Chapter 24: The Five Kage

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Sorry for the delay, I hate myself when I don't update for guys! Anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 24: The Five Kages

Third POV
In the everyday hot, dry, Land of Wind, Sunagakure, the Kazekage is patiently waiting for his brother to arrive. Waiting at the entrance of the village for Kankuro, both Temari and Gaara listen to the Shinobi's cheers of encouragement. Not long, the puppeteer finally emerges through the crowd, walking to his siblings.

"You're late, Kankuro," Temari states, fanning herself.

"It took me a while to figure out this new trick," Kankuro explains to his older sister.

Temari, the Kazekage's older sister and guard, she's sporting a black sleeveless dress that reaches her mid thighs. Underneath, she's wearing a short sleeved mesh shirt and shorts. On her torso, she's wearing a white protective vest along with a purple obi that's carrying a scroll. On her feet are regular black Shinobi sandals along with black shinguards. Over her outfit, she's wearing a thick, long, beige scarf around her neck. Lastly, she's wearing black fingerless gloves on her hands and her Suna headband tied around her forehead as usual.

Kankuro, the Kazekage's older brother and guard, is sporting a set of navy pants and long sleeved shirt. On top, he's wearing a black Shinobi styled yukata with slots on the sides to allow movement. Around his waist is a blue belt tying the yukata while his shins and forearms are covered in bandages. On his hands are a pair of black fingerless gloves while on his feet are a pair of regular black Shinobi sandals. On his head is his usual black head covering that has his Suna plate attached to the forehead. On his back, is his usual weapon of his puppet.

"Be careful, Kazekage," a Shinobi yells from the crowd.

"Temari, Kankuro, take good care of him," another person shouts at the siblings.

"We will," Temari shouts back with a smile, still fanning herself.

"Alright, let's go," Gaara says as he starts walking away from the village entrance.

"It's not like Gaara needs bodyguards," Kankuro mutters since his younger brother already has a strong defense.

And with that, the siblings walk away from the hot, dry, and windy place of Sunagakure towards the icy, cold, location of the Land of Iron.


In the Land of Earth, Iwagakure, the Tsuchikage is getting ready to leave for the summit as the villagers cheer him on. Though, traveling all the way to the Land of Snow for the summit is a VERY long distance, which makes the short, old man complain distastefully.

"Kurotsuchi, Akazuchi, take good care of him," someone from the crowd of villagers screams.

Kurotsuchi, is a young woman with short black hair, barely enough to pass her ears. She has a natural tan of Iwagakure that makes up her skin. She's dressed in a crimson shirt that has one long sleeve covering her left arm as her right arm is exposed. A brown vest protecting her torso, similar to the one's Anbu wear. She's wearing a  Shinobi fighting styled skirt that allows movement because below it's a skirt, but on top it has half a skirt, covering her right leg, it's the same color as her shirt. Underneath she's wearing mesh to protect her legs. On her feet are a regular pair of black Shinobi sandals. Lastly, her hands are covered in black gloves as her forehead has a red Iwagakure headband.

Akazuchi, he's a bigger and taller person. He's wearing almost the similar outfit. The long sleeved shirt covers both his arms. Instead of the shirt, he's wearing pants, but it still has the half skirt covering his right leg. On top of his vest and shirt, he's wearing a yellow scarf around his neck. His red headband is styled as a bandana, covering most of black hair.

"Tsuchikage, show those other Kage's what you've got," another person tells from the crowd.

"It's a pain going to a meeting at my age," he complains, supporting his lower back. "You youngsters don't understand what it's like when your hips are a virtual time bomb!"

Kurotsuchi smirks teasingly. "How about retiring, then, gramps? You can't rely on your former glory forever," she says, looking down at the shorter man.

Akazuchi laughs at the frown on the old man's face. "Ahaha, I'll take your luggage, old man," he says, lifting the large pack off the man's shoulders.

Snapping at their behavior, the Tsuchikage turns around and points a finger at the taller man. "Don't touch, Akazuchi! I don't need your help," he yells.

Giving in, the larger man slowly places the pack back onto the old man's shoulders. Finally, letting all the weight rest on the Tsuchikage, pain erupts up his back making the old man yell out.

