Story 1

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ok so her's the deal, my mum said I'l shoud start writign short stories casuse why not? Mother always knows best. 👈🏾👈🏾check out my blog

🖤🖤🖤I stare out of the bus window, watching people I will probably never see again engage in normal things. We're sitting at the very back of the bus, my mother, my two brothers and I. I don't really understand why we have to sit at the very back of the bus, I guess it just seems more comfoting to be able to see everyone that comes into the bus, I don't know, I just do as she asks. Mother knows best is how the saying goes. More people board the bus and I see a woman with a cofee cup in one hand and a laptop on the other. I've read various books and I know how coffee is described as. I'm trying to guess how she takes her coffee, probably bitter since its so early in the morning, its supposed to keep her awake. I don't understand how anyone would willingly take something bitter, I would cry my eyes out if I was even forced to take something described that bitter. No one boards the bus for a while and I get bored looking at the back of the heads of people I don't even know. I go back to looking out the bus wndow, hoping I see a cat or a dog or something at all that gets me thinking. Someone calls my name and I have to blink becasue I've been staring out the window for too long."Wura, are you ok?"she asks in our native tongue. I nod my head, she probably thinks I'm scared or something. My mind is still trying to process what is happening. My whole life just changed in two days, which is not something easy to process and digest easily. I have no idea of where we're going although my mother has tried to explain where we're going, I still dont understand so I just nod like I do, my father has gone back to out home country and I'm even still trying to process that. there's a lot of processing going on, it takes a while for my mind to process the raw data presented to information that finally sinks in (if you dont understand what that means, just ignore it).I try not to think too much about what is happening and just go with the flow, I learnt that long ago, if you don't really understand what is happening, just go with the flow, you'll eventually understand. My brother (well the older one casue I'm the first born) is checking out google maps to see where we stop, eventually, a woman asks my mother where she's going, my mother tells her and the woman tells my mother where we're stopping at. God bless her soul becase I wasn't really ready to sit all day in the bus. We get down from the bus and start heading to the this really big building. I have a little idea of what is going on. I do know we'll probably not be going back to our home country any time soon, I know we're supposed to be given a place to live here becasue we're running away from all the bullshit happening where we're coming from, the only problem is that the whole picture just doesn't fit in my head.As we get closer, the travelling bags dragging behind us, there are some people there already, they seem like they're waiting for something to happen. My mother goes further into the crowd of people leaving me with my brother and our luggage, sometimes I wonder at her confidence (my anxiety level could never). I don't see her for a while and then she comes back asking us to follow her (later she tells me that she was only allowed inside becasue she had children with her). As we go in , we are told to drop all our electronics at the entrance. There are various people inside too, reminds me of the embassy, which it kind of is. We sit down on some chairs and just chill (I'm joking we didn't chill, we had to do some paperwork and stuff, all that was really boring and my mind flew past all them).We've waited for a really long time and we're hungry, I don't think I had anything this morning. My mother goes outside to buy us food after our complains become too much. She comes back and tells us to come outside becasue we can't have drinks inside. She gives each of us a cup of which is assume is coffee (I just don't know what type) and biscuits. I try to taste it but it burns my tongue. My mother also has a cup for herself but she has to finish it up quickly and go back inside before someone takes up our space. The coffee is bland and bitter and I'm tired of standing outside (its not outside-outside, more like the entrance but there's a glass partition), people look at us through the glass and I try not to look back but its very rude staring at someone while they eat, my brother, (the last born) pours his coffee on the floor and it also splashes on a man's jacket, which is very embarassing for me especialy since I'm the one who's going to clean it, a toddler really has nothing to worry about. I ask a staff nearby for some tissue to clean in, she brings me a whole roll and I tear out a handful of tissue and send my brother inside to sit with my mother. I finish my coffee and throw the cup away, promosing myself to never drink coffee no matter the situation( I still have the biscuit which is quite nice) I go back inside leaving my brother there to finish his coffee. We wait for a while more until someone tells us that they will book a taxi for us so we could go to the apartment where we would be living in (its really not that I'm not excited or happy, I knew what was going to happen at the end but everthing's going by so fast, I don't have time to react).We wait for like two more hours then we are called to get our luggage and electronics because the taxi has arrived. We put all our things in the taxi and drive off. The driver is a nice man, he's not young and also not old. The drive to the place takes another two hours becasue of the traffic (finally something normal, I mean, everything's been going so differently, even the traffic isn't very normal, there's no honking of car horns and cursing of drivers). While at a slight stand still, I notice a girl in a school uniform, she riding her scooter and I'm wondering what it would be like going to school here, would I be the quiet girl?. Well obviously, I'll miss my friends but maybe I'll get new ones. Change was always bound to happen at some point. The end of one thing is the beginning of another, I don't know how I'm going to survive this sudden change but one thing I know is, GOD is in control.


Okkkkk...that's a wrap...oh my daze, that just made me seem like a producer🤦🏾‍♀️.

So thats my first short story, obv, there's like stuff that happened after that but yk...I'm writing this in the night and my body is crying for sleep, its even starting to rain so would anyone really want to miss sleeping while its raining? So I have to go now. Thank you soooooooooooooo much for reading, I hope you had fun reading, a least even small entertainment ehn 😂 (I need sleep).Byeeeeee 🖤

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