Chapter One

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"Mommy, mommy tell me please, where do babies come from, really?"


I sat at the courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy with my very best friends Lucinda Potter and Liana Black.

"I'm gonna miss Hogwarts," Liana signed/spoke. "Me too," Lucinda agreed, staring at the magnificent castle. "I think it's one of the best places ever," I mumbled underneath my breath. Hogwarts was my escape from my family, just as it was for Liana and Lucinda. Liana because her mother was awfully abusive, and Lucinda because she lived with the worst type of muggles imaginable. Which left me, having to return to a family where I felt like an outcast.

Lucinda Potter was the other half of "The Twins Who Lived" and was easily one of the smartest witches I know, despite the fact she was raised by muggles. She was in Ravenclaw house with me, and was my roommate.Her straight dark hair was a mess, not that she cared. Lucinda had a scar on the right side of her forehead, a souvenir when she brushed death at the age of one. She and her twin brother Harry having matching green eyes. She was extremely intelligent, and only spoke if it was necessary.

Unlike Liana, who never knew when to shut up.

The very first thing anybody notices about Liana are her green eyes. Then their focus branches out to the freckles all over her face, and to her curly black hair, which she never bothered to brush it properly. When she made Gryffindor, she wrote to her mom to get her the house colored hearing aids. She's deaf. And she definitely haves deaf pride. Her mother hastily replied the next day, with the hearing aids with a small note that said remember not to disappoint me.

And then there was me. I was the outcast in my family, and when I arrived at Hogwarts I had my sweet escape. There was always something different about my gray eyes, it wasn't like my family's. And my blonde hair has darker and far more curly compared to their straight and platinum hair. And I'm pretty sure I have anxiety. Not like a healer or doctor has seen me and diagnosed at least, but I'm terrified of most social interactions. I can study for a test for weeks and still get an anxiety attack before I take it. Raising my hand in class feels like setting myself up to be killed. The only people I can talk to without having a panic attack are people I truly trust. Liana thinks I'm just shy. Lucinda used to think of me as a joke, not that she said it. For some reason, my instincts told me to trust them. And because I did I was able to talk to them, and befriend them. Liana usually spoke for me, and I sometimes cursed myself for letting her. But usually it's a blessing. My family shamed me for being so quiet around them, except for my mother. My father and brother hated me, but not her.

Anyway Melanie, Liana's cousin, came up to us and signed/said, "Your mother said to ride with me on the way back remember?" She glared at me and Lucinda, as she really did not like us. She did not Lucinda because she was a Potter, and she did not like because I was not a Slytherin. But she was on okay terms with Liana for some unknown reasons. "Hi Melanie, it's good to see you too," Liana signed/said. But instead of using Melanie's usual sign name (it was kind for some unknown reason with an "m" hand dragged across) she signed bitch with an "m" hand. Melanie simply rolled her eyes and said "That's not funny. Let's go now."

Liana, being my best friend, made a big deal out of saying goodbye. She gave me the tightest squeeze of a hug, and gave Lucinda the most passionate handshake (Liana's words, not mine,) and then a regular hug. I swear to God, Liana's need to piss people off will get her killed someday.

"Bye girls, I'll miss you," she signed and said as she walked behind her cousin on the way to the trains.

Melanie was real hushed about her past, and I knew she lived in an orphanage, but that's about it.

Liana would visit her a few times a year, which is the reason Melanie knows how to sign, and is the basically her interpreter when the actual interpreter isn't around. I could tell she was really angry at the world, but I didn't know why. At first I was angered by the fact that I couldn't communicate with Liana without needing Melanie's help, but thanks to my photographic memory I picked up ASL really quickly.

And of course I did ask why ASL, instead of BSL because we're not Americans, but Liana was just as confused. Her answer was "It's because of my dad," even though she had never met him.

"Maybe we should just sneak into our dorms and hide there until our 2nd year" I say jokingly. Lucinda rolled her eyes and said "Honestly, I wish you were serious. I don't wanna go back to a place full of ignorant muggles."

I give her a sympathetic smile, and out of the corner of my eye I see a few older kids staring at me and whispering.

I even recognized one of them, Camila Flora, one of the most aggressive of Hufflepuffs. Then there was Mario Stevens, an introverted Slytherin. And lastly, Mariangela Valdez, Ravenclaw. She was a transfer student from the Ilvermorny, school of witchcraft and wizardry in America. A lot of rumors around the Hispanic girl, but none of which are true. Or so I thought. She also happened to be a muggleborn.

"I do too, my parents drive me insane." I say.

My father had always strongly hated me, and he wasn't afraid of hiding it. He made sure to point out any mistakes that I make in life and sees me as a lesser a child. He loves my twin Draco more though. Both of my parents do. He was perfect in their eyes. He didn't get in as much trouble as me (even though trouble would find me before I could escape from its grasp) and he also didn't get petrified if he saw a spider.

My mother always had patience for me on the other hand. I guess she pitied me. My father clearly didn't love me, so she felt the need to love me. I guess it was enough.

"There's an empty carriage," Lucinda pointed out as we walked over to it. We get situated in it and went over everything that had went down that year. We laughed over all the times Liana's potions exploded in her face, whenever I lost my cool and looked like a baked potato, or how me and Liana were always almost killed. Also what happened this year with the Sorcerers stone. We laughed about how trouble seemed to find me and Liana in such weird ways.
We'd also get in trouble for the most random of things. For some reason, whenever Liana was annoyed during Potions, her potions would explode and hit the cause of the annoyance. And weird monsters seemed to chase after us.Once when we were learning to fly brooms, lightening was randomly following us! I wasn't so good at avoiding it, and lightening struck me broom a few times (thankfully not me). But Liana was flawless at it. She's even going to try out for the Gryffindor quidditch team.

