Chapter 34: Training pt. 1

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DISCLAIMER: Why do I do this, you all know I don't own Naruto! *whispers* I wish I did.


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World Away by Tonight Alive

Chapter 34: Training pt. 1

Coming back from the bridge scene, Sasuke is silent as he processes the events that suddenly unfolded before him. To see and witness his older brother, Itachi, alive and breathing. The reason for that, is that Tsuki, the girl he pushed away due to Madara's lies, healed him. She healed Itachi for him.

Comprehending this, his core is instantly filled with guilt. He pushed away the one person who stayed by his side. The girl who supported his goals. She never tried to take or convince him back to Konoha. No, Tsuki stook to his side and he repays her by throwing her aside, completely disregarding her.

Now, he has no one by his side and it's all his fault.

Subconsciously, he remembers all the moments he's had with her. He remembers her smile, her laugh, the way her eyes would light up, from her looks to her behavior. The way she would reply with a sarcastic remark when asked the obvious. The way she would smirk at a challenge.

He remembers her words, 'I'm not always going to be around...'

Unfortunately, for him, her words were true. He drove her away and now it's a mistake he can't take back. He scoffs to himself.

"Hn, it's obvious that she's moved on," he mutters with a whisper.

It's true, he noticed that she's siding with Konoha, completely abandoning the Akatsuki. She claimed the title as 'traitor' proudly, standing with confidence along with his old team. Instead of being afraid of Madara, she's now facing him with a newfound strength.

Of course, she's strong, Sasuke thinks to himself as he reels back to the fight with Danzo. He first-handedly witnessed her raw strength. The way she literally destroyed the bridge with a single punch. How she produced a clean decapitation with a single power kick. Or the way she provided multiple high powered jutsus.

She has strength, power, and she was a good comrade, but of course I was too busy to see that, Sasuke states, berating himself. He threw away three years with her from a single conversation with Madara.

Clenching his hands into fists, he glares at the floor, clearly upset with himself. Though, just as fast as his regret came along, it instantly vanishes as he focuses on his main priorities.

To attack Konoha, and to revive his clan.

× × ×

Stepping out of the swirl with a slightly flushed face, Tsuki walks ahead as she tries to push down the blush. The mention of the Goddess calling her and Itachi 'lovers' still fresh in her mind. She barely got out of a relationship with the younger Uchiha sibling, so she doesn't need any mention of another. Plus, she never gave herself time to actually look at the older Uchiha, so it's clear that her emotions are still in the blank.

Well...Tsuki takes a quick second to take a glimpse at the Uchiha. Letting her fuchsia eyes roam over his body, she quickly looks away with a blush. Nope, nope, nope! Stop thinking, Tsuki! He's just one man- one attractive, and insanely handsome ma- nope!

"Ugh! Stupid, Cerridwen, you're putting thoughts in my head," she says to herself, clenching her hands in frustration.

"I'm doing what now," a voice sounds from behind her.

Tsuki yelps in shock before turning around. "Nothing! I-I mean, nothing - ugh!" Her wording becomes jumbled as her face flushes red.

Cerridwen notices this and smirks. "Ooh~! Thinking dirty thoughts are we," she muses.

"No," Tsuki quickly yells in horror. "No!! I um..I-" She stutters horribly. She tries to shake her flustered state by shaking her head.

"Sheesh! Calm down, will ya! Who knew you could blush so much? Besides what's got you in such a flustered state," the Goddess asks.

Clearing her throat, Tsuki tries to recompose herself. "Nothing, I'm just thinking and you caught me off guard," she says coolly.

"Right," Cerridwen smirks. "Anyways, let's push that aside and talk about your training which will start tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning, why so early," the Haruno asks.

"Well, let's see," the Goddess ponders seriously. That's before she drops her facade. "I don't know, maybe because there's a war starting soon and we need as much time as we need!"

"Okay," Tsuki quickly replies, raising her hands in surrender.

"There's also an important detail I need to discuss! In this dimension, I can manipulate time for as long as I want! While two weeks out in the real world, you'll spend two months in here," the older woman explains.

Tsuki's jaw drops. "Two months," she yells in shock.

"Yup! Just imagine all the techniques you'll learn in that time! I mean, if you don't die from the training," Cerridwen smiles innocently.

"Die," Tsuki screeches again. "Is the training THAT dangerous?"

"Absolutely," the Goddess grins. "Moving on! You'll undertake different types of training for each skill I have! Then, by the end of the two month period, you'll move on to the final task and use everything you've learned to fight me!"

The Haruno nods at the given information, but her eyes widen once she realizes. "Wait! I'm going to go up against you," she questions incredulously.

"Yup! By then you'll reach Goddess Mode, and we'll fight as your final initiation," Cerridwen smiles.

