Chapter 1.

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Also, my dad pointed this out to me: if you haven't watched the movie... I recommend that ya do. Cause a lot of the scenes are changed but some of them are the same, such as on the second chapter. So don't take it personally if the scenes are the same.

Here's an extra note, this is written for all ages which means it's not "very detailed." You'll understand once you start reading it.

2:38 AM


"Can I be your favorite colour?" Judith said with a brightly beaming smile, as Max stands there silently.

The girl sitting in front of the tv, giggles at Judith from the statement.

"Ha, ha!" Max fakes a laugh.

The girl's expression on her lips, slowly starts to curve down. At this point of the movie, Judith and Max get into a 'fight' about how Max is king. As he said, "I have a sadness shield that will keep out all the sadness." Yet everything eventually starts to go downhill.

The girl sighs and continues to watch the movie, as she hears footsteps cracking on the wood floor from behind, "What do you want, Bren?" She asks with a tone, towards her brother.

She turns around and sees her big brother, Brennan, standing with his hand on his hip, "It's 2:40, Leah, go to bed." She rolls her eyes, "Pfttt, you're not my mom."

"Leah... Watch your attitude." Bren said, arching his eyebrow.

Leah sticks her tongue out and grabs the remote, turning off the tv in mid-scene, "There, happy mom?"

Bren clenches his fist and groans, "You better watch it!"

"Shut up." Leah said, while standing up off the ground and starting to inch closer and closer toward her bedroom door. But, Bren quickly grabs Leah's wrist before she could walk away, "If you think you can have an attitude with me and get away from it, you're wrong. I'm the one in charge since mom and dad aren't here, so you listen to me. Mom's orders."

Leah quickly yanks her arm away from Brennan's grip and stares seriously into his eyes' "I don't think mom told you that. She rarely even trusts you at home alone. And besides. You aren't even mature enough to have a house to yourself. If so, you'd be looking up some weird things."

Brennan rolls his eyes and sighs, "Whatever."

Brennan storms off with his head hung low as Leah smirks as she stares, What an idiot.

Leah skips over towards her bedroom and slams the door behind her. She smiles brightly as she skips towards the window. She stares out and watches as the tree branches sway back and forth slowly. The moonlight shone through all the threes, as it bleeds through all the branches.

But quickly, the trees shoot down into the grass and they disappear. Leah's eyes widen and she wipes them with the back of her wrists and looks again.

The rest of the tree all shoot down to where it looks like only land. The walls shoot down as well and what was left, was the floor. Leah screams and leans over to where she can stand up. The grass turns into dirty dark blue water as the rest of the house, turns into a small sailing boat.

It's the scene from the movie, Sailing.

She leans over on the boat and it drifts up and down a little, as she notices the name, Leah, carved on the side of the boat. (Instead of Max, it's Leah). She leans up and looks up at the sea, and spots a small island in the distance. It's like I'm in the movie! What the heck... She thought to herself as the waves from behind her started to rise and get bigger.

The waves raise and crash down, which pushes her further towards the island. The closer she got, the more light she could see. The light was a bright red and orange, a fiery colour. This is where the group meets Max.

The boat makes it towards the edge of the island and the waves start to calm down. She pulls on the rope, attached from the boat, and pulls it towards the shore. She grunts and leans over, breathing heavily. But notices that her hands started to feel weird, along with the rest of her body.

The same suit that Max wore the whole movie, started to replace the clothing she had on before. She stands up and flips her arms over, observing the new clothing she has on.

"Let's start this adventure."

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