Chapter Four

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"You're one of a kind and no one understands but those crybaby tears keep coming back again!"


Dear Calla,

I wish you were able to come this summer, but my mother told me you had "family issues." I hope whatever it is, you're all right, but I'm not saying I will forgive your dad if he's the reason you didn't come.

Somebody moved in next door, and they have a son who's turning ten soon. He's the sweetest little boy ever, and his mum pays me to babysit.

His mother makes my mother look like a saint, and blames him for the reason that his father left.

He cries so easily, it's hard not to pity him. I think he's being abused by his step father.

But of course when I mentioned this to my mum she said "Stick your nose out of their business and help Creecher clean the portraits!"

The boy's name is Peter Johnson and he has a beautiful singing voice for such a young boy, according to my mother. He sings a lot of the time, but I can never hear him. It breaks my heart.

I'm also teaching him ASL. His signing is definitely not perfect but if I try to correct his signs he starts crying.

He can barely handle human contact and he flinches if anybody gets near him. It scares me.

I want to teach his parents a lesson, but we aren't aloud to use magic out of school. Sucks doesn't it?

Also has dyslexia like us. Unlike you and me he doesn't have memorized the words that trip him up. I could tell the other day when he and I sat down to read a book about mythology.

I got to say, I honestly miss our mythology classes with Professor Wilford. I told Peter all about them, and now he's anxious to get to Hogwarts, even though he's 2 years away.

The other night he came to my bedroom windowing bawling his eyes out. He used a muggle contraption called a flashlight to get my attention through the window.

He didn't tell me why he was crying, but refused to go back home until my mother escorted him back. She told me he was afraid of a monster he saw. She also said it was just his imagination.

And when I asked him about it he started crying again. I swear to god, this kid doesn't know anything else but cry.

Anyways, have you heard from Lucinda? I haven't at all and I wrote to her the moment I got home. She hasn't replied at all and it doesn't seem like her. Let me know if you hear from her.

I got an early birthday present. It's a pretty green ring, and it came from my father, surprisingly enough. No card, or address written on it. Not even a muggle phone number. It just came with a small note (that was typed on a computer so I can't even recognize the hand writing,) saying "happy early birthday." I can't believe he even knew it was too early. Or that he would send me anything.

My mum tried to take away the ring, but I wouldn't let her. She reminded me that "he had the sense to leave when he heard about my mistake." Her mistake being me.

I don't get why she's always reminding me I am a mistake, and then ends it with an "I love you." That woman is crazy.

Well I guess that's what happens with her job. Being an auror and all.

Speaking of mums, mine she says that your said you can stay with us the week before school! Isn't that wonderfully wonderful?

We get to go to Diagon Alley together and perhaps we'll see Lucinda? The damn girl who's refusing to answer our (assuming she's being mute to you too) letters.

Anyways, I better wrap this up. Peter just got here. I'll write to you soon!

Love XoXo,

Liana "Danger" Black

Peter sat down next to me and asked "Who's that for?" I smile and answer "My best friend, Calla," Peter looks at me confused with tears threatening to spill, "But wasn't Lucinda your-"

"She my other best friend." I interrupted before he cried from the confusion.

He reminded me so much of Melanie when she was Kind Melanie and not Bitch Melanie.

Speaking of the devil, she walked in and sloppily signed "Your mother brought me over for the night,"

Or she said "Your water" but that's the same difference right?

Peter hid behind me, and I could feel his tears spilling on my shoulder.

I stare at Melanie in shock, mainly because my mother didn't warn me, but I give her a cold look when she says "Dumbass, she's deaf. She can't hear you,"

I scowl at her and say "Don't talk to Peter like that. He's sensitive."

She rolls her eyes and signs/says "Well I'm Melanie, and you better grow a thick skin because the world isn't meant for 'sensitive kids' like yourself. It'll bang all those feelings out."

Peter came out from behind me and bravely said/signed "I'm not afraid of you. You're just a bully."

Melanie stepped closer to him, and looked at the kid straight in the eye, "The biggest bullies pretend to be your friends."

A/N: Hello my lovelies!

I realize now I haven't properly said this yet, but this series is about Calla and Liana.

This first book is about Calla's journey, the next will be about Liana's, and the final will be about both of the girls.

That being said, they will be the only point of view switches. If I do switch around different point of views it will be extremely rare.

But that is all! I felt like in needed to say that officially because I didn't make it clear.

Also yay! Melanie!

Also, the new cover is brought to you by AwkwardPotato2002!

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

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