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Jungkook's POV

I started listening to Jimin's speech.

"Say a man loves a women, say a women loves a male, say a women loves another women, say a man loves another man, say your a women who's in love with someone who's transgender, say your a man who's in love with someone who's transgender, say your both transgender..." Jimin started.

"You feel deeply in your heart love... you have a strong bond and connection..." Jimin said carrying on into microphones.

"Now imagine the person you love is gone from this world..." Jimin said.

"No matter what you identify as, male, female, transgender, he, she, they" 

"You loved that person" 

"Imagine there was no words to describe your gender. We were all just people. People who have fallen in love with someone else"

"There doesn't need to be the title of being gay, being bisexual, being pansexual"

"If you love someone in your heart then why does there have to be hate for loving someone... because like anyone who's straight I feel the same love you may feel for your heterosexual partner for the way I feel for Jungkook" 

"I could be a female and then love Jungkook still. But that's not who I am. That's not who I identify as, because I'm happy being a male and looking like one"

"Why does the world have to hate us for the people we love but accept love between heterosexual couples so easily. If I was female I would still speak out about this because love is love, it can't be helped or contained no matter the person you feel deeply for in you heart"

"Just because I love a male doesn't mean that Jungkook and I can't effectively work to change situations and problems in the world"

"Just because of who I love doesn't mean we aren't for the people to help improve there way's of living, to support people and help businesses" 

"We don't deserve the hate because anyone who loves someone from the same sex is just as capable as changing the world and helping people as anyone who's in a heterosexual relationship"

"This leads on to the treatment for anyone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or pansexual or something else"

"We don't deserve to be treated badly for the people we love. Loving someone is just apart of the human nature and it should be more accepted by the public"

"Is it okay to shoot someone because of who they love? No it's not. It's like shooting someone who's heterosexual and complaining that you, for example a male are in love with a women"

"Love is Love. No matter how you identify. Love is Love. Doesn't mean you are any less capable to do things. Doesn't mean that people who Identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual etc should be shot, have stones thrown at your house, forced into writing someone else's work, called rude names and forced into sexual actions. It all need's to stop... So Jungkook and I are going to do our best for the people, no matter who we love. Thank you" Jimin said bowing.

I smiled.

Jimin honestly did such a good job.

I looked down at my watch.

"We have time for a few questions" I said stepping forward.

Loads of people started talking.

"One at a time please" Jimin said pointing at a women.

"Because you talked a lot about the LGBTQ+ Community, what do you plan on doing to support them in the future?" the lady asked.

I responded.

"Ah we want to create more awareness around the LGBTQ+ community as well as help people and support them to marriage and having children as apart of that" I said. 

"And with your engagement, this must be very new due to no public new about this so when did this take place?" Someone asked.

"Ah 2 days ago Jungkook proposed to me" Jimin answered. 

"Can we see your rings?" Someone else asked and we put up our hands to show the camera.

"Now Jimin do your family support you being gay?" They asked him.

"Yes they do" he answered shortly.

"And Jungkook how is the atmosphere in the palace since Jimin's been staying there with you?" A male asked.

"The atmosphere has been pretty normal actually. Everyone is very understanding of Jimin and I which we are very grateful for" I answered.

"And how do you feel about your father being in Jail?" Someone asked me.

"I believe he does deserve the punishments, I just hope he comes to his senses and understands that I love Jimin and nothing is going to change and then hopefully when he gets out of jail he can be apart of my life again" I answered.

"How does it feel being king's?" Someone then asked.

"Ecstatic because I can finally start to make a difference for people and fulfill all the training I've done and put it to work" I answered.

"And Jimin?" The same lady asked.

"Feel's quite unreal honestly because never would I ever have thought I would be a prince and then be King. Like coming from being a local in South Korea I could never have seen this coming in my future but I am going to make the most of it and work hard for the people in South Korea" Jimin answered.

"That's all we have time for" I said looking at my watch.

"Thank you" I said bowing.

"Thanks" Jimin said bowing and following after me back inside the palace walls.

Once the gate was shut Jimin and I sighed out in relief.

"Damn Jimin you did so well" I said heading back inside the palace with him.

"Haha thank you, I hope it makes a difference" Jimin said to me.

"Well done" Jeong-hoon said with a smile seeing both of us.

"Did you watch it on tv?" I asked Jeong-hoon.

"Yes I did. You both are excellent speakers and handled that so well" Jeong-hoon said.

"Great" Jimin said with a smile.

"Now you have some free time and we can keep you posted on the response from the public of what you've said" Jeong-hoon said.

"Yea about that..." I said.

"No one is to bother Jimin and I for a few hours alright Jeong-hoon"

(Hi. I hope you liked this chapter. Getting a bit dirty towards the end hehe. What you think of Jimin's speech. I think it was excellent if I do say so myself haha however I did write it so.... sorry if I got a bit carried away because this also does show a lot of my own beliefs and values.

But please vote and comment and follow me on wattpad.

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Thank's that's all :)

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