Chapter 1 The kidnapping

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It's the next day.

Team RWBY would go around the town asking people for information about a man named Y/n but all they would  get is the same answer of that they  don't know nothing or that they don't whant anything to do with hunters and there business. Team RWBY was walking back to the tavern.
(Weiss)‘*sight* We didn't find anything . With how this is going we will never find that man.‘
(Ruby)‘  Ah cheer up Weiss I'm certain we will find him soon.‘
Yang and Blake weren't listing to the conversation because they noticed a young teen being tide up to pool. And on of the men had whip. Yangs eyes turned red she was about to run there and beat the living crap out of those men.
(Y/n-Jack)‘ If I were you I wouldn't do that.‘
(Yang)*angry*‘ And why is that, look at what they are doing!‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ That's because he deserves it.‘ This time not Yang but Blake losses her calmness and grabs Y/n by his jacket.
(Blake)‘ What do you mean deserves it, A child doesn't  deserve punishment like that.‘ Y/n doesn't seem to be affected by her words at all.
(Y/n-Jack)‘ That's just the way things work here you brake the law, you get caught, you get punished.‘
(Weiss)‘ Who in the hell came up whit a law like that.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ This is my town so I did.‘
(Weiss)‘ Who gave you the right to do so.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ It was given to me by the man that I work for, the owner of this desert.‘
(Blake)‘ Why did you create a law like that.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ Follow me I'll explain it to you.‘ Y/n made Blake let him go and he was about to start walking away.
(Yang)‘ Before going make them realise the child.‘
(Y/n-Jakc)‘ I can't do that it would go against my law and I don't make any exploitation, no matter who is the person getting punished.‘
(Ruby)‘ How can you be so cruel, what if it was you relatives getting punished there.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ My father was hanged by my, and I killed my mother.‘ After those words team RWBY completely shut up.‘ Now fallow me I'll explain why the laws are so cruel and shy they are so needed.‘ Team RWBY didn't answer but followed behind Y/n. They had come to the edge of the town.
(Y/n-Jack)‘ Girls answer what do you see.‘
(Weiss)‘ Sand.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ Yes your correct for about 450,000km²   it's all but sand with some small oasis like this.‘
(Blake)‘ And what does that have to do with the law cruelty?‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ I was waiting for you to ask that, Girls you know what was this dessert before the formal owner got people like me to watch over these towns. Your answer is no, because why, because why would you know such a thing about a place like this, why would you care when you live in a society were water shortage isn't a thing, in a place were you don't fear that a bandit will stab you in the back just for few lien, are you starting to understand were I'm coming from.‘
(Weiss)‘ But than why do people live here.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ And what do you say they should do. Go to Vale and Vacuo. And what then, not everyone is rich like you Miss Schnee they can't do anything, just because they want. Do you think they have a chance in finding a job without any adjudication. And in the end most of the people here are criminals that had escaped from law into here and started new lives with there families.‘
(Ruby)‘ I still don't get it.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ Oh sorry I forgot your still a child let me explain it easier for you.  My boss when he got this land it was worth nothing, it was just sand and a bunch of criminals. But he made it worth millions, he made it into almost a separate kingdom, a kingdom were no one cares for what you did in the past as long as you follow the law. And that why there can‘t be a single explanation of the law it has to be followed strictly so that‘ Y/n picks up some sand and lets the wind blow it away from his had' it doesn't get blown away like sand.‘
(Ruby)‘ I think I get what you said now, but I still don't like it.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘*laughs* You aren't supposed to like it, but now I hope you understand that if you do something rash that brakes or goes against the law I will have to deal with you.‘
(Yang)‘ Don't worry we can handle you easily.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ Your just like the rest,your confidence will be your down fall.‘
(Yang)* taps Y/n shoulder*‘ We aren't like the rest we are students of Beacon.‘ And team RWBY walks away. Y/n doesn't head back to town rather he heads further from the town over the sandy hills, on the other side of them is a cemetery with alot of graves with old unusable  wepoens next to them.
(Y/n-Jack)‘The rest said the same look were they are now.‘
Time skip to the next day
Y/n is walking around town as he noticed that team RWBY still here.
(Y/n)*sight*‘ I guess the time has come, I warned them that it would come to this.‘ Y/n noticed that it's is noon so he head twords the tavern in which team RWBY been staying.
As Y/n enters the tavern everyone can understand what's about to unfold so they leave. Shortly after Y/n had sat down and ordered some food team RWBY entered the room.
(Y/n-Jack)*acting surprised*‘ Hello girls what a coincidence that I met you, come have your lunch with me, I'll pay for it.‘
(Yang)‘  No one says no to a free meals.‘ And so Yang with the other girls sat down at your table.
(Y/n-Jack)‘ So girls how has your investigation gone, I hope you didn't cause to much trouble for the townsfolk.‘
(Ruby)‘ We didn't find anything about the man.‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ I'm sorry to here that, but I guess you should of accepted that.‘
(Blake)‘ And why is that?‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ You ask to many question Blake. It's because the townsfolk don't trust or like huntsman or huntresses.‘
(Ruby)*sad*‘ And why is that? I thought huntsman are liked and respected  everywhere?‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ It's been like that always, and that's because huntsman only have brought trouble to this town.‘
(Blake)‘ How can that be? Aren't huntsman suppose to help people?‘
Y/n saw that Sam the bartender was bringing the food for the girls.
(Y/n-Jack)‘ For now let's eat I'll answer your question latter.‘
Sam had put down everyone plates down and everyone started to eat. When everyone finished eating team RWBY suddenly started to feel dizzy.
(Y/n-Jack)‘I hope you liked the food that I special ordered for you.‘ A smile appear on Y/n face.
(Yang)‘ You son of.....‘ Yang tried to get up end punch you.
(Y/n-Jack)‘ Oh yeah I should warn you the more you move the quicker it works.‘
(Blake)‘ What did you give us!?‘
(Y/n-Jack)‘ Don't worry it's nothing dangerous if you don't move around allot.‘ Soon all the girls fell asleep. And one by one Y/n carried them to a wagon and set of to the desert.

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