Chapter 19: To Save A Friend

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Disclaimer: I don't and never will own the anime Naruto, because I'm just another fangirl.

Dedicated to pinkalious289 for the hilariously great comments and laughs.


Chapter 19: To Save A Friend


Cerridwen's POV
Smiling at the man who I recognize as my current enemy, I glare at him. I was given an order and I'm intent on following it. Why? I mean, with given complete control over my host, I could just about do anything, but I'm not. Why? Because I want to gain her trust again. It was foolish of me to think that Tsuki wouldn't have found out about my hidden intentions, but she did. So I'm here with her broken trust trying to repair it.

I'm here to protect Naruto Uzumaki.

"Cerridwen, the Goddess of the Moon, Dark Prophecy, and the Underworld. You could've been so much of use to us, but clearly your host is an ignorant child," the man who calls himself, Pein, tells me.

I glare even harder if that's possible. "My host, Tsuki, is far from ignorant. You know nothing about her, you only see her as a source of power to your stupid organization. I'm glad she got out from under your grasp, at least she'll have a longer life," I sneer.

But before he can say another thing, I put my intention into action.

"I'll show you the true meaning of being a god," I shout as I raise my hands.

The ground beneath us begins to shake violently as I give a wicked grin. All around me, pale sickly hands start to rip through the earth's surface. Not just two like when Tsuki summons them, no, tens and several more hands appear from the ground as they grasp the air.

"You want my power, I'll give you my power," I insanely shout.

The ground continues to shake even more as the black chains rip themselves from the earth's core. Eventually, several chains dance behind me as they patiently wait for my commands.

"You think you're a God? Ha! You're just a man drunk with power and for what? Just because you have the Rinnegan? The Sage of Six Path's was one thing, but you, you're nothing compared to him," I proclaim at the passive man.

It seems that my jeers irritated him as he narrows his eyes at me.

Good, at least his attention is on me rather than Naruto.

"You know nothing of my power," he states, raising his hands.

I smirk, "then show me."

His actions are almost instantly as he narrows his eyes even more, ready to fight.

"Universal Pull," he announces.

Feeling the force of gravity pull at my body, the chains wrap themselves around my torso, keeping me in place. The black spiked metal stabs at my skin, further injuring Tsuki's body. Mentally cursing myself for harming her, I still proceed with my actions seeing as it's better than getting stabbed through again.

"Dead Man's Grip," I shout.

The pale hands jerk awake, and race towards the man with lightning speed. Pein drops his jutsu and dodges the multiple hands that reach and try to grasp onto his body. Even though they move with quick precision, Pein is a high ranking criminal who swiftly avoids every grasp.

"Hell's Chains," I yell as I change my plan of attack.

Uncoiling themselves from my body, the chains sink back onto the ground and disappear. As the man continues to avoid the hands of several dead people, the black chains rip through the ground once again, and attempt to wrap around his body.

But with several distractions, I smile once I find him wrapped inside the chains. Walking closer, my smile turns to a smug grin as I look upon the high ranking criminal.

"It seems that you really are a man drunk in power. All that arrogance of thinking you're a God went to your head," I inform the stoic man.

Upon reaching go on an arm's length, I suddenly realize my mistake as his purple rippled eyes gleam with amusement. My own eyes widening, I become aware as his body disperses into a cloud of smoke. Cursing underneath my breath, I quickly turn around only to receive a punch to the face.

Groaning, I stumble back as the taste of iron fills my mouth. Wiping the small trickle of blood from my lips, I narrow my black filled eyes at the man.

"You should take your own advice. You're arrogance is getting to the best of you," he tells me with no expression as he continues to be passive.

"Oh, is that so? Well, I hate to tell you, but I'll have to ignore my advice because you haven't seen anything yet," I drawl sarcastically.

Showing a crooked grin, I preform a jutsu as my hands form the signs.

"Dark Arts: Demons of Hellfire," I announce as I slam my palm against the ground.

Behind me the pale hands and black chains disappear into the ground, but just as they leave my sight the ground rumbles once more. In front of me, several little black flames dance as they grow even bigger. As their size increases, the sounds of snarls and growling sing in my ears.

Crouched in a offensive position, three hellhounds stand before me as their bodies are encased in black flames. Their eyes are the only color on their body as they shine a brilliant red.

I watch as Pein glances to the three Hellhounds as his eyes flicker back and forward.

"Attack," I bark, ordering them.

Instantly, the three charge forward as they attempt to rip Pein to shreds. Seeing as the Akatsuki leader is occupied with my friends, I turn to the side and find Naruto who's still pinned to the ground. Running towards the teen, I stop in front of him and kneel in front of him.

"Oh, Naruto, how'd we get ourselves into this mess," I ask.


"I'm Cerridwen, Tsuki's not here at the moment," I correct him.

His azure eyes widen in confusion.

"Oh, right, you don't know me. Well, I'm the Goddess that's sealed inside Tsuki," I inform with a kind smile.

"Right! Tsu- Eerh...I mean, Cer- Spirit Lady, what are you doing," he asks.

