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Jungkooks POV

"Anyways Jimin, you said you wanted to catch up to talk about something?" I asked looking over at him.

"Oh yes" Jimin said with a frown on his face. 

"Ah damn where to start in the story..." he said with a sigh. 

"Okay so also don't tell my mother this because she thinks I am doing well in school, but I'm not. My grades are excellent so I am doing well in that aspect but not in the social aspect" Jimin said biting his lip.

"So having not many friends?" I asked Jimin.

"Well yes but also I am getting bullied" Jimin said his eyes watering.

"What!? who would do such a thing!? what do they do to you?" I blurted out in anger.

I am not sure why but even though I've known Jimin for a short amount of time I feel very protective over him.

"They-" He paused. 

"Jimin, its okay to tell me okay. I'm not going to hurt you or call you weak no matter what it is" I said wiping a tear from Jimin's eye.

"They steal my lunch, make me do there homework, punch me like a punching bag, dunk my head in the toilet water, and call me hurtful names and a one other thing" Jimin said. His eyes were puffy and pink from tears building up in his eyes.

"That happens to people in real schools!? I thought that just happened in movies!? Oh my god Jimin that's awful. What names do they call you!?" I asked him.

"Shit like fag, botty boy or bum boy" Jimin said under his breath with a sigh.

Bum boy!? What do half of these names even mean.

"That's stupid, are they jealous of you or something!?" I said.

Jimin laughed. "Maybe they think I have a nice ass for a boy"

"And before you said one other thing? What did you mean by that?" I asked him.

"ah shit um well they make me give them Bjs" he said.

What is Bjs, whats this abbreviation for I thought.  

Third person POV

Because Jungkook is a prince who lives in a palace, he has been told all the formal words, never has he used abbreviations that aren't for a company.

As well as because Jungkook is approved by his parents to be King and marry a women of their choice, Jungkook knows nothing about the Queer community because it's never been introduced to him before. 

Due to the society of the decade, Jungkook is only introduced to being heterosexual, straight.

Jungkooks POV

"Whats that?!" I asked confused.

"A Bj?" Jimin asked.

I nodded.

He laughed. 

"A Blow Job, you know, oral sex where a guy sticks there dick in your mouth" Jimin said looking directly at me pulling a face that read, is this guy serious, all over it. 

"Wait so they made you-" I started and Jimin nodded.

"God that's awful, that's no consent" I said.

"Yes, hasn't happened for a while though thank god" Jimin said lying down on his bed.

"What happened today then?" I asked him looking down at his face from the edge of his bed. 

His hair flopped on either said of his head, like curtains allowing me to see his entire face.

"They made me do there homework for them during my studying period" He sighed.

I mean that's not as bad as the other options, right? 

Still is bad though.

"Damn that's not to good buddy" I said to Jimin.

He smiled to the name.

"Aw that was cute" Jimin said smiling to himself.

I gave a smile.

There's something about Jimin, which pulls me in, but I'm not sure what.

It could be his personality. The way he acts and talks.

Or it could be his looks. He's a very attractive, might I add handsome male. He's skinny around the waist but is strong and has abs as well as attractive shoulders, chest and arms. His hair is soft and just flops over and around his face and his face... his pink soft lips are to die for, I hope my fiance's lips look as plump as Jimin's... and his nose is cute, his eyes are a dreamy brown and his smile... that smile... does something completely else...

It makes my heart flutter.

(Slightly more mature audience required, nothings going to happen, just is a sexual topic)


"Yes" I hummed.

"Have you ever had sex before?" 

(Hiiii guys. Slightly more mature ending but a nice cliff hanger I think. Tell me what you think and remember to vote. Also isn't proof read by myself so comment any mistakes I may have put in there. Also comment any questions or queries if you have any during this novel. But there's plenty more drama and excitement left so keep reading. Also just a disclaimer none of my chapters are meant to offend anyone's sexual orientation because even I am apart of the queer community. As well as this novel is obviously not based on true facts, definitely is fiction :)

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