Chapter 9.

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Douglas and KW both set down the figures of themselves and the pack all walk out of Carol's area. Leah giggles as she leads the way, walking into the sleeping area. The group all sits in a big circle as Leah sits in the middle.

"What'd you need to talk about, King?" Ira asks with his deep tone.

"I'm here to explain a few things." Leah smiles as it starts to fade slowly, "As you know, some... Things... Have other families. Right?"

The group all exchange a confused look but eventually all nod. "Well... Before I came here, I have a brother, a mom and dad. And well... I can't just leave them, right? Kind of like how KW and Douglas left..."

Carol stands up and gives Leah a seriously look while slowly starting to speak, "What are you getting at?"

"Well... What I'm saying is... That eventually, I'll have to leave..." Leah explains slowly, "But, you guys will still be happy without me, ri-"

"You promised you keep out all the sadness." Carol interrupts, while starting to raise his voice. He then starts to take a big step towards Leah, "What are you going to do, leave us here? What if the sadness comes back?!"

Leah could tell that Carol was starting to get mad and she starts to attempt to soothe his anger, "But that's why I came here, to end the sadness and end the suffering and anger in you guys. There's no need to get angry, Carol. And, you guys can love each other still... Without me here..."

Carol starts to growl and clench his claws. He then slams his eyes shut and starts to scream, "You promise! You promised you'd keep us happy!"

Leah jumps back as everyone else starts to standup and try calming Carol down. "Carol, you need to calm down..." Douglas states, while reaching his arm out for Carol's.

Carol yells, while reaching out for Douglas' arm and rips it off, (like the scene where Carol first finds out that Max isn't a King and doesn't have powers).

"That was my favorite arm!" Douglas screams as he holds it while trying to stop the sand that started to pour out of it and onto the ground.

Carol pushes Douglas out of the way and stomps his way towards Leah, "I'm going to eat you!" He screams as Leah screams as well. "Run, Leah!" KW yells as Leah starts to run back towards the entrance.

She quickly rushes her way up the well and tumbles a little, but stands her way back up and starts to run up towards the forest. Carol trips as he makes his way up towards the surface and out of the well. He then growls loudly as he chases after Leah.

She jumps over the huge sticks that laid in front of her as she starts to breathe heavily. "Get back here!" Carol yells from behind as he trips again.

Leah tries and runs faster as she continues to jump over the sticks in front of her. She then hits something that was soft and furry in front of her. She forcefully opens her eyes and looks in front of her, Alexander. "Quickly, come with me." He whispers as he picks up Leah and runs.

Leah climbs up over his shoulder and watches as Carol get further away. She also watches as her crown bounces off her head and it lays there. She reaches her arm out for it and watches as it gets smaller the further they got away. "Alex, I lost my crown." She said with a frown.

"No time for going back, Leah. We have to hurry." Alex said, while starting to run faster.

Alexander drops Leah onto the floor and she lands onto her feet. He lifts her up and pushes her against the tree, while setting her feet onto his back, "Hurry and climb up this tree."

Leah hesitates as she looks back as Carol starts to tumble again. "Hurry!"

Leah jumps up and grabs two of the tree branches, while pulling herself up. She grunts as she climbs up further and further. Until eventually, she made it to where Carol wouldn't reach.

He runs up to Alexander while grunting and breathing heavily, "Where is she?!"

Alexander looks around then shrugs his shoulders, "I d-don't know."

Carol immediately looks up and stares furiously up at Leah, he then flashes his head down while pushes Alexander against the tree, "You lied, Alex!"

Alexander coughs while holding his throat, "I-" He starts with a cough, "I didn't want anyone.... Getting hurt..." Carol grunts as he shoots his head back up at Leah, "But she promised!"

Alexander coughs again while trying to straighten his back, "She has a family too. She came he and helped us, and now we're all happy. What else do you want?" Carol starts to calm his breathing as he stares down at his feet, sniffling and watching as his tears drop down to the floor, "I just wanted her to be apart of our family..."

Alexander walks up beside Carol and sets his claw onto his shoulder, "She is, she'll always be in our hearts, Carol. But she can't stay here forever..."

Carol slightly looks up and frowns at Leah, "Yeah..right..."

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