Tsuki whimpers at the thought of fighting against a real life Goddess. Turning her head, she looks towards the Uchiha. "Itachi, I want pink flowers for my funeral," she cries.

Gaining a tick mark, Cerridwen glares at her host. "You're not going to die," she exclaims, making the Kunoichi pout.

"That's not what you said a minute ago," Tsuki mumbles, poking the grass with a stick.

Itachi smiles. "I'm sure she didn't mean literally," he says, trying to reassure the pouting girl.

Tsuki looks to him. "Yeah! Thanks, Itachi," she says before switching her gaze towards the Goddess. "Anyways, what are these different training exercises going to be?"

Cerridwen smirks maniacally. "I won't tell you! You just have to find out yourself," she laughs, clasping her hands together.

Tsuki nods with a serious face before deadpanning. "Now, this is why I believe that I'm going to die. Your mood swings are killer! One second you're serious, next you're friendly, then you're all scary like," she says, raising a brow.

"Well, that's because I'm fabulous," Cerridwen smirks, posing in a Gai-like pose.

Tsuki deadpans before turning towards Itachi. "See what I have to live with everyday. I get to live with that," she points at Cerridwen who's doing different weird poses.

Though, Itachi doesn't reply, he just revels in the weird, but relaxing situation. He's known the Kunoichi in front of him for three, almost four, years and never has he seen her like this. In the Akatsuki, Tsuki always had a steely, cold, persona, one with her guard on, almost like a shield. She's been known as quiet, reserved, and to never trust anyone - though, now he knows why. The Akatsuki was, and is, an organization full of cold blood killers, people who always had their own agendas.

I mean, who in their right mind would trust a cold blooded killer?

So, instead, he gives the Haruno girl a soft smile before shaking his head.

The rest of the night is spent relaxing and eating. The goddess conjures, somehow with her magical powers, some food. And though there's a different variety of foods, Itachi and Tsuki dwelve into their favorite snack - Dangos.

Cerridwen watches them amused, noticing the small similarities between the two. They're both older siblings, they both became a rogue Leaf Shinobi, they would both do anything for their siblings - sacrificing their own well being, but they especially both have a deep love - obsession - for the dessert snack.

The night passed quickly as the two Shinobi slept, seperatly, in their own tatami mats. This is the first time Tsuki actually slept a good night's sleep where she wasn't knocked unconscious, or filled with nightmares of her possible future - or of her past torturous memories.

Though, eventually all blissful sleep comes to an end when Cerridwen literally jumps on Tsuki's sleeping form. The older Haruno girl wakes up, startled, and releases a screech-like scream. Her reaction causes the Uchiha to wake up, alarmed, concerned for the girl, and he soon hears the familiar laughter from the goddess.

Grunting at what he assumes was a prank, Itachi pulls the covers of his blanket over his head, and goes back to sleep. Though, that proves useless because once Itachi wakes up, he can't go back to sleep. Deciding the reluctant choice of waking up, he does that and cleans up his bed, rolling it to its previous state. When he's done, his ear twitches at the sounds of Tsuki's angry, incoherent, mumblings.

Turning his head, the Uchiha sets his eyes upon a messy haired Tsuki. But what makes the young male flustered, is the amount of skin he's seeing of the young female as her sleeping kimono slips off her shoulder.

"Rise and shine, my dear host! Today's training day! Get ready for the most intense and most brutal training you have ever experienced," Cerridwen shouts, informing the sleepy Kunoichi.

Tsuki glares at the goddess. "I hate you," she mutters, tiredly.

"Yes, and I love you, too! Now! There's no time to waste, so get your fat ass up and ready! If you don't leave this room in one minute, I would literally drag you out," the pale goddess shouts, playfully at first, before turning stern.

Eyes widening at the time limit, Tsuki wastes no time to quickly change our of her kimono into her regular outfit. She completely forgets the fact that Itachi was still in the room, leaving the said man in a blushing mess. Tsuki running outside, she stops in front of a newly dressed Cerridwen, who's in an outfit similar to hers, but instead of black like Tsuki's, it's completely white.

"Uh.. I-I made it! Whew," the Haruno pants, resting on her knees.

"Perfect! Today's and this week's training will involve gravity control, which means your body must sustain the different types of weight, and pressure," the ancient, yet young looking, woman informs towards the Kunoichi.

Tsuki raises a single pink brow. "So, what you're saying is that I must endure different levels of pressure? How exactly am I going to do that, and why am I doing this," the teen asks.

"Why? Well, if you don't, and you perform a gravitational jutsu, you can rip apart your muscles, break several bones, and maybe, just maybe, rip off one of your limbs," Cerridwen explains bluntly, discarding the girl's horrified expression. "And for the how, well, let's just say that the experience will be uplifting."

At the lack of explanation, Tsuki Haruno gives her sealed goddess a look of uncertainty.

