Part 2: Missing

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The Loud family (except Lincoln, Lucy, Lily and Leni) were driving home after a disastrous softball game. Lynn's team lost. Why? They didn't know. Lincoln wasn't there and they were hundreds of miles away. So why did she lose?

"What happened? Why didn't I win?" Lynn asked.

"It may be possible that you lacked the necessary skills to play at one hundred percent." Lisa said.

"What?" Lynn asked.

"Your good luck rituals aren't helping you play better." Lisa said.

"But..." Lynn tried to argue.

"It doesn't help that you play the same way every time." Lisa added.

"I guess your right." Lynn said as they entered their street and parked the van. As they did, Luna went to check on Lincoln when she screamed.

"LUNA!" The others cried as they raced back to the backyard where they found their sister holding Lincoln. 

"What's wrong?" Rita said.

"M..Mom." Luna started to say before bursting into tears.

"Luna..Why are you.." Rita started to say before Luna said something that would make her blood run cold.

"L..Lincoln's dead." Luna said.

"Lincoln's dead? No. My baby isn't dead." Rita said as she touched Lincoln's skin and pulled back like it burned her.

"No. NO. NOOOOOOOOO!!" Rita cried as she snatched her baby's body. She could fell how cold he was and how his heart never beat in his chest. As this was going on, the sisters were all struck by a sense of guilt. This was there fault. They forced him to live outside. They beat him whenever they didn't get their way. The sisters all collapsed and started to sob while his father looked at his hands and wondered where he went wrong. 

"We have to call the police." Lisa said after drying her tears. The rest agreed and started to walk inside and wait for them to arrive when Lori noticed Leni, Lucy and Lily weren't with them.

"Where are Leni, Lucy and Lily?" Lori asked.

"They must be upstairs. They probably don't know yet." Luan said as the two girls headed to Leni's shared room with Lori and knocked on the door.

"Leni..You were right." Lori said. She didn't hear any response and quietly opened the door before noticing that it was empty.

"Where is she?" Lori asked. Luan shrugged and watched as her big sister went to another room. 

"Don't just stand there Luan. Help me find them." Lori instructed. Luan slowly started to open the rest of the rooms before they were both struck by an awful revaluation. Their sisters were gone. The girls quickly raced to tell the others starting the path towards redemption and guilt.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter...Bye :)  

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