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Full Name: Raven Aurora Green

Nickname: Rae, Rory and Cinnabon

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual Demi-romantic

Age: 21


Personality: A hyperactive goofball that almost never leaves her house without some form of baking to hand out, Rae is probably one of the most popular witches in the coven. She loves helping others out with their spells, especially if they're extra dangerous ones. The bigger the boom, the better in her opinion. Everything she does is big, bold and over the top, including her reactions to things. It's hard not to at least crack a smile while talking to her.

Likes: Acting, baking, cooking, walking her dogs, spicy food, reading, most forms of tea and stuffed animals.

Dislikes: Sour food, having to wait for something, going underground, tight clothes and curses.

Hobbies: Baking, cooking, reading, knitting, sewing and book binding

Fears: She is utterly terrified of snakes.

Type of Magic They're Most Attracted To: Kitchen Witchcraft

Familiar (aka Animal Companion): A corgi named Cheddar

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: Has a huge crush on Chris Evans (even though she knows she doesn't have a shot with him)

Best friend: (Open)

Worst Enemy: (Open)

Background: Coming from a long line of Fire and Craft witches, pretty much everyone in Rae's family knew she was going to be a kitchen witch. That wasn't a surprise. What was a surprise was how powerful all her spells were, matching even her grandmother's by age 9. Her family quickly channelled this into Light Magic rather than Dark, not wanting spells that powerful out into the world like ticking time bombs.

Theme Song: Be Our Guest from Beauty and The Beast

Other: Currently works as an actress until she can get enough money to open her own restaurant named 'Beauty and The Bistro'

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