Though, that look didn't last long because not long after their discussion, Tsuki found herself lifting a large boulder. To be specific, she was trying to lift the said boulder as her whole body was struggling.

Arms above her head, the large rock rests on the palms of Tsuki's hands, the bottom touching the top of her head as well. Tsuki grits her teeth at the weight as sweat trickles down her temple. The muscles of her arms and back are screaming profanities at the pain they're enduring. And Tsuki, well, she's glaring, the sharpest daggers ever, at the relaxing goddess, who's fanning herself with a handheld fan.

"Is this what you meant by 'uplifting'?! Because if it was, I so hate you," Tsuki screams at her.

Cerridwen laughs. "Nonsense, you obviously loooooove me~!"

"Unfortunately," Tsuki mutters to herself, her arms trembling.

"Come on, this shouldn't be so hard! I mean, do you even lift, bro?!" Cerridwen asks, accusingly. "This, right here, is the easiest training of our two month interval."

Surprised at the new information, Tsuki drops her guard for one second. That's a second too long. Long enough to let the boulder above her head drop itself onto her body. Grunting in distaste, the Haruno tries to reposition herself as the rock now lies on the back of her neck, she's now using the back of her forearms to help her.

Her legs tremble at the shift of weight, she falls to one knee and basically holds the rock like Atlas, as if the boulder were the heavens. She mentally cries at the pain she's experiencing, she could literally feel the muscles in her arms tear themselves apart, her back and neck are screaming bloody murder as if they're dying themselves. The sweat rolling down her flushed skin is her body silently crying as it suffers through this extensive training. Though, this is just the beginning.

To get stronger, Tsuki is literally going to tear herself apart.

× × ×

After a total of four full days, Tsuki finally managed to finish the training. Though, every time she made some sort of improvement, Cerridwen would always add another rock, well boulder to be specific, on top for Tsuki to carry. Let's just say that Tsuki learned the importance of Gravity control.

With a sore, and completely numb, body, Tsuki manages to crawl towards the small river. The cherry blossom tree provides some shade from the intense sun. When the Haruno goes to close her eyes, the sounds of splashing alerts her of another presence which makes her fuchsia eyes widen. Lifting her body from the tree, she turns towards the direction where it came from.

Once her eyes find the source, she immediately regrets her decision...well sort of.

At the other end of the ravine, Tsuki finds a shirtless Itachi, who's doing his own training. Tsuki's face immediately becomes scarlet at his exposed and toned torso, muscles dripping with water which makes him seem more heavenly.

"So, this is what you do in your free time? Not bad," Cerridwen's voice says from behind her.

Startled, Tsuki jumps away, but unfortunately she falls into the water. Though, with already becoming flustered, her actions seem to copy her emotions as Tsuki turns spastic. Quickly standing up, the Haruno splashes around the water until she finds a stable, but awkward, standing position as she tries act completely normal.

"W-what? I-I have no i-idea what you're talking about! I-I don't spend m-my time looking at handsome, I mean, sexy bodies....of water! I don't look at water," she manages to stutter out, blushing furiously.

"Right," Cerridwen smirks knowingly. "So, you weren't oggling a completely shirtless, and soaked, Itachi?"

At the aforementioned scene, Tsuki's face becomes, once again, a brilliant shade of red. "No! I-I was....I was observing! Yeah! I was observing his training, not his body," Tsuki states with a squeak.

"Who's body," Itachi's voice startles her. The said man walked over after noticing the two women talking.

"A body of water," Tsuki screams, trying to force her blush away. Though, it isn't helping when the said cause is standing next to her.

Cerridwen tries to stifle her laughs as she watches her host struggle. The Uchiha quirks an eyebrow at the strange answer. Narrowing his onyx eyes, he tries to find the real answer as he looks down at the younger woman. He notices that her face is completely flustered, she's soaking wet, her clothes sticking against her body, which enunciate her curves. Right then, and there, he stops himself as he feels blood creep up to his cheeks.

Glancing between the two Shinobi with her black eyes, Cerridwen smirks. Oh, this is too good! My ship is sailing!

"So.." Tsuki clears her throat, "how's training going for you," she asks, breaking the silence.

Cerridwen facepalms, really? Step one for mission Itsuki, they need to become less awkward and more comfortable around each other. Make them spend more time together!

× × ×

After that whole fiasco, Tsuki kept her eyes open, making sure she didn't stumble upon another blush producing situation. She wants to focus on the training, not on a handsom- ahem - Uchiha. Instead of butterflies, she wants to feel painstaking soreness and accomplishment.

Plus, should she really be feeling sometime so soon after the disastrous breakup she experienced? I mean, it wasn't only a disaster, but also, so very, painful. To have someone she thought she cared, loved, about rip her heart out and squander it right in front of her; she doesn't want to go through that again.

Overall, it's too soon.

