Chapter 1: To Suna

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Disclaimer: I would only say this once because I don't feel like repeating it every time I write a new chapter, I DO NOT own Naruto or anything that relates to Naruto. I only own my character Tsuki Haruno.

Also a note, there will be jutsus that I make up through the story. So if you never heard of them they're possibly mine. I also don't own any Justsu except mine.


Chapter 1: To Suna

Third POV
Its been three years. 1095 days, since the girl with pink hair left her village. Three years that everyone turned their backs on her. Three years that her life changed for the best. It wasn't the best choice to join a S rank criminal organization, but it was better than being cooped up in her room for the rest of her life.

No one from her past life knew where she was. All they knew was that she left and disappeared, never to be seen again. But they didn't stop to care, everyone just moved on to become stronger.

Sakura Haruno, spent her time training under the legendary Sanin, Slug Queen, Tsunade Senju, the Fifth Hokage, as her apprentice. She now excelled in brute strength and in Medical Ninjutsu, becoming one of the best kunoichi's in the Leaf Village.

Naruto Uzamaki, left the village three years ago as he trained under the legendary Sanin, famous writer, the world's greatest pervert, Jariyia, the toad sage. He now improved in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, maturity, not really, and chakra control. Still being stuck a genin, he was still one of the most powerful, caring, and dumbest ninja in the Leaf Village.

Sasuke Uchiha, leaving the village as a rouge ninja to go train with the legendary Sanin, power hungry, lab tester, Orochimaru, the snake master. He excelled in Ninjutsu, swordsmanship, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, motivated by getting revenge on his older brother he became one of the most skilled ninjas.

Tsuki Haruno, deflected from the village three years ago as a rouge ninja to join the most dangerous organization in the world. Training under the masochistic, explosive, puppeteering, money obsessive, selfless prodigy, swordsman, bipolar, energetic, angelic and godly members, she became one the most dangerous ninja.

But at this moment Tsuki still had that killing intent as she was bashing the man child's head on the floor repeatedly. She showed no remorse, no guilt, just pure satisfaction as she hurt Tobi. Her eyes were cold, just giving it a lifeless look to her fuchsia filled orbs. Her long pink locks were shadowing her eyes only showing the smile she wears, making her seem like a psychopathic killer. The rest of the members only watched, amused, as she tortures the masked man as her method to silence him.

"Will Tobi be quiet now" she purred in his ear as she pressed his face against the rock floor.

"Yes! Tobi will be a good boy and be quiet" he shouted, as his yells we're muffled by the floor.

Brushing the long pink locks back with her hand, she gets off Tobi's back only to kick him on the side. Bullying Tobi was a normal thing, it was almost like their way of communicating, but it only ended with Tsuki trying to kill the said man. But seeing as he's a member of the Akatsuki, she couldn't kill him unless she wanted to suffer the consequences. She didn't really like hurting Tobi, but he pressed her buttons way too much that she grew irritated, leading with her acting aggressively.

Tsuki's POV
I hate him so much! Why can't I just kill him already, at least it'd be nice and quiet with him gone! I thought angrily as I walk towards my room. Its been three years and I haven't gotten used to his annoying actions. Maybe it's because he's too 'happy' for my dark mood?

These past three years have been the best years of my life. I didn't have to deal with nosy people who tried to butt in into my personal business. The constant shunning and harassment that I've felt with my entire childhood has finally disappeared from my life. Also the pressure of not wanting to mess up, trying to be perfect, and the constant looking over my shoulder vanished when I arrived here. I feel more free and open here. There's no constant pressure weighing down on my shoulders as people look at me.

I know it wasn't a good choice to join the Akatsuki since they're always using espionage, always killing, and always threatening people to stay silent about the said group, but what else did I have. It didn't take long for me to grow accustomed to their ways since I was constantly going on missions or to collect bounties. So killing was no big deal. I even became a famous killer in the Bingo books. The name they call me is the Black Maiden, because when I'm out doing missions alone I always wear a black hooded cloak that covers my face. So the only thing people see is my cloak as they witness my killings. The only information the book gives out is my alias, my gender, the outfit I wear and my rank, which is an S-rank.

I sigh as I walk towards my room, wanting to get away from all the commotion that the rest are causing. I never liked a loud atmosphere, I prefer the silence as it suffocates me with it's peaceful serenity. Opening the wooden door, I enter the warm humid room which makes me recoil in disgust.

"Wind Style: Tempeture Drop" I announce as I weave the multiple hand signs.

After saying that, the air around me drops to a minimal of forty degrees. I let out a breath of satisfaction only to watch it form in front of me making it seem like I'm smoking.

Walking towards my bed I'm about to take off my Akatsuki cloak, but before I could even unclasp a button I get a mental link.

"Tsuki, come to my office immediately," rings the deep voice of Leader-sama.

"On my way" I answer out loud.

Sighing once again, I make my way towards my door and open it, stepping into the dark lit hallway. Closing my door behind me I walk towards the office where Leader-sama usually resides in. Taking turns and several seconds, I arrive at the thick mahogany wooden door. Knocking at least three time, I wait for his confirmation to enter the room.

