Chapter 20 Part 1

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Sonic's POV
We had been running for what felt like hours now. The sun, which was high and bright in the sky, was now low and snuggled itself over the horizon dyeing the sky in several shades of orange, yellow,pink, and dark blue. 

Shadow held me close to his chest and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon as he continued to run over hills and swerve in between trees and over rocks.

I was still greatly confused and had idea where we were going, but I knew wherever it was it would be fine as long as he was by my side the entire time.

The twins began to get active from me not moving  for so long and it made me feel nauseated and put me in a great deal of pain.

I began to moan and groan and try to relax my antsy duo but slightly twisting and turning with no prevail. Shadow noticed my discomfort and finally decided to speak. Something he hadn't done since we started running. 

"Sonikku are you alright? Do we need to stop?" My only answer to this quite obvious question was a nod of my head and a loud groan.

We screeched to a stop in an unknown part of the forest. He sat me down on a soft patch of grass where I layed on my back and stretched my stiff body. I groaned though as the twins began to get rowdy and this started to squirm and kick me. I yelped as the pair surged through my body making me jolt.

Shadow once again noticed my discomfort and made himself comfortable next to me. He then began to rub my stomach and back in small circles causing the rambunctious twins to settle and finally giving me some much needed relief.

I sighed as I was finally able to relax and turned over on my side facing Shadow. He returned my look and turned on his side facing me.

Our eyes locked for a while as we sat in complete silence playing a never ending game of stare contest. I was lost in a wonder of sweet dark crimson as I scooted closer to him and he did the same.

Once I got closer he pulled me up to his chest in a warm embrace held me there for a while as I snuggled to his chest eventually falling asleep.

Shadow's POV
I couldn't help but chuckle at seeing my blue counterpart fighting a loosing battle to stay awake in my arms.

His eyes finally fluttered close as he snuggled his face in my chest. All that could be heard was the wind blowing around and his small snores as he slept.

I had been waiting for this moment for a while. The sun had finally set and I was fully rested and ready to go. I knew that with Sonic being asleep he would be a lot more comfortable during the travel. So I scooped him up in my arms and continued my journey deeper into the woods.

~Time Skip~

It felt like forever since Sonic wasn't conscious at the time to keep me company but we finally made it.

The sun was just starting to rise in the distance so I dashed up a hill to get the perfect view as the suns ray hit it perfectly. I didn't want to disturb him by part of me wanted to share this beautiful moment with Sonic and show him the new place where we were going to be staying.

So I began to shake my arms that cradled him so gently until he began to stir and finally open his hazy but still beautiful emerald eyes.

"What's the matter Shads?" He asked with a tired voice as I let him down to stand. He leaned against me, still tired, for support as he woke up more.

"Sonic I wanted you to see this," I said as I turned his body so he could see the view. He gasped at the sight as any sleepiness that was left just vanished like it was never there.

His hands flew to his muzzled cupping his cheeks and grinning happily as he turned back to me and jumped up and hugged my neck.

He then released his grip and then turned back around to stare again. Still stunned by the mesmerizing beauty the sun created.

The sun glistened off a roof of a large two story home. The house itself had a large wooden front porch, with various forms of windows with dark green window panes scattered all over the front, sides and back of the house.

The house was surround by a large white pocket fence and inside the fence was yard with a small swing-set big enough for a small child(or two) with a slide and also a small oak tree with a tire swing attached to a low hanging limb.

Not far from the house was glistening pond that seemed perfect for summer times swims, or just lazy lounging around.

" Shads it's so beautiful how did you know this place was here?" Sonic cooed as he couldn't take his eyes off the rustic beauty of his new home.

I walked over to stand beside him and wrapped an arm
around his waist also taking in this moment before answering him.

I took a deep breath then turned to look at him as he did the same. "Well dear this is the home where i grew up. Once the dr. who created me let me go explore the world and sweet old lady found me just wondering around the streets and took me in until I was old enough to go out on my own. I've never forgotten about this place and I've always wanted an excuse to come back, but I never had a good one until now."

I smirked as I pet Sonic's stomach in small circles as if to show what I meant. He smirked then grabbed my hand. "Well I'm glad your sharing something so dear to you with me," he kissed my cheek then tugged at my arm dragging me off the hill we standing on.

"Come on Shads I want to get a better look now!" He then dragged me all the way down the hill and into the house where I spent  the rest of the day giving him the lay of the land.

~Time Skip- Four Months Later~
Sonic and I were very happy in our new home. The life here was so calm and peaceful and it was nice that no one but me and now Sonic knew where this place was.

We spent our past four months here very leisurely. It almost felt like we were on vacation with how much relaxation we were getting.

And this morning wasn't any different.  I had awaken before Sonic that morning which surprised me slightly, because for some reason he seemed to be a little more on edge these past couple of weeks. 

He watched his much he moved around, he never left my side for to long, when he went out side he never went outside of the proximity of the house and he seemed to be a lot more hungry and drowsy.

I didn't mind it though. I knew the time for our pups' arrival would be approaching soon, which kind of made me nervous to. Sonic and I had already prepared a room for the  two, which was my old bedroom, while Sonic and I shared the master bedroom.

But as I was saying before today was just like any day, at least that's what I thought. I was in the middle of making breakfast for the two of us when a heard a loud thump upstairs and a groan.

I reacted quickly to the noise and switched off the stove and bolted up the stairs as fast as my legs would let me go. I made it to our bedroom and knocked lightly on the door asking Sonic if he was alright.

I held my ear against the door and all I heard was groans and my name being whispered. I twisted the doorknob happy to find it unlocked and entered. I nearly panicked at what I saw though.

Sonic was on his knees clutching his stomach with both hands with a large puddle of some unidentifiable liquid surrounding him.

He lifted his head up to look at me and whispered," I think it's time," my eyes widened to the size of saucers as I dashed over to my nightstand, opened a drawer pulled out my chaos emerald and scooped Sonic into arms yelling 'Chaos Control!' Making us appear in a hospital.

The nurses quickly saw Sonic's condition and rushed him into the emergency room where he would give birth.

I sat in the waiting room where the nurses told me to wait. Tapping my foot impatiently trying to block out the piercing cry of Sonic's screams of pain.

It was driving me crazy to hear him in such pain and not be able to be there with him. I waited there for a good three and half hours when finally the doctor emerged through the door with a nurse on at his side.

I grin as i saw  him and stood up but my grin slowly fade away as he looked at me with a sad face and began to speak. "Mr. Shadow I presume?" He spoke in a calm voice trying to hide his uneasiness. "Yes that is me, is there something wrong? Did something happen?" I walked closer to the doctor as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well Mr. Shadow I'm afraid we have some bad news and some good news for you but you might want to sit down before I tell you though," he then pointed to a seat and sat down. I followed and took the seat next to him and sweat dropped as he pulled out a clipboard.

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