My eye twitches at the name he called me. Sighing, "Naruto, even when you were younger, you cared more about others and I'm glad you still do because Tsuki needs a person like you in her life. She needs a friend because at this moment, she has no one. Sakura still and only cares about herself. Sasuke is bent over on revenge and he has no time for anything that'll distract him. Me, I betrayed her trust for selfish reasons. You're the only one who cares enough to make Tsuki return to herself again," I say as I look down at him.

He goes to say something, but I interrupt him by removing the metal rod that's piercing his hands to the ground. "You're the only one who could bring her back. The only one who could save her. T-"

I get interrupted by the sound of poofing.

Turning my head to see what happened, it's too late as I feel pain blossom on my scalp as Pein pulls my hair. Already having a grip on me, the man throws me to the side.

I grunt in pain as I land roughly on the ground. Going to stand up, a foot stops me as the person steps on my stomach. I wince in pain as the foot steps on the stab wound. I look up and glare murderously at Pein.

Only now I notice that his cloak is singed and burnt in multiple places from his fight with my Hellhounds. Other than that, he has no other damage. In his right hand is a kind metal rod.

I go to talk, but he places the rod onto my neck, silencing me. I can feel the metal prick at the skin of my neck as it draws blood.

"TSUKI! CERRIDWEN," Naruto shouts as he tries to free himself, watching the scene before him.

"It was just like this when I witnessed the Leaf Shinobi kill my parents," Pein says as he talks to Naruto, my breath hitching.

I try to listen further, but the only sound I could hear is the beat of Tsuki's heart pounding in my ears. It happens before I realize it.

My eyes widen as Pein turns back to me and slashes my, Tsuki's, throat. At first, I felt nothing, but then I got smacked with reality and felt immense pain as I I started to choke on my blood. Naruto's shouts rang in my ears as I placed my hands on my neck, trying to stop the bleeding.

I even allowed my white chakra to enter my hands as I tried to heal the wound, but it was useless because the Healing Remedium doesn't work on the user. I continue to choke on the blood as several gurgles escape my lips, but no matter what I did, I kept losing blood. Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I now realize that I failed Tsuki and that I just gotten her killed.

Despite all the ringing in my ears, I could still make out what Pein says to me.

"You're at fault here, it was your mistake that's gotten you killed. You chose to betray the Akatsuki, so it's your own blood on your hands," he informs which only makes tears in my eyes fall in shame.

He's right, I got Tsuki killed. It was me, no one else.

I failed.

Sasuke's POV
Sitting in a dark room, guilt reigns over my body as the the death of my older brother fills my mind. Sighing, I push all the thoughts and memories of Itachi to the back of my head, forgetting them.

Guilt isn't the only thing I feel, no, I also feel hatred. Deep hatred towards Konoha, towards a man called Danzo Shimura. They're the reasons why Itachi was forced to kill our clan in cold blood because they didn't have any other solution.

A knock interrupts me from the depths of my thoughts.

"Come in," I say at a level which is enough for the person to hear me.

The wooden door to the room opens and I'm met with Madara as he walks in. I narrow my eyes at him with slight distrust.

"Do you know where Tsuki is," he asks, scanning the room.

"Hn, no. I haven't seen her since before my fight," I tell him. "Why do you care," I scoff.

He turns to me, "hmm. It seems she's going behind our backs and betraying us, again," he states.

Who's he to be saying that?

I narrow my eyes, glaring at him. "What do you mean by that," I ask.

"Oh. She didn't tell you? I thought she would've told you since you are together," he muses. "I mean, if you really are a couple," he continues.

"Hn. What's this she didn't tell me," I demand the older Uchiha.

"Your girlfriend, has been going behind our backs and betraying the Akatsuki. During this time she'll always help the Leaf Shinobi, giving them information. Information about you. You see, ever since she first met you after your departure from Konoha, she's been giving them information about your whereabouts. She's been using you," he informs me, almost taunting me.

"How do you know this," I growl with anger.

"We've been tracking her. So again, do you know where Tsuki is," Madara asks.

I think and look through my head trying to see if she told me anything about her current whereabouts. No matter how hard I look, I find nothing.

Where is she?

Why did she tell me nothing?

Is it true, she's been using me all this time?

How did I not notice?

Looking back at the masked man, I see him staring at me as his Sharingan shines through the hole of his mask.

"No," I inform that I know nothing.

"She's in Konoha, currently talking to the one called Naruto Uzumaki," he tells me, informing me of her location.

And once again, hatred envelopes me as I glare at the floor.

So it's true.

She was always using me.

Our relationship was nothing, but a lie.

Well, that's Chapter 19! Short, I know, but I've been busy lately with work and such. But HEY, at least it's an update!

Anyways, what do you think?

Maybe Cerridwen COULD be trusted.

How about that whole 'slashing neck' thing? Did you like it? Did it scare you? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?!

Or what about Madara telling Sasuke about Tsuki's betrayal?

What will Sasuke do?

What will happen to SasUki?!

Anyways. Don't forget to





JA NE, My Potato Friends!

?¿ If you were to pick a fandom to live in, which one would it be?¿

Me, I don't know, it's either Naruto, Harry Potter, or Teen Wolf, I can't decide.

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