60 - The Final Chapter

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Jungkook POV

18/10/2021 - Wedding day

"Because of you, I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream again. I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my life with you, caring for you, nurturing you, being there for you in all life has for us. And I vow to be true and faithful for as long as we both shall live" I said smiling at Jimin who stood opposite me in such a lovely big wooden church filled with people.

Jimin wore a dashing white suit and his hair dyed grey.

He looked so handsome.

His eye's had light orangey toned make up and his lips looked naturally glossy.

I wore a stunning black suit, my hair was brown and I had smokey brown eye make up with pink natural tinted lips.

"Aww... I love you" I heard Jimin say across from me.

"I love you too" I said not into the microphone.

Then I passed Jimin the microphone for his vows.

"You have made me a better person than I ever knew I could be, and you continue to make me better, and braver, and kinder, every single day. Knowing you and loving you has been the single greatest thing I've gotten to do in life, and I can't believe that I get to keep knowing you better, and loving you more, and our children for the rest of our lives" Jimin said into the microphone looking into my eyes.

We held our back hands to the audience together so that Jimin could hold the microphone.

I looked over at our children in Minjung's arms. 

This is Jimin's son. We used his gamete (his sperm) and merged it into one of my family members eggs and had Chun Hei, my selected partner to marry hold the baby for us as she really wanted to experience birth but didn't have a partner to have any with.

Plus because my parents chose her for me to marry she seemed very reliable.

Jimin and I's son's name is Tae-Seok.

His name means a great person who's strong.

He is now 3 year's old.

And this is our daughter.

We used my gamete and Jimin's cousins egg and Chun Hei carried her for us too.

She is now 2 year's old. 

And her name is Aera which means "love"

Jeong-hoon sat beside Minjung holding Tae-seok and Aera on her lap.

Dae-Jung passed away 3 day's after we met him from Chondrosarcoma, bone cancer.

Since then Jeong-hoon has felt almost like a father to me.

Occasionally I will catch him crying while he's working around the palace because Jeong-hoon has a permanent necklace around his neck with a picture of Dae-Jung on it.

It's upsetting seeing Jeong-hoon cry.

We all attended the funeral which was very emotional.

So I see Jeong-hoon as a father to me because Jimin and I do our best to make him happy, make him laugh and seem cheerful. And Jeong-hoon always keep's Jimin and I up to date with our plans and what not, taking care of us like he always was my father. 

And Minjung is much like a mother to me. Always caring about Jimin and I, bringing us food, telling us off... every quality a mother has she had.

But beside Jeong-hoon was my actual mother.

She was a beautiful women. She wore a stunning blue dress. But we haven't gotten any closer the last 3 years.

"Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Park Jimin to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest said to me.

"I do" I said smiling at Jimin.

"And do you, Park Jimin, take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest asked Jimin.

"I do" Jimin said smiling widely at me.

"Go daddy" I heard my son yell out which made me chuckle a bit.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband" the priest said.

"You may now kiss your groom" he then said.

I stepped forward and kissed Jimin's soft plump lips.

Everyone cheered and stood up as we started walking down the aisle.

We both stopped and picked up our children on the way out though.

So Jimin held onto Tae-Seok and I held onto Aera while we walked down the aisle.

When we walked out snow fell all around us.

A beautiful white wedding.

I kissed Jimin outside and we held onto our children still in our arms in front of the press and then headed to a limo through the white snow as snow flakes fell around us.

But you came like winter snow... You were quiet... You were soft and slow... Falling from the sky in the night sky... To the earth bellow... Jeon Jimin... My Winter Prince... A love story frozen in time...

(Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't believe The Winter Prince has now officially come to an end! This is so saddddddd. But I really hope everyone has enjoyed my novel :) I very much have enjoyed writing The Winter Prince and have gained attachment with the characters. I will miss writing this novel :( But please for the last time vote and comment as well as follow me on wattpad as well as on instagram guy. 

Also my new book will come out likely tomorrow hehe :) 

Please actually comment on my story and tell me what you liked, what you enjoyed and how you found the book overall. I would much appreciate it. But all good things come to an end. 

Also all the pictures in my book don't belong to me to credit to the owners. 

Don't copy write my book either, now and for future. All rights are reserved to myself, 

So In saying that.... this person still need's to take my novel down...

But for the last time... in the novel, The Winter Prince... Stay safe and healthy, Bottom's Up shall be published tmr, thank you so much for reading my novel, I love you guys, but... that's all for now... Byeeeee :) - @loraslk / Busanmaid

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