King EagleWind

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Okay so, you know about Queen ForeSeeker, but no one knows about the King. Well his name is EagleWind. EagleWind is very unknown to everyone. Let's just say that ForeSeeker and EagleWind got into an argument. This is not a backstory.

StarShifter's P.o.V

I look at the rest of the moonthread circle, hesitant but ready to tell the tale of how my father died two hundred years ago.

I was listening to my mom and dad argue. They have been like this since the new egg has been laid. Of course my new sister Ira has hatched, and won't leave me alone. I look at Luna sitting next to me, also eavesdropping on the argument.
"You have to stop, EagleWind, this is not right, YOU WONT HURT HER!!!!!" We heard mom say.
       "Well it's either her the youngest or the middle, FORESEEKER I TOLD YOU TO NOT HAVE A FIFTH DRAGONET!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Our father said angrily. Luna looked at me scared. I was terrified. I was the middle.
        "Don't hurt my dragonet. Please." I turn myself invisible to see why mom sounded so weak. When I reached them. I was horrified. Dad was strangling her. I reveal myself.
   "D-dad?" I manage to say. He instantly swivels around and the look of regret crosses his face.
"Oh StarShifter, how much did you hear?"He said. A glare is on my face. I growl low an inaudible.
       "I HATE YOU, YOU WERE GOING TO HURT ME OR IRA, AND NOW I COME AND SEE YOU HURTING MOM?" I growl low and loud to make clear that I am angry. A smile crosses his face. Now I should do it now. I hear him think. I snorted. He doesn't know I can read minds or that when I'm angry, my firescales activate.
                He tackled me to the ground. Luna came down to see him jump back in pain. Luna helped mom on her feet. Dad breathed frost breath, hoping it would affect my scales. It did affect then, but just a little. He scratched over my eye, managing to blind me. The scales around my eye turn black, and blood fills my vision. Little does he know is that I can see auras. I close my eyes and sense his angered filled aura. I tackle him to the ground, burning him. I open my eyes and read mom's mind. I hope StarShifter is alright. I don't even want to think about the state of mind she's in after this. Yes I am letting you kill EagleWind, Starbud. I smirked and snapped his neck.
          Fathers last thought was regret. I'm........ Sorry........ I no longer care how sorry he is, all I care about is my sisters.
"We'll come up with an excuse for his death tomorrow." Mom said. I go back to my den an barricade the door on my side, putting a black curtain in front of it. I cried. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

Retelling this was the most painful thing I have ever done with the moonthread circle. I no longer miss my father, I still hate him to this day. Cloud, hail, Zileus, and even Ira look at me, surprised.
       "You killed your father, Star?" Zileus said I was looking away from them, silent. Luna stepped in.
"Yes I watched her do it. If there is one thing she hates, it's re-living those moments. It happened so quickly." I looked at Ira, "It was all to protect you Ira. His intent was to kill you." I say. Even Luna was surprised. Zileus wraps his wings around me. The warmth of his wings made me loosen my muscles which I didn't know we're so tence. I look at him showing the black streak that went from my snout, over my eye, and stops at my horns. He looks at it. She's blind in that eye? How did no one ever know? I hear him think. I smile, and yawn. Next thing I know, I'm fast asleep in Zileus's wings

Third person P.o.V

Queen ForeSeeker walks by, just in time to see StarShifter fall asleep in Zileus's wings smiling. Reading her mind ForeSeeker knew that she told the truth about EagleWind's death. ForeSeeker smiled, and walked by the moonthread circle, knowing that's her and Zileus were perfect for each other. Something that only ForeSeeker and StarShifter know is that she was hatched blind in her other eye, without the black streak. Not even Luna knew that she was completely blind. Raven obviously wouldn't know that, she's always asleep, reading or writing. StarSong, ForeSeeker didn't know if she knew or not, StarSong has a habit of getting into her locked scroll, where StarShifter would write her darkest secrets, like the truth of EagleWind's death. ForeSeeker loved EagleWind, but StarShifter killed him to save both her mother, and her sister.

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