Chapter 15: The Moon's Pain

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto, because life hates me so fricking much! AGGHH!!!


Chapter 15: The Moon's Pain


Sakura's POV
I watched as my sister disappeared into a cloud of smoke. It was a clone all along. Emptiness filled my body as the cloud vanished into the thin air, disappearing. I longed for my sister.

She was alive all this time!

'Plus, she made you think she was dead.'

All this time, I was mourning her. Crying for her. Cursing myself for my mistakes. My hands clench themselves into fists in anger, but my heart aches with sadness as I recall what she said.

"None of you are. You're all enemies."

That's when I finally realize it.

She's no longer a comrade.

She's no longer the girl I knew.

She's no longer my sister.

I turn away from the destroyed building and keep my head low. I ignore Naruto's exclaims as he punches the wall. His speech falls on deaf ears.

I guess Tsuki finally made up her mind on which side she's on. She no longer considers the Konoha 11 as her comrades. She sees all of us as enemies. We have no bonds with her. She no longer cares. I guess I pushed her too far. Too far that she fell. Too far that I couldn't save her.

It's all my fault.

Tears brim my emerald colored eyes as the sinking feeling in my heart increases. I just want to fall to the floor and cry, but that's unprofessional. I want to scream to the sky, begging for Tsuki to return. I want to show her I'm sorry. That I regret pushing her away.

It's all my fault!

First I lost Sasuke, then I lost my sister. I was always considered the weakest from our team. I always chastised Naruto for being annoying. I always bullied my sister for not being good enough. I always followed Sasuke because I love him. I always saw the imperfections of my teammates that I was blinded, not seeing my own.

I treated my sister like trash. I treated her so ruthlessly that she became depressed. I lied to her. I bullied her. I made her feel years of pain, of heartache. I showed her no love while she still loved me. She cared about me like the older sibling she was. She protected me from all the danger. She sacrificed her life many times, just to keep me safe. She did everything and for return she just wanted my acceptance, my love. Unfortunately, she never got it, I played with her emotions. I used her.


My back facing the others, I let the tears fall from my eyes as my body shakes with uncontrollable sobs. I bite my lip, not wanting to cry out, not wanting to release my screams of anguish.

Filled with so much self hate, I punch the tree in front of me, making it shatter under the pressurized force. The impact gains all the other's attention.

"It's all my fault. I'm the reason why Tsuki turned out like this. I abused her my whole life, both physically and emotionally. She's with them because of me," I cry.

"Sakura-chan, it's not y-

"It's my fault," I exclaim.

"It's all our faults," Kakashi states.

"We all turned our backs on her, when she needed us the most. We didn't trust her as we believed the lies that the elders fed to is. We all pushed her away, betraying her trust. We're all to blame, so don't carry all the weight by yourself. We're all responsible for her actions," Kakashi continues.

I nod, but I know that it's not true. I'm the cause of this. All she ever wanted was her sister, but all I was to her was another bully. She needed me most, but I pushed her until she reached the edge and even so, I pushed til she fell.

I'm no sister!

I'm just a weak, useless girl who can't do anything, but get in the way!

I deserve the pain, not Tsuki!

I lost my moon...

Tsuki POV
My chakra is running low as the soft white glow on my hands flicker. My vision itself is getting blurry as I heal Itachi's body making him healthy. Curing his heart took most of my chakra away, but I'm still healing him. Right now I'm healing his eyes.

The effects of the Sharingan ruined his vision, almost blinded him.

Taking out a clean scalpel, I pry one of Itachi's eyes open and carefully slice the top layer of his cornea. Taking the scalpel away from his eye, I place it on the clean mat. With my now free hand, I place it over the eye and with the white chakra, I clean the clouded substance out of his eye. Once that's done, I regenerate the cut I made and move onto the next eye. I repeat the process with his right eye and clear his clouded vision. I then close his eye, healing it.

The last thing I do is that I heal the optic nerve which I release all the pressure from his eye making him see better. After reducing the stress I remove my hands off Itachi's body and let him rest.

As for me, I fall back as I sit on my butt with my breathes ragged.

Finally, he's all cured.

'Are you finished,' Cerridwen asks from behind me.

I turn to the goddess and see her blurry pale form, "yes. It took almost all my chakra to heal him, but I'm done. All he has to do is wake up, but that'll be in a few days, maybe a week," I explain.

'And you? How are you doing,' she asks, worried about my state.

Sighing, "physically? I'm fine, but my eye sight is deteriorating, all I see is blurry. Soon, the effects will take over, making me blind once again," I say, looking up at her.

'Well, that's what happens when you use my power, it's handy, but the effects are great. Besides, you need to leave, your chakra's running out and you won't be able to stay here for much longer,' Cerridwen explains.


'Don't worry, I'll guide you so you won't stumble around like an idiot,' she says, playfully insulting me.

"Alright," I state, standing up.

'Wait! Since you're here, I'll heal that eye of yours so you won't wear the bandages all the time,' she says, placing her hand on my bandaged eye.

I could slightly feel the cool sensation of her chakra heal my damaged eye. I sigh as the feeling of hand disappears from my face.

'There! One healed eye,' she cheers.

"Thanks, Cerridwen, I-I d-don't know how to repay you, t-this means a lot," I thank, stumbling like a moron.

'Just take the gift and shut up. Sometimes you're annoying, you know that,' she retort, insulting me.

"I know," I smile.

'Just go already,' she orders.

"Hai, Lady Cerridwen," I say before leaving her dimension.


