It's A Secret!?

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*3rd POV*

Y/N, Suika, Senku, and Chrome made their way to the sunflower field, the breeze was fierce, but the sky was clear. Senku had Suika's melon in hand and as they approached the area, looked down at the girl with a serious expression.

"Suika, I want you to look straight ahead of you, and tell me what you see."

"I see sunflowers of course," the sass showed in her face as much as the tone in her voice when she answered.

"It's not like I cant see anything at all you know... I just have to try-"

Y/N had placed the melon on the tiny blondes head, it took a second, but then she took some steps forward. Chalk gave an excited howl, as Suika looked toward each one of the proud scientists, grinning from ear to ear. Y/N and Suika started to tear up, they embraced in a long hug under the blue sky.

This was the next big step into progressing humanity...

But they would need a more experienced crafter for the advanced glass making, and Chrome knew exactly who to ask!


"Hahaha!!! Just sit back and watch the show old man, this is gunna blow your mind!" Y/N cackled at the tied-up Kaseki, quickly grabbing one of the glass blowers, but was short lived when Senku snatched the tube from her grasp. The female gave a small whine, spinning on her heels to try and swipe it back, but to no luck...

"You will not be attempting this scheme with us, Y/N." Senku whispered harshly.

Crinkling her nose with a mad expression begun to retaliate,"But-"

"No buts. I don't want you to strain yourself." He cut off with a softer tone.

"Now, be a good girl, and go fetch some water or something." He shooed her away with a finger digging in his ear, as he walked away.

Y/N huffed and stomped away,"Oh you'll get your water all right..." She added through gritted teeth, Suika rolled in pursuit behind.

Mumbling the whole way, gripping the water pot, until they reached the water.

"Did he send you to watch me, Suika?" The female asked, without looking back at the tiny melon girl.

"N-no! Of course not Y/N! I just wanted to come with you, you seem kinda mad at Senku." She spoke with curiosity.

"Well, he's not letting me do anything! And he's just TOO busy with his apprentice to even pay attention to me, so of course I'm mad a little him." Y/N answered watching the water flow into the half sunken container.

"Awe come on Y/N, there's no need to be mad at him. Senku just wants to make sure you get better so that way you and him can teach Chrome sciency stuff together. I'm sure once he knows you've been training with Kohaku, that he will let you do more. I can go tell him now-" Suika turned to roll away, but was gently embarrassed by a hug.

"Suika, please don't tell Senku that I'm training with Kohaku..."

"Why not? I think he would be happy to hear you feel better now."

Y/N turned the girl with one hand, and the other was up to her own mouth. Only her pointer finger covering her lips in a "shhh" way.

"Because it's gunna be a... surprise! Haha, yeah! I want to make sure I can slowly show Senku I am getting better, but if he finds out about my training he might... uhhh- freak out... I may seem mad now, but it's just frustrating not being able to tell him yet. I'd appreciate if this stays between you, Kohaku, and me, ok?" Y/N smiled big with her best puppy face up at the girl.

"Oooooohhhh a surprise~, I get it now! I promise not to tell, your secret is safe with me, Y/N!" Suika giggled with delight, and helped fill the other jug before leaving.

~~~~Back At Base~~~~

"Wooow~ now we can drink the wine you will win, out of beakers!" Y/N blurted out looking around the new chemistry lab, with some food and water in hand, gently placing them down on the table for him.

"Kukuku, I don't think so Wild Woman, but nice try," he paused for a second as he looked up at the h/c woman, now grazing her hand over the glassware.

"And it's not my win, it will be OUR win."
Something was caught in her throat, she could hear her heart pounding and pounding, but she needed to keep her cool.
"Oh, so it'll be OUR win~?" Turning on her heels and leaning on the table now with a brow raised and a small grin. "So, if we are sharing does that mean I'll be your queen~? Heheh, I didn't really take you much as the sharing type, I'm flattered really, King Senku~" playfully teasing, she curtsied.
"Not that I don't like the sound that-"
She cut him off.
"The sound of which one? Being called "king" or me becoming your queen?"

They inched closer.

"Oh ho, wouldn't you like to know Wild Woman?"

"As-a-matter-Of-fact I would just Loooove to know. Cus I think that's your ego that I'm stroking, Onion Head. And do YOU know what that means for you~?"

"By all means, elaborate for me."

"Hahaha, it means I'm one millimeter closer to figuring out your secrets~"

That measurement was also the space between the two now, until Senku realized the closeness. He backed away first with hast. The girl's giggles echoed as she still leaned on the table.

"Awe, do I got ya shaken in your boots? How cute~ but you need to eat so, I'll leave you to it for now. I swear if I don't come back to a happy plate mister, I'll do something drastic!" With that she skipped away.

Senku's right hand gripped over his chest, was this wild woman really gunna figure out something that he couldn't comprehend for himself!?

Im sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm gunna try to write more gradually, also I don't think this chapter makes much sense, but I'm sure it'll be fine!!! 😅
I have a great idea for the next chapter, tho...

So until next time, byeeeeee~


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