Chapter 17: I Choose...

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DISCLAIMER: I don't and never will own Naruto because I'm low life scum who can't do anything right, except read, eat, and be lazy :)


Chapter 17: I Choose...


Third POV
A group is running through the forest, jumping across the trees. Their cloaks dance in the wind as shadows were casted ominously onto their faces. Five people with identical bright orange hair leads the group along with a bald hairless one. In the middle is a woman with indigo colored hair who's silently following them. Finally, in the back of the formation is a girl who has pale pink hair who's reluctantly following them as nerves flow through her body. The Akatsuki have made their move.

Eventually, they all emerge out of the large fortress of trees that surrounds Konoha. To their right is a small wooden den that has two people on the lookout, checking for any enemies who might enter the building.

With alert they take out their kunai's and stand guard, preparing themselves to fight the large group of criminals.

"Go report to Lady Hokage and bring back up," one says to the other.

"Hai," the second man replies before leaving.

Unfortunately, just about as he was about to leave, Pein, flashes in front of him and stabs him deep into his torso. The man gags as the blood rises to his mouth, making it difficult to breathe. Throwing the man aside like a piece of trash, Pein silently walks towards the other man, the latter cowering in fear.

"W-w-who are you," the nameless man questions.

Leaving his question unanswered, Pein just stabs the man, silencing him for eternity.

With his Rennigan, Pein notices an invisible security shield surrounding the village.

"There's a shield surrounding Konoha, we're going to launch the Animal Path into the village and she'll summon us," Pein explains his plan.

"Itachi and Kisame entered the village without detection three years ago," Konan states matter of factly.

"Itachi was an Anbu so he knew the password. I doubt Tsuki knows it, since she was a Genin when we recruited her," Pein informs, making the said girl look away in shame.

"Alright," Konan sighs.

Immediately, the Naraka Path steps behind the Animal Path and kneels, preparing to launch the girl into the Village. She steps onto his hands as the Naraka path gives her a boost. Giving him a nod, he launches her into the village.

Tsuki's POV
I watch as one of the Path's goes flying towards the village. Leader-sama's plan is to confuse the sensory division by making them think that it's only one enemy instead of eight. With a tense posture, I stand still watching the Path disappear into the village.

It's begun.

Not long after I feel a tug in the pit of my stomach as I'm being summoned. I close my eyes and as I open them again, I'm back inside the village that turned its back on me.

It's still the same as I remember.

People laughing as they walk through the crowded streets. Obnoxious colors decorating the walls of various shops. Its care free atmosphere like they don't realize what's about to happen.

"I want you to spread out and make as much destruction as you can. This will distract the shinobi while we search for the Jinchuriki under the radar, kill anyone who refuses to answer or who's deemed useless, understand," Leader-sama informs.

We all give a nod in understanding.

"Now go," he demands.

As I'm about to leave with the rest, I get pulled back by my collar.

"Tsuki, you will follow these directions or I'll kill you if show any signs of betrayal," he whispers harshly into my ear.

"H-Hai," I agree.

"Now leave," he says, pushing me forward.

I stumble, but I regain my balance before jumping across, onto another roof.

Make destruction.

Halting in my actions, I stand on a roof and unstrap my large fan from my back. I sigh, listening to screaming villagers as the destruction of Konoha has begun. Blocking out their wails, I inhale and open my fan.

"Wind Style: Wind Scythe Jutsu," I yell, swinging my fan forward.

The sharp blades of chakra infused wind crash into the buildings in front of me, but with the amount of chakra I infused, the buildings explode. With the explosion, pieces of wood fly everywhere. My attack make more people scream in fear. I produce hand signs with one hand making a clone appear next me in a poof of clouds. She turns around, making hand signs to a fire jutsu.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu!"

"Wind Style: Grand Slashing Wind Skill!"

We shout in synch. The fire and wind combine, intertwining with each other, making a fire tornado. The two jutsu spin with such force as they crash into multiple buildings, burning them and making them break apart. Some screams pierce the air just as they go silent a second later, meaning that they're dead.

Hearing a poof besides me, I turn around just to see my clone dissipate into a cloud of smoke. A shinobi, probably a Chunin stands in front of me with a kunai in his hand.

"Where's Uzumaki Naruto," I ask, unemotionally.

"I don't know," he states, glaring at me.

His eyes gleam with such hate as he sees my cloak, but then I watch his eyes go to my slashed Hitai-ate.

"You traitor," he snarls, "to attack your own village makes you low life scum!"

Not giving him a reaction, "I'll ask again, where's Uzumaki Naruto?"

"I'm not saying anything to trash like you," he insults.