"Enter" his deep voice seeps through the door.

Turning the knob, I push the heavy door with an exasperated grunt. Entering the even darker lit room, I close the door behind me. Taking a few steps forward into the room that's when I notice both Sasori and Deidara waiting patiently.

I look at them confused, why are they here?

Seeing my obvious confusion, Leader-sama explains to why they're here.

"I called you here, because it's time to capture the One tailed jinchuriki. He's the new Kazekage, Gaara No Sabaku" he explains.

My blood seems to run cold, not in worry nor in guilt, but in recognition. I haven't seen him since the chunin exams back in Konoha. But this time we're not allies, we're enemies.

"When do we leave" I say speaking the obvious question.

"You leave tonight, rest up because it'll take a day to arrive at the Sand Village" he informs.

"Very well" Sasori says, agreeing for all of us.

"That is all. You may now leave" Leader-sama says as he kicks us out.

Not needed to be told twice, I walk toward the door once again. Opening the door and walking out of the room with Deidara and Sasori behind me, I go towards my bedroom. As I'm walking towards my room, my body seems to be shaking violently. Not with fear, but with adrenaline. The excitement to see the look on Gaara's face when he realizes that I'm the person who could be the reason for his death. It seems that the roles have switched for us. Me being the ruthless killer that he once was, he'll be the fearful prey that has no chance just like I used to be.


Night seems to fall rather quickly as Sasori and I are waiting for the blonde bomb fanatic to arrive.

"Hmm! He knows that I don't like to be kept waiting!" Sasori exclaims angrily as his patience wilts down to nothing.

"Don't worry, he's probably packing his explosive clay or whatever" I say nonchalantly, trying not to make him turn on me.

One thing to take a note of, never get on Sasori's bad side. Or else he'll make a poison and kill you without leaving any evidence.

"Lets go, un! I want to show everyone my art!" Deidara exclaims happily as he steps into our view.

"Let's go? We've been waiting for you, you dunce! You take too long" I say to him as I take my leave.

"She's right. We've been waiting for you for at least thirty minutes" I hear Sasori say to him.

"Whatever un! You're just jealous that my art is better than your stupid dolls" Deidara says as he insults Sasori's puppets.

You shouldn't have said that. Well, it was good getting to know you, Deidara. I thought as I look back between him and Sasori.

I could literally feel the seething rage that's emanating from Sasori's figure. It seems like Deidara is his clueless self as he doesn't notice the killing intent. Before I could even blink, Sasori takes his chakra strings and attaches them to Deidara's body. In less than a second he sends the blond teen flying towards the trees. I cringe at the crash, feeling sorry for Deidara as he destroyed several trees, but I feel especially sorry for the trees that died due to his stupidity.

"Deidara, you should know by now not to insult Sasori's puppets. You already know how he is, so this was your fault" I say as I motion towards his beaten and bruised body.

"Shut up, yeah!" he shouts obviously angry.

"Just stating the truth" I say before I catch up to Sasori.

Sasori, I just have a mutual respect for him. I mean he's the most tolerable member in the Akatsuki. Yeah he has problems with waiting, but overall he's quiet and he respects your personal space.

Deidara, he's not my favorite, but I don't hate him. He's just too loud for my taste. He's immature for his age, but who am I to tell him that, I only see him as immature since I grew mature at a young age. But overall he is a good person if you get to know him.

Walking in silence, I look up to the stars watching as they shine on different levels. Its amazing if you think about it. I mean you're looking at a star that died so many years ago. They're light years away so that's why they still shine in the midnight sky. They're just balls of gas that illuminates the black abyss we call a sky.

Hours passed and dawn is barely peaking through the pastel colored sky. We finally reached the border of where the Land of Rivers and The Land of Wind meet, so we only have a days travel to reach Sunagakure. The travel so far has been quiet, much to my satisfaction, but I could tell that Deidara wants to break the silence but prefers not to. Well, the only sound we have are those of nature, the dragging sound of Sasori's puppet as it scrapes the ground, and the jingles of our bells ringing throughout the hot summer air.

I really don't like traveling to Suna since the sun is always blazing down as it cooks us alive. The wind is constant as it gets sand in my eyes, much to my distaste. And last of all, it's because it's just plain, no interesting sights besides the layers of golden brown sand.

Hour by hour we traveled through the dunes of sand as the time was ticking away. It didn't take long for us to finally see the stair like gates of Sunagakure.

Deidara and Sasori were talking something about a spy, but I wasn't really paying attention. I'm just paying attention to what's in front of me, which isn't much except my two teammates. I'm just looking forward to when I meet Gaara.

Just you wait.

Well, that was Chapter one. I know it's short, but I had to start somewhere. I'll definitely write a longer chapter next time. So what you think, I want to hear your opinions, I'll take no offence.

Anyways, don't forget to





JA NE, my fellow Akatsuki members.

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