you!"

     "But it's such a cute nickname!"

     "Please let me go!"

     When he let her go, she tumbled forward, but thankfully caught herself. She loved Mr. Hughes, but sometimes, he was just overwhelming. Still, she could not help but look up to him.

     "Oh, say! Looks like my timing was perfect! You two are the Elric brothers, right?" Hughes was already franticly shaking the younger brother's hand, "Wow, it's an honor to finally meet the youngest State Alchemist ever. You're a real legend around here. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes. A pleasure."

     "Um, you want Edward." The armor explained, "I'm actually his younger brother, Alphonse."

     "What, you're the Fullmetal Alchemist?! Sorry, I had no idea you'd be so..."

     Thankfully, Roy Mustang came to the rescue, "Hughes, what are you doing here? Go home."

     "Actually," he smiled, "I'm here on official business." His attention turned to the Elric brothers, "You, Elrics. I understand that you two don't have a place to stay. Which means you'll have to come with me."

     The two looked at each other, and ended up screaming when the older man pulled out a picture from his coat pocket. Likely they had thought it was a gun or something. Who knew? But of course, it was just a photo of his two, dirty blonde beauties, his wife and daughter.

     "My wife, Gracia, and my daughter, Elysia, we'd love to have you," Maes gushed.

     The brunette shook her head, "Just like you to offer your home to others, Mr. Hughes."

     "Don't think I've left you out young lady," she felt really small under that serious glare, "you haven't stayed over since last month."

     "But you know I don't like being a bother!"

     "That's it!" She found herself getting dragged by the collar of her coat, "Come on, Elrics! We're moving out!"


     Thankfully, he let her go after dragging her all the way to the first floor and making her swear not to run away. She knew Edward was laughing at her, but she decided to remain dignified and ignore it.

     At the apartment, the girl found herself getting jumped on by a familiar little girl.

     "BIG SISTER!" Elysia was hugging the older girl, "You came back!"

     "Of course, I did! Your daddy dragged me here," the older joked dryly.

     Gracia smiled as the younger went to hug her father, "It's good to see you again, Ash."

     "You too, Mrs. Gracia. I hope three isn't too big of a crowd."

     "Of course not! You know you're welcome here anytime."

     Hughes carried his little princess inside, "I hope you boys are hungry! Gracia's cooking is delicious."

     They all sat down to the table. Edward's eyes growing as big as the size as his dinner plate. Ash could not help but laugh at the enthusiasm the older brother had for food. It was only quiche, some bread rolls and a bowl of salad, but it was probably rare that those boys got some home cooking. Speaking of home...

     It was a good thing everyone was finishing up their plates of food. It probably would have been weird if she thought of it a little sooner.

     "Hey, Mr. Hughes," the brunette was already picking up her plate, "do you mind if I use the phone. I need to make a call."

     "Go right ahead." Maes smiled, "How many times have you told you that our home is your home too?"

     "Thank you."

     The two boys watched her walk out of the room. She walked into the living room where the phone was and took a seat. She dialed the number she knew so well and waited for someone to pick up.

     There was a young voice on the other end, "Hello?"

     "Hey, it's me," the girl answered.

     "Ash! Where have you been! You haven't called in almost a week!"

     "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! There's some big shot running about Central and I've been asked to work with the Fullmetal Alchemist to bring the guy in. I just realized my mistake and decided to call in."

     "Geez, you know you worry me, right?"

     "I know, but you know why I joined the military. I'm not turning my back on this."

     "And it's just like you..." It went quiet for a few moments, "So the Fullmetal Alchemist is about your age right?"

     "Corbin, I swear," there was a yell from the kitchen, "hold on." Ash covered the bottom half of the phone, "Mr. Hughes! If I walk in there an find out you're pointing a gun at my partner, we're going to have problems!"

     The man getting yelled at shouted, "What do you want me to do?!"

     "Put the pistol away, for Pete's sake!" After getting no response, she went back to her conversation, "Sorry about that."

     The other side sounded worried, "What's going on?"

     "I'm staying over at the Hughes with the Elric brothers. I'm assuming Edward decided to ask about me instead of to my face."

     "Tell Mr. Hughes I said thank you."

     The girl laughed, "You're so protective, you know that?"

     "What else am I supposed to do? I'm stuck here, not able to protect you, while you're off in the military, waiting to get killed."

     "Corbin... I know you want me to be safe, but I'm going to find out what happened. I joined the military to get access to whatever I need. I have a better chance with the military."

     "Ash... just be safe. I have to go now, but be sure you give me a call sooner."

     "Will do..." If anyone saw her, they would have seen her expression change, "And I love you. Alright?"

     "I love you, too. And kick that guy's ass."

     "Roger that. Talk to you later."

     With a deep sigh, she hung up. She missed her home. There were people waiting for her. Some thought she was crazy, others wished her the best of luck. No matter what though, she was going to find what she was looking for. Nothing and no one was going to stop her. Until then...

     She stood and stretched, "Alright, Elrics!" She walked back to the dining room, "What do you want to know, that you couldn't possibly ask to my face?"



So I finally watched all of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and OF COURSE I had to start writing a fanfiction! Cause who doesn't like Edward Elric? I can assure you I love him to death. And Alphonse is too precious for this world. Honestly, we should just put them in a box to keep them safe from everything they have to go through. 

Anyway, here's another story to put on the list and I hope ya'll enjoy. And don't forget to check out my other writings if you're interested in my style or we have the same fandom!

Tootles lovelies~


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