"Oohhhh, my hips!"

Kurotsuchi laughs. "What do you say? Should you send someone else in your place," she smirks, looking down at him.

"D-don't be ridiculous! Who do you think I am!? I am the Tsuchikage, the GREAT and FEARSOME leader of Iwagakure," he yells as cold sweat runs down his bald temple. Sighing, he stands determinedly.  "Oof! I'll carry my own luggage," he screams just as stubborn.

The woman sighs, pinching her nose. "Good grief! What a stubborn old man," she mutters.

"Alright, carry your own luggage then. Come on, let's go," Akazuchi says before picking up the old man and resting him on his shoulders, like it's nothing.

"Put me down," the Tsuchikage yells, but it's fruitless as his two guards ignore him.


In the humid Land of Water, Kirigakure, the Mizukage stands in front of the village elder along with all the Shinobi. They all five her smiles, showing their support as she gets ready to travel a long distance. Shakingly, the elder walks forward and hands the blue kanji hat to the Mizukage.

"Take good care of the Mizukage. Make sure nothing goes wrong," a Shinobi says to her guards.

"I know," Ao answers gruffly.

Once the Mizukage takes the hat from the elder, she smiles. "Thank you," she says before standing confidently. "Sir, I swear on my name as Mizukage that I will fulfill my duty!"

"Very well," he smiles.

"As one of the Seven Great Ninjas, you must protect the Mizukage," another Shinobi says to her other guard.

"I-I think I'll be fine...probably," Chojuro stutters.

Ao, he's a tall man and has naturally pale skin. A stern look always decorated his face along with an eye patch covering his right eye. He has blue hair styles like a sharkfin. On his ears he has kanji written earrings. He's dressed in a turquoise yukata with dark green, vertically stripped, long sleeved shirt and pants underneath. Around his waist is a brown belt which carries his weapon pouch. Lastly, on his feet are a regular pair of blue Shinobi sandals and tied on his forehead is his blue Kirigakure headband.

Chojuro, he's a lanky young man, doesn't look like he has any muscle. He has naturally pale skin as well, also the knowing trait of sharp teeth that all the Mist Swordsmen have. He has the same shade of blue hair as well and on his face is a pair of thick, rectangular glasses which are attached to eat muffs. He's wearing a light blue, vertically stripped, long sleeved shirt and on top is a navy vest that only protects his chest, his Kirigakure plate attached in the front. On his legs, are a pair of black and white cow printed pants along with bandages on both thighs as he carries two kunai holsters. Then, on his feet are a pair of regular blue Shinobi sandals. Lastly, on his back is one of the Seven Swords wrapped in bandages.

"Have faith in yourself. You're strong. That's why you were chosen to guard me. Okay, Chojuro," the Mizukage smiles at him.

"Uh, yeah. I-I'll try my best!...I hope," he stutters, too flustered. She's so kind.

"All you need to say is 'yes, ma'am'! No one wants to hear your waffling! You kids today," Ao scolds to the insecure adult.

A man...Mei thinks darkly.

"Ao, enough with the lecture. You need to hurry or you'll be late for the meeting," one of the Shinobi's informs the tall man.

Need a man?!! Mei continues to say in her head as her face darkens.

"I'm just giving the kid some advice, when I was age-"

The Mizukage presses herself against him and tilts her head up. "Shut up or I'll kill you," she whispers into his ear with a smile.

Ao's eye widens as his face pales to a sickly shade, chills running down his back. 

"Come on, Chojuro, Ao....let's go," she yells happily like she didn't just threaten someone.

Huh, Ao thinks with profound confusion as he watches the Mizukage.

I'll protect her beautiful smile...if I can, Chojuro thinks with a burst of determination.


In the nice, usually cloudy Land of Lightning, Kumogakure, the Raikage is having a conversation in his office as he prepares to leave for the summit. His assistant, doing most of the talking as she informs him as he listens quietly.

"Still no news from Samui's team," she asks the overly built man.

"No, but I think we should hear from them soon," the Raikage, A, explains.

"Besides, Samui knows the route to the meeting place. You'll probably meet up with her, or intercept her message on the road," the assistant explains to her superior.

Abruptly standing up, the Raikage looks at her. "Alright, good enough! It's time for me to go," he exclaims, squatting and punching the floor.

