Forest of Thoughts

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In a small village/kingdom in Medieval South Korea, everything was peaceful. The children would play together, people would work to support their families, everyone knew one another. It was perfect. Do Kyungmi was working her daily shift at the local church, housekeeping for them to earn money to support her family.

When the clock struck three o'clock, she tells the minister, "See you tomorrow Father Song!" "See you later Lady Kyungmi," Father Song, the village minister, told her, while giving her a food basket, "since you worked extra hard today, I'm giving you a bag of coins, and extra food for your mother and brother."

"That's too much," says Kyungmi as the poster gives her the coins and food, and he says, "But you do some much for so many. And I figured I should reward you fairly." She nods and hurries home to her mother. "Eomma, I'm home!" Kyungmi exclaims. Her mother, Madame Do, was in the kitchen cleaning, and said, "Hello Kyungmi. I see you got paid extra today."

"It was my reward for working hard today," says Kyungmi as she laid everything on the table, "Where's Oppa?" "Kyungsoo just got back from his farming job, he's outside growing the crops right now," Madame Do says.

Kyungmi says, "Tell Oppa I'm going to my happy place, okay." Her mother nods as she leaves the house to go to a forest not too far outside the village she call her happy place. Kyungmi would go there to think, or just enjoy the view, when she isn't busy. On her way, she was stopped by the village ladies' man, Kim Jongin, or Kai as he prefers to be called. Kai would always find a way to charm Kyungmi since she's the prettiest maiden in the village.

"Where are you going my sweet?" Kai asks with a grin on his face. Kyungmi asks, "Why does it matter to you, Kai? Now let me be on my way!" When she pushes him out of the way, Kai grabs Kyungmi by the waist and pulls her close to him, and says, "I assume you're heading to your happy place. What is it about the forest that makes you more attracted to it than me?"

"For one the forest doesn't try to get me to marry it," says Kyungmi as she elbows Kai in his side, "and besides, I love the view, the flowers, and the singing birds that surround me. It's been in my thoughts every since I was little. Now leave me alone." She leaves for the forest as Kai stays behind. He then says, "You will be mine Do Kyungmi, and no one will take you away from me!"

Kyungmi then climbs a tree with a bag slouched over her shoulder so she can get a better view of the woods. She then grabs a sketch book out of her bag and starts to draw the forest scenery around her. While doing so, a bird Kyungmi call Poro flies towards her with a flower in its beak.

"Hello Poro, I see you brought me a little welcome present," Kyungmi says as she place it in her hair, "You are sweet to me Poro. Sweeter than the selfish good for nothing Kai. He is good looking and all, but he's rude, gross, and only thinks about himself. I long for a guy who loves me for more than just my beauty and is kind, loyal, and is there for me when I really need him. Where can I find someone like that Poro?" Poro just tweets to her as she draws some more.

She then says, "If a miracle were possible, maybe the right guy would come out of the shadows." Kyungmi then continues to draw. As she is drawing, a tall, slender figure sits in a cave in the forest overhearing what Kyungmi said to Poro. It was Prince Chanyeol. He would go to the cave in the forest when he wants some privacy.

"Maybe your wish will come someday Lady Kyungmi," Prince Chanyeol says while looking at the young lady in the tree. Even though they didn't meet in person, Prince Chanyeol would always make it a habit to see Kyungmi when he comes to his cave. He's been doing it every since he was seven years old, and doesn't know why. "I hope our paths cross one day," Prince Chanyeol says as if talking to her, "and I hope we can become great friends."

As the night grew, Kyungmi climbs down from the tree and steps on a twig, which seemed to have cause the noise of an animal coming from the cave. Just when Kyungmi was about to walk in, a wolf pops out and growls at her, as if telling her to stay away. She runs with fear back to the village to her home.

After transforming back to normal, Chanyeol says, "That was close. At least she didn't see my human form and knew my secret." He goes to the castle before the moon comes out.

Kyungmi reaches her home with wide eyes, and blocks the door as if stopping someone from coming in. Kyungsoo runs to her and says, "Kyungmi. Are you okay?" "I'm fine now, Oppa," Kyungmi says, embracing her brother, "I just got startled by a wolf in the forest." He then tells his sister, "You need to be more careful. That wolf could've bitten you and-."

Before he continued, their mother stopped him and said, "Kyungsoo dear. You know Queen Yoora forbids any villager from talking about the possibilities of wolves biting people." "My bad mother," Kyungsoo says, bowing before her. Kyungmi went to her bedroom to get ready for bed. She looks out her window at the moon.

Poro flies by the home and Kyungmi puts her hand out. "Hello again Poro," Kyungmi says to the bird, "Sorry for fleeing so suddenly. I just got startled by that wolf. Maybe I just scared the poor thing more than he scared me. He could've been as nice as the other wolves in the forest. All things have something good about them right Poro?" As if he was answering her, Poro tweets.

At the castle, Prince Chanyeol was on the balcony of his bedroom, his hand gripping the silver cross as his eyes turned red. Since he is part wolf, Chanyeol can hear from long distances, and heard what Kyungmi said about him. "Maybe I should talk to her," he says while looking at the portrait he made of Kyungmi that sits by his bed.

Chanyeol then says, "I've been keeping my eye on her every since childhood, even before I got this horrible curse. Maybe something tells me Lady Kyungmi could be the one." He thinks back to when he first saw Kyungmi.


In the woods, Prince Chanyeol and his sister, Princess Yoora, were playing together. They were waiting for their parents to return from the village. Chanyeol picks some flowers and goes to his sister saying, "Noona! Noona! I got picked these for you! Do you love them?"

"Of course younger brother," Yoora says, smelling them, "it warms my heart to know you thought about me when picking these. Maybe someday, you can impress a pretty girl a be with her forever." "Even if she's as pretty as you, Noona?" Chanyeol asks. Yoora says, "Even if she is Channie."

Soon, as they were sitting in the tree while Yoora was drawing the forest, Chanyeol spots a girl, around his age, with her father and brother. "Appa! Oppa! I had fun picking berries with you!" "I'm glad you did Kyungmi," the man says, "soon your Eomma will make her famous wild berry jam and pie." "I can already taste it," Kyungmi's brother, Kyungsoo, says.

Chanyeol caught himself staring at the young girl as his sister gets done drawing. When Kyungmi and her family leave, Yoora and Chanyeol get down from the tree and head to the castle, as he was still thinking about Kyungmi.

(end of flashback)

Chanyeol also has the drawing his sister did of the forest with Kyungmi in it. "Maybe if we do met, we can be more than just good friends."

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