I also teased Lucinda about her crush on Ernie Macmillan. At the beginning of our friendship, Lucinda was a closed book, but she's never been one to lie. So when people asked her about it, she told the truth. Later on she had to reveal to me that he's actually her first crush, which I found to be rather sweet. I never really had a crush. I mean there have been times were I really liked someone, and so I just became their friend. Mainly because they were all girls, and at the time that's what I thought you should do.

Anyways, when the carriage arrived at the train station, my mom was there talking with Camila, Mariangela, Mario, and Dumbledore. What the hell?

Lucinda notices the confusion on my face and asks "What's wrong?"

"That woman over there talking to Dumbledore and those kids, she's my mom." I answered. "Why is she here?" She asked. I shrugged and looked her straight in the eyes.

"I'm gonna go ask her, but just in case, good bye my friend," I said, while holding my hand up. Lucinda holds her hand up also, and we shake hands until we pull each other in for a brief hug.

I then pick up my luggage and start walking towards the group. I turn around and wave at Lucinda one last time and she waves back.

I turn back around and saw the odd group staring at me. Awkward.

"It's good to see you Calla." My mother says. I silently nod at my mother and smile. I don't usually talk around strangers. Not because I'm like Lucinda who is smart about when she does speak, or because I'm shy. It's because people terrify me.

The silent tension was extremely awkward until Camila said. "So your mom has some shit she needs to tell you."

Dumbledore shoots her a shocked glare and he exclaims "Miss Flora!"

Camila rolled her eyes and stared at Mario. They seemed to have some unspoken communication. "Sorry Professor," she apologized, not really meaning it.

"Well, we'll deal with your manners later. There are some things we need to discuss."


"I'm sorry Calla. I know that this is a lot to take in. I'm not kidding though, I did have an affair. And your father knows you're not his."

I stare at my mother wide eyed and mumble "What does this have to do with anything? What does this have to do with me?"

I thought nobody heard me, but Mariangela was close enough to hear me so she asked "You know those mythology classes that you and some of us others take?"

I nod my head and continued "Do you believe those are true?" Mario asked me. I shrugged and said "I know some of things from Greek mythology are real. Like the hippogriffs."

"Well the gods are also real. And one of them is your other parent." Camila says nonchalantly, looking down at her chipped black nail polish.

"What?" I whisper.

"You're a demigod Calla" Dumbledore says.

I put my head between my shoulders.

"I can't believe this. I'm not even an actual Malfoy."

My mum grabs my hands, grabs my face by the chin, and looks at my eyes "I'm sorry baby. Please forgive me."

"Obviously you're forgiven mum." I say. I actually felt relief; I was not part of that terrible racist family. Although, my mother side wasn't any better.

It just felt like an explanation as to why I wasn't as horrible as them.

Camila says "I don't mean to ruin the moment, but we have limited time here." My mother pulls away and says "Right of course."

She sits back in her seat and I ask "Who's my father?"

She smiles and says "All in good time Calla."

Mariangela then starts "You're not the only one. We're also Demigods. I'm a daughter is of Hephaestus."

"Son of Apollo." Mario says.

I stare at Camila, waiting for her answer and she finally says "Daughter of Ares."

I wish Liana and Lucinda were here. Liana would try to cheer me up with a joke, and Lucinda would try to make sense out of this for me so I wouldn't have to. Plus, with one of them here I would actually be able to speak and demand for answers.

"So there's a special camp for kids like us, called Camp half-blood. It's filled with a bunch of demigods!" Mario continued.

"Am I going there?" I asked. They all nodded and said "Most demigods aren't also witches and wizards, so all of the other kids there are muggles. The awesome part is we can still use our wands outside of school!" Mariangela said.

I look out the window and frown. My life has literally been turned upside down. "I know you're scared, but you'll end up loving camp. It'll be like home,"

But Hogwarts was my home.....

A/N: hello my lovelies!

The date that this chapter was finished (and this authors note was written) is September 3rd, 2016.

Maybe I'll publish this in the year 2017, who knows.

Melanie Black and Lucinda Potter belong to AwkwardPotato2002 and don't be afraid to check out her story Light and Dark where Melanie and Lucinda are also featured. Oh and also Calla xD.

It's a regular Harry Potter fan fiction, unlike this one, but ITS AMAZING!!!

And I'm writing this with only have reading the first two chapters. So you knows it's awesome. Also small apologies to AwkwardPotato2002 if there are mistakes, just let me know and I'll fix them. There wasn't that much written about them, so I flew with what I had.

Don't forget to comment, and vote if you enjoyed this chapter!


I just want to say that I've been working on this series so hard, I'm so happy that I've finally published it. I kept that little author note their, because I laugh at how I thought that revision was the last one, when I have been editing this chapter for MONTHS.

It's only been about 3 months since I wrote that chapter, but so many things I have planned for this series has changed.

Speaking of changing plans, shoutout to my best fren Edgar_V17 who will of his own "free will" (or force, details don't really matter) will help me write the prophecies for this story because it is a Percy Jackson fanfiction also and we need prophecies. If I am going to write then like I originally planed they would've sucked. But he's a poet and he's going to help me, mostly because he doesn't have a choice. Just kidding....(not really...)

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