"Yes sir," both his guards say in synch.

C, he's pale and has blonde semi-long hair, one of the common traits in the country. He's dressed in a black, zip up, muscle shirt that has a high collar. On his torso, is a white vest that's styled to diagonally wrap around one shoulder. In his waist is a black cloth wrapping around his waist, giving his upper left leg. On his legs he wears a black pair of pants along with white and red shin protectors, also bandages on both thighs designed like an X. On his feet is a pair of regular black Shinobi sandals. On his forearms, he has black arm guards. Finally, he wears a black Kumogakure headband on his forehead.

Darui, he has the common dark skin and platinum hair traits that make up the other half of the country. He's wearing almost the same exact outfit. Instead of black arm guards, he has bandages tied around his forearms. Also, his shirt isn't zipped up all the way, exposing his neck and collar bones. On his legs he doesn't wear bandages or the white and red protectors, just the plain black pants. He also doesn't wear his headband, since he's well known to everyone in the village because he's always next to the Raikage. On his back is his sword strapped to his vest.


"Follow me," Darui cuts C off.

But before any of them start walking, they witness the usually act of the Raikage crashing through the window and jumping to the streets below. The trio left in the office give the broken window a flat look, before sighing.

"Not again," the assistant mumbles.

"Let's go, Darui," A yells, still in the air.

C sighs. "Come on," he yells his partner while looking out the window.

"Nah... I think I'll use the door. I'll catch up to you soon enough," Darui says, rubbing the back of neck.

And with that they go their different ways.


In the usually nice, sunny Land of Fire, Konohagakure, the Hokage sits in a chair inside a tent as he looks down at three Anbu Foundation members. With the trio bowing at his feet, they're conversing about a current mission that's happening a distance away.

"We've got Dajimu Tera trailing Anko. Should we have Anko assinated," the captain of the Foundation members asks Danzo.

Danzo shakes his head. "This isn't the right time. We don't want to make things worse than they already are. Out more people in it. We have to find Kabuto before Anko does," he explains to the three.

He might know about me and Orochimaru, he thinks.

"Kabuto has the data on Orochimaru's expirements. We have to get out hands on it," Danzo informs the three Anbu's. Looking down, his features grow darker, more ominous. "It will be useful for my right eye and arm."

Placing his bandaged covered hand in his right eye, the room grows eerily silent before the Hokage speaks.

"Fu, Torune, you stay here. Terai, I'll leave Kabuto in your hands," Danzo orders to the Anbu.

"Yes sir," the Foundation member in the middle says before vanishing in a cloud of smoke.

"Now, I'll soon be heading to the conference. Each of us are allowed two body guards, no exceptions. I have chosen you because you two are the best of everyone in Root. Masks are not allowed, remove them now," Danzo tells the remaining members.

Instantly, the two Root members grab their masks and cloaks, removing them as they present themselves.

Fu Yamanaka, he has pale skin and a rusted shade of orange hair that's tied in a pony tail. He's wearing a darker orange sleeveless kimono shirt that's tied at the waist with a black belt. He's also wearing a short sleeved, cropped, jacket that's open. On his legs he's wearing a pair of black capri pants. On his feet are a pair of black Shinobi boots that rose to his shins. Then, he's wearing black gloves on his hands and on his forehead is a black Konoha headband. Lastly, on the back of his jacket, his tanto blade is attached to it.

Torune Aburame, he has equally pale skin and shirt black hair. He's wearing a black mask that covers the majority of his face except the bottom of nose and mouth, the Konoha plate attached where the forehead is. He's wearing a black long sleeved shirt and pair of pants. On top of that he's wearing a black cloak which is tied at the waist by a red belt. On top of that, he's wearing the same cropped jacket, open as well. On the belt, are two white kunai holsters attached to it. He also has black gloves on his hands along with a tanto blade on his back. He's also wearing the same Shinobi boots.

"How should we arm ourselves," Fu asks his superior.

"Don't worry about that, Fu. I'll leave that up to you," the Hokage, Danzo reassures.

"Yes sir," he replies.

"Torune, set some of your men to watch Naruto. I don't think Sai will betray Root, but just in case," Danzo orders, skeptic about the youngest's actions.