"You're not needed then," I say.

Within the second, I close my fan and swing it towards his head in a flash. Since he's fueled with anger he doesn't see the attack til it's too late. The large metal frame hits his head with great force making him collapse onto the rooftop. Since he's still breathing, I bash in his skull with another swing, killing him. With labored breathes my chest heaves up and down as I stare at the pool of blood leaking slowly out his head onto the roof.

I whimper as I turn away, a gut wrenching feeling fills my stomach as I'm filled with guilt.

I never wanted this!

All around me I watch as the different Paths create destruction in the village, killing innocents, killing shinobis. The chorus of different screams fill my ears making me shiver in dread. I could smell the smoke in the air that's being produced of several fires. Several summonings attack the buildings, killing several people.

Biting the inside of my cheek and closing my eyes to wash away my inner turmoil, I spring into action.

I follow the orders.

His orders.

I jump from the roof and land in the street beneath me, running off into a random direction. Leaf shinobi spot me, throwing kunais and shurikens at me, trying to kill me. But since I'm in my emotionless, criminal, Dark Maiden persona, I quickly kill them without hesitation. With their deaths on my hands, I push the guilt aside and preform my task.

To find and capture Uzumaki Naruto.

Leaving the dead bodies alone, I continue running through the streets. I turn a corner and enter the shopping center which is still filled with panicking villagers. Realizing I'm there, they come to a halt, stopping their action as they back up in fear. I don't know if it's unfortunate or just really coincidental, but among the group of crowded faces I see my parents.

I recognize the raspberry colored hair of my father which is formed in a strange way. I also recognize the blonde hair of my mother along with her striking emerald eyes that remind me of my sister. Both my parents or should I say, Kizashi and Mebuki, look at me with wide eyes that are filled with fear, but I could also see regret. As I see them, hate fills my core.

They never wanted me.

They never loved me.

Nor cared for me.

I was a mistake to them.

That's all I'll ever be to them, at least compared to Sakura.

"RUN!" A man shouts.

"We're going to die," a woman cries.

They start to run, but I don't care. The only thing I do is stare into the emerald eyes of my mother as tears start to roll down her cheeks.

"T-Tsuki, you don't h-"

"Don't talk to me," I shout.

Feeling the anger burst inside me, I take my fan and attack them.

"Wind Style: Cutting Whirlwind," I shout, throwing my fan forward.

Releasing the chakra with the fan, it forms into a whirlwind. Each blade of wind is manipulated with chakra making them sharper. The whirlwind spins violently in the air before it encloses them, trapping them inside my jutsu.

I could hear their grunts of pain as the blades cut into their skin, but seeing as they were former ninja earlier in their lives, they unfortunately escape.

"Earth Release: Earth Dragon Blast," Kizashi yells from behind me.

I turn to the direction of his voice and see his palm on the ground. Instanty, a form emerges from the ground turning into what I assume is a dragon. As the dragon opens it's mouth it shoots mud balls. One goes flying by my head in high speed, almost hitting me. The action repeats multiple times as each ball comes at me in incredible speed. With kick feet, I dodge the majority of them, but since there's too many, some tend to hit me. The last one hits my stomach, knocking out all the air from me. Falling to a kneeling position, I glare up at the man who once had the title of my father.

Placing my palms on the dirt ground, I preform another jutsu.

"Water Style: Raging River Force," I shout, releasing a big amount of chakra, but not enough to exhaust me.

I watch as the earth breaks apart and launches a great force of water towards my father. With the amount of water and chakra I watch as the street begins to flood and as the buildings begin to fall apart.

From the corner of my eye I see a blob of yellow flash towards me. Just as my mother is arms length, I swing my legs beneath her, making her stumble. She loses her balance and in a quick motion I kick her in the stomach, throwing her back. I quickly stand up and punch her in the face with a chakra infused fist, knocking her out.

She's just another person.

Another enemy.

I quickly whip out a kunai from my sleeve and inch my way closer the the unconscious woman before me. Just as I'm about to end her wretched life a great force slams to my side.

"Earth Style: Boulder Throw," I hear Kizashi shout.

The boulder crashes to my side, sending me flying a few several meters. Landing hard into the flooded ground, I roll until I come a stop. Clothes and hair wet, I send the man a deadly glare. As I'm a out to attack him once again a voice stops me.


I turn to the voice and internally groan.

"What a splendid family reunion, neh Sakura," I ask coldly, but sarcastically.

"Why are you doing this," she exclaims as she runs in front of her father.

I go to answer her, but I'm interrupted once again.

'Tsuki, what are you doing,' Leader-sama asks, strictly.

'Trying to kill my parents,' I inform coldly.

