Chapter Two | Sparkly Man

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The best thing about living so close to the school was that I got to sleep in more than anyone else in the school whenever I wanted. The worst thing about living so close to the school was sharing a street with Easton. He lived a few doors down, across the road so not right in your face but often enough that we bumped into each other. It was due to this fateful location that we had started out on the wrong foot. While the hatred had softened over time, the pranks never stopped and birthdays were always the best days for performing.

Today I decided to leave as late as possible for school. While there was still a chance I would miss Easton getting his presents, I think I would take the risk. I had asked a favour from Rayanna, his longtime girlfriend, to take him straight to class and keep him away from his locker while the halls were empty. There is no show without an audience and the ideal time for Easton to open his locker would be during the rush between periods.

I shouted goodbye to my mother, who was pulling into the driveway after dropping off my younger brother, Adam, at school. I am sure my neighbours would hate me, except they had both already left their homes for work, by the look at the empty driveways. The walk to school was short, and since I was so delayed today, I managed to catch Hafsa and Kim near the school gate.

The school was filled with students all wearing the same navy blue uniform. Spotting friends was easy since there was not much variety that could be added to the uniform. Essentially, everyone looked the same nearly every day. Kim had box braids that reached the middle of her back, while Hafsa was taller than most students.

"I thought you would be the first one into school today," Hafsa commented, knowing exactly who's birthday it was. It was difficult to miss it with the multiple stories that had been posted at midnight. Anyone who had glanced at Instagram this morning would know and I have yet to meet someone who doesn't check their phone first thing in the morning.

"I have to keep him on his toes," I laughed. The only person who had the privileged of the details of the birthday surprise was Nathan. I am sure Kim might have an idea since they didn't usually keep secrets from each other. However, I knew from experience, that the more people that knew, then the more likely it would get back to Easton. It might now even be my friends directly, but rather an indirect source. Like someone overhearing them if they spoke about it somewhere.

We discussed the random assignments and homework we headed to our register room. The huge silver helium 18 balloons were easily spotted as we entered. Easton and Rayanna were seating the back row already, with Nathan on the other side of the couple. An empty seat waited for Kim, while Hafsa and I sat in front of them. While there were no assigned seats during registration, everyone had their unofficial seats. I had witnessed enough petty fights to know better than to steal someone else's seat.

"Happy birthday Easton!"

We were among many to give our greetings but were only met with suspicion instead of a polite thanks, "What did you do?"

"Today? Nothing," I replied. It was technically not a lie. Before he could further interrogate me, someone else grabbed his attention with well-wishes. In turn, I sat down next to Hafsa, who asked if her navy scarf was still in place. (It was.) Our teacher arrived and started taking attendance, ignoring the slight buzz around the class as usual before droning on about some random announcements, which was easily interrupted by the loud gasp from Rayanna.

To my surprise, and everyone else's, Easton's desk and lap was covered in pink glitter.

His accusing green eyes met mine.

Me, the innocent party!

The card that Easton had opened had been filled with pink glitter and gifted by Nathan. He had mentioned something about glitter, yet I hadn't seen this coming like anyone else. The buzz in the class was louder than before and even the teacher had lost interest in whatever they had been reading.

Glancing back at the card, Easton realised that it was signed by Nathan and not me. The pink glitter was going to be a pain to get rid of and I was almost sorry that I hadn't thought of using it myself. Perhaps I should consult him in the future for ideas since it seemed like he had brilliant ones.

"Nathan, why-- you know what, never mind," Easton grumbled. He clearly had already figured out the answer but refused to share it with us. Kim and Nathan giggled. Yes, giggled.

"You notice how you look extra shiny today, Edward," Hafsa said, before joining the giggling gang. The reference was not lost on me so it wasn't long before I joined them too.

"Who is Edward?" He looked at Rayanna for answers, since the rest of us could barely form a word right now.

"Twilight." And everything clicked into place for Easton. Rayanna had told us about one of their date nights where she forced Easton to watch the movies. He had fallen off to sleep halfway through the new moon. Of course, she had woken him up and rewinded so he didn't miss any of the action.

"I'm the sparkly guy you liked."

"I like you with or without the sparkles." She wrapped her arm around his and leaned closer to him.

"Well, I like you more." He returned the affection, forgetting about his current glitter problem. Everyone in the class suddenly felt like the third wheel so we all turned away to leave them in their little couple bubble that we had lost them to. 

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