With blurry vision, I see that I've returned as I see the blobs of trees surrounding me. In a weak state, I stumble through the forest using the trees as a support system.

Since I'm west of the Uchiha Hideout, I'll continue going in the same direction if I want to return to the Akatsuki hideout. I know it's incredibly stupid of me to even suggest the idea of returning to them, but Sasuke's with them. Wherever he goes, I'll follow, even if it makes me more of a criminal. I mean I did say that I'll help accomplish his dream, and that's what I'm doing. I'm just not sure on the 'restoring my clan' part, I'm not that big on having kids.

Suddenly my vision's becoming dim, tunneled, I'm losing my sight once again and this time I don't know for how long. The last time it was for two-three days when I healed Asuma, he had more life than Itachi, but Itachi was literally close to death and he had more damage to his body.

Lost in thought I don't realize the hands wrapped around me. Not recognizing them I start to thrash in their hold, trying to free myself.

"It's useless, you can't escape," Zetsu's voice fills my ears.

Tensing, I stand still. Suddenly a jab hits the pressure point on my neck. The last thing I remember is gasping for breath before my vision goes black.






Gasping out of breath, I jolt awake, but I'm pulled back from the restraints on my hands. Wanting to free myself I try to infuse chakra into my hands, but I now realize that I'm A LOT weaker than usual. Not having any ideas, I give up, letting out a sigh of defeat.

"I see that you're awake now, Tsuki," the voice of the man I loathe rings out.

"Madara," I seethe with pure venom.

"It seems you like betraying us, don't you? But this time I won't hurt you, well, not physically," Madara says with sick amusement.

"What do you mean 'not physically'," I ask with confusion.

"Well, I guess it's time I tell you why a high powered Goddess in sealed inside you. I mean you must be curious," Madara suggests.

"The only curiousity I have is about how much pain you can endure," I sneer, struggling in the restraints, wanting to beat him to a bloody pulp.

"Oh really? Not even how your parents gave you up?"

"What's that supposed to mean," I exclaim with confusion.

"Two weeks after the day you were born there was an incident in the Leaf Village. The previous host of Cerridwen committed suicide on herself out of insanity. The goddess drove the girl crazy, manipulating her. So with the girl dead, Cerridwen got out, free from being imprisoned inside a host. So in order to save the village from her wrath, the Hokage decided that someone needed to be a surrogate of self sacrifice. It needed to be a new born child," Madara explains.

"So it was me," I say.

"Yes, but you weren't suppose to live," he says darkly.

"What do mean I wasn't 'suppose to live'," I exclaim with outrage.

"I'm saying that Cerridwen's power was too strong for any human. Parents knew this risk, but yours pushed that aside and gave you up immediatly, not caring. You see your parents only wanted one child, but they got two. So they chose you as the sacrifice, to let you die. Even from the start your parents didn't care about you. They didn't love you. So yes, you weren't suppose to live after that night," Madara explains, chuckling at the end.

This can't be true.

"No, no, no, no, this is a lie! You're lying," I cry, tears rolling down my face.

"Face it Tsuki-chan, they never loved you. You weren't important. You were just a burden, just dead weight," Madara chuckles.

So this is why the villagers hate me.

Still chained to the chair, I drop my head in sadness and betrayal. I could feel the tears wet my legs as I cry. As I run through the story and my life, my stomach twists and my chest falls empty.

Is this how it feels to be betrayed?

Is this how it feels to lose meaning in life?

To not have anything left?

To be alone?

"Look at you, you're a mess! It's such a shame, you act like you're someone strong, but deep down you're just a weak girl who has nothing in her life. You're a disgrace," Madara sneers, adding more weight to my self hate pile.

I hear his heavy footfalls decrease before opening a door and leaving. Locking the door behind him, I'm left alone, like always.


I ignore her as I continue to wallow in my self pity.

'Tsuki, please answer me.'

'Is it true?'

'W-what is?'

'That you drove your last host crazy, making her kill herself? Is it true,'

Silence rings in my head.

'Answer me!'


I let out a gasp of horror. The trust I have towards Cerridwen is dwindling, breaking apart.

'W-why?! If you don't like to be sealed in a host, then h-how am I alive? W-why didn't I die that night?'

'Because I kept you alive.'


Once again silence fills my head, meaning that her answer is something that I don't want to hear.
'Answer me! '

'I-I saw an opportunity.'

'An o-opportunity? Meaning what?'

By now, I'm crying a lot header as I realize the bond between the two of us was just a sham. The trust I had in her is crumbling to pieces. The feeling in my core is growing emptier making me a hollow shell.

'An opportunity to use you. To manipulate you. I was going to convince you to break the seal and free me,' she says with a broken voice.

I gasp.

She lied to me.

I sob, breaking down. The tears burn my eyes, but I don't care.

It was a lie.

My life was a lie.

Our bond was a lie.

Everything's a lie.

"I really am alone. There's no one I can trust," I say, crying.

I have nothing left.


Well, that's Chapter 15! Sorry for the long wait, my brain was having a stupid month, coming up empty. Also sorry that the chapter's short, I promise to make the next one longer.

So What do you think?

Do like the reason why Cerridwen got sealed in Tsuki?

What about Cerridwen's betrayal, lying to Tsuki?

What will happen to Tsuki?

Oh yeah! How do you like having Itachi alive? What will happen to him?

Anyways, don't forget to





JA NE, you kawaii potatoes!

?¿ Would you rather be a super hero/villain or a shinobi?¿

Easy, I'll be shinobi, because they're just plain awesome :3

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