First, she needs to let her heart mend, and repair itself. Then, spend time with herself, to breathe and relax. And finally, if she's ready, peruse a healthy relationship.

Well, that's if she survives the war. Let's not forget about that.

So, walking in between the cherry blossom trees, Tsuki glances side to side, making sure that nobody's around. Once she finds an empty, and remote, area, Tsuki inhalers before entering her Second Sealed state; the Half Moon. Feeling the black markings of vines creep upon her skin, she sits down on the grass in a criss cross position.

With that done, she closes her eyes and exhales. This is her second training session, to feel the darkness around her. Cerridwen explained to Tsuki that darkness is easier to feel, especially since most of the Goddess' powers come from the darker side of balance. I mean...

Goddess of the Moon.

Goddess of the Underworld.

Goddess of Dark Prophecy.

And she barely contains any light in her powers. One portion, but big enough to make a difference.

Goddess of Life.

So, as Tsuki sits on the grass with her eyes closed, she meditates. Because as soon as she reaches a relaxed state of mind, it will be easier to feel the dark, negative, energy creeping around her. She'll be drawn to it as a moth drawn to a flame. She will want it. She will desire it. She will crave the darkness.

But of course, like the moth that gets too close, the flame becomes its downfall; meaning that if Tsuki let's the darkness consume her, it will be her own downfall. Since the moon deals with the soul and emotions, it is very easy for the darkness to effect them. Anger will manifest to rage, wrath. Sadness into grief, despair. Disgust into repulsiveness, hate. Pride to arrogance. And those changes of emotion can easily turn someone into a psychopath, very violent.

Though, that's why there's a balance with the light energy which the Life factor offers.

Inhaling, and exhaling, Tsuki repeats the actions until she enters a peaceful state. Almost immediately she can feel the gloomy presence of the negative energies. They creep towards her like shadows, their presence so thick, almost like ink. The powers of the Moon, the Dark Prophecies, and the Underworld are instantly engraining themselves into her soul.

Behind closed eyes, Tsuki sees flashes of every possible bad outcomes. Death, it's either hers or from the people closest to her. They either die from the hands of their enemies, or from her own. Tsuki watches terrified as another flash shows her cutting down her own sister, her team. In this outcome, Tsuki's eyes are completely black, wearing a sinister grin to match, as she's consumed with darkness.

Another flash, Tsuki watches herself jump in front of her sister and takes a lethal blow to her heart, she dies protecting her sister from Sasuke's rageful actions. She watches her death again, and again, and again.

Then, there's a scenario she's never witnessed once in her life. It's of herself, but it's also not. She's so drone like, like she's being controlled. Tsuki sees that she's in, what she assumes, Goddess Mode, but the final factor is that Madara is behind her. He's the one controlling her. To make it even worse, this flash ends with total, and complete, destruction.

And it's all because of her.

"Hey," she's startled out of her state as Cerridwen shakes her.

Opening her fuchsia eyes, Tsuki meets the Goddess' concerned look, an expression full of worry. Behind Cerridwen, the Haruno can spot Itachi with same look on his face.

"What," she questions, looking at her sealed goddess.

"I-I felt the large spike of negative energy and I came running. Tsuki, w-what did you see? W-why are you crying? Tell me," Cerridwen informs in a soft, motherly, tone before kneeling next to her host.

"W-what," Tsuki questions, before lifting a hand to her cheeks. Immediately, she feels the wetness from tears. I didn't even know that I was crying.

Cerridwen places her hands on Tsuki's shoulder. "What did you see? You can tell me," she softly tells to the shocked Kunoichi.

Tsuki lifts her head, her fuchsia eyes meeting the black gaze of her best friend, and mother figure. Releasing a shudder of breath, she swallows thickly.

"I saw death. Lots of death, and total destruction," she informs, shocking the duo.


Well, here's Chapter 34! I know its a short 3,610 words, but that's all I can come up with.

I'm sorry if it sucks, I really am.

Anyways, did you enjoy this sucky chapter? I could have done better.

So, any thoughts?

Are you enjoying her training regiment so far? Is it too hard? Feel free to drop any ideas(like seriously I need the help! It must be related to Cerridwen's powers), I'll give you credit!

What about the flashes of Dark Prophecy, did you like that? What will happen? Dun dun duuunnnn!

Oh! And what about that little fiasco with checking out Itachi?! (Tsuki, you naughty girl!) Correction, she was checking out the water, lolol.

Anyways, don't forget to





JA NE, My awesome and incredibly lovely readers, you're the best!

?¿What's your favorite subject/class in school (since school is starting)?¿

Me, I always enjoyed art (obviously), and English, sometimes History.

A/N: please don't rush me, it takes time coming up with material and putting them into words. So, again don't persistently ask me to update, I don't hate it, but it also doesn't help. Thank you.

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