'Leave them. Go do what I asked,'  the man orders.

'Hai, Leader-sama.'

Looking up at my sister, "you're save this time," I say before flashing away.


I groan as I slice another man's throat seeing as he has no valuable information about where our target is. I let go of his collar and let him drop to the floor with a harsh thud. I walk down another street trying to find information about my former comrade and where he's at.

Turning a corner I find three people who I know.



And a very pregnant Kurenai.

"T-Tsuki, what's happening? Why are you doing this," the frantic woman asks.

"Kurenai, she's the enemy. She's a part of this," Shikamaru says, pulling her back.

I watch as Asuma takes a step forward and takes out his chakra blade, protecting both his student and girlfriend.

I take out a kunai, but in that time another Path decides to join along with a caterpillar, centipede summoning.


"Tsuki, what are you doing," his cold emotionless voice asks.

"I'm dealing with some old friends," I retort, "I don't need your help. This is personal."

I could feel his eyes boring into my skull as he stares at me. I know he's unconvinced of my actions, so I walk closer to the trio with my kunai raised.

"Where's Uzumaki Naruto," I ask coldly.

"I'm not telling you! You're the enemy," Shikamaru exclaims from behind Asuma.

I throw the kunai at him with great speed, but I know he'll block it. Taking out another kunai, I run at him, but that's when I finally sense that the Path left. This time I stop in my tracks, but unfortunately that's when Asuma throws his blade at me. Too late to dodge, I let the blade cut my cheek.

"Wait! I'm not going to attack you," I confess, crying out.

Shikimaru only narrows his eyes at me, trying to figure me out. Kurenai just stands there with confusion written on her face. Asuma narrows his eyes as well, not believing me at all.

Why can't they see that I'm torn between two sides?

"Why should we believe you," Shikamaru asks.


"You're a part of the Akatsuki, it's  your job to deceive us," Asuma informs.

"But that's the point! I don't know if I'm really a part of the Akatsuki! I'm only doing this because they threaten to kill me if I didn't," I explain, making an once of weight lift off my shoulders.

"Then why didn't you just leave," Kurenai asks.

"What's the point?! I mean if I escape, they'll kill me. If I go to another country, I'll get killed. I'm a criminal no matter where I go, I'll be targeted. Right now I'm just doing what will keep alive longer," I inform them as I look towards the ground, ashamed.


"Just go before another Akatsuki member arrives," I state, turning away.

"Thank you," Kurenai says, leaving with the other two.

"You're welcome. Be safe," I whisper with tears brimming my eyes.

I'm playing a dangerous game, risking my life.

Walking down the streets I mindlessly continue my search in finding my former comrade. Maneuvering through the streets, I notice that most building are caved in, destroyed to nothingness, or have huge gaping holes on their walls. The streets are filled with ruble that consist of wood, pipes, and concrete.

Coming to a fork in the road, I turn left, but my choice of action makes me stumble back.

I watch with wide eyes that are filled with horror as Pein throws a weapon at my former sensei. Time seems to slow down as I watch the weapon pierce Kakashi's head, killing him.

"NOOOOOOO," I scream as tears fall from eyes, my heart breaking with remorse. 

I fall to my knees, blaming myself for his death. I furiously punch the floor as I sob, tears dripping to the ground.

This is all my fault!

I-I can't d-do this anymore!

I can't watch the people I care about die in front of me.

I can't, I-I just can't do this anymore.

Looking up with teary eyes, I see my former sensei's body slump forward, indicating that he's truly dead. Besides him I see another body, but I immediately realize who it is.

Choza Akimichi.

I bet Chouji's torn up about this. Does he even know? Did he see his father die in front of him? Where is he?

As I'm amount to stand up and continue my so called mission, a shadow overcasts me from above. Standing up, I turn around and spot Pein floating up to the sky with his arms spread open.

What's he doing?

I watched as he rose higher, disappearing into the Sun.

Unfortunately, that was the last thing I saw until everything went black.


DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN!!!! That was Chapter 17! I know kinda lame! I promise that the next chapter will be more action packed, probably a little more feels too. How do you like them cliff hangers?!

Just kidding, I know you hate them.

So what do you think?

I mean she doesn't even consider her parents parents anymore! She calls them by their names!

How about her confession to Shikamaru and them? What did you think?

What about her whole reaction to helping destroy the village?

Or Kakashi's 'death'?

Anyways don't forget to





JA NE, My fellow Narutards!

?¿ Who in the Naruto series would you like to have as a brother?¿

Duh! My answers Itachi, because he's so loving, he cares for you more than anything, he'll do anything to make you happy and he's just awesome! :3

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