ONC Grand Winner Book Review

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We would like to once again congratulate The Indian ONC 2021 Grand Winner poojawrites !

And as promised, here is your personalized book review plus a video trailer of your winning entry “Dear Augustus”

You can never forget the images of someone who was always around and something that was part of your daily routine. You cannot expect their existence to be permanently erased and never to appear again in your life. It doesn't work that way. You can't deal with certain things with just a simple goodbye. You have to make peace with your choices.

Isn’t it really hard to understand the emotions of teenagers? But what is harder? To go through those emotions; The butterflies and the fairy tales, the heartache and the heartbreak, the longing and the belonging. The feeling of being on top of the world and yet wanting to be better than all. The sweetness of every smile that appears and the bitterness of every tear that rolls out.

Dear Augustus’ is a love story that will make you go through all those emotions. The journey of Violet- a simple high schooler who was crushing on her best friend, Adrian, for years- who decides to go on a blind date to show her friends that she was able to date, when they teased her for being single. Not even in her dreams would she have thought that she would fall for the stranger, whom she had just called randomly to prove a point to her crush and friends. And boy, did she fall hard! The single blind date with a stranger became a love story of two people belonging to 2 different worlds. Violet and Augustus. And ‘Dear Augustus’ is the collection of those letters that Violet had written to Augustus, retelling the journey that she and had gone through together with him, savoring every moment in her words.

The way poojawrites has written it, it was an emotional roller-coaster in the true sense. The characters show such amazing chemistry and the narration is so good that we can feel that we are, in fact, standing in their places. Reading Dear Augustus was like actually standing on a mountain cliff and then, just jumping off it. Like zoom! and then falling in the river. Every moment when Violet wishes for Augustus to step ahead, the hope, the longing in it, it feels like your own heart aches for her. Every sweet moment they share, it brings a smile so bright that it would lighten up the day. Every time Violet falls for his dimpled smile, she falls harder and harder. And every time He sees her with those eyes, admiring her, it is hard to even comprehend their depth.

Even though Augustus may not have been the narrator here. But, it does not, in least mean, that he isn't appealing. Charming, handsome, positive, strong and kind are some words we can use for him. Fighting the problems between him and Violet does not wound him any less. It's like having an intense pain so strong that you want it to end. So badly. But you can't. A strong person with so much to carry on shoulders. 

Also, the point that we loved was about the friendship between Adrian and Violet. Violet had to be harsh, to move on from her crush. Both of them had several reasons to fall apart, but yet, neither did. The way Pooja has groomed the characters, it sure puts life to them.

But Life doesn't stop for anyone, does it? 
Violet will be going to college soon. Augustus will have to act or else…

Or else, The Call to a stranger will always remain exactly that. A call to a stranger. Read it to know what happens. whether they reach their happy ending or...

Book link ~ https://www.wattpad.com/story/260179511-dear-augustus-onc-2021%E2%9C%93

Video Trailer;

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