"Yes sir," Torune replies obediently.

"Make sure the Nine Tailed Beast is unable to leave the village," Danzo specifies.

A little after that talk, the trio were on their way towards the Kage summit. Walking through the foliage of the forest, Danzo's two guards sense an incoming enemy.

"Danzo," Torune says as the enemies get closer.

"Right. It's been a long time since I've been in will be good to get some exercise," he says lifting a hand towards his bandaged eye. "Don't make a move...I'll take care of them!"

Just as he says that, he lowers the bandages and reveals a Sharingan. Red shining as he looks at the enemies, three tomoe's spinning violently.


"Wait there's something up ahead," Karin yells, sensing a disturbance in the force.

Tsuki, who's traveling with Sasuke's group, lingers in the back not wanting to disrupt them.

Why did Madara make me join them, the girl mentally sneers.

All throughout the trip she's been enduring the bickering between Suigetsu and Karin, not to mention Karin's attempts to flirt with Sasuke. It was devastating. She's somewhat sad because now she doesn't have the excuse to punch Karin in the face. Smirking at that single revelation, Tsuki ignores the group as Suigetsu turns into a puddle and travels up ahead.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she sneers at the attempts of Karin being seductive towards Sasuke. She turns her head and looks at Jugo and the white clone of Zetsu. Shifting her weight on her left leg, the snow crunches beneath her, bringing all the attention to herself. Glaring at them, she turns away.

This sucks! I'm the outsider to everything. I don't really belong to the Akatsuki anymore. Sasuke hates me. The Leaf village doesn't trust me. All I have is Cerridwen....and Itachi.

Wait! Did he even wake up yet, I need to check up on him.


All she receives is silence.

Remembering that she hasn't been able to contact the Goddess within her, she draws to drastic measures. The seal. Pouring chakra towards the tips of her fingers, she bites her lips and moves her hand above her stomach.

"What are you doing," Zetsu asks, walking up to her.

Her fuchsia eyes widen before she drops her hand, releasing the chakra. "Nothing, why do you care," she sneers towards the white humanoid.

"Madara-sama, will get upset if you do anything to mess this up! I am watching you, Tsuki-chan," he says, inches away from her face. Zetsu smiles before walking away.

Clenching her jaw, she glares at back of his body. "I know that," she mutters to herself.

Tsuki's POV
Glaring at Zetsu's back, I relinquish all thoughts to call upon Cerridwen, even if that's what I really want to do. Frowning, I continue to cross my arms over my chest. The frozen weather of the Land of Iron down at bother me since I've accustomed to the cold. Even though I'm lacking a warm cloak at the moment, the snow falling on me feels like the soft pellets of rain back at Amegakure. It feels refreshing.

After a while, Suigetsu returns from his survey and reports back. Emerging from the floor, his puddled body returns to it's regular form.

"What did you see," Karin asks, turning away from Sasuke.

"They're strengthening their guard because of the meeting of the five kage," he explains.

I watch the Uchiha nods before turning to the bipolar male. "Jugo, use animals to find the least guarded route to the meeting hall," he orders.

So, he wants to attack the Kages, specifically Danzo, in revenge for what they did to Itachi.

Right, he doesn't know that I saved his brother. I should tell him.

Looking up from my thoughts, I look at the Uchiha before sighing. "Sasu-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear anything from you," he glares at me.

Snapping my mouth shut, I glare back into his black orbs. Blood boiling in my veins, I look into his eyes and see nothing, but hatred. Sneering, I let my arms fall to my side and clench my hands before looking away.

Fine then, I guess I won't tell you that your brother's alive and well, you jerk!

Well, that's Chapter 24! Again, sorry for the long wait! I know, pretty boring chapter, I guess, but that's okay because the fun is about to start with more fighting, yay!

Tell me what you think.

Should Tsuki tell Sasuke about Itachi, or no?

Will their relationship ever come to a mutual agreement, or will they continue to hate each other?

Anyways, don't forget to





JA NE, My lovely cinna-buns!

?¿ Who's your favorite Kage?¿

In this chapter, I like A. He's just pretty cool how he jumps out windows and punches everything (poor desks). Lolol.

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